This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 470: open the skylight

  Chapter 470 Open the skylight and speak honestly

   "You still came to find me." Yu Wenao said calmly, as if he knew Wu Zimo was back.

   Regarding this, Wu Zimo had already said: "Young master of a large listed company with a market value of tens of billions, there is no need to lie to me, but I am very puzzled, why did you come to me."

  Yu Wenao's background is indeed very extraordinary. The son of the CEO of a listed group can be said to have been born with a golden key in his mouth.

  So, he came to him to cooperate with him, and even the sincerity he showed was as unscientific as the richest man in the country injecting capital into a small shop at the entrance of the village and then fighting the world together.

   "Heh, is this important?" Yu Wenao asked rhetorically.

  Wu Zimo also knew about this, but the other party was unwilling to talk about it.

   "Indeed, it doesn't matter at all. The important thing is that you said that after refining the magic machine, my wife's cancer can be cured." Wu Zimo didn't worry too much.

   "That's fine. Please take the next thing seriously, because what we are facing is the darling of the world, the protagonist with destiny, if you are not careful, you will be smashed to pieces."

   "And the method of refining the divine machine is in his hands."

Yu Wenao didn't pretend to be mysterious or hide anything. For him, nothing was important. What really mattered was the refining method to obtain the magic machine and the joint attempt to kill the protagonist with the ultimate villain, so as to make his own The little villain system becomes the Destiny protagonist system.

   "Protagonist? So do you have any information?" Wu Zimo frowned, he didn't expect the other party to say that.

"Not much. If my prediction is not bad, he will enter the city this afternoon. I don't know where he is before that, so we have to subdue him in the fastest way, otherwise we will wait until the other party grows up. , we have no chance."

   "Once the protagonist grows up, he will become a **** on earth."

  Yu Wenao said solemnly, he did not lie, in his previous life, the other party was really a **** in the world.

   "It seems that the other party is really unusual, but before that, you promised me to get a magic machine first, can you fulfill it first?"

   "It's not that I don't believe it, but that what you said is too unbelievable. Besides, you must be looking for me because I have something you need, so there is nothing to prove. You have to show your sincerity first."

   Wu Zimo said, he knew what the other party said was true, but he couldn't just believe what the other party said so stupidly, and he couldn't show it.

   "It's been prepared for you a long time ago." Yu Wenao took out a ball of light like flowing water, which looked very illusory and didn't seem real. If I really wanted to say it, it was more like a virtual projection.

   "This is a magical machine of the river god. It only needs to be refined by your wife to give it the function of the river god."

  Holding this magical machine, Yu Wenao and Wu Zimo explained it.

  Of course, it is impossible for him to give magical tricks to those gods who have beliefs and gods, but to these gods who have cut off their beliefs and are about to die.

Although he wants to get rid of the protagonist, he doesn't want to make trouble for the tiger. The little villain system has said that this Wu Zimo is the ultimate villain. The unlucky one might be me.

  Of course there is a difference between a **** machine and a **** machine. How could the lowest-level land gods and mountain gods be compared with those long-named heavenly gods and emperors.

   Wu Zimo stretched out his hand to grab it, but Yu Wenao withdrew his hand, dodging Wu Zimo's movement.

"Ordinary people can't touch the magic machine, and you can leave it to you, but if you can't grasp it, it will only make the magic machine fall and collapse, and then you have to bear the consequences." Yu Wenao warned, he did not No lie.

   "That is to say, only you can keep the magic machine, right?" Wu Zimo didn't ask why he couldn't but he could. This is obviously the other party's secret, even if he asked, the other party wouldn't tell.

   "That's right, no one can keep the magic machine except me." Yu Wenao said directly.

   As for the protagonist? He has directly refined the divine machine, and there is no need to keep it at all.

   "Okay, let's keep it with you first. Since the other party is coming in the afternoon, what's your plan?"

   "With your wealth and power, if you want to arrest someone, I'm afraid you can do it without me."

  Wu Zimo continued to ask, the other party is the young master of the Ten Billion Group. If he really wants to kidnap a person who just entered the city, it is not easy. Send a dozen or so bodyguards to take him away and torture him. Why not?

  But to invite him here specially is simply superfluous.

   "You are in charge of this matter. If you let me do it, it will be bad. I am not the protagonist's opponent at all." Yu Wenao said in a deep voice.

  The little villain system can assist him, but it restricts him. Once he meets the protagonist, he will really suffer.

   "It seems that you can't help yourself. If that's the case, don't blame me for messing up." Wu Zimo said calmly.

"I won't blame you if I mess it up, but you will blame yourself. Your wife won't be able to survive cancer without the magical method of refining." Yu Wenao said that this is not for him, but for yourself, So success does not depend on him, but on you.

"In this case, how many resources can you mobilize for me? Can't you just let me go alone?" Wu Zimo is not a fool, he is rich, but the money belongs to Chen Xiyi, why should he bring his own when working for others? dry food.

Yu Wenao was already prepared for this: "You have about three hours, 10 million funds and various materials, tools and resources plus ten bodyguards. If possible, I can also help you access some surveillance cameras in the city. , I can't do anything else."

  He is the young master of a listed group, not the top leader of the federation, so what he offers is limited, it is impossible to mobilize too many resources and manpower, and he cannot be too unscrupulous.

  Although it is said that it can be unscrupulous, if it does not succeed this time, it has to stay behind, because in case it misses.

If he had just met the protagonist in the previous life, he would not have considered these things, but after every dead end would fail, he understood that he had to save his hand to wait for a comeback. Unfortunately, it was too late when he understood in the previous life. At that time, he dragged down his biggest hole card, which was his father's listed group, and wiped it out.

Therefore, all the resources he released this time were through hidden channels, and he will definitely not be held accountable. Even these ten bodyguards were hired from outside the Federation, and there is no corresponding information at all. The kind that no one pursues.

   To deal with the protagonist, naturally one has to go all out and leave no trace.

   "It seems that you have prepared very well, Master Yuwen. Thinking about it this way, the protagonist is very extraordinary, but I don't know if I can be alone now. I am going to think about the next plan." Wu Zimo said.

  When Yu Wenao heard this, he didn't say too much, but got up and left: "Then I won't bother you, Mr. Wu. I hope you can come up with a foolproof plan to make this matter a success in one fell swoop."

  After Yu Wenao left, Wu Zimo said in a low voice: "Boss, what do you think?"

"This kid has a big problem. How could he know so many things? So I guess he may have been reborn, and you were able to wrestle with the existence he called the protagonist in the time before his rebirth. people."

   "Otherwise, the other party would not be able to come to you."

  Chen Xiyi's voice rang in Wu Zimo's ear.

  This Wu Zimo is not a fool, he knows that there is a problem with this matter, so he must call his backstage to come together.

   It's just that he thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect the possibility Chen Xiyi said. Rebirth is too absurd, but he quickly accepted it. Gods already exist, so why is rebirth impossible?

   "Boss, I have a question, that is, you can contact me directly, so why do you still use your mobile phone?" Wu Zimo is still in the mood to joke at this time, the reason is very simple, there is no big boss behind him.

  I may have doubts before, but now I can transmit voices thousands of miles away, which is no different from directly revealing my identity.

   "Are you stupid? The phone is for you to contact me, not for me to contact you, and isn't it too eye-catching to call on the phone at a time like this?" Chen Xiyi complained about him when he came up.

   "Oh, it seems to be right, then let's catch the protagonist?" Wu Zimo said.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you everything, but I think the secret of this Yu Wenao is probably no less than that of the protagonist. An ordinary person, I can't see through the other party. I think the other party's rebirth is not so good. It's easy." Chen Xiyi's tone was also a little weird.

  He tried to conduct a remote soul search just now, but found that the other party's soul was shrouded.

The thing that protects the opponent's soul is quite technical, and he can't crack it for a while. The process of operation involves a lot of things similar to the information state. This kind of thing gives him the feeling of cause and effect, luck, etc. Mysterious and mysterious existence.

  If Chen Xiyi forcibly deciphered it, it would probably cause permanent damage to the object, which would not be worth the candle.

  That's why I feel a little bit tricky. After all, this is also a thing with a very high content. If it is destroyed like this, it won't be a waste of money.

  Yu Wenao may know a lot, but what's the use of knowing more, Chen Xiyi doesn't need the memory of the other party's rebirth, he wants the thing on the other party's body that protects his soul.

   "Yes, boss, I will definitely handle this matter thoroughly for you." Wu Zimo was naturally full of confidence when someone told him the truth.

  Chen Xiyi discovered that things might not be that simple.

   "This matter may not be so easy anymore. I have found the protagonist, and the situation of the other party is much more complicated than this Yu Wenao."

  Chen Xiyi reminded Wu Zimo that just now he released his consciousness to scan the surroundings in great detail, and soon found the unusual person.

  If he hadn't carried out a meticulous scan, he might not have found the other party.

  The situation of this person is similar to that of Yu Wenao, except that the things on his body are more powerful, both in terms of precision and mystery, they are far better than the objects on Yu Wenao.

   What's more important is that the object on the opponent's body doesn't seem to be fully activated yet, it looks as if it has just been transplanted in.

  So before this, the protagonist may not be a protagonist at all, but an ordinary person. He only became the protagonist because he obtained such a thing.

  ‘Things seem to be really interesting. If I don’t make a move, Wu Zimo and Yu Wenao probably won’t be able to catch this protagonist. '

  After thinking about it for a while, Chen Xiyi immediately told Wu Zimo: "Don't expose yourself in the next action. If things go wrong, you should immediately retreat and run away, otherwise you may really be cold here."

  Wu Zimo couldn't help being surprised by these words, he didn't expect Chen Xiyi to say that.

   "I understand, boss."

  (end of this chapter)

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