This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 471: Ding, Avenue sign-in system

  Chapter 471 Ding, Avenue Sign-in System

"Phew~ I'm finally here. I didn't expect that fat man to actually arrange for me to come to Luyuan City. Didn't he just bump into him sneaking and biting each other's cheeks with a certain green tea bitch? As for it." Pulling the luggage He Lu in the box was a little helpless. In his situation, he was sent to the frontier.

  If the company's wages were not high enough, he wouldn't come here.

   There is a branch here, but its profits are low all year round, so it is not necessary to parachute a manager like him here to see if it can turn losses into profits.

  If it is done, it will also be an opportunity for He Lu. Not only will he get rid of those tricky restraints in the head office to make himself a step further, but he will also be able to accumulate a lot of contacts to enrich his career.

  For him, at this age, he has to work hard, otherwise he will eat and drink whatever he wants after he has no money.

   "Just, what is this thing? System? Does this thing really exist?" He Lu looked at the unknown system whose progress bar had reached 99%.

   This is when he came here, he accidentally picked up a very beautiful looking stone, and after it was integrated into his body, such a progress bar appeared.

  Looking at the progress bar, He Lu has an inexplicable sense of déjà vu, as if he is the protagonist.

   "But my life has not fallen into a trough, why did I get this treatment?"

  Although he was dispatched to Luyuan City by the head office with the intention of being assigned to the frontier, it was an opportunity for him. He never felt that he would fail. After all, although he is young, he has experience.

  【Ding~ Avenue sign-in system starts】

  【The host can get random rewards by signing in on the main road every day】

  【Detected the avenue vein, whether to sign in for the first time, the first sign-in will definitely get a reward at the avenue level】

   While thinking about it, He Lu suddenly found that his system started.

  'Avenue sign-in system, you can get rewards for daily sign-in, which looks like a marketing advertisement, and the first time you sign in, you will be rewarded with a boulevard level. '

   Like this kind of marketing method, he has seen too many advertisements, but he still said silently: "Sign in."

  【Successful sign-in for the first time, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Dao-level exercise "Eternal Swallowing God Art"】

  In the next second, He Lu could only feel a large amount of information constantly appearing in his mind, and then the information soon settled down and became his instinctive ability.

   "Swallowing gods and gods, how could there be gods in this world."

  He instinctively denied that there are gods in this world, but after being transformed by the "Wan Gu Tun Shen Gong", he suddenly saw that the whole world was full of various beliefs, and these beliefs gathered in countless gods in the dark.

  Each domain of the gods represents a god.

   "There are really gods in this world!!" This time, He Lu was really shocked. He never thought that his world would be like this.

  At this moment, he overturned the three views from childhood to adulthood. He thought that everything was just a novel about ghosts and ghosts.

  But soon, surprises hit his mind. All of this is true, so the avenue sign-in system is also true.

   "As expected of a Dao-level exercise, even if it hasn't devoured the divine machine, it made all my sub-health state disappear."

  He can feel the changes in himself, especially the belly that was originally born from sitting for a long time, drinking, etc. has turned into an eight-pack abs, and there is endless energy all over his body.

   Even the original myopia disappeared, and it was very uncomfortable to see it with glasses.

   "The me now, maybe I have the physique of a special soldier." He didn't know what the physical fitness of a special soldier was, but he knew that he was definitely not what he used to be.

  The five senses became clearer, the body became stronger, and even the operation of the mind became much faster.

   It's like changing from a classic car to a supercar.

   And this is just the beginning for him, as long as he devours enough gods, he can become stronger.

   Not only that, but he also has a sign-in system on the road, and he can get rewards just by signing in every day.

  ‘Just where did this system come from, and why did it choose me? Oh, it seems that I picked it up and merged it by accident. '

  Although He Lu was the first to express his doubts about this, he was soon relieved. Maybe he was lucky. Besides, with such a powerful system, what can he do for the other party.

For other people, I may be an elite person, but for this avenue sign-in system, He Lu can be sure that I am just an ant-like figure, not to mention there is a chance of immortality and detachment from all things in front of me, fool will give up.

"Let's go to this branch to repair it first." He glanced at the God's Domain in the dark, and he knew that he could not act rashly. If you can kill the gods, it is best to sign in a few more times to see if you can get abilities or props against the gods.

  If he really rushes over now, he might die suddenly on the spot.

  It was just abrupt, his body strengthened by "Eternal Swallowing God Art" and his five senses were keenly aware that several malicious eyes were staring at him.

   This made his mind tremble.

'what happened? A thief or a robber? Since I'm new here, I shouldn't have offended anyone, and it's impossible for the local branch to say that someone will kill me because of this. '

  He Lu could clearly perceive the strong murderous intent in this malice.

  If it was before, he might not have been able to notice it. Unfortunately, he is no longer the same person as he was before.

  Looking around vaguely, his muscles tensed up, ready to react to the next possible attack.

'There are two on the left, three on the right, and there seem to be three on the front, and there are two missing. No, in the car, the other party wanted to hijack me. Could it be that fat man who wanted to kill me? It's not a big deal, even if it really broke out, it's just a scolding, why break the law. '

  At this time, He Lu's expression couldn't help but change. Apart from offending the leader who sent him to Luyuan City, he didn't offend anyone else.

  But soon, this possibility was rejected by him.

The reason is very simple. Although his fat leader said he was a bit cautious, he was not an incompetent person. Although he had offended him, he also knew that there were not many people who could turn the tide in Luyuan City except him. , so even if you don't retaliate against yourself, the possibility of letting yourself come in the end is very high.

   It's just that he made this possibility bigger and earlier.

   But now is not the time to talk about this, because the other party has already started to act, and these eight strong men wearing peaked caps and masks gradually surrounded them in a casual way.

  'Sure enough, they came for me, and they were people from outside the Federation, not from the Federation. They couldn't be a group of desperadoes, right? It happened this time. '

  He Lu looked dignified. He analyzed many things from the body shape and posture.

   And he also noticed that the other party seemed to have a weapon on his body. Although it was unlikely to be a weapon with high lethality, even if an electric baton fell on him, it would not feel good.

  He was strengthened by Dao-level exercises, but this did not allow him to reach the sky in one step. Although his physical fitness is good, he definitely cannot handle the electric baton.

   And he also noticed that the surrounding crowd seemed to be dispersed intentionally.

   It can be seen from this that he can be sure that someone is targeting him.

  'This kind of handwriting, the branch company doesn't have enough weight, so who will be targeting me? '

  He Lu understands that he can't enter the city now, so he can only find a way to get rid of these few people who want to kidnap him.

  If you really want to plunge in, the biggest possibility is to fall into the opponent's trap.

"Hello? What, I left my stuff in the car, so I'll go back right away, and you drive back too, okay, sorry for the trouble, thank you master." He Lu took out his mobile phone and deliberately pretended that something was left on the taxi , and then walked back with the suitcase.

   When he turned around, his eyes fell on the few people who were slightly or none of them surrounded him, but there was no change in their expressions at all.

   And taking advantage of this time, he glanced at the surveillance cameras on the street. With good eyesight, he could clearly see that the surveillance cameras around him were no longer in operation.

   When walking back, he happened to pass by one of the strong men. When the other man moved, he took out an electric shock device in his hand and walked towards He Lu.

The flickering electric glow made He Lu's scalp tingle, but fortunately, he was no longer what he used to be at this time. Seeing the other party make a move, he did not hesitate to fight back. He lifted the suitcase and just swung it, powerful With the strength and the weight of the suitcase, it fell on the head of this strong man.

  Caught off guard, the strong man was blown away, blood oozed from his forehead, and he was groggy. This was not a light blow.

  Things changed too quickly, the remaining seven people hurriedly took out their weapons and rushed over, and in the distance, a black van also rushed over.

   This made He Lu's pupils shrink, and he decisively picked up the suitcase and ran wildly.

   A fierce man got into the alley beside the road, but the strong man behind him naturally followed closely.

  Boom! !

   Before He Lu could react, a violent explosion came from his side and sent him flying.

  The amount of explosives was not large, but it made him very uncomfortable if it really fell on him. The violent impact made his internal organs feel like they were on fire. Obviously, he was injured in the explosion just now.

   But at this time, he couldn't be too scruples anymore, he staggered up and ran away.

  The opponent dared to use explosives frantically, which shows that they came prepared.

   "Damn it, who is targeting me?"

   After muttering something in a low voice, relying on his physical fitness, he endured the pain and climbed over the high wall, and then he got rid of the group of strong men with a fierce move.

  The explosive not only hurt him, but at the same time helped him simply stop several people chasing him, giving him a chance to escape.

  Hiding in an unoccupied corner, relying on some buildings to cover his figure, gasping for breath and observing whether the opponent is chasing him and planning a way out for himself.

   "At least we have to last until tomorrow. This explosion is not a trivial matter. The Federation will definitely investigate thoroughly, unless the opponent's hands and eyes are in the sky."

  He Lu knew that the other party might really have a hand and eye, otherwise he would never have dared to do so.

  So he is not counting on the federation, but on tomorrow's sign-in.

   "The luggage was destroyed in the explosion. Fortunately, it was just some clothes and documents." He Lu calmed down the burning heat in his body.

   After he calmed down, he suddenly discovered that there was a **** hidden in the corner where he was hiding.

   More importantly, this **** has no ability to resist.

   "Sure enough, there is no unparalleled road. It seems that I should thank the few people who chased and killed me. If it weren't for them, I might not be able to meet this god."

   After carefully observing the surroundings, he found that no one was chasing him, so he walked decisively into this simple and simple temple.

   "Sorry, I need to become stronger."

   After finishing speaking, He Lu resolutely operated the "Eternal Swallowing God Art" to swallow the **** who was already weak and unable to move.

  (end of this chapter)

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