This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 472: Level 1 Force of the Earth

  Chapter 472 Level 1 Power of the Earth

   "The power of refining the gods, it seems that Yu Wenao knows very little."

  Chen Xiyi stared at He Lu. Compared with the other party's methods, this Yu Wenao was much underrated, and looked very crude.

  For example, the other party can only extract part of the divine power, unlike He Lu, who swallowed all the belt bones, which is not wasted at all, and the utilization rate is extremely high.

  In Chen Xiyi's research, the power of the gods cannot be compatible with other existences. A situation like He Lu's is already contrary to common sense.

"It seems to be something outside the territory again." Chen Xiyi knows that the biggest intersection between the gods and reality in this world is when people drive a car because of the effect of neglecting the separation between gods and humans, and they kill gods. As for other intersections, there is probably no intersection. how much.

  As for gaining the opponent's power by devouring the gods, this is simply a fantasy.

  As the **** was devoured by He Lu, Chen Xiyi knew that the other party had inherited the power of the land god. Among other things, the ability to manipulate soil, earth escape, etc. had already begun to manifest.

   And looking at him like this, it is definitely impossible to devour only one god.

   "No wonder it is said to be a **** on earth, so it is so."

  As long as He Lu keeps devouring the gods, he will be able to continuously gain the power of the gods. Although he may not have the domain of the gods, his strength will increase. Whether he has the domain of the gods will not affect his becoming a **** in the world.

   "This is not a problem. The problem is that it actually strengthens the object on the other party. It seems that it is not only him who has benefited, but also the things that are parasitic on him."

   "The situation seems to be out of control. If Yu Wenao doesn't have external help, there is absolutely no way to kill the protagonist."

   "I can only say that the protagonist deserves to be the protagonist, and he surprised me as soon as he came."

  Chen Xiyi didn't have any jealousy or resentment, but felt very happy.

At his level, unless He Lu can break free from the unknown golden finger cheat on him with his own strength, otherwise Chen Xiyi will not take him seriously at all. If it is really about the enemy, it must be The cheat on the opponent's body is not him anymore.

   "Perhaps, the thing on Yu Wenao is part of the thing on He Lu?"

   "Or maybe the two things can complement each other, so Yu Wenao always wanted to kill He Lu."

   You know, Chen Xiyi's brain hole is quite big, basically like a hole in his neck.

   So he got to this point with very keen judgment.

   "And looking at it now, the thing on Yu Wenao may have intelligence, but He Lu doesn't."

  Chen Xiyi has noticed some micro-expression changes of Yu Wenao many times through monitoring, spiritual consciousness, etc. Through the squirming of his mouth and some tiny body movements, Chen Xiyi can guess that the other party is communicating, and also deciphered something.

   are just irrelevant things, and there is no way to obtain detailed information.

   And the same is true for He Lu, who can only get the word system from the surprise of the other party and some subconscious words.

   "System? What kind of system is it that allows the other party to have such a heaven-defying ability?"

There are many types of systems, Chen Xiyi can also create them, and he has built a power leveling system before, but now he doesn't need them anymore, and he needs power leveling after reaching his level, wouldn't that be a bit of a stretch? .

   "I don't know the purpose of the opponent's system for the time being. From the perspective of sophistication, the strength of the manufacturer is far superior to mine. I just don't know whether these systems were created by the opponent or seriously."

  The production method of the system is very important. If it is done casually, it proves that the opponent's strength is too strong to be reliable.

   And if it is done seriously, it means that the strength gap between Chen Xiyi and the opponent is not a gap.

  Of course, if it is the former, it is also beneficial. At least for the system maker, this world is only a part of the harvesting field, not the whole, and even if it is broken here, it will not pay much attention.

  So if Chen Xiyi really made a move, the other party would ignore him at all, making himself safer.

   But if it were the opposite, then things would probably become a mess.

"It seems that the method of refining the divine machine cannot be replicated. Although Yu Wenao didn't know how to know that He Lu has the method of refining the divine machine in his previous life, but in fact he guessed wrong. There is no way to refine this so-called magical machine, but it was swallowed up by his system and then integrated and fed back to He Lu."

   "Unless the opponent's system also has this ability, otherwise, even if you get a verbal solution, it's just a piece of waste paper."

   "He can't, but I can."

  Chen Xiyi is a player, the greedy kind.

  Constantly analyzing the operation of the system, and quickly found the corresponding refining and integration methods.

  To be honest, if it weren't for the unknown origin of this thing, Chen Xiyi would have thought of installing it for himself, to see if this thing could withstand his own indescribability.

This thing is different from the "Biography of the Great Sage" and the Tree of All Souls that he got before. The system on the other party may be man-made, with some unknown flaws hidden, but "Biography of the Great Sage" etc. It was created in heaven and earth, and the authority evolved from the information state is equivalent to a rule variant in the world of spirit masters.

  So Chen Xiyi really didn't dare to install it for himself, who knows if it can be uninstalled after it is installed.

   If this cannot be uninstalled, then he would dig a hole and bury it himself.

  So he would rather bother to observe the data on He Lu than press it on himself.

   "Swallow the gods and launch agents."

   "Could it be that you are harvesting this Shinto world?"

   This had to make Chen Xiyi think this way, mainly because the other party's behavior was too obvious, making it difficult for Chen Xiyi not to guess in this direction.

   In this way, Chen Xiyi's mind became active.

  The main reason is that he also wants to devour. After all, he feels that he can't always be confined to stability, and he must have the courage to step out of his comfort zone.

What? I wanted to stay here before.

  That's no nonsense, there is no benefit, why bother to make trouble, of course he is honest, now that there is a benefit, he must do it, or else the benefit will fall into his hands?

   Don't you have to work hard.

   "Think of a way to hold this He Lu, and then I will decipher as soon as possible the way the other party uses the energy of the gods after devouring."

For Chen Xiyi, devouring is not a big deal. The real problem is how to use the power of such a **** is the key point. How could he not know how to eat a god? There is not much utilization, and the degree of waste is very high.

   And the system in He Lu is much more refined than Chen Xiyi in this respect. Chen Xiyi eats peonies like a cow chewing on them, while the other party savors them carefully.

   What's more important is that the other party can inherit and fuse the divine power in it, which is what they call the divine machine.

   This is the most important thing, Chen Xiyi has analyzed this thing, it is a rule, and it is not compatible with him, because he has it himself, so it is either used as a material or as a snack.

   "It's not a small problem just to hold the opponent. Now that He Lu has Tudun, he may not be able to catch it even if he wants to."

  The current He Lu is considered to be the only extraordinary person in this world, and he can be said to be the only one in the world.

  Of course, Chen Xiyi is not a person in this world, and the gods are just a bunch of mascots, and they can't interfere with reality at all.

  If the gods who walk the world with faith meet He Lu, it is definitely He Lu who wins, not the gods.

  So in fact, the gods are actually quite sad. They can only entertain themselves in the realm of the gods. Once they leave the realm of the gods, they are not as good as ordinary people.

"Since the enemy has become stronger, my little brother has to be strengthened. Otherwise, I can't go over and hold him back. Then how can I observe the data, and besides, my little brother is used to solve my problems." Chen Xiyi immediately Thinking of Wu Zimo, from the analysis of Yu Wenao's situation, Wu Zimo should not be an ordinary person, at least someone who can wrestle with He Lu.

   "Wait, Yu Wenao called He Lu the protagonist, so isn't he a villain? From this, it can be speculated that Wu Zimo is also a villain, and I have become a big villain!!"

  Chen Xiyi never thought that things would go so wrong.

   "Forget it, this is a common thing." Fortunately, Chen Xiyi is used to it, and said that it is a trivial matter.

  He Lu opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light.

   "Level 1 Force of the Earth?"

  He knew that the **** he devoured was the land god, and he obtained the other party's ability, and what was displayed in the avenue sign-in system was level 1 power of the earth, which could continue to be upgraded, but he needed to devour the corresponding god.

   "Earth escape!"

  The next moment, his whole body escaped into the soil and walked through it.

   But he came out soon, and his face was a little pale.

"No, this consumption is really too great. My power of the earth is not enough, and the devouring gods are too weak to bring me much growth." He Lu knew that it was not the power of the earth and "Eternal Tunnel". "Shen Gong" can't do it, it's because he himself is too weak, if it is said that those powerful gods are devoured, what he gets will definitely not be the power of the earth at level 1.

   "I can escape for ten meters, but if I don't move in the soil, I can last for ten minutes. It is a life-saving skill, not to mention that the power of the earth is not only used for earth escape."

  Thinking of this, He Lu felt a lot more relaxed. He decided to

  First find a place to hide, and then find a way to find more gods who have broken their faith and fell into weakness as soon as possible to devour them, and make themselves stronger as soon as possible.

   As for the avenue sign-in system, although this is the foundation of his foothold, there is no way to give him enough time to develop now.

  Let alone a hundred and eighty days, even after signing in for 30 days, he might not be so embarrassed anymore.

  The power of the earth circulating in his body began to slowly repair the injuries of his internal organs. Although the power of the earth is not good at healing, it can't just be left alone.

   Now he doesn't dare to go to the hospital. With the other party's generosity, if he really wants to go to the hospital, he may be killed by someone behind him as soon as he registers.

  Using a bomb in a busy city doesn't seem like a fear at all.

   Besides, it is impossible for him to bet his life on whether the other party will come.

   Regarding what happened to him in Luyuan City, He Lu was also at a loss and could not understand it.

   It stands to reason that he is basically kind to others and will not offend anyone. Even if he really offends, it is impossible to say such a big gesture.

  I really want to say that I have something to plot.

   "It really does exist, the avenue sign-in system, but I just arrived, how could the other party know?" He Lu's face was cloudy.

   "Lvyuan City can't stay any longer. I have to find a way to escape as soon as possible. Change to another city. Then I will hide my name and wait for my strength to become stronger before I come back to settle accounts with these people who don't know the so-called."

  He Lu is very rational. Although he has the power of the earth, there are still many dangers. It is not too late to come back after a period of development for revenge.

  (end of this chapter)

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