This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 473: back-and-forward cliché

  Chapter 473 Retreat as Advance

   "It will fail." Yu Wenao looked uncertain, he did not expect that the seemingly foolproof roundup would fail.

  For this reason, he specially emptied the streets, turned off the monitoring equipment, and even used contraband explosives, and asked someone to arrange them.

   Even the final villain Wu Zimo shot together, but he just let him run away.

  【Is this not a very normal thing? If you can easily kill the other party, then the other party will still be the protagonist with destiny? 】

  The little villain system asked Yu Wenao a question.

   "Shut up, you've said all the good things, but if the final villain you predicted before is more reliable, it won't be the case." Yu Wenao couldn't help but cursed.

  This little villain system has the word villain, and it is capricious to the extreme. From the beginning, everything the other party says is right, and I am all wrong.

  【Hmph, fate is up to him, what can you do? 】

   "What can I do, what can I do!!" Yu Wenao's face was ferocious, and the anger in his chest kept rushing to his heart.

  But soon discouraged, and sat down on the chair a little decadently.

   "Yeah, what can I do, I can't do anything." There was a trace of helplessness and despair in Yu Wenao's tone.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, criminals from outside the ten federations plus explosives have not been able to solve the opponent, so what else can he do.

go alone? Don't make trouble, he can't compare with those ten murderers hired from outside the Federation, the other party has missed, let alone himself.

  【Wait, where is Wu Zimo, why is he gone! ! 】

   "What? Isn't he in the command room?" Yu Wenao looked at the words of the little villain's system and couldn't help being surprised, he remembered that the other party hadn't left.

  【But there is no movement inside. Under normal circumstances, the failure of the encirclement should come out to find you, why haven't you come out yet】

  These words made Yu Wenao wake up. This is indeed very strange. The action failed, and the other party couldn’t come out and give him an explanation. Even if there was no explanation, there must be some movement because of the failure.

  But now it is unbelievably quiet, even as if no one is inside.

  Yu Wenao got up decisively and pushed open the door of the command room, only to find that Wu Zimo hadn't left, but was staring at the monitoring screen intently.

  Even after hearing the movement behind, Wu Zimo didn't turn his head, but said, "The other party has acquired extraordinary power, what do you think?"

"What? That's impossible. He didn't get the magical machine at all, even if he has the method of refining, it won't help." Yu Wenao retorted subconsciously. In the previous life, this He Lu got his first copy on the seventh day. God machine, and then embarked on the road of the **** of the world.

  Now He Lu is just an ordinary person.

   "There is nothing impossible. You said that he is the protagonist with destiny, so our advance action is enough to force the other party to have an adventure. If you don't believe me, you can see."

   As he spoke, Wu Zimo brought up two screens.

  He Lu, who was still in the blind spot just now, crossed the blind spot in a strange way in the next second, and then left the monitoring range vigilantly.

   This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

   "He obtained the magic machine in advance and refined it." Yu Wenao's face was ugly, he didn't expect things to develop to this extent.

"It's a land god. From the analysis of the other party's whereabouts, he went to an abandoned old block. In the past, people would worship on the seventh day of every month. Since the town planning policy came down, everyone has moved away. This land **** Naturally, there will be no one to worship."

  Wu Zimo explained to Yu Wenao very caringly why the situation became outrageous.

   After getting up, he looked at Yu Wenao who was in a daze. He knew that the other party could not accept this, but patted him on the shoulder and said, "Have you heard of the butterfly effect?"

   "When you make changes, everything will not go according to the route you planned in your previous life, understand? Reborn." Wu Zimo's tone was full of jokes.

   At this time, Yu Wenao just woke up like a dream, his back was soaked in cold sweat: "How do you know?"

   "Guess, your prophecy is full of loopholes." Wu Zimo said calmly.

  Yu Wenao couldn't help but look bitter. To be honest, he answered this sentence subconsciously, and he could only say that he was too stretched and exposed.

  In his previous life, he barely survived after completing his own plot, coupled with the loss of his family, and fear in his heart, so he has been hiding in the deep mountains and old forests to live.

In addition to living alone for so long, even after being reborn, I have been hypnotizing myself to become the emperor of Taiyi, Xuantian and Nine Earth, and constantly praying. If you want to deceive the belief of a god, you have to deceive yourself first. After all, belief is idealistic. Of course, it is also true that he was able to kill Taiyi Xuantian Jiudi Emperor by relying on the little villain system.

  【Kill him to avoid future troubles, otherwise we will be controlled by the other party】

  The little villain system said decisively, this is their secret, and it was revealed just like that, let alone Yu Wenao couldn’t accept it, even the little villain system couldn’t accept it, so he encouraged Yu Wenao to do it.

   "I guess, you are thinking about whether you want to kill me, right?" Wu Zimo said, as if he was not worried about whether the other party would really do it.

  As soon as this remark came out, Yu Wenao couldn't help but shudder. This kind of remark usually means that the other party has a backhand. If he really dares to do something, he might be the one who suffers.

"How could it be? Mr. Wu and I are offensive and defensive allies. In the previous life, Mr. Wu also died at the hands of the protagonist." Although Yu Wenao hated his teeth itchingly, he was afraid of the opponent's possible backhand, and also That's all I can say.

If it was a threat from another person, he would definitely not take it seriously, but the little villain system has already said that Wu Zimo is the ultimate villain, and he is definitely not an ordinary person who can wrestle with He Lu in the later stage. The kind that dies badly.

  【Looking forward and backward, indecisive, if you don’t kill him now, you will use your momentum to grow into the ultimate villain in the future, you can’t escape a death sentence】

  ‘No, his wife is not dead, this is his greatest weakness, he was able to grow into the ultimate villain in his previous life, and his wife’s death is inseparable. '

  【Well, it is true that he is not dead yet, but without the method of refining the magic machine, his wife cannot be saved】

The meaning of the little villain system is obvious. Today's protagonist has become the only extraordinary person, and even escaped. When the other party makes a comeback, he will not only face the protagonist, but may also be blackened by the death of his wife. The ultimate villain Wu Zimo.

  But Yu Wenao decided not to listen to the little villain system this time.

  He listened to it before, but up to now, it not only indirectly contributed to He Lu's embarking on the path of transcendence ahead of time, but also got involved with the ultimate villain like Wu Zimo, and let the other party know the secret that he is a reborn person.

  So Yu Wenao is guessing that the cause and effect of the little villain system has already been activated, and now he is caught in the preposition of being beaten in the face in his previous life, and even the little villain system is not aware of this.

  As for why he was able to realize it?

   That's not because he has been slapped in the face too many times, and he already has enough experience to predict.

  So now it is absolutely impossible to turn against Wu Zimo. He even suspected that it was because of him that He Lu narrowly escaped death this time.

   Otherwise, ten thugs can't catch an ordinary person, isn't it funny.

   Maybe it's because the other party has destiny, but he and the little villain system also have to bear some responsibility.

   And in his situation, if he really fell out with Wu Zimo, then he would really have to repeat the same mistakes and experience the ruin of his family in his previous life.

"Yeah, that's really great, but I think our deal is over. Obviously, after the other party escapes, we have no way to lock the other party. Besides, my wife can't wait that long." Wu Zimo said in a tone uninspired.

   This blandness made Yu Wenao look ugly.

  Finally, he still gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you help me kill the protagonist, I have another trick to save your wife."

   "What's wrong?" Wu Zimo asked pretending to be concerned.

   "Become a god, I can help your wife become a god." Yu Wenao said.

  Of course he lied to Wu Zimo, the reason is very simple, even if there is such a god, it is not his wife, but an identical substitute, it is not a **** at all.

  Because humans cannot become gods.

  Wu Zimo stopped walking pretending to be curious: "It seems that you are well prepared, but what is the success rate?"

  "More importantly, you said you asked me to kill the protagonist, but you didn't even want to disclose any information about the protagonist. To be honest, I actually have a lot of doubts about cooperation. Your every move is more like killing a donkey."

  Wu Zimo said without hesitation.

This made Yu Wenao's heart sink. He really had this idea. As long as he kills the protagonist and obtains the method of refining the magic machine, he must get rid of Wu Zimo. After all, he is the ultimate villain, and it might be bad if he keeps it. his business.

   It's just that he didn't expect Wu Zimo to say this so boldly, which caught him off guard.

"But it doesn't matter, you are a reborn, you know what my future is like, but you have to understand one thing, now you and I are cooperating, since you want to get rid of the established destiny, you are still so guarded against me, so I am very happy Doubt your sincerity."

   "Even the safety of your so-called method of refining the divine machine and the method of becoming a god."

  Yu Wenao knew that things were out of his control, and the other party gradually took the initiative, so he could only be said to be the ultimate villain.

  His self-defeating actions made the already fragile cooperation likely to be broken at any time.

  So Yu Wenao was entangled. He wanted Wu Zimo to work for him, but he didn't want him to become bigger.

  If it was before, he still felt that he could overwhelm the opponent, but looking at it now, he understood that he was not his opponent at all.

  【Stabilize him first, then tie up his wife and make him submit. As long as you get it right, what will happen to the villain in the end? Taking advantage of this opportunity to kill the protagonist is the most important thing】

  【Otherwise, no matter whether you succeed or fail, you will fall into the rhythm of the other party, and you will be led by the nose in the end】

  The little villain system gave a very rough way to break the game, which made Yu Wenao a little excited. This is indeed a very good solution. Now Wu Zimo still has weaknesses.

  【After his wife dies, no matter whether it succeeds or not, you should kill Wu Zimo directly to avoid future troubles, otherwise he will be more harmful than the protagonist】

  ‘Okay, do as you say. ’ Yu Wenao was sure that now he had no way out, so he could only fight, otherwise, in his situation, he could only go the old way.

  After making a decision, Yu Wenao naturally began to implement it: "Mr. Wu said that in your previous life, you had a special status, so don't blame me for being cautious, but now Mr. Wu's words are simply enlightening."

   "I will explain to you about the protagonist, the protagonist is called He Lu"

   What we have to do now is naturally to stabilize the opponent, and the best thing is to draw closer and gain trust.

  (end of this chapter)

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