This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 474: The important task of the deputy leader is entrusted to you!

  Chapter 474 The important task of the deputy leader is entrusted to you!

  【Successful sign-in for the second time, congratulations to the host for getting: LV1~10 level upgrade roll (limited: skill)】

   "Upgrade volume? It's still limited to skills, but I don't have skills, no, no, it means the power of the earth."

  He Lu subconsciously denied it first, and then he discovered that the power of the earth he obtained by devouring the land **** yesterday was also a skill.

   "Upgrading from LV1 to LV2 only requires one upgrade volume, but it turns out that LV2 to LV3 needs two upgrade volumes?"

   "Hopefully not doubled, otherwise"

In fact, he can also use the "Eternal Swallowing God Skill" to devour land gods and the like to upgrade, but he judges that at least ten more land gods must be swallowed to upgrade. Of course, if he swallows higher-level gods, the number will also increase. The corresponding reduction is enough.

   "It seems that if you want to upgrade your skills, devouring the gods is one aspect, and on the other hand, you have to rely on the upgrade rolls you get when you sign in."

   “Just don’t know if this is a fixed reward or a random reward.”

  For He Lu, it is best to get a fixed reward. If it is a random reward, it will take a long time to save.

   After all, he must not only be able to devour the land god, so the power obtained is not only the power of the earth, so for him, the skill upgrade roll is quite a rare thing for him.

  Feeling the power of the earth at level 2, He Lu knew that the effect had been doubled.

   "It's just that there is still a huge gap between this and those powerful gods." He Lu looked at the large number of gods in the sky, and even the weakest gods exuded terrible pressure.

   "I have to strengthen my strength as soon as possible. Although I have left Luyuan City, compared with these gods, the affairs of Luyuan City are nothing to mention." He Lu glanced at the vibrating cell phone, and ignored it.

   This is someone from the head office calling to ask why he didn't report to the branch yesterday, causing the person who picked him up to wait for a day.

  The reason why he didn't answer the phone is that who knows if there is an insider in the company. If there is, if he really answers the phone and is located, he will suffer disaster.

  He felt that someone in the company must have betrayed him, otherwise, how could he be targeted as soon as he got off the taxi, only if the other party betrayed his itinerary.

  Although he doesn't know who it is, he won't trust the company anymore.

   "The mobile phone and other electronic equipment have to be thrown away. What if the other party installs a tracker, even if this possibility is unlikely."

He Lu's eyes froze. At this time, he also thought of such a thing. Since there is an insider in the company, there is a possibility of installing a positioning device in his mobile phone. Even if the other party has not found him now, it is only because of him. Just left Luyuan City.

  Last night, he assisted through Tudun, and quickly escaped from Luyuan City, but he was still worried.

Throw away the phone casually, and use the "Eternal Swallowing God Art" to run the power of the earth to recover. He found that after gaining the power of the earth, he does not need to eat at all. He only needs to absorb the power that exists in the earth to get enough recovery.

  Even fatigue, sleepiness, etc., can also be recovered with this method, which allows him to save various supplies, which is why he can escape so coolly.

   Otherwise, if he really needs supplies, he shouldn’t pack them in big or small bags.

   "It's finally here, a river **** with some remaining strength." He Lu looked from afar at a pitch-black river not far away. Due to industrial pollution, the stench was terrible and there was no life at all.

After devouring the first god, he gained a sense of ignorance, and was able to vaguely perceive some nearby gods, so he found this foul-smelling river that had already become polluted and A weak river **** who has lost his faith.

A year ago, this river **** still had incense, but later the establishment of factories and irregular discharge caused the entire river to be polluted in a bad way within a month, and then demolition, planning, etc., led to Losing his faith caused the River God's domain to collapse, and he couldn't even support himself.

  In terms of strength, He Lu knew that this river **** was stronger than the land **** he devoured before, at least able to resist, unlike the land **** who was too weak to resist.

  So, He Lu will not kill them head-on, but will use a sneak attack.

   There will be certain risks in being upright, so it is natural to focus on prudence.

  Carefully approached the Temple of the River God. It was said to be a temple, but it was actually just a piece of bluestone standing by the river, not a statue or a temple.

  Most of these are gods formed by simple sacrifices by local people, not those gods with temples and a long history. This kind of gods have no background, and once they suddenly lose their beliefs, they will soon die out.

  Among the old gods, there are many gods of this type, especially the older generation's gradual death and the new generation's indifference, so too many old gods have fallen into this predicament.

  The God of the River seemed to be aware of He Lu's arrival, but he didn't do anything. In the eyes of the God of the River, the younger generation would never come to offer sacrifices, and more likely they were just passing by.

  Although the River God also wanted to believe in faith, he couldn't restrain himself here, and it was simply impossible to recruit believers.

   So it just lays flat.

  He Lu's eyes flashed a light invisible to ordinary people. He walked slowly to the bluestone, stroked it with his hand, and said to himself: "I didn't expect such a stone to exist here. It's really beautiful."

Heshen didn't feel anything at first, but at the next moment he suddenly felt a palpitation, and was about to react, only to feel that his whole body was being pulled away by some kind of terrifying suction force, accompanied by an irresistible crushing feeling .

  ‘This person has a problem! '

  ‘No, he is the godslayer who killed Emperor Taiyi Xuantian Nine Earth! '

  When the last consciousness realized something was wrong, it was already over. The River God was swallowed by He Lu in an instant, and it was too late to even leave any information.

"The power of the river, although it is only level 1, but the "Eternal Swallowing God" has improved a bit." After He Lu devoured the river god, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the magic machine that was constantly flowing in his body, the power of the earth and the power of the river Flowing in his body, his strength has once again increased.

   "It's a pity that I can't resist hot weapons, at most cold weapons. Otherwise, I will go back to Luyuan City to see who is targeting me."

  A murderous intent flashed in He Lu's eyes. He was treated like this for no reason. Who could stand it? The clay figurine is still angry, let alone him.

   "Let's go back after devouring some gods and gaining more power." Although He Lu was upset, he knew the seriousness. Going back now would be tantamount to seeking his own death.

   "You said your wife was kidnapped?" Chen Xiyi couldn't believe it. He just contacted Wu Zimo today, and the other party gave him a surprise.

   "Well, Yu Wenao did it. He wanted to use my wife to threaten me. Although he couldn't see it on the surface, I knew that he put me under house arrest in disguise." Wu Zimo said.

  Chen Xiyi swept his consciousness, and soon found Wu Zimo's wife, who was really not in the hospital anymore.

  Although he was arrested, the environment was pretty good. He was locked up in a villa outside the city and had a special private medical passport to look after him. The treatment was much better than in the hospital.

   "So you want me to save your wife?" Chen Xiyi asked back.

   "Yes, I'm sorry to trouble you, big brother." Wu Zimo knew that the emperor would not send hungry soldiers, he was doing things for Chen Xiyi, and Chen Xiyi would definitely help him.

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi was actually thinking about it, his wife is also a talent, and now Wu Zimo is helping him undercover to collect data beside Yu Wenao, so his wife can't be idle too, let her develop the Rainbow Meow God Cult.

   "Yes, but I don't support idlers here, and it happens that your work is left to your wife." As soon as Chen Xiyi finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and moved the person over.

  Liu Youhe was in a daze. She was still in the villa just now, so why did she come to a palace in the next second.

   "Okay, I've been rescued, do you want to talk to your wife?" After saying that, Chen Xiyi turned on the communication software in the phone to make a video, and then handed it to Liu Youhe: "Here, your husband is looking for you."

   Liu Youhe, who has not yet reacted, took the phone and saw Wu Zimo in the video call, and was even more confused: "Husband, where is this?"

   And Wu Zimo also simply explained the situation to Liu Youhe, which caused Liu Youhe, who was already a little bit broken, to refresh his three views.

   This is really a boss, so what should I do next when I get on the thief ship that destroys the world?

  If this really followed the death of the world, wouldn't it be with him?

  But she quickly adjusted her mentality and followed the boss, at most it would be a slow death. If she and Wu Zimo dared to kick their children, they would probably die on the spot.

  The other party was able to grab her from the villa in the suburbs, which meant that it was useless to go anywhere, and it would also implicate her husband.

  After the simple communication between the two, Wu Zimo hung up the phone in a hurry, and Yu Wenao looked for him, because Yu Wenao had been notified by the suburban villa that Liu Youhe was missing.

   "Boss, what do you need me to do?" Liu Youhe carefully looked at Chen Xiyi who was fishing and asked.

  Chen Xiyi pulled the fishing rod and caught an elephant. This scene almost suffocated Liu Youhe. Is it scientific that an elephant can be caught in this small pond? This unscientific!

  Chen Xiyi changed the elephant casually and then released it, letting it run all over the mountains and plains by itself, treating it as a guardian animal.

"Xiao Liu, I am very optimistic about your husband and wife, so I made Xiao Wu the leader of the Rainbow Meow God Sect, but he is not free now and was sent by me to perform a task, so you, the deputy leader, have to take on the responsibility. Here comes the responsibility, come, this is Xiao Wu's plan, take a look, if there is no problem, we can start to implement it."

   As he spoke, Chen Xiyi handed over the mobile phone. The plan Wu Zimo sent him before was stored in the mobile phone, so he naturally gave the mobile phone to Liu Youhe to execute.

   "Okay, boss, don't worry, it's just that the funds are with my husband, and I am here." Liu Youhe said a little awkwardly, after all, it is not a small sum, and now it is stuck with Wu Zimo.

  Chen Xiyi slapped his head: "Oh, yes, I almost forgot about this, I'll give you another ten nines, you use it first, and then ask me for it if you don't have enough."

   Within two minutes, the account was credited.

   "Yes, boss, I promise to complete it." Liu Youhe finally understood that this person is really rich, and he will give ten nines of funds when he comes up.

For Chen Xiyi, it is not his own money anyway, so he does not feel distressed at all when spending it, but the gods related to wealth and money may be a little uncomfortable. Chen Xiyi spends money lavishly, which may cause financial problems. This is 9.9 billion in cash.

Although it may not be a big deal compared to the cash flow of the entire world, these two sums of cash were generated out of thin air, and Chen Xiyi modified the data. In other words, it is a bad debt that cannot be balanced, which will cause big problems .

  (end of this chapter)

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