This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 475: Mass production system and selected system

  Chapter 475 Mass Production System and Selected System

   "Little villain system, ah this."

  Chen Xiyi analyzed the hip-pull thing on Yu Wenao's body, which was beyond Chen Xiyi's expectation.

   "The villain is the villain, and a small character is added, there is no pattern at all."

  From this little villain system, Chen Xiyi learned one thing, that is, this little villain system is a mass-produced system, a means to assist and maintain the plot from collapsing.

  And in the process, the whole world will be subtly sucked.

  This kind of situation is like bloodletting in a long stream. The amount is not too large to hurt the world, but it can benefit every time.

   "The little villain system on Yu Wenao and the big sign-in system on He Lu don't seem to be in the same way?"

   During this period of time, Chen Xiyi not only learned about the little villain system on Yu Wenao, but also captured the avenue sign-in system from He Lu's soliloquy.

  Although the two are protected by the system, and Chen Xiyi cannot search for the soul because he does not want to destroy the system, it does not mean that Chen Xiyi has no way to use other methods to detect intelligence.

   "And the technical content of this little villain system is far inferior to the avenue sign-in system, perhaps because of the different harvesting methods."

  If the little villain system is a steady flow of bloodletting, then this big road sign-in system is different, it is directly cutting flesh.

  Although the nature of the gods is like mascots, they are also important to maintain the world. Because they are a kind of stabilizer, they will continue to change.

  The stabilizer naturally does not need to interfere with the original world operation, it only needs to stabilize the rules.

   Therefore, a new **** was born.

In essence, the birth of a new **** is an evolution of a **** card stabilizer. Because of the development of the new era, the old gods are gradually declining, and the world is naturally advancing with the new era. This does not give birth to alternative gods. That is, gods derived from various technologies.

  Chen Xiyi also discovered it through these two systems that harvest the world in different ways.

As for He Lu's destiny, it does exist, but it's not because of the Dao check-in system, but because he is a talent and can lead the trend of the times, so he was selected by the Dao sign-in system. The cause and effect cannot be reversed, not why Lu succeeded because of the system, but he was able to succeed that attracted the system.

   Exactly the same, the villain system works on this.

   "One is a mass-produced system, and the other is a selected system. No wonder Yuwenao lost so badly in his past and present lives. It's too bad just from the plug-in."

  Chen Xiyi knows that this little villain system can't help Yu Wenao much, and it will even hold back when encountering He Lu.

  However, He Lu is different. The daily check-in and the fact that he is indeed a man of destiny, the combination of the two will naturally lead to a smooth journey. Even if there is a crisis, it can be resolved.

"However, in terms of harm, the avenue sign-in system is far greater than the little villain system. The little villain system is aimed at the protagonist, which is equivalent to pulling the protagonist's wool. At most, it is a stimulant for the development of the entire world, which has a promoting effect. But it also hurts the body."

   "The sign-in system of Avenue is different. It is directly aimed at the stabilizer of the entire world. When it comes up, it will dismantle people's bones, and when it is dismantled, the world will be over."

   Don’t think that the other party will give something after signing in. In essence, what you sign in depends on the gods he devours.

   If you don't devour the gods for a long time, the daily sign-in rewards of this system will gradually decrease and become various useless things.

   This thing is not for charity, but for harvesting. Naturally, it is impossible to say that you will give away magical secrets when you sign in every day.

  And the stronger the devouring god, the better, the better the rewards for signing in the next day.

This is not a reward mechanism, but a part of the impurities extracted from the gods swallowed by He Lu and fed back. It is equivalent to He Lu swallowing the gods. The Dao sign-in system took away all the essence and left the leftovers to He Lu , and then use some waste as a sign-in reward for the next few days.

  When Chen Xiyi analyzed this scene, he was shocked. Can he still play like this?

This little villain system doesn't even dare. If I really want to say that this little villain system is still a conscience, in addition to sending the host to slap the protagonist in the face, and in the process, it is still very good to the host, at least not Feed **** as a reward.

Of course, He Lu is not the only person with destiny. After all, it is impossible to say that there is only one person who can lead the times. Because of devouring the gods, his own destiny skyrocketed, which caused Yu Wenao and the little villain system to beat him to death.

   After all, the other protagonists of Destiny can get at most one or two strands of wool, but He Lu is different. His family has a big business, and he can match his performance for a month, so he has been forced to send him over to slap him in the face.

  The only reason why Chen Xiyi can't figure it out is also there, and that is the rebirth of Yu Wenao and his little villain system.

  In Yu Wenao's eyes, he might be the only one who was reborn, but for Chen Xiyi, he had to bring this little villain system with him.

Judging from the current situation, the intelligence of the little villain system is not low. More importantly, as a mass-produced system, under normal circumstances, there must be superiors, and because of rebirth, they got rid of the sanctions of these higher-level systems , which is obviously a bit unrealistic.

   "As far as the little villain system is concerned, if there is no deeper hidden program, I will be able to fully decipher it in a day at most, and maybe I will be able to know more secrets later."

   "With such a piece of data, it should be of great help to decipher the sign-in system of the Avenue. They are all systems, so they should be able to understand by analogy."

  Chen Xiyi didn't go all out to decipher. Most of his thoughts were on the analysis of the homeland game, so the deciphering cost that can be invested in these two systems is limited, which is why he made such slow progress.

   Fortunately, it is almost finished.

   This seems to be a great opportunity, but Chen Xiyi knows that it is just an encroachment by internal cooperation and external cooperation.

  So he was thinking about one thing, that is, people have to be harmed anyway, so why can’t he be the one who harms the world?

   This little villain system is fine, how much wool can a petty man squeeze, but the Dao Dao sign-in system is different, the other party is not pulling wool, but slaughtering a sheep to eat, Chen Xiyi, can he bear it?

  He couldn't bear it. As a righteous knight, Chen Xiyi would never allow this kind of thing to happen.

   "Don't you want to be alone, then I will do a spiritual recovery."

  Chen Xiyi has experience in recovering spiritual energy, and he has tried it before.

  That's right, it is his unnameable information state and information state evil god.

  But this time, the information state evil **** is a bit inappropriate, and this kind of thing has to be adapted to local conditions.

   You can’t apply everything mechanically. If you really release the information state evil gods, you will conflict with the gods.

Although it is said that the evil gods in the information state are invisible and qualityless, and they don’t even have self-like rules, but for these gods, this is basically equivalent to a strange cloud floating in front of them. Maybe they can use the evil **** of the information state to interfere with reality.

  In the avenue sign-in system, these evil gods are food, but on Chen Xiyi's side, they are not.

  Since it is food, just wait quietly to be eaten, and there is nothing to struggle for.

  What if a certain **** realizes something from Chen Xiyi's information state evil **** and turns around directly? It only takes a small chance for many things to get out of control.

  Chen Xiyi is a steady person. He will not make troubles if he is not sure. He will only plan when he is sure enough. Even if he is very strong now, he must be cautious.

   After all, he didn't understand the origin of these two systems. As far as this situation is concerned, there must be a background behind it.

   "Resurrection can be carried out slowly, but it's best not to go too far. If you really want to explode, you have to wait until the reincarnation function cools down before doing it."

As long as the reincarnation function is cooled down, he can start directly. If he really wants to get rid of it, there is a way out, and he can run to other worlds. It must be able to run away, at most it is to return to the homeland.

   But the problem is that Chen Xiyi doesn't know whether his homeland can withstand the existence of the system behind the scenes, so he won't gamble, and he doesn't want to put his life in an unknown situation.

"After the analysis of the little villain's system is completed, Yu Wenao will be fine. Well, there is still some use. His hatred for He Lu is not fake. Although he is timid and capricious in doing things, if he is used to deal with He Lu, it is true. Targeted."

  Yu Wenao’s hatred for He Lu is probably earth-shattering. He was tricked by the little villain system to fight against him and then slapped him in the face.

"Hiss~ that's not right, at first glance, it's not He Lu that Yuwen Ao hates, but the little villain system, if there is no little villain system, how could Yu Wenao send it to He Lu again and again Slap in the face, and even ruin your family because of it?"

  Chen Xiyi discovered that the culprit seemed to be the little villain system.

  As far as Yu Wenao's IQ is quite normal, it doesn't look like the villain in the last world will lose his mind.

   It's just that I have been hit too much and years of self-destruction have caused mental problems, but the IQ I should have is not missing at all.

   "Well, one system harms the world, and the other system harms the host. This golden finger is really pulling the crotch." Chen Xiyi sorted out the difference between these two systems.

   After Chen Xiyi summed up the data of the two systems, Liu Youhe saw that he was free, so she hurried over to report: "Boss, I have already."

  Listening to Liu Youhe's report, Chen Xiyi didn't catch a cold at all.

"For this kind of thing, you can do it as you see it. You don't need to report to me. I'm only responsible for the bottom line, not for decision-making. If you have any trouble, you can come and tell me. I'll see if I can help you solve it, but you and I I'm not a professional when it comes to these developments." Chen Xiyi interrupted Liu Youhe's chatter.

   This made Liu Youhe a little embarrassed, which seems to make sense.

"Okay, I'll transfer your husband back in two days. By then, you two will develop our church as soon as possible. By the way, have you chosen the name? It won't be called Rainbow Meow Meow God Sect, this is me. It was chosen randomly at the beginning, so hurry up and choose a similar name and change it." Chen Xiyi said that it was difficult for him to choose a name.

   "Otherwise it will be called Baiyun Sect, what do you think, boss." Liu Youhe said that your name is already at the foot of the mountain.

   "." Chen Xiyi was also silent, as if it was true.

   "Very well, I am very satisfied with this name. If you take the time to change the name of the religious license in the city, we will be called Baiyun Sect from now on." Chen Xiyi gave himself a step down very bluntly.

   Otherwise, it wouldn't be so embarrassing.

  (end of this chapter)

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