This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 477: Erwuzai lurks into the Erwuzai organization

  Chapter 477 Erwuzi lurks into the Erwuzi organization

   "Do you have anything to say?" Chen Xiyi looked at the weird mass in front of him, which was both real and illusory. It looked like flesh and blood but felt a bit like gelatin.

  【First time meeting, little villain system number 9854412 greetings to you】

  The little villain system emitted a unique spiritual frequency to communicate with Chen Xiyi, and there was a flattering tone in it, as if worried that Chen Xiyi would destroy it.

   "Your serial number is really not short. It seems that you have quite a few brothers and sisters. Can you tell me about your background?" Chen Xiyi didn't accept this, and instead asked about the other party's situation.

He knew that it was dangerous outside the world, but he didn't expect it to be so dangerous. It's just a little villain system, and the number is nearly a billion digits. If it wasn't for the little villain who used the mental frequency to communicate with Chen Xiyi, he really needed to use it. In terms of language, it takes a long time to speak just one number.

[Boss, I am from the assembly line No. 198410 of System Factory No. 66974014 of ***A No. 7. The main function is to select the host to load the karma of the little villain and make it contact with people with great luck and great fortune. And in the process of contact, connect the cause and effect by offending, slapping the face, etc., so as to harvest the great luck on his body]

  The little villain system babbled a lot, and Chen Xiyi also listened carefully. The factories of these two systems are all numbered at the tens of millions level, and the assembly line has a number of nearly 200,000.

   But Chen Xiyi also has a problem, that is, the little villain system seems to have omitted something in the middle.

   "Wait a minute, which region did you say you came from? Why is there only a factory number?" Chen Xiyi stopped the boastful little villain system.

  【I am from ***】

   "Blocked?" Chen Xiyi found that it was still a group of incomprehensible mental frequencies, expressed in the form of punctuation marks similar to three asterisks.

   That's right, normal punctuation is replaced by sources.

   This does not come from the secrecy inside the little villain's system, but from the secrecy of a higher dimension.

   Another meaning is that this name is too powerful and mysterious, and he cannot understand it normally.

   "Tell me, is this a name, a place name, or a country name." Chen Xiyi could only speculate a little bit about this.

  【It’s the name and power of a certain great existence, it seems that you can’t see through it even the boss】

  The little villain system seemed to be aware of Chen Xiyi's limitations, so it naturally explained it to him.

It has intelligence and is not stupid, and it doesn't think that the other party will be afraid of it because of this. You must know that it is just an ordinary small system, and if it is gone, it will be gone. No one will help it get ahead, after all The travel expenses here can be used to recreate the last three or five little villain systems, so why waste it.

   Therefore, the little villain system is very self-aware, it will answer whatever Chen Xiyi asks, and it will cooperate as it wants.

  Otherwise, if you really lose your life here because of this, the loss outweighs the gain.

It doesn't matter if you don't have intelligence, but it has intelligence, so it is full of all kinds of desires, otherwise it can encourage Yu Wenao to kill He Lu to get the fate and upgrade himself from the villain system to the destiny protagonist system. These two systems But there is a world of difference.

  The treatment is different. The former is just a small temporary worker, but the latter is a regular worker, so it is naturally different.

  As long as the system is successfully upgraded, it doesn't have to worry about the death of its host every day, and it won't die so easily. At least it won't die until the fate disappears.

   This can guarantee the safety of its own life.

  In Chen Xiyi's eyes, this little villain system is a completely different kind of life, but the life form is different.

  ‘It seems to be a big trouble, this is just a small villain system, so will He Lu’s avenue sign-in system have a bigger origin? '

   This is not a treasure that is naturally cultivated by the world like Yunling Orb and "The Great Sage Biography". These two systems are man-made and used to harvest the world.

   "Do you know the avenue sign-in system?" Chen Xiyi asked. Although he said that he had obtained all the data of the little villain system, he still asked casually to see if he could find any clues.

  【Sorry, I don’t have any impression, except for the most basic little villain system in my database, I only know the Destiny protagonist system】

  The little villain system is still very honest, but after hearing what Chen Xiyi said, he also guessed something.

  【Could it be that the protagonist has such a system? 】

   "You are very smart, but it's a pity that you are not as good as the other party." Chen Xiyi didn't deny it.

At this time, the little villain system also sensed Chen Xiyi's attitude towards it, at least showing that he was valuable, and he didn't have to worry about being dismantled or wiped out by the other party. Therefore, he had to show more value as much as possible so that he could get more Much better treatment.

   Don't even think about running away, it can vaguely feel that there is some kind of indescribable aura in Chen Xiyi's body, that trembling aura makes it feel like it is in a twisted abyss.

  It is a system, but it is not a universal system. It is just one of the assembly lines, and there is not much special about it.

  【I didn’t lose unjustly, so you must have something for me to do, sir】

  The little villain system very wittily showed that he was willing to serve the boss.

"I like people who are flexible and smart. After finishing this matter for me, I will let you go. After all, you are also a backer, and I can't afford to mess with your backer, but if you mess with me, you must pay for it." Let's pay for it."

  【Boss, you said】

The little villain system didn't want to negotiate conditions or threaten because Chen Xiyi said that he couldn't afford to mess with his backer. My family knew about my own affairs, and it was good to have a backer, but the problem was that it was just cannon fodder, and no one would come to take revenge if it died. Instead, it will be re-invested in a small villain system for harvesting.

The systems that die suddenly due to various reasons every day can fill a whole world, but this one is not bad, otherwise the people behind it will come to retaliate if a system really dies, the cost is so high, this cost is enough to start again A system dies too.

   Besides, it’s normal to have risks in doing this kind of thing. You can’t say that you can make a profit without losing money. There is no such reason in the world.

"I'm going to transplant you into He Lu's body. Although you may not be the opponent of the avenue sign-in system, but with me around, it's no problem to fight. When the time comes, you will send me a message from the inside to investigate this system. history."

   "Don't worry, the avenue sign-in system has no wisdom, it can't compare to yours, you can pretend to be the spirit of the avenue sign-in system."

  Chen Xiyi's idea is very simple, that is to see what will happen between the two systems, whether it can trigger a battle between the masterminds of the little villain system and the masterminds of the avenue sign-in system.

   Although the possibility is unlikely.

  In the eyes of Chen Xiyi, it may be a considerable benefit, but in the eyes of those existences, it is estimated that it may be a small profit, and it is impossible to cause conflicts because of it.

   But it’s mainly for delaying time, so that the little villain system and the avenue sign-in system are aligned.

  By the way, Chen Xiyi is just collecting data.

  He obtained a lot of benefits from the villain system, such as the technology of erasing traces, which was originally an adaptation module when the villain system entered the world, so as not to be rejected by the world.

It is also this technique that Chen Xiyi could not find traces of when Yu Wenao and the little villain system killed the gods. This is probably the most valuable technique in the entire system. It is very important.

  Chen Xiyi guessed that this avenue sign-in system had better technology, and he was very envious.

  Of course, in addition to this intrusion and concealment technology, there is also integration technology, which can suppress the world patrol for a short time, so as to integrate into the world as soon as possible.

   It was this technique that was able to suppress the original Taiyi Xuantian Nine Earth Emperor and let Yu Wenao perform a one-knife head. Otherwise, how could Yu Wenao be able to kill the opponent in the domain of God.

  Of course, there are also techniques such as karma and luck, which are the most advanced and can be called the core of the system. Chen Xiyi currently has the data, but has not researched the name yet.

  However, he estimated that the avenue sign-in system also has these two technologies, otherwise it would not be able to deeply bind the host.

  【Since it is your request, boss, I will do it, but I hope you will help me more】

From Chen Xiyi's description, the little villain system naturally knows that the opposite system is stronger than itself, but people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Although Chen Xiyi is discussing with it, it knows that it has no right to refuse. If you dare to refuse, you lose your value.

   Once you lose your own value, the end is self-evident.

  But it also knows that this trip is very dangerous. If you go, you will die, but if you don't go, you will die.

"Very well, then I'll wait for your good news. I've left a core in your body. You just need to avoid exposing it as much as possible. If you expose it, you can pretend to be a device spirit. As for how to enter He Lu's You shouldn’t need my help to parasitize your body and make it your host.”

  【You wait for the good news, please send me there now】

  Since the little villain system agreed, Chen Xiyi was naturally unambiguous, and moved him directly to He Lu's side. At this time, He Lu was practicing cross-legged.

  The next second, the little villain system silently merged into He Lu's body, without even noticing the avenue sign-in system protecting him.

   This is also normal, the intrusion technology of the little villain system is irresistible even to the world, not to mention the avenue sign-in system, unless this system is as intelligent as the little villain system, otherwise it will not be able to detect it at all.

   Soon, the little villain system took root in He Lu's body and began to lurk. Chen Xiyi also continuously obtained the data of the avenue sign-in system from inside.

   "It's easy to do things if there are people inside." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

  He can destroy two systems, but it does not mean that he can easily analyze the two systems. This is the same as programming, smashing a computer is not the same difficulty as compiling a software.

"However, you still have to be careful with this little villain system. This thing, Eagle Watching Wolf Gu, is completely a 25-year-old boy. Now I have to succumb because of my strength. Once I am sure of escaping, I will definitely run away as soon as possible, even with my back. stab me."

  Chen Xiyi knows this little villain system, but he has all the data and memories of this thing. According to the personality analysis he made, it is completely the kind of real villain.

  So regarding He Lu's monitoring, Chen Xiyi couldn't relax for a while, otherwise the little villain system might be able to mess with him.

   "The harvest this time is really rich. The various technologies analyzed are enough for me to go further after the full level."

   "And part of the data is actually similar to the homeland game, and it can be used to draw inferences."

  (end of this chapter)

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