This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 478: The Beginning of Reiki · "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra"

  Chapter 478 The Beginning of Reiki · "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra"

   "It's really extraordinary power. It seems that Qingxu Lingjun really didn't lie to me."

  Yu Wenao opened his eyes, his expression filled with excitement.

  After he got rid of the little villain system, Chen Xiyi gave him a copy of "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra" and asked him to go back and read it carefully.

   This is a new system constructed by Chen Xiyi by referring to the cultivator system of the previous world, plus the derivation of information state and the way of belief in gods. It is probably localized in this world.

  With Yu Wenao's first recitation, the recovery of information-state aura gradually began. Although Yu Wenao couldn't feel it, he could understand his gradually growing power.

   But soon, he couldn't help worrying.

   "The other party asked me to kill He Lu, what should I do, the other party has a system."

   "And even after I kill He Lu, I still can't get rid of Qingxu Lingjun's constraints."

  The exercises were given by the other party, which made Yu Wenao suspect that there might be some behind-the-scenes.

   "It would be great if I could get the avenue sign-in system on He Lu, so that I can completely reverse the other party."

A gleam of light flashed in Yu Wen'ao's eyes. Who would want to be someone's younger brother? Although Chen Xiyi took the little villain system away from him, his temperament has not changed at all. Life.

   Otherwise, how could it be possible to be selected by the villain system? It's nothing more than a high degree of fit.

"This Qingxu Lingjun may not be able to leave the Baiyun Palace at all. He is a god. Even if he can interfere with reality, it is through Wu Zimo and his wife. So after I get the Dao sign-in system and kill the couple, then It is equivalent to cutting off the eyes and ears of Qingxu Lingjun's outward expansion."

  He completely ignored the fact that Chen Xiyi rescued Liu Youhe, and he also forgot that he can practice, so Wu Zimo and his wife can't practice?

   As for saying that the avenue sign-in system is destroying the foundation of the world, it doesn't matter to him at all. As long as he becomes stronger, he doesn't care if the world is destroyed or not.

In this regard, Chen Xiyi can only express that he really thinks that the destruction of the world means the destruction of the living environment, but the overall damage. When the time comes, the avenue sign-in system will pat his **** and leave. The tableware was kept for the next takeaway, and it was all thrown into the trash can.

   "Heh, you still want to use me." After thinking about it for a while, Yu Wenao felt that he already had the chance to win, so he was very disdainful.

   "It's just that He Lu is troublesome, very tricky."

When Yu Wenao thought of this, his face turned dark. Judging from the information obtained from Chen Xiyi, this He Lu has swallowed thirteen gods, mastered the power of the earth, the power of the river, the power of vegetation, the power of fire, etc. The strength, coupled with the gift after signing in, greatly increased the opponent's strength, how could I win the opponent with only one day's practice.

"How can the other party's system have such good rewards, and mine is completely useless except for harming me." Yu Wenao can be said to be very jealous. Everyone is a system, but the other party can rely on the system. With the system soaring into the sky, he is constantly being used as a stepping stone.

But soon Yu Wenao adjusted his mentality: "Now that I have the "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra", I have officially stepped into the extraordinary power. After my strength becomes stronger, I will go to He Lu to settle accounts and avenge my previous life. ,snort!"

  He is not stupid. If he really went to He Lu now, he would definitely end up dead instead of killing the other party and taking away his avenue sign-in system.

   Disdain is nothing but disdain, but in terms of fear of death, his mentality is still very stable, that is, he beeps, and when he really wants to do something, he is afraid faster than anyone else.

  His psychological situation is very complicated, much more complicated than the villain system.

   To put it bluntly, it is the kind of mental illness, but Chen Xiyi did not point out Yu Wenao's situation, but felt that it was quite good, and even used the "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra" to amplify it, using it as the source of his practice.

  Normal practice requires Jiang Xin Yuan and Fu Yi Ma.

   But the problem is that Chen Xiyi's own cultivation system does not have the status of these two things. Since his debut, he has been cheating and abducting to make a fortune, and later he has committed all kinds of evil, and he doesn't care about his thoughts at all.

   Players, you can’t say that you want to lick the NPC, so what kind of game does he play, just be a dog lick.

   They are not 5-star friends, why should Chen Xiyi treat them well.

  Yu Wenao’s mental illness is also quite strange, he is both arrogant and inferior, which leads to his mental state of being capricious, indecisive, wanting to do great things but worrying about small profits.

  After gaining the extraordinary power, I felt swollen and wanted to express myself as soon as possible, but because I was bullying the weak and afraid of the hard, I dared not act immediately, and I was timid.

   "How is it, the Heart Sutra can be entered?"

  Suddenly, Chen Xiyi's voice came from Yu Wenao's ear.

   This surprised Yu Wenao, and hurriedly replied respectfully: "I have already started, thanks to the boss's good guidance."

  He answered in this way, but his eyes scanned the room, and found that Chen Xiyi was not there, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: 'This Qingxu Lingjun really can't leave the domain of God, it seems that this is just a bluff. '

   "Now that you have started, let's go and kill He Lu."

Yu Wenao couldn't help but his expression changed, he didn't expect that the other party would urge him, and then said with some reluctance: "Boss, do you see that chasing and killing He Lu just as I have just started is tantamount to sending him to death, He Lu is already Devoured thirteen gods, I."

   What he meant was obvious, that was a tactful rejection.

   "Then when do you think it's appropriate?" Chen Xiyi's tone was very flat, without any emotion at all.

   "Three years, I only need three years, and I can easily win He Lu." Yu Wen proudly rolled his eyes and finalized a time.

   Chen Xiyi almost laughed out loud at this.

  You have practiced for three years, so you have to let He Lu wait for you without signing in for three years or devouring gods?

Otherwise, you are getting stronger, and He Lu is just dawdling. They are bigger than you and have better qualifications than you. Why do you think that you will win the other party in three years instead of being dumped by the other party? You can’t even see the headlights .

   Could it be done just by relying on the Heart Sutra given to him by Chen Xiyi?

If his mental illness was deeper, similar to that of a lunatic, then Chen Xiyi would believe it. After all, the "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra" itself is getting sicker and stronger, but the problem is that he doesn't have it. His mental illness can only be regarded as ordinary. The kind that can be cured by psychotherapy.

  You can’t go the right way, even if you go the wrong way, no one is quick, and you still kill the opponent when he is weak, and you have to wait for three years.

   "Forget it, three years is three years." Naturally, Chen Xiyi didn't remind her.

What does the other party's seeking death have to do with Chen Xiyi? Let alone three years, He Lu will return to Luyuan City in a month at most. By then, he is the mastermind behind the interception and killing of He Lu. I really thought that He Lu would let him go. Can't he wait for three years?

  Besides, Yu Wenao is just an introduction to the recovery of spiritual energy.

Compared to him, Chen Xiyi valued He Lu more. No matter what he said, he was also an important experimental product. If Yu Wenao really agreed to kill He Lu, with his obedience and determination, Chen Xiyi couldn't let it go. He died, but it's a pity that Yu Wenao played tricks on him, it can only be used as a hotbed for spiritual recovery.

When Yu Wenao heard this, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help affirming in his heart: "Sure enough, although Qingxu Lingjun's **** realm is in reality, he can't interfere with things outside the **** realm. Lead me up the mountain, if you don't do this, the other party will have no way to target me. '

  If the little villain system is here, it is guaranteed to spray him to death, and he will be removed, and he will not be able to interfere with reality. I really think that what you take for granted can come true.

"Thank you, sir, for your understanding. After three years, I will definitely bring He Lu's head to you, sir." Yu Wenao's tone could be described as tears of gratitude, but he said so on the surface, but in his heart, he was still very grateful. one thing.

  'At that time, I will kill you by the way. This is not the first time I have done the killing of gods, so I promise to strike quickly and ruthlessly. '

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help being speechless about Yu Wenao's duality. This big name is really extraordinary.

Fortunately, although Chen Xiyi is so narrow-minded, he also knows that this is a seed in front of him, which is about to blossom and bear fruit. If you scold him, you can scold him. Anyway, the beneficiary is himself, so he can do whatever he wants, Chen Xiyi There is nothing to lose, after all, the other party only dared to beep in his heart when he scolded him, but did not dare to say it out loud.

   "Well, it's good if you have this kind of heart, so that you can practice well and strive to transcend the world as soon as possible." Chen Xiyi gave a verbal encouragement.

  This means that you must have a good sense of self-management, water and fertilize yourself regularly every day to make yourself thrive better. If it is not inappropriate, Chen Xiyi would like to tell him to go to bed early and get up early, and three meals should be nutritionally balanced.

  The current Yu Wenao is the key to the recovery of the world's aura, Chen Xiyi's top tool man, although his lifespan may be shortened by a billion points.

"Thanks to the big brother's concern, I will definitely live up to the big brother's expectations, but the big brother, my progress is quite slow, I don't know if the big brother can give me some magic medicine, so that I can catch up with He Lu's strength as soon as possible." Yu Wenao also hit the snake with the stick, and begged for something as soon as he opened his mouth.

  Chen Xiyi was also silent, looking at the bottle of catalyst in his hand in the White Cloud Palace, you young man is too considerate, he just prepared to chat for a while, and then tried to send the catalyst and other fertilizers to accelerate growth.

   As a result, the other party wanted to ask for it before he even opened his mouth.

"Since you have opened your mouth, I can't refuse it. A few days ago, I had a vermilion fruit on this tree. If you take it, it will definitely be of great benefit. Afterwards, I will ask Xiao Wu to bring it to you." Chen Xiyi took out the fruit. He took a red heart dragon fruit, squeezed it into a fairy-like appearance, and then injected the catalyst directly into it, pretending it was a vermilion fruit.

Yu Wenao was also very surprised. He didn't expect that he just mentioned it casually, but he actually had it, and then thought: "It seems that this Qingxu Lingjun is quite rich. If this is the case, take this Zhu Guo first, and wait until I finish eating it." Let's see what it does. '

"Thank you for the reward!" Yu Wenao naturally said without hesitation, the benefits have come to his door, he will definitely not push it away, and he is still trying to find a way to see if he can get some more from the other party. Benefits, such as something similar to Zhu Guo.

  However, he also understands that it is too much to go too far. Zhu Guo should get it first, and then continue to ask for benefits after a period of time. Otherwise, asking for it now may give the other party the impression that he is greedy.

   There are also skills in selling miserably and begging for money. You can't always force it, let alone the same person.

And Chen Xiyi also knew Yu Wenao's thoughts, he didn't care about it at all, the leek told him that he was short of fat and water, of course he had to keep up, otherwise how would he grow, this leek grew fast and well, Chen Xiyi was happy It's too late, how could you feel sorry for the cost.

  (end of this chapter)

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