This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 479: swallowed a vermillion fruit

  Chapter 479 Swallowing a Vermillion Fruit

   "Mr. Wu, please send me Zhu Guo. I don't know that the Fa-rectification passed on to you by your elder brother is a beginner." Yu Wenao said with a bit of yin and yang.

  Wu Zimo said with a normal expression: "I am not as important as you, Master Yuwen. Naturally, I have not been granted the Dharma, so why talk about getting started, this is the vermilion fruit that the boss gave you."

  He was not taught the so-called practice methods by Chen Xiyi, so he just wasn't jealous.

  I worked for Chen Xiyi, not for the so-called Fa-rectification, but to save my wife.

  In this regard, he put himself in a very positive position, and he also found that Yu Wenao's character became more and more perverted. Now he can be sure that the other party has a big psychological problem.

  Hearing Wu Zimo's words, the smile on Yu Wenao's face became brighter, and there was a hint of arrogance in his expression.

   "That's such a pity, Xiao Wu, you should work hard for the boss, and when your credit is enough, I will teach you the Dharma." Yu Wenao even changed his name from Mr. Wu to Xiao Wu.

  Wu Zimo's head was blackened when he heard this, the change in your attitude from front to back is too obvious.

   "Don't dare, it's just for the boss, how dare you ask for some rewards." Wu Zimo said with a serious look.

  Who doesn’t want such a good thing, of course Wu Zimo wants it too, but he knows one thing, a person must understand his status, he can take it if the other party gives it to him, and if the other party doesn’t give it to him, he can’t ask for it.

Chen Xiyi has already given enough, for example, two bank accounts of ten nines, all the money in them is at the disposal of the husband and wife, it is already enough, if you really want to beg for it like Yu Wenao, then But I don't know what is good or bad.

  Wu Zimo is quite knowledgeable about his own situation.

When Yu Wenao heard Wu Zimo say this, there was a trace of contempt in his expression. He was the ultimate villain, but unexpectedly he would be a dog for someone, and he didn't even dare to ask for a reward. It seems that he still thinks too highly of him , the trepidation before was just scaring myself.

   "This is a good thing, you have to fight for it yourself. If there is nothing wrong, you can go first, Xiao Wu. I still have to practice." Yu Wenao suddenly felt a little boring. After all, he thought he was a strong enemy, but he didn't expect it to be here.

   And Wu Zimo naturally saw Yu Wenao's disdain and contempt, and it was almost written on his face.

   This once made him a little weird. Although he was a little erratic before, he didn't change so much. This made him wonder, can a person really change so much when he swells up?

   "Since that's the case, I won't bother you, Young Master Yuwen. You should practice hard and get rid of that He Lu as soon as possible." Wu Zimo turned around, got into the car and left after finishing speaking.

  Yu Wenao's expression sank, he didn't say anything, and after he walked away, he said viciously: "Bah, what the hell, your master Qingxu Lingjun dare not order me, who are you?"

   After speaking, Yu Wenao's complexion improved a lot after seeing the vermilion fruit in his hand constantly exuding an intoxicating aura, and he stuffed it into his mouth and chewed.

  When the vermilion fruit entered his stomach, he felt a hot flame rising continuously in his body, and he felt the power in his body continuously expand.

   "Not good, the energy contained in this vermilion fruit is too much, I have to absorb it as soon as possible, otherwise I will be blown up, this Qingxu Lingjun really has bad intentions."

  Yu Wenao's expression changed. He originally thought that eating it would directly make him stronger, but he didn't expect that he would need to absorb and refine it, and more importantly, the amount was so large.

   This made him curse a little bit.

  In just an instant, his whole body was like an inflated balloon, his clothes were bursting in an instant, and he couldn't even move independently.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a piercing pain, which made him stagnate when he was about to start reciting the "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra".

   "Oops, I have to refine it as soon as possible, otherwise I might be blown up." A trace of fear and resentment flashed in Yu Wenao's eyes.

  He didn't want to just die like this. After all, he still had a great future, and he wanted to become a fairy and become an ancestor, instead of just dying so aggrieved.

  The violent energy continuously impacted his whole body, and under the severe pain, Yu Wenao immediately passed out and lost consciousness.

  After he fell into a coma, his skin was constantly wriggling, as if something was being conceived, absorbing this huge energy bit by bit, and as the energy was absorbed, his huge body was also shrinking a little bit.

   Yu Wenao, who lost consciousness due to a coma, didn't know anything about these things at all. When he woke up, he would only think that he had escaped from the dead, and that he had absorbed the energy of the vermilion fruit during the coma process by luck.

   "Mr. Wu, isn't the young master of Yuwen's family a bit too arrogant? As you, you don't need to care about him at all. Why come to deliver Zhu Guo yourself." The driving assistant at the front said a little bit aggrieved.

   "These are trivial matters. How many congregants joined the religion yesterday?" Wu Zimo was very calm about this, and he was not dissatisfied at all.

"There are not many people, Mr. Wu, you also know that in this era, no one believes in God at all, and only you find a new way to recruit people through the company, so there are some people, but our situation is very unreliable. It has already been warned by the industry and commerce and tax authorities." After the assistant calmed down, he said to Wu Zimo.

  Wu Zimo also frowned. This is really difficult. It would be fine if it was a serious company, but he is actually not a company, but a church. It is against normal logic to do so, so it attracts attention.

   "Don't worry about it. I will negotiate with these two departments later. The key now is to recruit people from all walks of life." Wu Zimo said.

  He knew that gods need faith, and Baiyun Sect also needs people.

   "Okay, Mr. Wu, it's just that two people left this morning. After all, you let them chant sutras in the morning, afternoon and evening every day. They usually have no other work. Isn't it a bit bad." The assistant said.

   "If you really have nothing to do, communicate with the local sanitation, medical and other departments and ask them to become volunteers. There will be extra subsidies, but they must wear the promotional clothes of Baiyun Sect."

  Wu Zimo didn't expect that making this group of people eat rice and pray all day would produce such moths.

  The assistant was actually a little tongue-tied. He had no idea what kind of medicine this President Wu was selling in his gourd. Could it be that there was too much money and nowhere to spend it here?

  In his eyes, these things are unreasonable things. They are completely loss-making, and they can't even make money by shouting.

  All those people in the church are secretly saying that Mr. Wu is being taken advantage of.

   "Okay, I will arrange it as soon as possible." The assistant didn't say anything, but agreed.

"There is one more thing. After the salary is paid next month, I will start a daily assessment, especially the part of praying and chanting. The most important thing is sincerity. If someone steals and cheats, then don't blame me Kicked out of the church, the monthly prayer fee of 10,000 yuan per person is not for them to come to eat, drink and have fun."

Wu Zimo knew that this group of people were really dedicated to their work in the first two days when they came here, but as time went by, they ate and drank well every day, plus no one cared about them, so naturally it didn't matter, and some people even played tricks idea.

   "It's not easy to handle. Daily prayers and chanting can be restricted, but sincerity needs to be assessed." The assistant said with some embarrassment. They couldn't read minds, so how could they know whether they were sincere or not.

   "I have my own way. I really thought I raised them to be rice bugs." Wu Zimo didn't say how to solve it, but gave a warning.

   These words also meant to beat the assistant, to let the assistant know something good and bad, instead of knowing everything.

   You know, the welfare benefits in the entire Baiyun Sect are quite good. The monthly salary starts at 10,000 yuan, plus other messy subsidies, it can reach 20,000 yuan, even his assistant is paid this salary.

  In addition to the constant supply of various free canteens, all kinds of snacks, fitness equipment, sporting goods and even vehicles, etc., it is simply inviting people to enjoy.

  Even if possible, Wu Zimo would not mind helping them find a partner, and it would even be okay for the children to be raised by the church in the future.

   There is only one requirement for such a generous benefit, which is to provide Chen Xiyi with faith and daily prayers.

   As a result, it took less than half a month for those who promoted Mi En to fight Mi Qiu, one by one began to steal and play tricks.

  The combined time for chanting and praying in the morning, noon and evening does not exceed one hour, which is equivalent to only needing to work an average of 30 hours a month.

  When the assistant heard this, he didn't dare to say anything. People spend money and people are justified.

   After all, this is not for a black-hearted boss with three thousand as an ox and a horse, but for ten thousand good people who let you work for an hour a day. As long as it is not illegal, the assistant said that you can do whatever you want.

   "Okay, I will clear up this bad trend that has recently appeared in the church as soon as possible." What else could the assistant do, of course, it was a statement.

  He can't be on the side of those sneaky people, who don't pay him a salary, and besides, he really wants to destroy the company, but there is no such good treatment.

In addition to his basic salary of 20,000 yuan, the sum of the messy subsidies can reach 100,000 yuan, and this is being an assistant. There is pressure, but the work pressure and those who really get 100,000 yuan are still much less. The crowd lied.

   At this time, he naturally wants to support his boss, not only to vigorously rectify it, but also to do it beautifully.

   It is not easy to find an assistant in this world. Let the headhunting company dig it directly, one hundred thousand a month, who would not do it?

"Well, that's good. In addition to the believers, other managements have also informed the HR side to recruit more. Don't worry about spending money. Let the headhunting company vigorously dig. As long as there are capable people, they will be recruited as managers, and the salary will be paid. You can also mention it appropriately." Wu Zimo doesn't care about money at all.

   What Chen Xiyi gave was all cash, not fixed assets or things that could not be cashed in. With nearly 20 billion funds, there was no need to worry that the capital chain would be broken.

  Even if it is broken, with Chen Xiyi's handwriting, maybe he will be given ten nines of the funds.

  In Wu Zimo's eyes, Chen Xiyi is a god, the omnipotent kind, and only a little money.

As for the currency depreciation and financial turmoil that will be caused after this, he is actually not worried. First, this matter has nothing to do with him, and second, it is only 20 billion, which is nothing to the entire Federation. The tens of billions are in turmoil, and the Federation has long been destroyed. How could it still survive until now.

  (end of this chapter)

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