This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 480: Whale Falling Creatures

  Chapter 480 Whale Falling All Creatures

   "Finally, the first step has been taken, and the "Eternal Swallowing God Art" has also been successfully introduced."

  He Lu looked at the collapsed God's Domain, with a hint of joy in his expression.

Before that, he had been playing around all the time to hunt those gods who didn’t have God’s domain and were extremely weak. Although this was somewhat useful, it also made him fall into a bottleneck. All the power of gods he had obtained so far could only be raised to 2 level and cannot be upgraded again.

  Even the "Eternal Swallowing God Art" is constantly spinning in the entry stage. The power of the gods can get new ones, but it can't make a qualitative change in itself.

  It wasn't until he accumulated a lot of power that he finally killed a deity called Soul-hunting ghost official. This deity possessed the domain of the gods. This time, what he devoured was not only the deity itself, but also the domain of the gods.

   This made his power of ghosts and gods directly increase from the original level 2 to above level 3.

   "After getting started with "Eternal Swallowing God Technique", I can basically ignore firearms now, and just returned to Luyuan City to take revenge."

Of course, it's just firearms, and he can't resist missiles and the like, but he doesn't think the Federation will use missiles to attack him. You must know that he is in a densely populated city. He wouldn't be alone, and besides, with his current strength, missiles can't kill him, at most he will be seriously injured.

  As for who chased him down at the beginning, these days He Lu locked the target with the blood debt talisman that came through the avenue sign-in system.

"Yu Wenao, the son of the CEO of Shanggan Group, hum, I really thought that no one would know if you were so secretive." He Lu looked at the few photos displayed on his mobile phone. This mobile phone was newly bought by him. It is not his own ID card, so there is no need to worry about being tracked by the other party.

  There is not much news about Yu Wenao, who has lived in seclusion these years, but there are some news that the other party seems to have believed in God in the early years.

However, as the heir of a tens of billions of listed companies, Yu Wenao was still dug out a lot of irrelevant exposure. Although these news were said to be a few years ago, it doesn't matter to He Lu anymore, he just needs to confirm Just a click is enough, and I never thought of relying on old news found on the Internet to deal with and plan.

   "Next, I have to find a way to return to Luyuan City as soon as possible, and see if I can devour some gods with God's Domain on the way to increase my strength."

   He Lu will never give up on strengthening himself.

   These days, he has been living and sleeping in the open, basically walking around the city, rarely contacting people.

  He knew that the other party was very powerful, and if he was exposed, it would be no problem for the other party to really make up his mind to hunt and kill him.

   It’s just that he was quite surprised. Why did the other party chase and kill him? He and Yu Wenao didn’t have any enmity, let alone any conflict of interest. It can be said that they were strangers.

  But it is absolutely impossible for the other party to chase and kill him for no reason. He must find out about this matter.

It took half a month, and He Lu finally returned to Luyuan City. When he stepped into Luyuan City again, he was no longer dressed in the same clothes and leather shoes as before, but was dressed in rags and slovenly, looking like Be a beggar.

  But the spirit of this body is not like a beggar, but very resolute.

  He Lu didn't think about coming back after some grooming. This body is his best disguise.

  He doesn't believe it anymore, he looks like a beggar, and the other party can find out that he is not successful again.

  Glanced at the roadside surveillance out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but sneer, it's running now, but before.

  He didn't avoid the monitoring, but walked under the monitoring openly. He didn't break the law, so he had nothing to be afraid of.

Not long ago, the explosion in Luyuan City did not cause much impact, there was not even a sound, there was only a news of a gas leak causing the explosion. He Lu speculated that Yu Wenao let the forces behind his family suppress this incident .

   Otherwise, this is an explosion, how could there be no movement at all.

   "The villa area in the city center is worthy of being the young master of a large group. You can enjoy the freshness of the suburbs in a place where every inch of land is expensive." He Lu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

  He has attracted a lot of attention along the way. Beggars are relatively rare, especially in the city center.

   Usually, he would be stopped, and that was indeed the case. He hadn't walked for long before he found several law enforcement officers coming towards him.

  He Lu couldn't help but thought to himself: "It's a mistake, it's good to pretend, but I'm afraid I won't be able to walk to the city center." '

His body is not only dirty but also torn. You must know that he entered the domain of the gods to fight with the gods before. It is normal for his clothes to be damaged. It cannot be said that the clothes will not be damaged during the battle. After all, even the gods in the domain of the gods can't be damaged, it's not an artifact.

   "Hello, sir, do you need help?" The law enforcement officers have no malicious intentions. Beggars like this are usually homeless people, and they will help contact their relatives to pick them up.

  Of course, it also affects the appearance of the city.

   "No, I'm just passing by, and I will leave Luyuan City soon." He Lu said clearly.

   This made the law enforcement officers feel relieved that He Lu had no mental illness.

"Don't worry, I'm here to hone myself. I have my mobile phone, wallet, and ID card. I'll go back when I walk to the extreme west of the Federation." After He Lu handed over his ID card, the other party checked it and handed it over back.

"So that's why I'm bothering you. The young man has a very good heart. It's a pity that I'm getting old. Otherwise, I might really go with you." The leader of the law enforcer said with emotion, and then reminded: "You It’s best to change this suit, the weather is getting colder recently, so keep warm.”

He Lu's clothes really affect the appearance of the city, but when it comes to it, the law enforcement officers can't force it. He just wears dirty and torn clothes, not that he doesn't wear clothes, so he can only be tactful. Just a reminder.

   This little episode is over soon, otherwise what else can I do.

  ‘Be careful next time, such a big mistake shouldn’t be. He Lu actually relaxed in his heart. After all, he used to be a **** of killing. This time, it is the first time he has come to kill people. It is certain that he is nervous. Even if Yu Wenao is just an ordinary person, he has not been able to ignore it. degree of federalism.

  Just not killing Yu Wenao, he is not reconciled, even the "Eternal Swallowing Magic" seems a little weak.

  At a normal speed, he walked for nearly five hours before arriving at the center of Luyuan City. After looking at the villa area located in it, he took a look around and sneaked into it very decisively.

  With his current strength, those patrolling security personnel would never even try to find him.

   Soon he found the location of Yu Wenao's villa. He wanted to do it immediately, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

  He Lu showed a trace of fear. He could feel a faint power originating from a certain **** in the villa. This power is not positive, but more about death, unknown and so on.

   "It seems that Yu Wenao's pursuit of me is related to a certain god, so it makes sense, but why does the power of the **** seep into reality?"

  Hunting these days has let him know that the gods may be very powerful in the domain of the gods, but in reality they are just fish on the chopping board, especially those gods who have lost the domain of the gods, they are really weak beyond belief.

   Soon, this slight fluctuation disappeared, but this did not make He Lu relax, but became more vigilant.

   "Yu Wenao should have gained some power from the gods and became an extraordinary person. I didn't expect him to have such an opportunity."

  Although it is said that "Eternal Swallowing God Kung Fu" is a skill that can be strengthened by devouring gods, it does not mean restraining the gods. As a result, He Lu is a little hesitant. Should he continue to save after leaving or give it a go?

  After thinking about it again and again, he decided to give it a go. This vigorous effort will fail again and again.

   It’s all here, there’s no reason to retreat, if you really want to let the other party go, will the other party stop when you’re growing and getting stronger?

   This is impossible, and the best opportunity is to take advantage of this moment.

  He used the power of the gods and walked towards the villa area silently. He could clearly hear Yu Wenao's arrogant and disdainful voice, which sounded a little crazy.

Soon he lurked into the house and was about to look for the other party. The next moment, a terrifying wind came from behind, and he was caught off guard. He felt severe pain all over his body, and his body couldn't stop Pounce forward.

   "Hahaha, I didn't expect you to come here. I originally wanted you to live for three more years, but who would have thought that you would come from a dead end."

  He Lu got up from the ground suddenly, and immediately used the power of the gods to defend. When he looked at Yu Wenao again, he couldn't help being stunned.

  According to the information he collected, Yu Wenao is quite handsome and handsome, but now his skin is drooping all over his body, as thin as a skeleton.

  Both eyes were red, extremely crazy.

   "Die to me, die to me."

   "As long as you die, the avenue sign-in system will be mine!!"


  Yu Wenao struck with a punch, and He Lu's pupils shrank. He never thought that the fact that he owns the avenue sign-in system would be leaked, and then he showed murderous intentions all over his body.

  Now that you know his secret, let the insider disappear.

   "Thousand God Strike!!"

  He Lu roared loudly, and the power of the gods in his whole body burst out to operate in an overload mode.

  The shining brilliance erupted, and the entire villa area was blown away by this terrifying brilliance, causing a huge shock.

This Thousand God Strike is a reward for his signing in one time. He can integrate all the power of the gods to unleash a powerful attack beyond his own strength, and the greater the number and the higher the level of the power of the gods, the more powerful the attack will be. stronger.

  He never thought of fighting Yu Wenao for a long time. The longer the time dragged on, the worse it would be for him. Who knows if the gods behind the opponent will make a move.

  So as soon as they fought, he used all his strength, trying to kill the opponent with one blow.

   Not to mention, his move was really unexpected, Yu Wenao didn't have any protective measures at all, and he was blown away by him on the spot.

  The next moment, the radiance dissipated, and He Lu had already collapsed powerlessly due to overload, but he already had a way out, and took out a thousand-mile teleportation talisman and used it decisively.

  Then the whole person suddenly disappeared in the ruined villa.

  As for the dead Yu Wenao, only a corpse was left behind, and a large amount of indescribable information exploded in an instant, pouring into the clouds and groundwater, and began to permeate and diffuse with the water cycle of the entire planet.

  The entire planet began to undergo inexplicable changes.

  At this moment, the spiritual recovery really began.

   And this aura is not a serious aura, it is centered on the planet, and it is constantly spreading towards the entire universe.

  Although all the gods didn't know what happened, each **** suddenly felt a palpitation.

  (end of this chapter)

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