This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 483: Negotiate good terms with the backing of the Federation

  Chapter 483 Negotiate good terms and rely on the Federation

The integration of Baiyun Sect into the thirteen subjects went smoothly. Wu Zimo agreed to the conditions proposed, but he also made certain restrictions, such as the need to evaluate the sent superpowers, and restricted various conditions for preaching, such as Believers of supernatural beings can only be 0.1% of the population, and once they exceed it, they will be suspended and so on.

  Probably, a city with a population of 300,000 can only have 300 believers of supernatural beings, and once it exceeds, they will be forced to evacuate.

Although the proportion is not large, it cannot hold up to a large number. The believers of supernatural beings who are normally transported to the thirteenth department will not serve in the local area, but will be divided into other cities, and they can carry out missionary work while performing tasks .

  Then continue to divide into pieces and go to the countryside to garrison and so on.

Take Lvyuan City as an example, it has a population of nearly one million, and it is not many people who have a thousand supernatural powers scattered into a million people. These supernatural people will be arranged in towns, townships, villages, etc. On duty, so as not to say that someone who failed to awaken and turned into a monster cannot be effectively attacked.

Another thing is that it is impossible for the Baiyun Sect to say that it is really so easy to cultivate supernatural beings. Those who are willing to believe have already become supernatural beings, while those who do not believe must either awaken on their own, or they can only wait for the follow-up spiritual energy concentration to increase. You can only wake up later, and you have to bear the danger.

   After all, it doesn’t mean that one can become a person with supernatural powers after reciting the "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra".

  The precondition is to be devout enough to provide Chen Xiyi with faith, and then the follow-up can be carried out, otherwise don't even think about it.

  So what essentially limits the development of Baiyun Sect is not the number of people, but the piety of the believers. As long as the believers are devout enough, all the supernatural beings in the religion will not be a problem.

   "If that's the case, I'll have to trouble Deputy Section Chief Wu for the follow-up matters. Someone from Luyuan City will contact you." Wang Guangqi also changed his words immediately, changing from Mr. Wu to Deputy Section Chief Wu.

He's not short, just Wang Guangqi. Although he is also a member of the thirteenth department of supernatural powers, he just belongs to different departments. If it is really counted, these supernatural beings taught by Baiyun will most likely come to him in the future. Underhand errands.

  Under normal circumstances, it would not be Wang Guangqi who came to discuss with Wu Zimo, but due to the special circumstances of Baiyun Sect and Wu Zimo, that's why Wang Guangqi, a practical figure, came.

   After saying this, he intentionally or unintentionally brought the topic to Qingxu Lingjun.

   "I once heard that this Qingxu Lingjun was originally the **** of death and unknown, calamity and destruction of the world." Wang Guangqi seemed to inquire about it casually.

In this regard, Wu Zimo did not hide it, but said generously: "It is true, but this is only the initial stage of the gods. Up to now, my lord has never shown this tendency. Captain Wang should also understand this aspect. That's right."

  Now that the conditions have been negotiated, many things naturally don't matter.

  He can be sure that the Federation has already figured out the details. After all, they have not only communicated with the gods, but also detected something through some believers.

   Regarding the situation in Baiyun Sect, Wu Zimo did not take any measures to keep it secret.

  Because everything is public, but if you want to get more, you need devout belief as a prerequisite, otherwise, no matter how much you know, it is useless, which is equivalent to Baoshan not being able to get it in front of you.

So Wu Zimo naturally doesn't need to take any secrecy measures, even the way of awakening supernatural powers is mentioned, it is enough to be devout and then recite the "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra", but the effect is not very good. There are nearly a thousand people in the church. Only twelve supernatural beings were born, which is enough to see the piety of these believers.

  Basically they all come here to work in class, and there can be a few devout ones.

  Besides, in the new era, no one believes in gods, so it is good to have twelve.

In fact, most people do not believe that pious belief and reciting the "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra" can become supernatural beings, even if there is a precedent, but in the eyes of others, they actually think that this is only a small probability, even in the Federation, but The Federation just thinks that Wu Zimo or his wife Liu Youhe has a certain ability to identify.

"Haha, indeed, it's just that you know those gods. They want the secret of the Lord Ling, so that's why it's always been like this." Wang Guangqi sold these gods immediately. The idea of ​​this group of gods is nothing more than to obtain the secret that Qingxu Lingjun can bring the realm of the gods to reality.

   But they know that this must not be obtained by the gods. The reason is very simple. If it is a mascot, the Federation does not mind offering it. After all, there is no harm. But if it really comes to reality, the consequences will be disastrous.

Like this Qingxu Lingjun, although he also came to reality, they learned from the channels of other gods that the other party could not leave the domain of the gods. Cultural value, if it is not Qingxu Lingjun, at most it is just a little more trees.

   After satellite comparison, there is really nothing out of the ordinary about this Qingxu Lingjun.

   As for Liu Youhe’s cancer being cured, it was attributed to the awakening of her life ability. After all, her ability is quite special. Let alone cancer, it can be regenerated from a broken limb. These are all based on actual data.

  But if it is another god, then it may not be as honest as this Qingxu Lingjun, who only stays in the realm of the gods to cultivate his body.

  With the current attitude of jumping up and down, if you really want to come to reality, you will definitely want more, such as reducing the entire federation to a pasture of faith.

"These gods don't have any skills at all. They only think about the benefits. Some gods even don't even have a religious license, so they are ashamed to say that there is something wrong with our Lord." Naturally, Wu Zimo doesn't care about these gods. Do it, make sure that these gods who can't interfere with reality dare not even fart.

In this regard, Wang Guangqi is still very satisfied. After all, what Wu Zimo said is true. The Baiyun Sect and Qingxu Lingjun are quite disciplined. Sanitation, etc., are all handled in accordance with the regulations.

   "It's true to say that, but you also know Deputy Section Chief Wu on the federal side. The Lingjun side may have to cooperate, and some researchers may be stationed at that time. Look at this aspect." Wang Guangqi said hesitantly.

The reason is very simple, this is the realm of the gods. In the description of the gods, as long as the gods are in the realm of the gods, they can do anything. Although this is a bit mixed with water, it also proves that there are all kinds of absurdities in the realm of the gods. s things.

  So it is definitely necessary to conduct research. The other gods’ domains are hopeless, so we can only say that we are looking for the Qingxu Lingjun who descended from the domain of the gods in reality.

"This is not up to me. I'm just my lord's servant, and I need my lord's consent. After all, you all know what God's Domain is like. Once you offend my lord in God's Domain, the researchers of the Federation will be in dire straits. , no one can help." Wu Zimo only agreed to help with inquiries, not to intercede.

  In this aspect, he still can figure it out, if he really can't figure it out, he will be the next Yu Wenao.

   "The risk has been taken into account. As long as Lingjun nods, it will be nothing. The follow-up will give Lingjun enough compensation. In this regard, the Federation will not be stingy." Wang Guangqi said immediately with a straight expression.

  He came here for two things, one is to test the situation of Baiyun Sect, which has now been incorporated, and it has been completed satisfactorily.

  The second thing is naturally to find a way to get researchers to settle in and conduct all-round research on the God Realm for the **** Qingxu Lingjun enshrined by the Baiyun Sect and its descending in the real God Realm.

  If there are gains, it will definitely make the existing technology of the Federation advance by leaps and bounds, and even give rise to new disciplines.

   This is undoubtedly an epoch-making project, but it is also very difficult, and it requires the grant and cooperation of the gods.

On the one hand, the new gods and the old gods hold two attitudes. The new gods welcome it, because the new gods are born by relying on technology, while the old gods have a vague attitude, meaning that they must first let their gods come to reality before they can cooperate. It's right to want to **** for nothing.

  As for this Qingxu Lingjun, the Federation has also inquired about it. It seems that the new **** with the old god's seat is a new breed of god.

  So the Federation also wanted to find out what was going on and why the other party was able to bring God's Domain to reality, so as to solve this unsolved mystery.

  The Federation is also worried about whether more similar gods will be born in the future. Firstly, it wants to eliminate this possibility from the source, and secondly, it wants to find ways to cultivate new varieties of gods loyal to the Federation.

  Unfortunately, these are the federation's guesses, and the gods still cannot interfere with reality. After all, Chen Xiyi is not a serious god. In addition to being a god, Chen Xiyi is also an indescribable, Qi refiner, immortal cultivator and other identities.

"Okay, I will report when I meet with my lord next time. Of course, if you have nothing to do, you can also go to Baiyun Palace to have an audience. My lord doesn't mind if someone goes up to visit." Wu Zimo said in the second half of the sentence. Said jokingly.

  Wang Guangqi said resentfully: "Next time, definitely next time, I'm busy with things, I'm afraid it's not suitable."

   Regarding the matter of going to Baiyun Palace to meet Chen Xiyi, Wang Guangqi was not prepared to go. As one of the top fighters in the thirteen branches of the Federation's abilities, it was impossible for him to risk his life.

  If he dies, it will be a huge loss to the Federation.

   And even if he wanted to go, the Federation would not agree. The current situation is unknown, so it is better to be safe.

   "That's a pity. My lord is not as tall as other gods, but more like a scholar with profound wisdom, humorous and kind." Wu Zimo expressed regret for this.

  Wang Guangqi reserved his opinion on this, because he had to get in touch with Qingxu Lingjun to know what he was like. No matter how powerful Wu Zimo was, he couldn't take it seriously. If he took it seriously, he would definitely be fooled.

   Besides, when Wang Guangqi praised his boss, he also praised him in the same way. Flattery is normal.

"Since this is the case, then I will take a step first. I still need to report to the headquarters. I will trouble Deputy Section Chief Wu on the situation in Luyuan City. Now more and more people have awakened their abilities. But there are also many people who fail, and these monsters need to be cleaned up as soon as possible, otherwise once the monsters grow up, it will be a huge trouble."

   "I will send the follow-up information to you, Deputy Section Chief Wu, via email through the internal network."

  After Wang Guangqi finished speaking, he got up and prepared to leave.

   "Captain Wang, don't worry, you can rest assured that you have our Baiyun teaching in Luyuan City. If something goes wrong, I will ask my lord to help." Wu Zimo also got up, ready to send Wang Guangqi off.

   How can I say that this Luyuan City has now become his territory, as the host, he is not allowed to send guests off for a ride.

"That's good. There is still a follow-up scientific research team. If this matter succeeds, we will have to trouble Deputy Section Chief Wu." After Wang Guangqi got into the car, he reminded him again that this matter is much more important than those supernatural monsters. too much.

  (end of this chapter)

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