This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 484: system delivered to your door

  Chapter 484 The system delivered to your door

   "Deputy Section Chief Wu, hello, I am the special commissioner of Section 13. My surname is He, and my name is He Lu. This time I am here to protect the scientific expedition team." He Lu briefly introduced himself.

  But Wu Zimo narrowed his eyes, he didn't expect that He Lu would throw himself into the trap, which made him feel a little absurd.

"Hello, Commissioner He, I can feel that your abilities are extraordinary." Wu Zimo didn't know when He Lu joined the 13th Division of Ability, but he knew that this was the best choice for the other party. With the protection and resources of the Federation, his success rate of devouring the gods will increase a lot.

  He is a smart person. As long as he disguises his ability to devour gods as a supernatural power, he will definitely be reused. The Federation is not the kind that only focuses on the power of supernatural powers, but more on the effect.

   It is also the case that the Federation will send He Lu here to protect the scientific research team stationed in God's Domain.

Since the recent research, He Lu has shown not only the ability to enter the Illusory God Realm for a short time, but also the ability to suppress the God Realm, making the gods completely unable to exert their own advantages, and finally beheaded and swallowed by him .

With the power of the Federation, He Lu has killed and devoured many powerful gods to strengthen himself. Of course, these gods are evil gods and evil gods designated by the Federation. Don't allow him to devour.

"I don't dare to do it. I can't compare with Deputy Section Chief Wu's supernatural power. This is a famous death. My supernatural power is not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning." He Lu vaguely perfunctory Wu Zimo, he did not reveal his The power comes.

  He knew that Wu Zimo was the leader of the Baiyun Sect, who enshrined the **** Qingxu Lingjun. If he really wanted to reveal his ability, he would definitely be hostile by the other party, so naturally he would hide it if he could.

  As for Wu Zimo going to the headquarters of the Thirteenth Division to inquire, he probably won’t get any correct conclusions. Based on his particularity, his own related information is considered encrypted in the federation.

  Wu Zimo didn't dwell on this aspect for too long, instead he just brushed it off: "Commander He is really humble. The Thirteenth Section can let you protect the scientific research team. There are definitely two brushes."

   "But we have to explain this clearly. After entering Baiyun Palace, you can only conduct inspections in the designated area. If you want to change places, you must apply for it. You can't go there privately, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

   "There are a lot of mountain guard beasts in Baiyun Palace. These are divine beasts blessed by our lord. I don't even recognize them. Once someone leaves the scope of investigation without permission, it will be their own fault whether it is injury or death."

  When he said this to He Lu, there was danger and warning in his tone. He didn't quite understand why Chen Xiyi would allow the scientific expedition team to enter God's Domain for research.

  Although he didn't understand, he didn't question it, he just had to obey.

  When He Lu heard Wu Zimo's warning, he didn't show any disdain or contempt. Instead, he took it seriously: "I will restrain the members of the scientific expedition team and promise not to let anyone leave the predetermined area."

   It's not that he has a brain problem, he still doesn't know what God's Domain looks like. The illusory God's Domain is dangerous enough, let alone the God's Domain that has descended in reality.

  The scientific research team really wants someone who dares to do what they want, and he doesn't mind killing him. If you want to die, don't drag other people along.

  He is here to protect the scientific expedition team, not to be a babysitter for some idiots who can't understand.

   Compared with the work of the Federation, He Lu values ​​his own life more.

Regarding the strength of that Qingxu Lingjun, He Lu can only express it in terms of unfathomable depths. The divine perception that comes with his "Eternal Swallowing God Art" cannot sense the other party, as if the huge divine domain of Baiyun Palace does not exist. .

   It was also the case that he did not dare to act rashly, let alone set it as the target of hunting and devouring.

   Even if you can't beat it, you foolishly target it, which is no different from courting death.

   "That's good. We're going to do the courtesy first and then the soldiers. After all, my lord is a god." After hearing He Lu's words, Wu Zimo naturally responded.

  Of course, these are just routines. He was actually thinking that He Lu, who has the Dao sign-in system, came to God's Domain, and he didn't know what would happen.

  He thought he hid it well, but in fact Chen Xiyi already knew about it.

He Lu's expression is also relaxed, Wu Zimo's conditions are actually very loose, and he even agreed to apply for a change of place for inspection, which shows that Qingxu Lingjun is also very friendly, not like those gods said It is the **** of death.

  The **** who really wants to destroy the world must have a tyrannical character, not this kind of character that is kind to others.

   Wu Zimo took the lead, together with He Lu, led a group of members of the scientific expedition team towards Baiyun Palace. It is not too far to drive from Lvyuan City to Baiyun Palace.

The two chatted a lot on the way, both of them were incisive to each other openly and secretly, trying to pry something out of each other's mouth, but neither of them was a good person, basically it can be described as returning without success, Didn't get any information from the opponent at all.

"Sure enough, it's God's Domain. It feels like I've come to a paradise. It makes me feel a lot more relaxed." As soon as he got on his feet, He Lu felt the difference in himself, as if he had been swept away by an unknown force. The strength is enhanced.

   "There is my lord's divine power floating in the domain of the gods, and everyone will be cleansed after entering."

  Wu Zimo was relatively calm about He Lu's surprise. He had been in it for countless times, and he had already adapted to the difference between inside and outside.

   Soon he led a group of people to the area at the edge of the foot of the mountain, where an open space had already been opened up.

   "Here we are, this is here. The area with a radius of one kilometer from this center is your scope of investigation. If there is no need, please don't leave this area." Wu Zimo said with a blunt tone.

  As the leader of the scientific expedition team, Qian Shang put forward the opposite opinion: "Isn't this a little too little? There is no place to investigate any more."

   This is similar to the wilderness, whether it is flowers, plants or trees, they are all common species.

   "This is just a preliminary inspection. If you are not satisfied, you can explain to Special Commissioner He and ask him to call to apply for a replacement." Wu Zimo is not used to them, you can't do it if you say no, who are you?

"Professor Qian, let's investigate here for two days first. If there is really nothing to gain tomorrow, I will apply to change the area. Don't embarrass Deputy Section Chief Wu, after all, he can't change it for you." He Lu also Come up to smooth things over and slime.

  This money merchant has never seen the horror of the gods. He really thought that all the gods were as kind as the gods received by the Fourteenth Branch of the Gods.

   It is impossible for him to confront that Qingxu Lingjun because of this matter, and he is not his opponent.

  Qian Shang wanted to say something, but when he saw He Lu's murderous eyes, he couldn't help but hesitate, and finally said nothing.

  People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

   "It is still Commissioner He who understands my difficulties. Since there is nothing else, I will go to work first, and I ask Commissioner He to take care of me." After finishing speaking, Wu Zimo turned around and prepared to leave.

   There is absolutely no need to send someone to follow, this is God's Domain, every move of the other party can't be hidden from Chen Xiyi, sending people is just a waste of manpower.

   "Wait a minute, Deputy Section Chief Wu, I have one more thing to ask, that is, if I want to go up the mountain to worship the gods, it should be fine." Qian Shang looked at Wu Zimo who was about to leave, and suddenly thought of this matter.

  Wu Zimo hesitated for a while, but finally did not refute, but warned: "Take the road, don't take the mountain road, otherwise if you are accidentally killed by the mountain guard beast, the Federation will not stand up for you."

  People worship God, if I stop it, it will be unreasonable.

  Even if you know that the other party has bad intentions, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is like that. For the boss of his own family, he doesn't care about these things at all.

After saying this, Wu Zimo also left Baiyun Palace. His Baiyun Sect has now received the support of the Federation and is developing vigorously. There are many daily affairs. If the scientific research team was not appointed by the Federation, he would not Will definitely come.

   Seeing the people leaving, Qian Shang was also overjoyed: "Set up the camp first, then we will go up the mountain to worship God, and remember to bring the equipment."

  As soon as these words came out, He Lu's face turned black. You must be specifically against him.

"Professor Qian, some things are too much for you to know. This is no longer within the territory of the Federation, so you'd better restrain yourself, so as not to offend Qingxu Lingjun." He Lu smoothed things over for them, but it was irrelevant at that time. It’s important to sell personal favors, but it’s different now, you’re targeting others, not to mention whether Qingxu Lingjun can bear it, if Wu Zimo finds out about it, he won’t punish you to death.

  It is true that you will not say anything on the surface, but you can suffer enough to play tricks in the dark.

  Qian Shang said with dissatisfaction in his tone: "Commander He, we just went up to the mountain to worship the gods. Besides, you are sent by the Federation to protect us, not Baiyun Palace."

   "." These words made He Lu speechless.

Protect? If you are so stubborn, how can you protect him? The premise of protection is that you have to cooperate, not seek death.

"Don't bring the equipment, go up and worship the gods honestly and have an audience with Qingxu Lingjun. If you get Lingjun's permission, it will not be too late to bring the equipment when you go up tomorrow." He Lu said this in an unquestionable tone. The matter is settled.

  He regrets it very much now. He knew that he had rejected this errand. Entering the realm of the gods is equivalent to putting the lives of himself and others in the hands of the gods.

"Eternal Swallowing Divine Art" is indeed able to suppress a certain God Realm, but this is also related to his strength and the strength of the gods. He can't suppress this Baiyun Palace God Realm at all, which is enough to explain the horror of Qingxu Lingjun. If you want to fight against the opponent, at most one move will kill you.

   It turned out that this person didn't know what was good and what was bad, and he gave the money merchant a lot of winks, but in the end he just pretended to be stupid.

  Qian Shang naturally understood He Lu's wink, but he didn't want to just give up, so he did it on purpose.

  In the end, he really couldn't resist He Lu's aggressive behavior, so he could only say helplessly: "Okay, let's go to see Qingxu Lingjun first, and we'll talk about the equipment tomorrow."

Looking at He Lu's expression, it is obvious that what he just did has touched the other party's bottom line. If he continues to insist, the other party is likely to use coercive measures, such as taking everyone out of the Baiyun Palace Divine Realm. This is not impossible Yes, at that time, protecting them can be used as a reason.

   It is even possible to apply for a replacement, and Qian Shang is not irreplaceable. The 13th Division of Supernatural Powers and the 14th Division of Gods and Spirits will not care about Qian Shang's opinion at all, but will change people decisively because of his behavior.

   "It's good if you understand. Set up the camp first, and then we will go up the mountain after tidying up your appearance." He Lu saw that the other party had compromised, and his face looked better, at least he didn't have to worry about the money businessman causing trouble.

  (end of this chapter)

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