Chapter 485 Trick you

   "I have met Qingxu Lingjun." He Lu said respectfully, the opponent is stronger than himself, so it is worth bowing down.

Chen Xiyi put the fishing rod away casually, and sighed. After being so old for a few days, he has never caught other types of fish except crocodile, sashimi, boiled fish, braised fish, and grilled fish. .

  He doesn't know why this is the case, and he can't say that he didn't catch any fish, it's just that the fish he caught is different from his imagination.

"Well, you're quite courageous, I thought you wouldn't dare to come see me." Chen Xiyi's tone was perfunctory, he had always raised He Lu free-range, thinking that the next time we met would be He Lu's death, Unexpectedly, he delivered it to the door by himself.

   This made Chen Xiyi very embarrassed, the reason is very simple, it is not yet time to harvest.

  These words made He Lu's expression change. Obviously, the other party knew about his murder of God, otherwise he would not have said this.


"Okay, I'm neither a new **** nor an old god. What you did in the past has nothing to do with me, and I don't care what you do in the future, but don't go too far, otherwise Jedi Tiantong will regret it too late gone."

  Hearing Chen Xiyi's perfunctory and bored tone, He Lu's back was drenched in cold sweat.

  Although the other party didn't say anything about him and didn't take it to heart, he knew what was going on, and pointed out that if he did too much, it might cause a catastrophe.

"Dare to ask Lingjun, what is Jedi Tiantong?" The money merchant on the side glanced, and he also understood that He Lu had something to hide from the Federation, but now is not the time to entangle these things, but should figure it out What does Jedi Tiantong mean.

  He knew that the ability reported by He Lu was called God Swallowing, which could swallow gods and suppress the realm of God.

   And this Jedi Tiantong is likely to be related to the excessive death of gods.

   "The pillar of heaven is tilted, the four dimensions are absolute, and everything does not exist."

  "The existence of a thing must have its meaning, and the same is true for gods. Although these gods cannot interfere with reality, they are even like mascots, but they actually carry the world."

  Chen Xiyi's tone carried a different meaning, as if he was telling some kind of secret.

   "Bearing the world? Where did this... that Lingjun know these things?" Qian Shang was a little curious, knowing that no other gods had said these things.

   "Do you know what my first avatar was?" Chen Xiyi asked back.

   "Death and unknown, calamity and annihilation!" The pupils in Qian Shang's eyes shrank involuntarily, he understood.

   It is precisely because one of the other party's gods is the destruction of the world that everyone and gods can't imagine, so everyone knows these things.

   "So Lingjun wants to destroy the world?"

  Qian Shang's breathing was a little short.

  Chen Xiyi has a black line all over his head, he's okay to destroy the world.

   "You see, there should be nothing wrong with my spirit and brain." Chen Xiyi said.

   "No problem."

   "Then why do I have nothing to do to destroy the world? Am I having trouble with myself? The world is gone, do you think I can still live?"

   "Ah this."

   What Qian Shang didn't expect was that he got such an answer, but he had to say that he couldn't deny that what Chen Xiyi said was quite reasonable.

  The world is destroyed, so this Qingxu Lingjun can't live anymore. No wonder he stays in his own god's domain and fishes every day. The co-author doesn't want to perform his duties at all, so he shows such a carefree and perfunctory appearance.

"So you shouldn't worry about my death. Why do I go to death when I have endless life? You should worry about this Special Commissioner He's death. With his efficiency of devouring the gods, he will die within a year or two." It can destroy the world." Chen Xiyi began to sow discord very insidiously.

  He felt that He Lu's life was too leisurely, so he had to make it more difficult.

   Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a waste of such a good opportunity to fight the fire, and if the fire is really going to be in place, then after the Dao sign-in system on him loses the energy of the gods, the rewards given every day will gradually drop.

  These words made He Lu's expression even more ugly. He could also feel that he was being targeted, and this move was indeed too ruthless.

Fortunately, Qian Shang is still sensible. Before expressing dissatisfaction by pretending to be stupid, it was also aimed at Wu Zimo, but He Lu belonged to his own people, so after seeing He Lu's expression, he also opened his mouth to smooth things over: "Ling Jun is joking, the world There are thousands of gods and gods, and there are endless deaths, and what Special Commissioner He devours is only those evil gods and evil gods."

   "You can say what you want. After cutting the flesh, the wound can indeed heal itself, but the flesh is still gone." Chen Xiyi shook his head and didn't say anything more.

  If you love to maintain it, you can maintain it. Chen Xiyi is not limited to such a one or two gods. He is looking at such a world. After ten days and a half months, Chen Xiyi plans to harvest He Lu.

  This kind of perfunctory and indifferent state made the money merchant stunned, so you stopped persuading him?

   Anyway, it is also a major event related to the end of the world. It is not good for you to have such an attitude that it has nothing to do with yourself.

   In this regard, Chen Xiyi can only say that you don't care, what does he care about as a passer-by, anyway, it's all on the plate.

  Since he can’t run away, it doesn’t matter about such small things. He just said that to cause some trouble for He Lu, not that he really cared about the life and death of this world.

  He himself is the most malicious existence to this world. Although his words are high-sounding, he feels that he is shameless anyway, and double punctuation is normal.

"I will record this matter and report it to the Federation truthfully. Thank you Lingjun for your guidance." Qian Shang was also skeptical about Chen Xiyi's news. The main reason for his suspicion was Chen Xiyi's attitude. Wanting to live, the result is to let a factor that destroys the world wander and grow outside, instead of killing it immediately. This inconsistency makes people have to doubt the motive.

  If Chen Xiyi had acted against He Lu immediately, the reliability would have been much higher when he said this, but now it doesn't matter like a salted fish, which makes the money merchant hesitant.

   "It doesn't matter. Anyway, my function is not very serious. It is actually quite good for someone to help me perform the duty of destroying the world. I can save myself from worrying about it."

   These words changed Qian Shang's expression.

  He actually subconsciously ignored the function of the other party's **** position, which includes destroying the world. This destroying the world does not have to be done by himself, but can also be done by others. Anyway, the other party only needs to let the world die, and it doesn't mean that he has to do it himself.


  Qian Shang swallowed, it seemed to make sense.

   "Lingjun can really joke." Qian Shang said this very reluctantly, and He Lu beside him also looked quite ugly.

"Professor Qian, don't talk about these heavy topics. It's better to go to the palace to pay homage to those who are not dead or not, and the world will never be destroyed." He Lu knew that he couldn't talk any more. He changed his status in the federation. If he continued to talk about it, he might become a criminal in the federation.

  He doesn't have enough strength to fight against the Federation now.

  If there were no supernatural beings before, he would not necessarily be afraid, but now it is no longer possible. The extraordinary existence of supernatural beings makes him very afraid.

   Among other things, just that Wang Guangqi, if you really want to fight him desperately, it will not be Wang Guangqi who will die, but him.

  Although he has the power of the gods and the "Eternal Swallowing God Art" plus various rewards for signing in, the opponent's combat experience, skills, and even ruthlessness are not comparable to him.

  The outcome of a life-and-death fight is only a split second, and it's not that he hasn't tried it before. With just one move, the strength he was proud of was defeated by Wang Guangqi.

  In addition to these, the opponent is stronger than him, stronger than him, and faster than him. It can be called an all-round crush.

In addition to Wang Guangqi who has a strong ability, there are several other ability users who are stronger than Wang Guangqi. It is said that there is another ability person whose ability is immortal, and he will recover quickly every time he is on the verge of death. And enhance your own strength.

  That's why he honestly accepted the federation's recruitment and became a member of the Thirteenth Division of Ability.

   "Alright, let's go to pay homage together." Qian Shang also knew that if this topic continued to talk, something would really happen, so he walked down the blunt turning steps of He Lu.

  Visiting the shrine was also very fast. Neither Qian Shang nor He Lu had such a thought. After a simple visit, they were ready to leave.

It's just that some people in the scientific research team were a little reluctant to leave. They seemed to find that the size of the God's Domain did not match the outside world. The endless palaces could not be seen at a glance. Such a huge area completely exceeded their limits. Imagine, especially how such a large place is placed on a barren mountain, even if the whole place is paved, it cannot be built.

  So the discussions on twitter here are likely to involve folding space and other technologies that are not involved in the federation.

   Therefore, the money merchant wanted to leave, but the team members didn't want to leave. They had to find a way to investigate the specific situation, and even wanted to ask Chen Xiyi.

   After all, what happened to He Lu has nothing to do with them. They came here for scientific research, not to play these so-called political games with you.

   Finally got rid of the original restrictions, are you telling them to leave now?

   Then this trip is not for nothing, do you really think they are here to worship God?

  Although they didn't bring their equipment when they came, they brought their mobile phones, so basically there is no big problem for them to record.

   At this time, the money merchant is not easy to deal with, and he is not alone in this matter.

  He Lu on the other side was also heartbroken when he saw this situation. He didn't expect that it was not the money merchants who really cheated, but these team members.

   Obviously, Chen Xiyi's perfunctory and indifferent appearance made these players think it was easy to talk.

  But He Lu knew that being able to become a **** with this kind of **** position, how could he be as easy-talking as he appeared on the surface, from the way he cheated himself in a few words just now, it is enough to show that he is not a good person.

   But this group of people obviously don't care about these things.

  He could take these people away forcibly, but the problem is that this is the Baiyun Palace God Realm, the territory of the Qingxu Lingjun, not to mention that this is the main hall, if he really does it, he will not know what to do.

  The other party might be able to directly detain him.

  In He Lu's eyes, the reason why Qingxu Lingjun asked the scientific research team and him to come here to worship the gods is probably because of the federation's support for the Baiyun Sect. Otherwise, they would have no chance to make trouble.

   "Hey, this is where the Lord Ling is. Where are you talking so nonsense about Lord Ling?"

   "Go and discuss with Lord Ling. If Lord Ling is willing, I won't stop you."

  He Lu has nothing to do at this time, he can only vaguely express that you will settle accounts with you when you wait to go out.

   At this time, Qian Shang was tempted, which seemed to make sense.

  If it weren't for He Lu's uncleanness, he wouldn't be able to say this, obviously he wanted to change the subject.

  So at this time he had to choose, whether to leave and report He Lu's situation, or go down the **** and stay and study.

  But soon, he figured it out, first asked if it was okay, if the Qingxu Lingjun nodded, then they would stay and study, if not, then naturally they could only go down the mountain in despair.

  (end of this chapter)

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