This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 486: The third type of gods · ancient gods

  Chapter 486 The third type of gods · ancient gods

   "This matter is difficult, Xiao He, I'm afraid you have to be relieved of your position for a while." Wang Guangqi said with regret in his tone.

  Yesterday, Chen Xiyi didn't agree with the expedition team's willingness to stay. Even though money merchants argued for it, Chen Xiyi said that you were right, and then sent them back to the foot of the mountain without any hassle.

   In this regard, Qian Shang was helpless, and in the end he didn't come up again. He also knew that he couldn't change the other party's mind, so naturally he didn't think about wasting time, but settled down and started researching from the surroundings.

   And he also notified the people of the Thirteenth Division of Ability to explain He Lu's situation, so Wang Guangqi hurried back to Luyuan City the next day.

  He Lu looked gloomy: "Alright, let's treat it as a few days off, I'm going to go out for a stroll."

  He is trying to test Wang Guangqi. It is estimated that it is not as simple as dismissing him from his post. He is likely to be placed under house arrest and further investigation will follow.

   Sure enough, Wang Guangqi shook his head: "I'm afraid not. Although you have been dismissed, you still need to cooperate with us in the investigation."

   These words are quite fruitful, and it is obvious that he believes in that Qingxu Lingjun even more.

"Captain Wang, this is the thirteenth department. You would rather believe the words of a **** than me. Although I haven't joined for a long time, I have worked hard and never made mistakes. It is even necessary to cooperate." I also cooperated with the experiment, which makes me very disappointed." Naturally, He Lu couldn't give him a good face.

   "I understand this matter, and I will try my best to restore the officer to his post as soon as possible, but only after the investigation is completed." Wang Guangqi was also helpless about this. He was just a person who carried out orders, not a person who issued them.

He Lu took a deep breath and said, "Since this is the case, after the investigation is completed, I will apply for transfer to a clerical job or logistics. I don't want to work hard at the front, and then be stabbed by my own people. It’s good to hang out in a comfortable environment.”

   "This" Wang Guangqi didn't expect He Lu to have such an idea, which caught him off guard.

  But after thinking about it, I stood in the opponent's position and couldn't swallow this breath: "I can't decide. Whether the application is approved or not depends on the transfer from above."

   "Oh, it doesn't matter anymore. If it doesn't work, I can still resign, and even if I don't resign, I can still be passive and sabotage." He Lu sneered and expressed his dissatisfaction with this.

   This is not because his brain has gone to his head, but because he is preparing for his escape.

  At first, he thought it was a good place to enjoy the shade under this big tree, but he didn't expect that the big tree was intertwined.

  In this situation, if he doesn't even protect his own people, why should he work hard for the other party, just for some wages and benefits?

  He said this only to stabilize the thirteen subjects of the supernatural power, and he ran away after he relaxed his vigilance.

  Hearing this, what can Wang Guangqi do?

  But it’s inappropriate to say these things now. After all, He Lu is going to be investigated. There is a recording of these words, and when the time comes, the high-level executives don’t care about them.

   "Forget it, come with me, go back and accept the investigation, and the thirteenth department of supernatural powers will return you innocent." Wang Guangqi didn't offer any consolation, he could only say according to the script.

   "Innocent? You just want to be happy. Just because of this pretentious thing, I was dismissed from my post and I was investigated. You don't know about such a simple thing, tsk tsk." He Lu sneered.

  Wang Guangqi didn't speak, he also felt that the 13th department of supernatural powers was not handled properly, and he felt quite sad when the rabbit died.

  However, he quickly adjusted his mentality. The information revealed by the Qingxu Lingjun was too terrifying, which also allowed them to further understand the situation of the gods.

  Although the information was doubtful, the other party didn't seem to lie to himself, which was of no benefit to that Qingxu Lingjun.

  It is exactly the same that He Lu was asked to go back to investigate.

  If the matter is true, then the follow-up measures against the gods will have to be changed.

  The original support and suppression plans had to be changed.

   Along the way, He Lu was very silent after ridiculing.

  Of course, this seems to be silent, but in fact it is running the "Wan Gu Tun Shen Gong" to restore his state, so that he can always maintain the peak.

   And constantly looking for things that can help him get out of the checked-in items.

  'It's a pity that I didn't sign in again for the Thousand Miles Shifting Talisman, otherwise I don't have to worry about the next investigation at all. '

   The Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman was used up before and has never been obtained again. If Wang Guangqi was not stronger than him, he would not have followed him so obediently, and would have run away long ago.

  Chen Xiyi observed the aura information states that circulated on the entire planet. At present, these information states have begun to take shape, but they are still ready to go, and have not really achieved the expected goal.

  At least, there is no distortion in the normal and stronger supernatural powers, which shows that the current spiritual recovery is still at the lowest level.

  Although there are already supernatural beings who can resist thermal weapons, this doesn't mean anything.

   "But the reason has already appeared. It is estimated that after another ten and a half months, it will be almost the same."

  For Chen Xiyi, these are just trivial matters.

  His gaze now takes the planet as the center point, and continues to spread, towards the dead planets in the universe.

  "The origin of life in this world may not be water, but gods."

  Chen Xiyi thought at first that these were just planets, but in fact these were not planets at all, but gods, dead gods.

   "The third type of **** besides the new **** and the old **** is currently tentatively designated as the ancient god."

  Ancient gods, meaning ancient gods.

  The difference between this type of gods and the new gods and old gods is that they have a body, and this body is extremely huge, the body of any ancient **** is the size of a planet.

  If it weren't for his spiritual consciousness going deep into the core of this planet, he might not be able to perceive these.

   After all, they are all dead and can't die any more, just like a stone without any magic, so Chen Xiyi naturally won't care about it.

   "From this, it can be concluded that the original energy level of this world is not low, but why is this planet not an ancient god?"

  Chen Xiyi was a little puzzled. All the planets were formed from the corpses of ancient gods, but the planet under his feet was not, because it was really a planet, and he did not detect any places related to ancient gods.

   This is like a stone statue mixed in with a group of living people, which makes Chen Xiyi completely incomprehensible.

   "Unless this planet is also the birthplace of the ancient gods."

  In terms of strength, Chen Xiyi has reason to suspect that the ancient gods are much stronger than the current batch of new gods and old gods, and they can have great power with every gesture.

"It's a pity. Judging from the current situation, it may not be a short time before this group of ancient gods perish. If you want to go back to the past and experience it, the cost is too high and it is not worthwhile." Chen Xiyi estimated that if more resources were spent, he would It should also be able to go back to the past by relying on the ability of the information state.

  But he never thought of throwing all his wealth into it, just to meet this so-called ancient god.

   No matter how strong he is, can he still be as strong as him.

   But it’s okay. Although these ancient gods are worthless after they die, Chen Xiyi will not give up like this, adhering to the idea that every stone has to be squeezed out.

   "Perhaps the death of the ancient **** has something to do with the system."

  Chen Xiyi was thinking, if it is said that this avenue sign-in system is not the first harvest, and this ancient **** is the last one to be harvested, it would be much easier to explain.

   "Is there a possibility that in the last era, the voltage regulator was not the same as the new gods and old gods, but a combination of gods and humans, so it has a body."

"Then because it was harvested once, the world barely died, so it was stripped out, and the voltage regulator was bound to itself. If the number of voltage regulators is insufficient, the world will be destroyed. Let this harvester Let the stuff die together as a threat."

   "But I never expected that the avenue sign-in system would completely ignore your threats and instead go its own way, because without the extraordinary power of the ancient gods, the world would have no way to resist."

   "This also explains why there are gods but no transcendence, but the world's energy level is very high."

  Chen Xiyi seems to have discovered a blind spot.

What? And spiritual recovery?

  If Chen Xiyi didn't have this thing, it wouldn't have happened at all. Besides, the recovery of spiritual energy was just Chen Xiyi's corruption of the world, and it wasn't the real recovery of spiritual energy.

  He has nothing to do to save the world, you must know that his **** position is there to destroy the world.

  Besides, he is not a good person. He has nothing to do to save the world. If he has this spare time, he might as well catch more fish.

   "Alas, it's a pity that the universe is not water, but a vacuum, otherwise I might be able to catch some messy things out."

Fishing also has limitations. He wanted to change the concept of stealth, for example, the stars and the sea are also seas, but the homeland game doesn’t recognize it. Fishing can only fall into rivers, lakes and seas, and you can’t even catch water in your bladder, let alone The sea of ​​stars.

   In this regard, Chen Xiyi felt that the homeland game was quite rigid, but it was okay, he would change it after he finished analyzing it, let alone the sea of ​​stars, he would fish in the river of fate and the river of time.

  This kind of ambition should not be too big. Those who really want to dig and search are not considered ambitions, but can only be regarded as small goals.

"Let's put the matter of the ancient gods aside for a while. I'm about to analyze the sign-in system on He Lu's body. You need to eat every bite, and you have to take steps step by step. .”

  Although Chen Xiyi doesn't have it, that's all.

   "I just don't know how many secrets are hidden in this planet."

  Chen Xiyi stared at the planet under his feet, and couldn't help but say.

  (end of this chapter)

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