This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 488: Cleanup Team · Federal Section 15

  Chapter 488 Cleanup Team · Fifteenth Division of the Federation

"This bullet has such a powerful power. Why can't you even hold it?" He Lu looked a little horrified. He never thought that the supernatural equipment developed by the Federation would be so terrifying that even Wang Guangqi, a person who specializes in body, would be so terrible. unbearable.

  Wang Guangqi was very angry at this time, and he was about to die.

   "It's not the bullet, it's the monster. It moved its hands and feet on the bullet. The normal bullet is more to suppress the ability." Wang Guangqi explained extremely weakly.

   After throwing off the eagle-headed monster, the two found a safe place to rest, but Wang Guangqi seemed to be unable to hold on anymore.

   "What happened to that monster, shouldn't it be a member of your team?" He Lu knew that Wang Guangqi was powerless at this time, and there was no means of treatment at all.

"That's right, but he's out of control. According to the latest research, people with abilities are not very stable. As the number of times the ability is used and the ability is strengthened, it will cause itself to tend to mutate. This variation is not only It comes from the body, but also from a deeper psychological change."

   "Passive abilities like mine are better, but if it is an active type, then every time you use it, you will let the ability erode yourself."

  Wang Guangqi did not hide anything, and revealed the latest research results.

   "It seems that that monster is not the first supernatural being out of control!!" He Lu's tone was filled with shock.

   "That's right, he's not the first one. After the supernatural power goes out of control and becomes a monster, his strength will be greatly enhanced. Originally, Xiao Li's supernatural power was Hawkeye, but he simply saw farther."

  Wang Guangqi's words made He Lu terrified. The eagle eye ability is considered to be the lowest level of eye abilities. In other words, the visual part is strengthened, and only the sight distance is strengthened.

   Other places have not been strengthened at all, but after losing control, he was able to hang Wang Guangqi, which is simply a fantasy.

   "That's not right. I remember that Hawkeye and your strength are both passive abilities. It stands to reason that he shouldn't lose control." He Lu suddenly realized this.

   "I don't know. In addition to the use and enhancement of abilities, there are actually other out-of-control factors, such as psychology or emotions, which are all possible." Wang Guangqi also said helplessly.

   "Okay, I'll take you to the hospital."

   "It's too late, cough." Wang Guangqi said, his expression became more sluggish. In this situation, if one is not careful, he will die.

   All of a sudden, He Lu was a little overwhelmed. He really didn't expect things to develop to this point.

   "You need to use less abilities, otherwise, if your ability to devour gods gets out of control, the consequences will be much more terrifying than Xiao Li's Hawkeye." Wang Guangqi whispered, wriggling his lips.

   Then, the last trace of vitality was lost.

   This made He Lu not very good-looking. He knew that he had no supernatural powers and relied on the avenue sign-in system and "Eternal Swallowing Magic", so he was not afraid of losing control.

   But the problem is that he is afraid that others will lose control.

  The mere eagle eye ability can possess such powerful power after losing control. If the leader and husband of the Baiyun Sect lose control, wouldn't it be even more terrifying, one death and one life.

  And there are tens of thousands of supernatural beings in the Thirteen Branches, not to mention the supernatural beings hidden outside the folk and the Federation.

  These supernatural beings are all potential monsters, and not all of them have the same tough will as Wang Guangqi.

   "Gah, what the **** is wrong with the world." He Lu couldn't help cursing.

  Before he came into contact with Chaofan, the whole world was obviously calm, and there were no such weird things at all.

   But now, just one carelessness may lead to the destruction of the entire Federation, no, it should be the destruction of the entire world.


  Suddenly, a sharp voice spread through the air and entered He Lu's ears.

   This made He Lu's face change, of course he had heard this voice.

   "That monster's speed is so fast." As soon as He Lu raised his head, he saw a black spot passing by in the sky.

  With his current strength, he can barely see a little bit clearly. In his eyes, this black spot is a blurred figure with the head of an eagle.

   The opponent seems to have wings behind him, but the speed is too fast, he can't see clearly.


  The sound of breaking wind followed closely, He Lu's pupils shrank, and he immediately escaped into the ground. The next moment, the sharp claws on both feet of this eagle-headed monster flew into the air.

  The sharp gaze on the eagle's head looked around, as if looking for He Lu.

  As for Wang Guangqi's body, it didn't even look at it.

  He Lu, who escaped by relying on the earth, didn't even dare to breathe in the ground. The strength of this monster is really too strong. If he didn't run fast just now, he would be disembowelled by the opponent immediately.

  The opponent does not have feet like a human, but claws like an eagle.

   At this time, he didn't dare to move. This supernatural monster's perception is very sensitive. He Lu guessed that as long as he moved, the other party would probably notice him immediately.

  His soil escape is actually not far from the ground, at most about five meters. If this supernatural monster really notices it, I'm afraid he will be able to dig the soil right away.

  With the strength of this supernatural monster, it took ten seconds at most to dig through the five meters of soil.

  Through the power of the earth, his perception was extended to the ground, and every movement of the supernatural monster seemed to fall on his heart. This feeling made He Lu very nervous.

  'Go, go! ! '

  He Lu roared silently in his heart, if he didn't leave, his time in earth escape would only be half an hour, but he couldn't bear such a waste of time.

  Time passed by every minute and every second, and the supernatural monster finally flew away with flapping wings.

  But He Lu didn't go out, but still hid in the soil. Who knows if this supernatural monster is fishing to enforce the law?

   So wait a little longer.

   It wasn't until the time of Earth Dungeon was almost over that he came out cautiously.

  Looking around, he found that there was no one there, not even Wang Guangqi's body, apparently taken away by that supernatural monster.

  He didn't know why the other party took away Wang Guangqi's body, and he didn't know anything about the out-of-control abilities and monsters with abilities.

   "As far as the current situation is concerned, there are two types of supernatural monsters. One is irrational monsters that failed to awaken. This type is relatively easy to kill."

  He has dealt with a lot of the first type of supernatural monsters. He was a member of the 13th department of supernatural abilities before, so naturally he has also performed some processing tasks.

   "And the second type of supernatural monsters come from out-of-control supernatural beings, this kind of monsters"

  Before He Lu finished speaking, he felt a chill running down his back, and then dodged subconsciously, but it was still too late, and his back was torn **** by sharp claws.

  If he didn't hide quickly, his own spine would have been drawn out.

   At this time, instead of looking back, I should avoid it again.

   If he really turned his head, his neck would probably be torn off by the other party.

  He Lu knew that this was the supernatural monster. He thought he had left long ago, but he didn't expect to sit here and wait for a rabbit.

  ‘What should I do next, I can’t beat this monster. ’ He Lu felt anxious.

  He couldn't even deal with Wang Guangqi, let alone this kind of monster that could instantly kill Wang Guangqi.


   There was a loud noise, and He Lu looked subconsciously, and saw that the monster was instantly knocked into the air by the kinetic energy of some kind of gun.

  'Ability equipment? The Federation is on the move! ’ He Lu's eyes widened, he really didn't expect to turn around at this time.

Between being captured by the federation and being killed by supernatural monsters, He Lu must have chosen to be captured. As long as he is alive, there is still hope for everything. He is not a superhuman, as long as he lives longer, he can sign in on the road. The system, sooner or later, will be able to sign out things that have left the federation.

  After the gunshot, several people in combat uniforms rushed from a distance and began to encircle and suppress the supernatural monster.

  'The latest ability equipment? And the shot just now seemed to effectively suppress the power of the supernatural monster. ’ He Lu looked at the supernatural monster who fell into the wind, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

  This world is a world of science and technology after all, and the ability alone may not be able to cause enough waves.

   What's more important is that people with supernatural powers have the risk of losing control, so they can't develop vigorously at all.

Soon, this supernatural monster was killed. He Lu couldn't help but jump out of the corner of his eyes watching this scene. This Wang Guangqi is known as the face of the 13th department of supernatural powers. How much better is a supernatural monster.

   "I surrender!" He Lu raised his hands decisively and said.

If he didn't raise his hand, it would be impossible to wait for death. One gun was pointed at him. At that moment, his intuition kept warning. Killed violently.

   "He Lu, right? Tell us, what happened to Captain Wang's team when they were chasing you, and why some people turned into supernatural monsters." The leader asked in a solemn tone.

  At this time, He Lu will not play tricks anymore, but will tell the truth about everything.

"Okay, we understand, but we still need you to go back and accept the investigation. Of course, it's not about your supernatural ability. It has nothing to do with us. It's about the supernatural monster this time. I hope you can cooperate with the investigation." The captain said He said that he hoped to cooperate with the investigation, but the muzzle of the gun was almost on his forehead, and it was up to him whether to go or not.

   "Okay, I will cooperate with the investigation." Of course He Lu responded very honestly, otherwise, what else could be done, and now there is no room for rejection.

   Soon, a helicopter flew over and lowered the ladder.

   A group of people escorted He Lu into the helicopter, but they didn't know where to fly.

  To be honest, He Lu also thought that he might be arrested, but he didn't expect the process to be like this.

   Seeing these long guns and short cannons pointed at him, He Lu felt a little uneasy: "Everyone, you should put down the gun first, or I will lose my life if it goes off."

  No one can accept this change, after all, this is something that can kill oneself.

And at this time, he took a closer look at these supernatural equipment. The structure is very precise, and there is some kind of energy source, which seems to be something produced by supernatural beings, but he doesn't know what it is. .

   These people did not respond to He Lu's words, but still went their own way.

Fortunately, the captain of this team said: "You may be contaminated by supernatural monsters, so this is for the necessary safety. After we confirm that you have no problems, we will naturally not do anything to you. After all, Captain Wang But I am very optimistic about you, your ability to devour gods is quite useful."

   Hearing this, He Lu felt a little hesitant to speak and then stopped. The ability to swallow the gods is so useful, but he still cheated himself. You must be sick.

   "Arresting you is a matter of your 13th department of supernatural powers, and has nothing to do with our 15th department." The captain seemed to have seen He Lu's thoughts and explained.

  He Lu knows that the thirteenth department is in charge of supernatural powers, and the fourteenth department is in charge of gods. The newly formed fifteenth department will not be dedicated to dealing with supernatural monsters alienated by supernatural beings.

  (end of this chapter)

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