This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 489: small time stop

  Chapter 489 Small-scale time stop

   "It seems that I can leave." In the interrogation room, He Lu said with a pale face.

  His injuries are healed, but because of the two days of interrogation and the three days of being locked up in a small dark room, his spirit is extremely decadent.

"I'm afraid not, you will be transferred to Section 13." The man sitting opposite him shook his head, and then continued: "Because of you, we lost a team leader, which has nothing to do with Section 15. But Heshisan Branch used your previous investigation order to mention people, and we couldn't refuse."

   This made He Lu couldn't help grinning: "Oh, it doesn't matter, but if you toss me so much, aren't you afraid that I will become a monster with supernatural powers?"

   "To be honest, we really hope that you will be alienated, maybe you can get another credit." The other party did not deny this at all.

   "Okay, let's just stay here and be honest. Someone from Section 13 will come to pick you up soon." After the staff member from Section 15 finished speaking, he got up and left.

   Regarding this, He Lu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

  This is the headquarters of the 15th Division, he doesn't have the ability to fight out from here, and the best time to escape is naturally when the 13th Division escorts him away.

  In addition to the three days in the small dark room, there were also interrogations. He stayed in the 15th department for about five days. Don’t ask him why he was so clear. During this period, he signed in five times, one day at a time.

   During these five times, I was lucky, and I signed up a lot of props for escaping. Now I just wait for the time to come.

   "You seem to be relaxed." Suddenly, a voice came.

   This surprised He Lu. There was no one here. When he followed the voice and raised his head, the pupils in his eyes shrank, and his expression was filled with surprise.

   "So it's Qingxu Lingjun. I didn't expect to see you here. Are you passing by?" He Lu smiled reluctantly, as if he was pretending to be confused between his words.

   "No, I came here specifically to find you." Chen Xiyi said calmly.

  But the calmer he was, the more frightened He Lu was. As the saying goes, no one can go to the Three Treasures Hall, and the other party would definitely not come to him for no reason.

   "I don't know what's the matter with Lord Ling?" He Lu was no longer concerned about why the other party was able to leave God's Domain at this time, but was thinking about how to save his life.

  Chen Xiyi smiled: "What do you think about something called the Avenue Sign-in System?"

  He Lu's expression remained the same, but there was a huge wave in his heart, and everything was connected in series.

  He finally understood everything at this time.

   "What Yu Wenao did was ordered by you." He Luqiang suppressed his panic and said calmly.

   "Don't slander me, Yu Wenao is a reborn, so you understand." Chen Xiyi spread his hands, expressing that he should not blame him for everything, and he is not a professional scapegoat.

  As soon as these words came out, He Lu was stunned, my good fellow, why did even the reborn appear here.

  But soon said with a wry smile: "So that's the case, then I don't deserve to lose."

  He can't do anything about it, who would have expected such a thing as a reborn person, let alone a reborn person who has an intersection with him.

   "So now you are going to take away the system in my body?" He Lu is not a fool, knowing that it is impossible for the other party to come forward and really ask his opinion.

"It almost means this. I said before that you devouring the gods itself is an act of destroying the foundation of the world, because in essence it is not you who devour, but the avenue sign-in system in your body that is devouring. If you devour, you It is also a part of this world, at most it is internally digested.”

"It's a pity that it's not you who devours the gods, but the Dao sign-in system. Every devouring is a damage to the world, forming small holes, and the origin of the world leaks out through these small holes. What you devoured The more and the bigger the hole, the faster the world will end."

  Chen Xiyi kindly explained to him the consequences of devouring too many gods.

   "I was a little surprised to hear this from your mouth. After all, you are the God of Destruction." After He Lu adjusted his mentality, he said in a strange tone.

   "Hehe, it's still the same sentence. After the world is destroyed, I will also suffer." Chen Xiyi only said half of this, and the rest is that after his reincarnation function cools down, he will not suffer.

   After that, it is up to him to decide what to eat.

   "That's right, the world is gone, and you gods will also die with it. Let's do it." He Lu said calmly.

  He knew that he couldn't escape.

  The strength of this Qingxu Lingjun is even more terrifying. He keenly found that there was no movement around him, as if he was isolated.

  Fifteen subjects with the most advanced equipment failed to detect, so how could he resist.

  So he understands that resistance is futile, it is better to let the other party give himself a good time.

  Of course, he also wanted to resist, but he found that he couldn't move at all, as if he had been built into a concrete wall, and only his mouth could move.

   And he found that his Dao sign-in system had also crashed. No matter how he called in his heart, the original interface could not emerge. This is enough to show that even the system on his body is not the opponent of Qingxu Lingjun.

   "Are you accepting it so calmly? Aren't you going to be hysterical or desperate?" Chen Xiyi said teasingly in a low tone.

"Why waste this time, you get what you want, and I end the pain as soon as possible, wouldn't it be better?" He Lu didn't take Chen Xiyi's teasing seriously. He was afraid of death, but at this moment, no matter what he did, there was nothing wrong with him. used.

   Just like the supernatural monster he encountered before, he has no resistance at all.

  Of course, when facing supernatural monsters, he still has the behavior of running away, but now it is different, he is completely imprisoned.

   "It's a good attitude. If that's the case, I'll give you a ride." Chen Xiyi stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and he grabbed the avenue sign-in system in He Lu's body.

  As soon as the system came out, it began to struggle frantically to escape, but Chen Xiyi suppressed it easily, and then put it away casually.

  He Lu did not react to this series of actions at all, but he clearly felt that the power of the gods in his body was being annihilated continuously.

   This made him feel even more bitter. Originally, he thought that his own strength was cultivated by the "Eternal Swallowing Divine Art", but he never thought that it never belonged to him. As soon as the Dao sign-in system left, he fell from the clouds.

   "All my strength is rented from the system." He Lu explained the nature of his strength.

Hearing this, Chen Xiyi nodded: "That's what it means. From the very beginning, this thing is not a good thing. Even without me, after you become famous after swallowing the whole world, the best end is death. Be happy, this system will only leave with all your strength."

   After experiencing so many blows, He Lu is not surprised at the truth about the sign-in system of this avenue.

"Sure enough, there will be no pies in the sky, only traps. How can you get such rich benefits by signing in every day in this world." At first, He Lu really doubted this kind of thing of getting something for nothing, but as time went by , I got used to it.

But upon hearing this, Chen Xiyi straightened his face and said: "You are wrongly blaming the Dao sign-in system. The rich rewards are earned by yourself. The stronger the gods you devour, the better, and the rewards for signing in in the future will only be rewards." Rich, if you don't devour the gods for a long time, the rewards will get worse and worse."

   "Essentially, the avenue sign-in system takes away the fruits of your hard work, and distributes a little leftovers to you. You still feel rich and grateful for this, but you don't know that they not only take a lot, but also without any cost and risk."

   Chen Xiyi's words made He Lu's face very exciting, my good guy, things will be like this.

   "Lingjun, please kill this broken system, the one that is crushed into slag." He Lu broke the defense directly, he really didn't expect it to be like this.

   You must know that he can be calm in the face of death, but this directly broke his mentality.

   For this, Chen Xiyi could only express sympathy and laugh out loud, and then killed the person casually.

  The truth is known, and the mentality has collapsed, so why keep him, you can't keep it for the New Year, it's not appropriate.

  He didn't collect the corpse. Except for the human body parts, there is no way to collect other things.

   "Isn't it a bit wasteful to keep this?"

  Chen Xiyi looked at the death very comfortingly, and He Lu, who didn't even have a trace of pain, always felt that it was not in line with his character for him to leave like this.

   Then after searching in Pixiu's purse, he found a tube of reagents.

   "Let's have a shot while it's hot."

   As he said that, adhering to the principle of not wasting, Chen Xiyi directly injected the still uncooled corpse.

   Isn't he a supernatural being who claims to have the ability to devour gods? It's normal for him to be alienated into a supernatural monster because he can't bear the pressure of the past few days.

   "I hope the Federation can withstand it, if it can't"

   "Then you can't stand it, just help me clean up."

  Chen Xiyi said that he didn't care about it, since it wasn't a big deal anyway.

  He estimates that the Federation should be able to withstand it, well, it's just an estimate.

  After dealing with this matter, Chen Xiyi turned around and left, and removed this part of Time Stop.

  He has analyzed a lot about the control of time these days. He has no way to stop the time of the whole world. Of course, if he can do it or not, it will consume a lot of money.

   But if it's only a partial time stop, it can still be done.

   And the range of stopping at this time is not too big, just around him and He Lu, so the consumption is not too much, and it is within his acceptable range.

  Although it may be a bit overkill to use the time stop, it is also an insurance, because the time is stopped. Once the avenue sign-in system wants to run away, once it leaves the range, it will be suspended because of the time stop.

Don't look at Chen Xiyi chatting with He Lu as if nothing happened, but in fact He Lu is also imprisoned in the stop of time, the reason why he can talk is because Chen Xiyi opened a backstage for him, so the two can communicate , otherwise the other party would not notice any movement at all.

  As time resumes its flow, everything is as if it never happened, except for Horo who is dead.

   At this time, under He Lu's corpse, there was a crisp chewing sound, and the corpse began to gradually inflate, like a big balloon.

  This situation naturally caused the staff of Section 15, who was monitoring the interrogation room outside, to press the emergency button without hesitation, and the alarm sounded in Section 15 instantly.

   Then, as the news was conveyed layer by layer, a team specializing in dealing with supernatural monsters rushed over with full equipment, ready to start the cleanup task.

  Of course, there are also the thirteenth department personnel with livid faces. They didn't expect that He Lu would turn into a monster at this juncture. It was no different from hitting them in the face.

  (end of this chapter)

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