Chapter 490 Karma Luck

   "The latest report, a large-scale biogas explosion occurred in the city center"

  Chen Xiyi turned off the TV casually, and shook his head involuntarily: "This excuse is really vulgar. The 15th Division has suffered heavy losses, and even the headquarters has been dismissed."

  As a newly born department, the Fifteenth Division has received strong support from the Federation to restrain these supernatural beings who will lose control and become monsters.

  With the intensification of spiritual recovery these days, the number of supernatural beings has gradually increased, and the probability of some unsteady supernatural beings turning into monsters has also gradually increased.

  That's why there are 15 divisions of exorcism. Of course, the vitality of the 15 divisions is seriously injured, and the response efficiency is probably much lower.

But this is what the insider said, but in fact, the Federation has also discovered the instability of the supernatural beings, especially in terms of psychology. The trend of negative mentality, such as irritability, jealousy and other emotions.

  At present, the Federation is also trying to find out the reason and find the source of the emergence of supernatural beings. However, with the current level of technology of the Federation, I am afraid that it will not be able to detect the recovery of spiritual energy.

   It is estimated that the gods can know a thing or two, but because Chen Xiyi acts covertly, even if he is aware of it, he cannot capture the information state of the spiritual recovery.

   "Speaking of which, it's really interesting that a **** of supernatural abilities will be born here."

Recently, another popular **** appeared, that is, the **** of supernatural abilities born from supernatural beings, but he was immediately recruited by the 14th Division of Gods and Spirits of the Federation. After all, the other party was just born, and in terms of experience and experience It's not as flexible as other veteran gods at all.

  After being recruited, the **** of supernatural abilities gradually became stronger, and it can also be analyzed that the number of supernatural beings is increasing.

This **** of supernatural abilities is also a new god, not an old god. As long as there are supernatural abilities, he can gain faith. It is a pity that the current number of supernatural beings is only a drop in the ocean compared to the overall population. The damage is huge.

The federation has a sound system and abundant resources, which makes the entire federation in a stable state. The chaos outside the federation is already enough, and because of the supernatural beings, the chaos is even more terrifying now, especially The number of supernatural monsters is extremely large, and four out of ten supernatural beings will alienate into monsters.

  The reason for this is that the outside of the Federation itself is a mess, causing most of them to have more or less psychological problems.

  Nearly half of the alienation rate is extremely terrifying. The alienation rate in the Federation is currently not high, only about 5%. These are all due to various spiritual and material recuperation.

  【Boss, big brother, I’ve already settled things, why don’t you just let me go now】

  The little villain system told Chen Xiyi's original promise with a flattering mental frequency.

   "Let it go, I will definitely let it go, but not now." Chen Xiyi said directly.

  Chen Xiyi did say at the beginning that the villain system would be released, but he didn't say when to let the villain system go.

   It can be released immediately, or it can wait for a hundred years before releasing it.

   These words shocked the little villain system. Although it was ten thousand unwilling, it knew that it had no ability to resist at all, so it could only endure it.

  【Okay boss, I’ll wait for your news】

  Chen Xiyi is very satisfied with the understanding of the little villain's system, if someone is ignorant, he should question it.

   Afterwards, Chen Xiyi naturally began to further analyze the sign-in system of the Avenue. Although he has all the data, it does not mean that he cannot continue to study.

  These two systems are quite special, both of which involve two seemingly mysterious things called karma and luck.

  Especially the avenue sign-in system, which looks like a devouring system, but in fact it is not. It seems to be specially aimed at the gods.

The little villain system is different, it is more compatible, binds identities from the causal level, and then collects wool for each protagonist, most of the functions are in this area, not like the avenue sign-in system Specialization.

   "From this perspective, the essence of the gods is not belief, but a special individual formed by luck and karma. Faith is just nourishment."

  With these two systems, Chen Xiyi has a deeper understanding of the gods.

   Then, he could feel the spirituality in his body start to tumbling.

  His long-silent historical sequence fluctuated once again.

  Unfortunately, with his current size, the increase in his strength is really too little.

  If he hadn't become indescribable, he might be able to increase his strength by about 10% out of thin air. Unfortunately, he was almost beyond the limits of the homeland game, so he couldn't even increase his historical sequence.

   It is estimated that he must have at least a Sequence 8 to a Sequence 9, but it is a pity that he is only a Sequence 6 now.

   "Tsk, it's rare to be considered good news, at least he has the brow of being promoted to Sequence 7." Chen Xiyi had already given up such a module as the History Sequence.

   After all, for him, this module does not have enough information for his reference, and he can only rely on the home game to upgrade, and he is very upset that he cannot be opened and hung.

  He also thought about adding points, but found that adding points is useless, at most it can increase spirituality, and it doesn't help at all to advance to Sequence 7.

   So this was abandoned.

  But I didn't expect that the historical sequence that had been silent would actually fluctuate because of this.

   "Well, it seems that after further research, it might turn Sequence 6 into Sequence 7." Chen Xiyi felt that this was quite difficult, especially if he was asked to study the so-called karmic luck.

   This is completely irrelevant to him. From the very beginning, he has never been exposed to these two things, basically like a rootless duckweed.

  Although he has two samples, there are only two samples.

  This is equivalent to giving ordinary people two blank sheets of paper to study the materials and production process of this thing, which is unscientific.

   "This is only a little bit better than the historical sequence."

  Chen Xiyi complained that there are still two samples of causal luck that can be studied, but there is really nothing in the historical sequence, and he is quite big.

   "Wait, like, it's not a big deal?"

  He suddenly tried to use the spiritual door of Sequence 6 True Spirit Scholar on a whim, and he found that he could open the door on those ancient **** planets.

  This shows that the ancient gods who have long died still have spirituality.

   "So, why didn't these gadgets become items that contain historical details? This ancient **** really doesn't seem to be an item."

  Chen Xiyi suddenly realized that this goblin module is both a success item and a failure item.

  If there is no such restriction, the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. actually contain historical details and various spiritualities, but it is a pity that they are beyond the scope of the module.

   "This is really a pity." Chen Xiyi felt rather regretful that this module was not strong enough.

   "The gods are special individuals with karma and luck, so what about the ancient gods?"

  Chen Xiyi turned his attention back to the issue of gods. In his eyes, although the new gods and the old gods obtain beliefs and maintain themselves in different ways, they still belong to the same species in terms of categories.

   But the ancient gods are different. They have powerful strength and genuine bodies, and they are completely different species from the current gods.

   Probably the difference between apes and Homo sapiens.

  Of course, who is an ape and who is a Homo sapiens?

  Chen Xiyi only has samples of gods at hand now, but no samples of ancient gods, so naturally he has no way of knowing whether they are good or bad.

  He speculated that the ancient gods might not be able to cause any harm to the gods in the domain of the gods, and they could not enter the domain of the gods without special means. After all, the gods are illusory.

   Right now, except for Chen Xiyi and the two systems, no one else can enter the realm of the gods. Unless the gods come out, they will never be able to contact the gods.

  As for the supernatural beings ignoring the effect of the separation between **** and man, it was also because of Chen Xiyi, not because of the federation itself. Without the spiritual recovery induced by Chen Xiyi, how could supernatural beings be born.

   "It's really troublesome, but I can be sure that whether it is a new god, an old **** or an ancient **** in this world, it is all related to karmic luck."

  The level of luck is related to the belief of the gods, and the cause and effect is the achievement of the existence of the gods.

  First, some people worship the gods to form beliefs. This is the cause, and the birth of the gods is the result.

  Whether the belief in the gods that were born can be carried forward gradually depends on luck.

Such as the God of Technology, the God of Entertainment, etc. were born with the times, and possessed great luck, so they were able to catch up with the old old gods in such a short period of time, making the new gods a force comparable to the old gods .

   "It's just that this karmic luck is invisible and intangible, and it seems that it has been integrated into the operation of the world because of the gods."

He currently only has two systems for the samples that should be lucky, because the causal luck in it has been improved, unlike the local causal luck in this world, it is completely like a random operation rule, and it is impossible to see the whole picture .

   "It seems that we need to deepen the in-depth dissection of the gods. Maybe I can observe the formation of the gods?"

   "For example, make your own gods."

  Chen Xiyi feels that he can create a **** by himself, from the birth process to the growth experience in the belief.

   "What's more important is whether the gods are still connected with the ancient gods?"

  He is not a normal god, because of his own reasons, the gods cannot possess many things.

Today's experimental projects have been transferred from the system to the gods. As for the supernatural beings, this is actually insignificant. In essence, the supernatural beings are just used by him to erode a part of the entire world. As long as you work steadily and steadily, there is no need to say Too much attention.

   "If you want to create a god, do you want to make a clone or choose an agent?"

  Chen Xiyi was thinking about this matter.

  This has both advantages and disadvantages. You can feel better by pinching the avatar yourself, but many experiments have to harm yourself.

And if you choose an agent, although it is a little easier, the experiment will feel a little worse, and there may be uncontrollable incidents that may arise out of control. The other party will not be willing to be a puppet in your hands, not to mention there are various experiments. unbearable.

   "Tsk, I really have to come by myself. I have to find a way to get two gods."

  Since you come by yourself, you will naturally have to pull the configuration to the top.

  He intends to create a twin god, that is, the kind where the new **** and the old **** exist together. This is not a difficult task for Chen Xiyi.

Because most of the gods are not unique, concepts can be completely divided. For example, there are more than one gods of death, such as the Son of Heaven, the Lord of the Underworld, etc., even the new gods, such as the God of Entertainment, the God of the Entertainment Circle, etc. The gods, the gods of film and television, etc., will overlap in some or even most fields.

  So this **** position is actually not a big deal, the main reason is that the choice of **** position must match Chen Xiyi's research field, otherwise, the research and experiment may be half the effort.

  (end of this chapter)

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