This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 491: The Sea of ​​Spirituality That Shouldn't Appear

  Chapter 491 The sea of ​​spirituality that should not appear

   "Another **** was born? The Lord of Karma and Luck?"

   "It's just a little god. It may be called this name, maybe it was born because of some novels. It's too small to be worthy of attention."

   "There is no need to win over. It is estimated that God's Domain will collapse due to lack of faith within two days."


  Many gods have noticed that an extremely small **** domain has been opened up in the illusory, and after showing their functions, neither the new gods nor the old gods are interested in it, and they believe that it will not exist for long at all.

  God looks very bluffing, but with the popularity of various games, novels, etc., there are more bluffing gods, but that's all.

   It seems that there are quite a lot of gods of this type. Not all gods are born with such power as Chen Xiyi, and all of them will be valued by the gods immediately.

   And the Lord of Karma and Luck, God's Domain is not big, and he doesn't have much power, so he was directly ignored.

  This kind of name looks very tall, and there are not many new gods whose **** positions are purely bluffing, and there are also many gods who collapse every day because of this.

   "Although it's a little weaker, it's okay." Chen Xiyi looked at his dilapidated karma and luck domain, and to be honest, it was really bad.

  Currently, he has two fanatic-level beliefs.

   Well, one is the little villain system, and the other is the avenue sign-in system.

  Chen Xiyi changed it, and temporarily used these two systems as belief-providing machines. It was originally just a whim, but later he did not expect that the improvement was successful.

   Not to mention, it’s really easy to use. At least for now, it can not only maintain God’s Domain, but also have a certain amount of faith balance.

  His domain of God is small and exquisite, and he doesn't need too much faith to maintain at all. The faith of two fanatics is enough, and he doesn't need a lot of faith.

  One more thing, he didn't come to collect beliefs, so there is no need to make too many adjustments.

   "I am the old **** of karma, and the new **** of luck. Unfortunately, it seems that there is no corresponding belief at all."

  The Federation is a scientific society, so there is no concept of cause and effect and luck, and even if there is, it is not his turn. There are many gods with similar gods, and the distribution of beliefs to him is like mosquito meat.

   But Chen Xiyi doesn't care, anyway, the **** position has already been generated, which is equivalent to establishing a new program and implanting it into the rules of this world.

   "Although it is said to be a man-made god, and it is a bit of a hybrid, but it's okay, at least it's a reasonable settlement."

  Chen Xiyi perceives his own divine power. Although it is not as good as his indescribable power, it is still caused by cause and effect and luck. These two gods can make him feel the rules of God's Domain more clearly.

   Then he naturally began to analyze this small and exquisite God's Domain with the help of his original strength.

  With the induction and integration of data, Chen Xiyi also gradually discovered the mysterious and illusory things like karma and luck.

   Soon he summed up these data into an observation method, which Chen Xiyi named Qi Wang Technique.

  Looking at the qi technique, there are many versions, for example, the qi looking technique in the Dali world can observe the momentum, while the qi looking technique in the alchemist world is to observe the qi mechanism.

  The qi-watching technique in the world of cultivating immortals Oh, there is no qi-watching technique in the world of cultivating immortals.

  There is also a world of spirit masters, but they can only observe the luck caused by spirits, and there are also worlds of immortals, but only for disasters.

   But Chen Xiyi only has a rough version of the actual qi-look technique such as karma and luck that he has analyzed from his master of karma and luck.


  Chen Xiyi used this crude qi-watching technique to observe the illusory place where the gods of the entire gods are located. He saw that each god's domain is a cause and effect, immersed in the vast ocean called luck.

   "I seem to have found the Styx?"

  While seeing all this, Chen Xiyi could feel the surge of spirituality in his body, making the original sequence take a big step forward.

  In his eyes, this is not just luck, but more like a sea of ​​spirituality, allowing countless gods to sink and float in it.

   "Thinking about it this way, God's Domain seems to have similarities with the spirit world."

  Chen Xiyi had already guessed before, that is, if one wants to become Sequence Nine, one must have the spirit world.

  For example, the history of the first immortal, Lin Feng's Shushan, this is the spirit world.

   "No, this domain of the gods is more like the prototype of the spirit world."

   "And this luck is the sea of ​​spirituality, then advance to Sequence 9"

   "Well, Sequence 9 is still too far away from me. My current words should be Sequence 7."

   At this time, Chen Xiyi was also silent. This is just a planet, what will happen to the entire universe?

  Although the universe is relatively small, it still has all internal organs.

   "So, is this a coincidence or fate."

  Chen Xiyi found that the world he experienced was a line, and he could just complement himself. At first he thought it was a coincidence, but now he feels a little unconfident.

  He guessed that if he really explored these secrets, then he would definitely be promoted to Sequence 7.

   "Just why is it a historical sequence?"

  Chen Xiyi knows that although his historical sequence modules are normal, they are actually crooked from the very beginning.

  Because his promotion is not the normal way, and the whole sequence has actually been integrated into his system and cannot be separated separately.

   That is to say, the strengthening of the historical sequence will also drive changes in all his systems.

   Except for the two modules of Qi Refiner and Fairy, which have almost no upper limit, there are only historical sequences that have not reached the full level.

  As for the practitioner system of Dao induction before, how can I say this, after leaving the previous fairy world, it is basically abolished, and this itself is also a pit.

   It's not that there is no upgrade, but it has been integrated with the Qi Refiner into a system, which is enhanced by absorbing the Tribulation Qi added to the body, but it doesn't have much potential.

  So Chen Xiyi has the upper limit but not the full level, so there is such a historical sequence left.

  The current Sequence 6 true spirit scholar basically can't keep up with him, just like a goblin.

   "But if it is Sequence 9, plus my own strength, does this mean that I can control time?"

  Chen Xiyi suddenly realized that he himself is the great sage of Time Dao, and if he added the history of Sequence 9, then he would be able to make himself reach a higher level after devouring the homeland game.

  Under normal circumstances, after he reaches the peak of his strength, there is a high probability that the Homeland game will not be able to bear him, but before that, he will master the Homeland game and peep at a higher class.

  At that time, Chen Xiyi guessed that the world might not be able to bear his indescribability, even the body formed by Qianmian's ability could not bear him.

   At this time, it is already his limit. If he wants to go to the next level, he must contact time inevitably.

  The world is nothing but time and space.

   In terms of space, he doesn't have to worry at all. Whether it's the holy land of the spirit master system, the god's domain of the gods, or even the entire home game, he himself is synchronously obtaining space data while analyzing the home game.

   But time is not so easy. Although time and space exist in everyone, it is more difficult to study it.

  Now, Chen Xiyi feels as if there is a pusher behind him, constantly pushing him forward, letting him grow to the limit as soon as possible, and making him prepare for his last step.

  The most obvious is to continuously increase his research and data on time.

  Chen Xiyi reviewed it, and there are clues to this aspect since the world of the Spirit Master.

   "It seems that there is no pie in the sky. Fortunately, I have left the Homeland game and started to devour the Homeworld game in reverse."

  He didn't rely too much on the homeland game from the beginning, so he left so easily. Otherwise, not only would his strength not grow so fast, but he might be hindered by it.

  For the homeland game, Chen Xiyi only regards it as a platform and a shield, rather than something that depends on life.

  So, now Chen Xiyi is thinking about one thing, and that is whether to invest energy in the historical sequence.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, the study of karma and luck will inevitably involve the sea of ​​spirituality, that is, the River Styx, which he cannot bypass.

  Either he abandons this research project and the interests of the entire Shinto world and runs away, or he eats this thing that looks like bait.

  For the former, if his guess is true, then the world he will go to in the next reincarnation is probably similar.

And if it's the latter, to be honest, Chen Xiyi is really not sure that he can spit out the hook. He didn't rely on luck to get to where he is today, it all depends on his own hard work and flexible moral bottom line. He doesn't have the luck of the protagonist. These things can be spit out.

   "It is definitely not possible to run away. Although there is a high probability that this is a trap, it is also an opportunity."

  Opportunity, once missed, there will be no next time.

  So Chen Xiyi is more inclined to swallow this benefit.

  Although there are risks, and it may be a big one, it is better than regretting it later.

   Dogs should be dogs, but in my own situation, I can no longer be regarded as dogs.

   "Since the pie is thrown down, no matter whether he is a trap or not, let's eat it first and then talk about it."

  Chen Xiyi knows that the existence that guides him is definitely stronger than him, and he has no ability to resist at all with his own strength. In this case, it is better to develop honestly first.

   As for the possible traps in the future, it is not something he can consider now.

  Even if he doesn't follow up now, maybe there will be more messy things.

"But it's obviously because I deviated from the original development route, so that's why it happened." Chen Xiyi wondered, could it be because his attitude towards the homeland game was not as dependent as other traversers at the beginning? It led to a series of subsequent interventions.

   It is absolutely impossible for a normal person to obtain the homeland game. It is more likely that they will be able to mine, pluck trees, and find modules.

   Then he became stronger step by step, instead of gaining resource freedom in the first world like Chen Xiyi.

   Further on, it is naturally the inheritance of Shanhezong before the Dali dug out the final method.

   This step is fast, so it is natural that every step is fast.

   If you really follow the normal game flow, then it is estimated that the normal progress should be that you have just left the Dali world to go to the world of alchemists, and then continue to mine and roll trees to become bait alchemists, and then get cheated.

  Normal players would not be able to study the world system like Chen Xiyi. Instead, they would use their homeland game expertise, which led to further misfortune.

   "I don't know what these existences are trying to do."

  Chen Xiyi complained that he is still a bit important now, maybe he can fill in the gaps between people's teeth, and besides, if he really goes up, there probably won't be much real benefit.

  If you really want to train Chen Xiyi to become a source of merit, it is a complete loss. From his debut to the present, the resources he has consumed are far greater than his strength.

  Resources and strength are not 100% converted, but there is a lot of loss in the middle.

  (end of this chapter)

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