This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 497: The player whose soul enters the game

  Chapter 497 The player whose soul enters the game

   "I'm not dead? No, where is this!!"

   Zhang Yu looked at this strange place and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He remembered that he was in the alien paradise and was about to quit the game.

  As a game veteran, an SSS-level supernatural being in the Gods Frenzy, gradually upgraded from an F-level soil affinity to an SSS-level earth king, it can be called an inspirational life.

"This is, God's Domain? And it's also the God's Domain of the Earth God." Zhang Yu's expression was a little surprised. He knew that in the later stage of the gods' frenzy, players would use these low-level powers to improve their abilities. The gods of the land have been killed to extinction, how could there be a land god.

   Subconsciously opened his game panel, he saw the time at first glance.

   "78 years of the federal calendar, this is impossible."

   This time, he was really shocked, because he knew that the first server of Gods Frenzy was opened in the 79th year of the Federal Calendar.

   Then I saw my panel again. In my profession, I was no longer the original SSS-level ability user, the king of the earth, but a god, the **** of the earth.

  This made Zhang Yu feel a little numb.

   "I have time-traveled, no, I was reborn before the server of the Gods Frenzy server opened."

  Don't ask him why, he can clearly see the server and version on the panel.

  【Server: Gods Frenzy (unopened)】

  Under normal circumstances, there will be a version number, but now it shows that the server has not been opened.

   "Damn it!!"

  At this time, Zhang Yu suddenly realized one thing, that is, he has become an NPC, and it is still an NPC that players will brush.

   The treatment is better than wild monsters. After all, he is a **** now, equivalent to an elite template NPC, and early players cannot beat him.

   But the problem is that this is only the initial stage. After the middle stage, these land gods, mountain gods, and river gods will gradually change their identities, from the original role of guiding and accepting tasks to the boss in the instance.

   As far as this land god, Zhang Yu has collected nearly ten thousand in his previous life, because the ability of the earth system needs a lot of earth power, the material dropped by the land god, to be able to upgrade.

   Otherwise, how could his soil physique be upgraded to the king of the earth, and he must have spent a lot of time brushing materials.

  For a while, Zhang Yu was about to cry, "I'm just provoking someone."

  God is a very strange NPC. It has powerful power in the God's Domain, that is, in the copy, but after leaving the God's Domain, its strength is actually not strong, or even very weak.

  Of course, ordinary players will not kill the gods who have left the domain of the gods, because not only will they not drop items, but they will become enemies of the Federation and all gods, and they will not be able to receive any quests.

Because the gods who leave God's Domain will become NPCs who issue various tasks, which is equivalent to giving benefits. If there are really cheap players, they will not only be hostile to NPCs, but also hostile to players, because most of these gods Both have missions with huge rewards.

   "It's not good for me to dress up like a god. I'm not even as good as an ordinary person."

  He didn't know the upgrade mechanism of the gods at all, and it would be better if he became an ordinary person. He could completely awaken to become a supernatural being, and then improve his supernatural abilities step by step.

He knows that as long as he joins the Baiyun Sect, he will not only be able to obtain a hidden job-changing item that can awaken 100% abilities, but also rely on this hidden job-changing item to transfer to a person with abilities. The big one.

  Unfortunately, in his previous life, he was a member of land reclamation and did not get such a hidden item, otherwise he would not be able to awaken the F-level soil physique ability.

  That is an A-level ability, if you get it in the early stage, you can completely lead the big echelons.

"Gods can no longer obtain powers, so all the power lines have been abolished." Zhang Yu is not discouraged, he himself belongs to the kind of great god, it is not that he will not know how to play games without the strategy, on the contrary In many cases, it is he who writes strategies in order to gain popularity and traffic in exchange for money.

  He can be regarded as a great player with a very nourishing life, so there is no doubt about his mentality.

   "But fortunately, the player panel of the heterogeneous game has also followed."

  【Occupation: Deity · Land God LV1 (0/100)】

  【Faith: 300 (get 3 experience points every day)】

  【Talent: God's Domain】


  【Divine Power of the Earth: LV1】

  【Body of Faith: MAX】

   "With domain-type talents and skills comparable to A-level abilities, the start is very good, and I have experience, which shows that I can upgrade normally."

   "As for the belief in the body, this skill seems to be used by the gods to go to reality. It can condense an incarnation, that is, the strength of the avatar depends on the faith invested."

   "In addition to the faith value, you can get three points of experience every day. It's a little bit less, but it can be improved."

  Faith, he knows, is the exclusive attribute of the gods in the gods frenzy. It is said that the gods cannot do without this attribute. The higher the belief value, the more strength and skills they have.

   "But how to get this faith?"

In the previous life, the gods would trick the players into becoming believers in order to provide faith points, and then the gods would in turn give them some things, and it is said that they could also obtain hidden jobs, but Zhang Yu didn't know exactly what the situation was. .

  【Main task: The land **** who has just arrived】

  【Task Content: Kill a **** and devour the opponent's **** domain】

  【Task reward: 100 experience points, 500 faith points, random skill book × 1】

  When Zhang Yu saw this scene, his eyes lit up.

  He didn't expect that the main task would be refreshed, which was absolutely unexpected.

  In the heterogeneous paradise, the main task of the server is quite rare, and there will not be only one link, but gradually guide its growth and determine the plot direction of the server.

The main quests in the regional dungeon can only be regarded as entertainment, and the main quests of the server are actually called large main quests. Generally speaking, they cannot be completed by one person. It requires the cooperation of an entire union or even the whole server. Have a chance to be perfect.

   "I remember that the main line of the gods frenzy seems to be to conquer the ancient gods among the stars."

  The ancient gods are also gods, but the difference is that these gods can have powerful power without relying on the domain of the gods. Every ancient **** is a boss-level template.

   However, it was just not enough for the players. In the end, all the ancient gods were killed. After the main storyline was completed, the gods frenzy entered the late stage, that is, the grass-planting stage.

   Probably novice players will come in to grab a power or go sightseeing, and most of the players have moved to other servers.

  The same is true for Zhang Yu. After brushing his ability to SSS level, he was ready to change the server, but he unexpectedly passed through at this juncture.

   "No, if this is the case, I have to find a way to work part-time as a supernatural being."

  He wouldn’t have such an idea if it was just the game panel of the heterogeneous paradise, but judging from the release of the main task, it is obvious that all functions are complete, so it can be used as a part-time job.

Players can have only one profession. In addition to the SSS-level supernatural being Earth King, he also had professions such as Berserker, Sword and Shield Warrior in his previous life, except that this supernatural profession has been upgraded to the full level. , others are temporary part-time jobs.

  Anyway, only experience is needed to upgrade, and there is no part-time penalty. One more part-time job can give you more attributes and skills, so why not do it.

  Of course, it doesn’t mean that if you want to work part-time, you can work part-time. Some professions can be obtained by using job-changing props, while other professions also require task processes.

   And more importantly, the overall level needs to be up to the standard.

  Now his total level is level 1, that is, a pure level 1 **** and earth god, and he can only have one more job.

  The third part-time job needs to wait until the total level reaches level 5.

   Otherwise, he can only have two professions.

   This can be regarded as a moderate restriction. Generally speaking, one can obtain a career column with a total level of 5, but this is not difficult. What is really difficult is career upgrade and career advancement.

  For example, the profession he obtained in the Gods Frenzy was an F-level ability user, and the corresponding ability is also a clay physique. The attributes obtained by upgrading are very few, and there are no skills, and a lot of experience is required.

   Until the level is raised step by step, this will be fine, but the level-up is not just about experience, but materials.

  As for the other occupations, they are completely basic occupations, just for the sake of gaining skills.

But in this world where the gods are frenzied, he has become a god, and he has already obtained a hidden job. It is estimated that he will not be able to get other hidden jobs except supernatural beings. After all, he needs to believe in the gods, which is equivalent to him Naturally, he doesn't want the lower class of this class.

   Even though supernatural beings are a mainstream profession in this world, it’s a bit rotten, but it doesn’t mean that they are not strong. Even in the entire heterogeneous paradise, they can be regarded as T1-level professions.

  The reason is very simple, the ability does not need to consume mana, it is more like a passive skill, and it has great flexibility.

   "If I can get another ability that fits the land god, then the player will come a year later, and maybe I can still harvest the player."

There are weak gods and strong gods. Some weak gods will indeed be slaughtered by players, but there are also powerful gods, such as the **** of technology, the **** of science, etc. These gods could not be rejected by all the players together. Even if the main task is completed, it still exists.

  The goal of all Zhang Yu is very simple, that is to become the most powerful god, so as not to be pushed away by the players as BOSS.

   "I have to get in touch with the Baiyun Sect through the Federation's Fifteen Division of Gods and Spirits first, and see if I can get the hidden job-changing props."

  Compared to the unfamiliar profession of gods, Zhang Yu wants to obtain the profession of supernatural beings as soon as possible.

  As for the main task, this is not urgent at all, sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood, and the gods are not so easy to kill.

  He needs to find a slightly weaker god. You must know that the main quest clearly stated that he needs to devour the domain of God, so it is naturally impossible for him to complete the task by killing those fake gods who do not have the domain of God.

The gods without God’s Domain are collectively referred to as false gods by players, and they are useful for gaining experience in the early stage, but later on, no one will use them at all, because without God’s Domain, they cannot drop upgrade materials, and they don’t give much experience. , so there will be players who swipe at the beginning, and the follow-up will definitely not waste this time.

  【Consolidating the body of faith, please inject 100~1000 points of faith】

"This requires at least 100 points of faith, so you just go and grab it." Zhang Yu couldn't help complaining, but he still injected 100 points of faith very honestly, and then the original 3 points of experience per day became 2 points. some experience.

A belief body of 100 points is the lowest level, probably a sick child who may be panting after taking two steps, while a body with 1000 points is the highest level, and can probably have a physical fitness similar to that of ordinary people. It's not enough, after all, the upper limit is here.

  It is impossible to say that he can do whatever he wants.

  (end of this chapter)

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