This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 498: Occupation of SSS-level abilities

  Chapter 498 SSS-level ability user occupation

   "To be honest, I really didn't expect this. This guy would actually come to contact Baiyun Sect."

  Chen Xiyi was a little bit dumbfounded for a while, under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for Alien Paradise to agree to the other party's undercover agent to contact the forces under him.

   And the other party still wants the "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra".

   But in fact, it is really so weird.

  Zhang Yu came into contact with Baiyun Sect through the Fourteen Divisions of Gods and Spirits, and showed his intentions.

   But soon Chen Xiyi also realized that this undercover player seemed like a thorn in the side, but actually it was normal when he thought about it.

   It can be used as cannon fodder to test him.

   After all, this one **** can create an undercover agent. Those powerful gods may not be able to seize the body, but it is not very easy for such a low-belief **** to seize the body.

  Before Chen Xiyi didn't stop it, it's outrageous that the process went smoothly.

   "From the current point of view, it should be to analyze the ability."

  Chen Xiyi has seen Zhang Yu's memory, so he naturally knows the so-called strategies in the opponent's mind.

   This is not the real reality, but a future deduced based on certain data, which is very fragile.

  So it didn't involve Chen Xiyi, only Baiyun Sect, because the other party couldn't detect him at all.

  Heterogeneous Paradise adheres to the principle of getting up wherever you fall, and the other party is likely to think that the supernatural system caused the failure of the invasion, so they will deliberately guide the other party in the direction of the supernatural person.

  As for the rebirth, it must be fake, it is just a memory implanted after deduction.

"I have to say that I am really familiar with this heterogeneous paradise. Traveling, seizing, rebirth, with a game panel and some support, ordinary people really can't see the difference between Zhang Yu and the local gods, no, or this Zhang Yu is already a local god, but has been transformed."

  If it weren't for Chen Xiyi's strength, if he was the same as him two or three worlds ago, he would never be able to tell that Zhang Yu was not an outsider without soul searching.

   This is also a superb intrusion technique, but it is more moist and silent than violent intrusion.

  You think it’s the rise of a generation of arrogance, but it’s actually a secret spy. Even the spy itself doesn’t know his true situation, and he thinks he’s growing up step by step relying on cheating fingers and foresight.

   "But since you want it, I'll give it to you."

  Chen Xiyi is a righteous chivalrous man, if the other party wants it, he is too embarrassed not to give it.

   But it is definitely impossible to give the original version, but the top-level version.

   "I remember that this person seems to be a land god, so give him an ability that matches the attribute."

For others, powers are unstable and obtained randomly, but for Chen Xiyi, as a creator, what powers he wants is just a simple debugging problem, even the powers are developed by him, what do you want? Is there any data.

   Soon, a freshly released "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra" was completed. In order to take care of the other party, Chen Xiyi also specially added some small things as suppressors, so he didn't have to worry about the data flow in Zhang Yu's body being detected.

   Chen Xiyi would indeed be afraid of a complete heterogeneous paradise, but the problem is that the other party is not even incomplete, it can only be regarded as scum, and naturally it cannot be compared with Chen Xiyi.

  Of course, you don’t have to be afraid, but you still have to be cautious. The suppressor is very hidden, and it has been tested with other data stream samples, so you don’t have to worry about being discovered.

   After finishing, he threw it away and directly threw it to Wu Zimo, asking him to deal with it.

   After all, he is a god. Although the level is a little lower, he is just a land god, but the reception of gods is generally received by Wu Zimo, the leader of the Baiyun Sect.

It's just that normally, no gods will come into contact with Wu Zimo. After all, the gods are still afraid of the Baiyun Sect. This is Chen Xiyi, the force under Qingxu Lingjun. If they are held down, they will be turned to Baiyun In the divine realm of the palace, they are cold.

The gods are different from Zhang Yu. The gods' belief bodies carry them, and they will be fed back truthfully when they are hurt. Death is also a real death, unlike Zhang Yu. His essence is the data flow parasitic in the domain of God. If you die, you just lose your body of faith.

   It can be regarded as the resurrection of a different type of player, but the restrictions are relatively large.

  So the gods generally don't come into contact with the Baiyun Sect, especially Wu Zimo, the leader of the Baiyun Sect, whose death ability is getting stronger and stronger, even the gods who are not strong enough can't stop the opponent's instant death.

   "Hello, hello, please sit down." Wu Zimo looked at the young man who looked like a sick child with some enthusiasm and said.

  This young man is really Zhang Yu. After he condensed his body of faith, he contacted Baiyun Sect through the Federation's 14th Division of Gods and Spirits. He never expected that the leader of Baiyun Sect would receive him.

He still knows the leader of Baiyun Sect very well. He has the ability called death, and he can be called the first person in the Federation. Especially with the cooperation of his wife who has the ability of life, the entire Baiyun Sect has become the largest in the Federation. power.

  Zhang Yu can be sure that both the life ability and the death ability are at the SSS level, and they are still innate SSS.

  In addition to this, there are also powers such as fire, power, ice, etc. These are all like concepts, extremely powerful, and are all innate SSS level.

Even his later SSS-level earth king is not as good as these abilities. In the earth system, the strongest ability should be the earth ability. The innate SSS-level, as long as he stands on the earth, he has all kinds of powerful powers. It can even be transformed into the earth, arousing powerful power.

  Although there is a king behind his ability, in fact, compared with the real earth ability, there is still a considerable gap.

  When he was a player before, he didn't think about obtaining conceptual abilities. He hadn't heard of this type of abilities being obtained by players, and they were all owned by NPCs.

   But it is different now, he is no longer a player, and may be able to obtain innate SSS-level conceptual abilities.

   "You're welcome, this time I have something to ask for, so I came here with a cheeky face." Zhang Yu said politely.

Wu Zimo also smiled at this: "I heard from the section chief that you want the "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra" taught by our Baiyun, right? I bought three treasures, please have a look."

   As he spoke, he took out three copies of the "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra" and put them on the table.

   Zhang Yu looked at the three books, and couldn't help showing surprise in his expression.

  【Job-changing props (S-level ability user · earth vein master)】

  【Job-changing props (SS-level ability user · Son of the Earth)】

  【Job-changing props (SSS-level ability user·Earth)】

  Looking at the last "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra", his heart was full of fire.

This is simply a surprise. He thought that what he got would be an ordinary-quality job-changing item, but he didn't expect it to be an S-level base. It seems that his identity is really different from that of the players. The description of the job-changing props obtained by the teacher is to randomly obtain abilities of A-level and above.

   But that being said, anyway, he has never seen anyone create A-level or higher abilities from the hidden job-changing props of the Baiyun Sect, and they are basically guaranteed A-level abilities.

   "How, are you satisfied?" Wu Zimo keenly captured the joy on Zhang Yu's face, he was a little weird, isn't it just a copy of "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra", he has a lot of it.

"Satisfied, very satisfied, then I want this one, Master Wu, what do you think?" Zhang Yu didn't care too much at this time, and immediately decided to change his job to the "SSS-level power user Dadi" The "Baiyun Yuanyuan Heart Sutra" was in his hand.

  As for the remaining two books, he didn't even read them.

   Anyway, it is useless to him. The profession can be used as a part-time job, but it is impossible to say that he has two supernatural powers.

   "As long as you are satisfied, I wonder if you have the intention to become a spiritual king and obey God?" Wu Zimo said abruptly.

  At this time, Zhang Yu also reacted, Lingjun?

   It seems to be from a certain god, but he remembered that the Baiyun Sect did not believe in any gods.

   And listening to this name, it seems to be an old god.

  Compared to the old gods, players follow the new gods, because the new gods don’t have as many nonsense things as the old gods, and they don’t need to pray every day, nor do they need to complete various sacrificial activities.

The rewards given by these daily tasks and activities are few and troublesome. Compared with the new gods, it is much simpler. Most people will choose the **** of technology or the **** of science, and not only interact with the federation to obtain various weapons Or power enhancing potions, or even a large amount of experience.

  So at his first thought, he naturally rejected it. The old gods don't have any competitiveness, and the new gods are the orthodox mainstream.

   "Sorry, this is a big matter, I need to think about it." Zhang Yu declined very tactfully. After all, he just received the benefit, so it is not good to refuse forcefully.

   As the saying goes, it is short-handed and soft-handed.

  As for a certain **** that Baiyun Sect believed in, Zhang Yu didn't take it seriously either. After the opening of the gods craze, Baiyun Sect has never believed in a god, which means that within this year, this **** will die for some reason.

  He didn't think about saying that he would change this matter.

  If you really want to count it, Zhang Yu knows that he is also a part of the old gods, but he has a system and does not need belief.

  'Wait, if I can take over the Baiyun Cult and become my own power, doesn't that mean that I can better control the abilities of the players. '

   Zhang Yu's heart suddenly moved. The Baiyun Sect has not made a fortune yet, but it will be the first power in the federation in the future, so if he can cut off the beard in advance, he may be able to control the players to harvest leeks.

   But he also knows that now is not the time. He is just a land god, and he is still the weakest one.

   "Alright, then don't bother, I still have important things to teach, so let's take a step first." Wu Zimo naturally saw Zhang Yu's thoughts at a glance, and did not further persuade him.

   These words were originally solicited by him on a whim, and he didn't intend to be serious at all. It doesn't matter whether he succeeds or fails.

   "Okay, Master Wu, go slowly." Zhang Yu also came back to his senses, and said hastily.

   "Stay here." After Wu Zimo said this politely, he left the headquarters of the Fourteenth Division of the Gods.

  Their meeting was naturally at the 14th Division of the Gods and Spirits, and it couldn't be at the headquarters of the Baiyun Sect.

  Of course, if he was really at the headquarters of the Baiyun Sect, Zhang Yu would have passed by. After all, his understanding of the Baiyun Sect was limited to his memory, not the information of this world.

  After Wu Zimo left, he did not hesitate to use this SSS-level ability user Dadi's job change item.

  【Congratulations to the player for obtaining a profession: SSS-level ability user·Earth LV1 (0/100)】

  Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed. As expected, he was able to work part-time. Heterogeneous Paradise is really strong, and even gods can become supernatural beings.

  ‘In this way, can other players also obtain the profession of gods? ’ Zhang Yu suddenly remembered such a thing, after all, things have two sides.

  (end of this chapter)

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