This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 499: The profiteering system industry

  Chapter 499 The profitable system industry

   "This kid has been a little jumpy recently." Chen Xiyi found that Zhang Yu was also quite ruthless, and now he has started to make friends with everyone.

   It's just that the target is not those powerful gods, but gods who have similar strength to him, such as land gods and mountain gods, who don't even have names.

  Chen Xiyi knew that the opponent's main task was to kill a **** and devour the opponent's domain.

  In his eyes, the real purpose of this heterogeneous paradise is not to destroy, but to collect more data streams.

  One or two gods are not enough to improve any substantial progress. On the contrary, if more data streams can be integrated to further strengthen an undercover agent like Zhang Yu, it will have greater benefits.

  Now the data flow in Zhang Yu's body has actually fallen into weakness. The reason is naturally his SSS-level ability user, Dadi's profession. I really thought that different systems could be compatible so easily.

By doing this, Zhang Yu really strengthened himself in a disguised form, but at the same time, in the process, in order for Zhang Yu to successfully load the data flow of the heterogeneous paradise into a system like the ability, it would naturally take a lot of resources to install it. , and the data package has to be parsed during the installation process, otherwise how can it be installed.

   This series of actions must be exhausted.

   "But these systems are all empty-handed wolves."

  Chen Xiyi knew that the opponent's main quest rewards were not built-in possessions, but were obtained from the quest process after he completed the main quest.

  For example, experience is essentially the feedback after devouring the gods and the domain of the gods, and belief is simpler, directly plundering the belief of the gods.

In order to keep God's Domain from collapsing, Chen Xiyi also used the data of Heterogeneous Paradise to convert it. The minimum guarantee requires 10,000 points of faith. That's right. In fact, Zhang Yu currently has 12,000 points of faith. Hidden 10,000 points away.

  So once God's Domain is devoured, you will naturally have 10,000 starting beliefs, and it is irrelevant to give Zhang Yu 200 points here.

   As for the skill book, this is even more interesting. It is similar to the Dao sign-in system. It can be extracted from the power of the other party's gods and then processed.

   "Sure enough, making a system is a huge profit."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help sighing with emotion. He didn't do too much in-depth research on the production system. He had done the power leveling system before, but it was different from the white wolf with empty gloves. What Chen Xiyi did was to lay eggs by borrowing chickens.

  The cost must be lower, but the investment is not much.

   "It's a pity, there are no good projects now." Chen Xiyi thought for a while, and he didn't seem to need this kind of thing that spreads the system everywhere for profit.

  On the one hand, it is because he has no needs, and on the other hand, he doesn't have that kind of thought.

   Throwing the system is actually quite fun.

   "I currently have two systems on hand, a virtual holographic game data stream. If I really want to get started, I can still make a good system with my subsystem. It's just a profit."

  Chen Xiyi briefly thought about it. The cost can be suppressed, but the profit is really small.

   "So the profit model of this little villain system is the best?"

  Thinking about it carefully, it is true that the production cost of the little villain system is not high, and it has completely become an assembly line model. In addition, it is not a dead hand but a sheep, but a wool.

  Although the profit is low, the risk is also low.

Every little villain will be slapped in the face by the protagonist, but there are more than one protagonist with good luck. Like the previous model of Yuwen Ao smashing He Lu, it is always a minority. There is a Dao sign-in system here, so the little villain system Misjudged on the causal level.

   And like the avenue sign-in system, it is all about demolishing houses and destroying houses. It is true that the profits are high, but the risks are also high. If you are not careful, you will die suddenly.

Of course, these two can only be regarded as self-employed subcontractors. The real predators are heterogeneous paradise. If they were not sniped by Chen Xiyi, a local snake, after entering the venue with such a huge size, whether it is the avenue sign-in system or The little villain's system has to become his dish, unless the system factory or producer behind it makes a move.

   "However, the attacks of the Alien Paradise have become more and more violent recently." Chen Xiyi frowned.

  The opponent no longer rushed towards the original gap, but started to swim, as if trying to find a flaw.

  However, with such a huge firewall system as the corpse of the ancient god, and Chen Xiyi's internal response, this alien paradise has no means of entry at all, and can only wander around the periphery.

   Otherwise, if the other party has nothing to do, it will be fine to make some internal and external cooperation plan, just blow up the protection and come in.

   "It can be seen that the protection of the world is still very strong, and there is no need to worry about the opponent's strong attack, unless there is an opening for the opponent to take advantage of." Chen Xiyi once again had a new understanding of the strength of the world.

  He can devour the world, not because he is strong, but because he has various preparations. For example, he can only swallow the world after the information state softens the whole world. Otherwise, he can't be bored.

   At least he has to wait until he devours this divine world into his own merits and digests it before he can swallow it directly, otherwise there is really no way.

  He knows his limitations and needs enough resources to transform, not time.

  The world is the best accumulation.

   It’s just that his indescribable age is relatively young and immature, so his teeth are not very good, so he can’t chew directly.

He is still in this world because the whole world has not had time to soften and the value and reincarnation functions that he needs to study in this world have not cooled down. Otherwise, he would have left long ago. .

  As long as the Heterogeneous Paradise lives in peace with him, he will not say that he will become an enemy with the other party. After all, everyone is out for stuttering, so why bother.

  There is more than one world.

  However, Chen Xiyi didn't say that he was very naive and thought that this matter would be resolved peacefully. What if the other party had a brain twitch, so he still had to be prepared.

  With his current strength, Chen Xiyi felt that he would not be able to beat the Heterogeneous Paradise, and he didn't know if the Homeworld game would work.

   Fortunately, Chen Xiyi is not a person who looks forward and backward. He does not have regrets in doing things. He does what he does. If there is a problem, he must find a way to solve it, instead of mourning the autumn and hurting the spring.

   "Hey, this kid is actually ready to start completing the main mission, and the object he chose is also the God of Earth, which is interesting." Chen Xiyi suddenly discovered that Zhang Yu, who had been preparing for a long time, finally started to do it.

   "Liao Zan, the land **** of Baiyin Township, come and taste this fruit, which is unique in my God's Domain." The land **** of Youtian Village, who looked like a little old man, had a warm tone in his tone.

   Zhang Yu also twitched his eyes, took the fruit without hesitation, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed: "Okay, it's sweet and delicious. After eating it, it makes people feel refreshed. It's really delicious."

  Hearing Zhang Yu's praise, the eyes of the Land God of Youtian Village smiled into crescent eyes.

  As a god, he has a unique impression of Zhang Yu, the land **** of Baiyin Township. Even the top group of gods dare not go to the realm of other gods.

   It is the first one to be as stupid and bold as Zhang Yu.

   Youtian Village Land God has also inquired about it. He is not the first **** Zhang Yu visits, nor is he the first God's domain he enters.

As for the land **** of Baiyin Township, his impression is not deep, and it can even be said that there is not much overlap, but since the other party has released goodwill, it is not easy for him to put on face with the other party, especially when the other party is willing to enter his god's domain. This shows that the other party trusts himself.

   "Haha, since the land **** of Baiyin Township feels refreshing, he will take some back with him later, and if he doesn't dislike it, he will also take some seeds back to plant." The land **** of Youtian Village is also very enthusiastic.

   Regarding this, Zhang Yu naturally did not refuse: "Then I will be disrespectful."

   As he said that, he accepted the seeds and a basket of fruits handed over by You Tiancun's land god. If he didn't accept it, wouldn't he appear to be hypocritical, as soon as the front foot praised the delicious food, the back foot would dislike it.

Seeing that Zhang Yu accepted it, the land **** of Youtian Village became more and more comfortable, and then looked at Zhang Yu curiously: "The land **** of Baiyin Township, I don't understand one little thing, most of our land gods They all look like little old men, why you look like a young man is really weird."

   This made Zhang Yu couldn't help but thump in his heart. This was indeed a big flaw, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he laughed: "I don't know about it, maybe it's because of faith."

  He directly pushed this matter to faith.

  You Tiancun Land God didn't have any doubts about what Zhang Yu said.

   "So that's the case, but it's normal. The land **** doesn't just look like a little old man." The land **** of Youtian village said immediately.

  Zhang Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, his current appearance is different from that of the idol, but the reason is that he was reborn through time travel. However, ordinary gods will not investigate.

   This is not a big deal.

   "This matter is even strange to me. By the way, Youtian Village Land God, I don't know something. I would like to ask you to clarify." Zhang Yu knew that he couldn't delay any longer, so he got up and said immediately.

  When he got up this time, the land **** of Youtian village was a little weird, but he didn't think too much, but said directly: "Excuse me, I must know everything."

   "Then I would like to thank the land **** of Youtian Village, me." Zhang Yu said, approaching the other party in a subtle way.

Before he finished speaking, he immediately exploded, and when the land **** of Youtian village didn't react, the earth and rocks in his hands exploded, and the head of the land **** of Youtian village was smashed, causing the whole body to be disintegrated by the earth and rocks .

  Sneak attack + power of the earth + SSS-level supernatural land, just an instant, killed a land god.

  With the death of the land **** of Youtian village, new beliefs began to gather and intend to reshape another land **** of Youtian village. Seeing this, Zhang Yu immediately chose to devour the domain of the gods.

  The current main task is half completed, if the remaining half is not done, then all previous efforts will be wasted and you will have to start all over again.

  He simply cannot give up.

   "100 points of experience, it really is the lowest level of the land god." Zhang Yu checked his experience pool when he let his god's domain swallow Youtian village's land god's domain, and there were 100 more unallocated experience points.

  If there were no gods from the God's Domain, it would probably only have 1 point of experience.

   Fortunately, these 100 points are enough, and it is completely possible to raise his **** or superhuman profession to level 2, but it is not the time for distribution, but to leave as soon as possible.

  Because God's Domain has been swallowed by his God's Domain, and the main quest has been completed, staying here is not a sensible thing to do.

  【You have completed the main mission: The land **** who has just arrived, and you have obtained.】

  (end of this chapter)

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