This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 500: The gods who were devoured by supernatural powers

  Chapter 500 The Gods Backlashed by Ability

"It's too much. If you kill one, I can share your food, but now if you kill ten, it's a bit of a slap in the face." Chen Xiyi's face collapsed, and he found that this alien paradise was really testing his lower limit. .

   As for him, the lower limit is very low.

   This may have a little bit to do with him not being human.

  After Zhang Yu's first main task was completed, the second main task was naturally released smoothly.

  If this is still a steady and steady fight, then Chen Xiyi will actually let the other party go, but the problem is that the second main task is to kill ten gods and devour their **** domain.

  It was directly multiplied ten times, so wouldn't the third mainline task have to be multiplied ten times, directly killing a hundred gods.

  If there were two of them, Chen Xiyi couldn't say that he couldn't tolerate it.

   "This goal is too fruitful. With such a big power, at least it should be like boiling a frog in warm water." Chen Xiyi was a little bit cursing.

  Heterogeneous Paradise is not even willing to pretend, so Chen Xiyi will stop playing.

  The other party has tried to test it, can he bear it?

   "No, this is not a temptation, this is a provocation." Chen Xiyi thinks that this is forcing him to do something.

   He calmed down very quickly. The other party knew of his existence, so it was impossible for him to be so unwise.

   "So, even if I want to kill these things in the Alien Paradise, I have to have a perfect plan, otherwise the follow-up will be very troublesome."

  Chen Xiyi didn't know what Heterogeneous Paradise wanted to do, but that didn't mean he couldn't deal with it.

   "Catch Zhang Yu first and lock him up to see what his next move will be."

  At this moment, the data flow in Zhang Yu's body has reached twice that of other gods. If he completes the second main task, then he will have twelve times the data flow. This may be the real purpose of the heterogeneous paradise.

   Devouring the gods can have any strategic value, at most it is just more resources, and only by gathering more data streams to open higher-level permissions, this has real significance.

   And it was precisely this matter that Chen Xiyi was afraid of. Originally, he had a good idea, just to be safe, but this practice also delayed him for a month.

   This month is the time for Zhang Yuguang to make friends.

Not to mention, if he really wants to do it, the second main task is estimated to be very easy to complete. During this month, he has met a lot of land gods, river gods, etc., at least twenty Here comes.

  Although most of them may be casual acquaintances, but if you really want to enter their **** domain and kill them with a sneak attack, you can still do it.

   "Let Wu Zimo find a way to trick the person out, and then get rid of him smoothly."

Since the other party doesn't know what to do, there is no need for Chen Xiyi to continue maintaining stability. The purpose of maintaining stability is to stabilize, but now this series of behaviors is obviously impossible to stabilize Chen Xiyi. Instead, he wants to cause trouble, so Chen Xiyi naturally cannot tolerate him. .

   It is still worth it for Chen Xiyi to delay time by giving some benefits, but now the other party wants to prostitute for free after taking the benefits, which is too much.

  Of course, the solution that Chen Xiyi, who has always been cautious, is not to send the other party to die. If this person dies, then other data streams receive signals to judge that they have lost contact and become an undercover agent again, then Chen Xiyi will also be in trouble.

  So he laid the groundwork for this matter in advance.

   That's right, it's the ability on the opponent.

  I really thought that Chen Xiyi was some kind-hearted person who was willing to give away things for nothing to help the enemy.

   That thing, Chen Xiyi, has been keeping back for a long time, and it has already infiltrated the data flow in Zhang Yu's body in disguise.

You only need to activate the unstable ability in the other party's body, and you can instantly alienate it into a supernatural monster, but the other party is in the realm of the gods, and if you really want to alienate it in it, it may make the data of the heterogeneous paradise The stream detects an anomaly and all previous efforts are wasted.

  So it must be under Chen Xiyi's nose.

   As for where he is under his nose, it is naturally within the world, and he only wants to draw people out to be more cautious.

   "As long as Zhang Yu transforms into a supernatural monster, I will decide what to do next." Chen Xiyi is still very confident about this.

   After all, not only did he keep back, but he also made a customized plan. If this fails, it will be God's will.

   But he just doesn’t believe in God’s will. If he really wants to fail, then he will do it himself.

  He's a dog, but he's not cowardly. When it's time to make a move, he will naturally do so. You can't just watch the plan fail, he doesn't have any morals.

   If you really want to do something at that time, it is guaranteed to be a dead hand instead of leaving room for it.

  The next day, Zhang Yu was a little weird. He didn't expect the leader of Baiyun Sect to contact him through the Fourteenth Division of Gods and Spirits, saying that he wanted to meet him.

He was also quite surprised by this. In his impression, the other party should be unlikely to find him. The reason is very simple. He is just a small land god. Even if he has been upgraded to LV2, he is still just an insignificant little person. That's it.

I got 100 points of unallocated experience from killing Youtian Village Land God before, and I also got 100 points of unallocated experience from completing the main mission, which just happened to upgrade both the gods and the supernatural beings to LV2, although I didn’t get any new skills , but the increase in strength is indeed visible to the naked eye.

If he wants to kill You Tiancun's land **** now, he won't need to sneak attack at all. With the power of the earth plus the power of the supernatural land, he can kill him before the other party mobilizes the power of the gods. .

  Being stronger didn't make him swell up, after all, he was just a newcomer with a total level of LV4.

   As for Wu Zimo's invitation, Zhang Yu did not refuse. For him, it would be beneficial to have more contact with the Baiyun Sect. Firstly, he could build relationships, and secondly, he might be able to obtain better resources.

  Before this, he also thought about subduing Baiyun Sect for his own use, but he also understood one thing, forging iron requires hard work, and now he does not have any hard power to subdue Baiyun Sect.

   Among other things, the total level of Wu Zimo, the leader of Baiyun Sect, is estimated to be above LV50. After a year, the strength is estimated to be stronger, and the total level may reach LV100.

  So if he wants to subdue this kind of arrogant NPC, he must at least be far superior to the opponent, otherwise it will be impossible.

   He is still confident that he can upgrade the two professions of gods and supernatural beings to LV100 within a year. After all, fighting monsters and upgrading is enough, unlike NPCs that need to practice independently.

   "Just, why did the other party come to me?" Zhang Yu still had doubts about this.

  But soon, he thought of one thing: "Isn't it because you want to recruit me!!"

  He couldn't think of any other possibility.

   "No, there is another possibility, and that is something wrong with the so-called Qingxu Lingjun they believe in." Zhang Yu suddenly thought of this.

  In his memory, Baiyun Sect did not believe in gods, and the service was opened a year later, so the Qingxu Lingjun might have died during this year.

   "In this way, does it mean that there will be a new task." Zhang Yu looked a little excited.

  In addition to the main mission, there are naturally other types of missions.

   As for the second main line task on him, there is still some conflict. If he really wants to complete it directly, it is not in line with his interests.

   After all, contact with a **** will kill a god. If this reputation spreads, it will be difficult to accumulate in the early stage. He recruited gods, naturally for a wave of harvest.

  If it wasn't for the skill book in the main quest, he wouldn't have to work so hard. The main quest in the second ring doesn't have a reward skill book.

  The skill book he obtained is called Earth Shield, which can add a layer of earth attribute shield to himself that superimposes divine power and abilities at the same time. It is a very practical life-saving skill.

"It's almost time now, go and meet the leader Wu of the Baiyun Sect, and see what rewards he can give me." Zhang Yu's mouth traced an arc. As a player, he will naturally not refuse tasks and rewards. up.

   As for recruiting him, there is also a possibility, but he thinks that the possibility is not high. If it is really recruiting him, then it is not a big deal to just refuse him tactfully.

   Anyway, he was either looking for him to do something or soliciting him.

   Soon he came to the Fourteenth Division of the Gods in the form of faith in the body. Wu Zimo seemed to have arrived a long time ago and was chatting with the staff of the Fourteenth Division of the Gods. When he saw Zhang Yu coming, he naturally greeted him.

   "Long time no see, Land God of Baiyin Township, your faith has strengthened a lot these days." Wu Zimo's tone seemed very enthusiastic.

   This appearance made Zhang Yu more sure that the other party was looking for him to do something, and doing something meant that he had a task. Although he didn't know why Bai Yunjiao came to him, he would never refuse a task.

   "A little gain, a little gain." Zhang Yu was naturally modest and polite, and then said: "I don't know what the Wu leader wants me for?"

  Zhang Yu naturally didn't beat around the bush, and asked straightforwardly what was the matter.

   "It's really a matter, please sit down, we will discuss this matter in detail." Wu Zimo didn't speak immediately, but instead motioned to sit down first, after all, it's not good to talk standing up.

   "That's fine, please ask Master Wu to speak up." Zhang Yu said, and he felt that something was wrong with him.

   Then he reached out and scratched his itchy skin. It didn't matter if he didn't scratch it, but he was startled when he scratched it. He actually scratched a large piece of dirt.

  When he saw this scene, he was shocked.

  Wu Zimo also saw this situation, and his tone was shocked: "The land **** of Baiyin Township, this is you."

   "Maybe it was stained when I came here." Zhang Yu said decisively, he didn't know why he was in this situation, but he knew that he must not show his decline.

  But things backfired. He felt that his body was gradually becoming stiff, as if he had been petrified.

  ‘Not good, the power backlash, this is impossible, I have just become a power user, and I haven’t used it a few times, how could there be a power backlash. '

  Zhang Yu found that his body was gradually turning into earth and rocks, and the original power of the earth **** of the earth has also become the power of the earth's supernatural power, making the backlash even more terrifying.

  This made the backlash quite fierce, and he was about to explode as soon as he finished speaking.

   "I need it." Zhang Yu opened his mouth with all his strength, trying to say what he wanted, but he only said three words, and his lungs and mouthpiece were turned into earth and rocks and he couldn't open his mouth.

   Even his consciousness was solidified by a large amount of earth and rocks, which made him smile bitterly in his heart. Looking at his own game panel, it was hopeless at this time.

  ‘It’s no wonder that there were no players in the Gods Frenzy server in the previous life. The two professions of gods and supernatural beings, the profession of gods will make the supernatural backlash at the beginning of the profession of supernatural beings so terrifying. '

  At this time, Zhang Yu can only hope that Wu Zimo, the leader of the Baiyun Sect, will save him in order to ask him to do something. Otherwise, he can only become an earth and stone statue that cannot perceive any information from the outside world.

  However, he still has confidence in the Baiyun Sect. In his previous life, the Baiyun Sect and the Federation jointly launched a power stabilizer to stabilize the initial power backlash. Even if it has not been fully developed, there should be experimental samples.

  (end of this chapter)

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