This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 501: The release system, praise with joy

  Chapter 501 Release system, praise with joy

  【You are promoted to Sequence 7: Styx Apostle】

  【You get the skill: Divine Comedy of Rebirth】

  【The sequence promotion conditions are as follows:】

  【When your reputation is floating in the world, you have transcended reincarnation, wear a crown, and achieve eternal longevity】

  Chen Xiyi looked at the game log that flashed in front of him. He knew that Sequence 8 was the Immortal, but he was not sure about the specific name.

  The Apostle of Styx's ability to regenerate the Divine Comedy is against the sky. As long as there are traces of his existence in the world, then he will not really die, but will be reborn through the spiritual rebirth of all things in the world.

   This is a passive skill, not an active skill.

  Chen Xiyi guessed that the number one immortal was relying on this ability to survive.

   But it is a pity that Lin Feng does not have this ability. After all, Lin Feng is just a simple immortal, unlike him or the first immortal who grew up from Sequence 1 step by step.

   "The immortal of Sequence 8, the history of Sequence 9." Chen Xiyi muttered to himself.

  He didn't get much change in strength because of being promoted to Sequence 7, in fact, the increase he got was completely dispensable.

  As for skills, it is against the sky, but there are restrictions.

  First of all, the enemies he is facing now are all existences that can destroy the world. If they really want to fight, how can there be traces of them.

   And this trace is also limited to one world. He died in this world, and it is impossible to go to the world where he left traces before to be resurrected.

   Let alone Sequence 7, it is estimated that even Sequence 9 will not be able to do it. Otherwise, how could the first immortal be trapped in history.

   It took him a whole year to be promoted to the Apostle of the Styx, and he devoted nearly half of his energy to researching causal luck, which made the analysis work of the home game much slower.

   This is indeed a bit of a loss for Chen Xiyi, but he has to do it.

   But the offensive of the Alien Paradise is getting more and more fierce. He is afraid of long nights and dreams, so naturally the sooner the better.

  Once something goes wrong, who knows how much profit he will lose.

   "There is also the function of reincarnation. Now that the cooling has been completed, it can be said that everything is ready and only the east wind is owed."

  Chen Xiyi looked serious, he knew that he had been preparing for so long just to devour the world.

   You know, he has already dealt with three batches of players, from the initial strength weakened to the extreme, and then the third batch can come in with full strength.

  Although it is said that the combined strength of the three groups of players is not his opponent, but looking at the essence through the surface, this shows that the penetration of the alien paradise into this world is getting stronger and stronger, otherwise it would be impossible to do this kind of thing.

In addition to these types of players who entered in the name of the closed beta, there are also some human players whose souls are transformed into NPCs and get player panels. This type of dark spy is the most troublesome, and one will pop out for him from time to time. It is directly the spirit of seizing the house.

   Thanks to Chen Xiyi's tricks, they were all killed.

   Fortunately, during this year, he got everything done.

  In one year, not only the revival of the information-state aura flooded the entire universe, but also softened the entire world. Now just wait for him to eat.

  Of course, it was his behavior that weakened the world, made the offensive of the Alien Paradise stronger, and increased the pressure on Chen Xiyi's side, so he had to spend half of his energy on it.

   This is a double-edged sword. If he doesn't environmentize the world with information, then he will have trouble swallowing the world.

   "It's just that the time is a little too urgent. I haven't digested the last world yet." Chen Xiyi was also a little helpless about this.

   There are about one-third of the last world left. If another world is inserted, it is not impossible, but it will be uncomfortable.

   It's just based on the current situation. If you don't do anything, the Alien Paradise will probably come in.

  His gaze fell on the only planet with life, and chaos had taken over most of the territory.

  Because the concentration of the aura in the information state is gradually increasing, this enables everyone to awaken their abilities and become a person with abilities, but this is not a good thing.

  With a sharp blade in his body, he is willing to kill himself.

  It’s okay within the federation, because of the existence of the federation’s thirteen supernatural subjects, fourteen divine spirit subjects, and fifteen demon-eliminating subjects, order still exists, but the crime rate will inevitably rise.

   But it is different outside the Federation. The terrifying chaos has not subsided from the beginning until now.

  Alienated monsters, intrigues of supernatural beings, etc., can be described as rivers of blood. Every day, a large number of supernatural beings become supernatural monsters, and there are also assassinations or revenge due to vendettas.

   Even these chaos have begun to gradually impact the Federation.

  The Federation is also struggling to deal with it. Due to the large population and various pressures, many people with supernatural abilities have alienated into monsters and killed them wantonly.

During this period, a lot of cults rose up, and some gods were also secretly making troubles, which made the power of gods with chaos, killing and other gods rise, so they secretly promoted these, and the daring ones wanted to make the Federation fall apart. The kind of chaotic place outside the Federation.

  However, it is good that this kind of gods are not exposed. Once they are exposed, they will face strong suppression from the Federation, directly hitting the other party to reshape them into new gods, and even severing their faith.

Today's federation has developed to the present, and it has already had a group of gods of its own. Most of these gods are planned to support them, and they have strong power and belief. It's as simple as crushing.

   "I am a kind person, and I don't want to see these people suffering. Let's end this chaotic world as soon as possible."

  Chen Xiyi was very calm. He put away his Baiyun Palace Divine Realm, and then his real body manifested, turning into countless clouds and rays of light.

  The next moment, the information state that existed in the universe showed its ferocious fangs, and the entire universe was covered by endless distortions at this moment.

  Whether it is a **** or a supernatural being, the moment he sees the clouds and light, deep in the body, fear bursts out from the heart along with pollution.

  In the huge domain of the gods, piles of causes and effects turned into corrupted monsters, and the sea of ​​luck pervading among the gods instantly became a breeding ground for darkness.

  Spirituality is constantly misinterpreted into all kinds of chaotic things, and everything loses its mind at the same moment.

  The figure walking in the world harvested the whole world, making it swallowed up by Chen Xiyi bit by bit.

   With his devouring, the whole world fell apart.

   Then Chen Xiyi saw the huge existence outside the world, and the illusory and real emerald data flow formed a huge body.

   "Heterogeneous Paradise, it's the first time we meet, please give me more advice."

   Between all things in the world, Chen Xiyi's words were sent toward this emerald green data flow in various distorted ways such as resonance, sound waves, and spiritual frequencies.

   It's just that this heterogeneous paradise didn't respond or take any action. Instead, it just quietly watched Chen Xiyi devour the whole world.

   This made Chen Xiyi a little uncertain about the idea of ​​this alien paradise for a while. In his plan, once the end of the devouring was reached, the protection of the world would be very fragile, so he had to guard against the sneak attack of the alien paradise to avoid the other party's profit.

  But now the other party didn't respond, which made Chen Xiyi a little confused.

  However, Chen Xiyi didn't relax his vigilance either. You can't have the intention to harm others, but you can't do without the heart to guard against others.

As for the others, during the process of swallowing, he continuously split pieces of green data streams from his body. These data streams were all parasitic in the God's Domain during the last invasion. Chen Xiyi didn't move, like this The origin of this kind of thing is unknown. If you really eat it, what will you do if you eat it and ruin your stomach.

   After breaking free from Chen Xiyi's shackles, the stream of data turned into streamers and blended into the paradise of aliens.

  Afterwards, the Alien Paradise seemed to calm down more and more. After all the data flow was integrated into the body, it silently scattered into countless peach blossoms, and finally disappeared in Chen Xiyi's perception.

   "This? Waiting for me to vomit seeds."

  Chen Xiyi was a little speechless about this. The co-author saw that the dust had settled, so he came here to ask for the tools left before?

  Of course, this is just Chen Xiyi's conjecture, and it might not be impossible for it to be a whirlwind of a different kind of paradise.

  However, with the end of his devouring the world, the alien paradise did not appear again, and it should have disappeared with a high probability.

   "It seems that the family has a great career, and it really is not bad for a world like mine."

   If there was a conflict between this alien paradise and Chen Xiyi, Chen Xiyi might not be able to defeat him, but he would definitely be able to escape, and in the process of fighting, he would be able to make the other party pay a certain price.

   I dare not say that the opponent is seriously injured, but it can also cause the opponent to bleed profusely, and the cost paid is far greater than the benefits of this world.

  Perhaps the Heterogeneous Paradise also had this kind of consideration, so it decisively took away its own data stream and left, because it was not worth it at all.

  Everyone has been around for such a long time, and they are more concerned about the benefits, rather than expanding the losses for a moment of anger. The most important thing is to stop losses in time.

  When the last bit of the world was devoured by him, Chen Xiyi was relieved, and the snatching of food by the tiger's mouth did not happen.

In fact, he was also afraid that the Heterogeneous Paradise’s brain would really match up with him, and he would be out of luck. Although it is said that the Heterogeneous Paradise’s losses are unclear, but if there was a fight, he would have to spit out all he ate, even The remaining third of the previous world also had to be spit out.

  The opponent may have suffered a small loss, but Chen Xiyi definitely suffered a blood loss.

  So Alien Paradise doesn't want to fight, and Chen Xiyi doesn't want to fight even more.

"Hi~ My body seems to be too big. It might be a bit difficult to squeeze it into my body." Chen Xiyi sensed his huge body and felt helpless for a while. He couldn't move much before, but now it's different. Can't move.

   "It's really not good. Change it."

   Now, there is no way to change it, after all, the facts are in front of our eyes.

   "But before that, I have to fulfill my previous promise." Chen Xiyi took out the little villain system and the avenue sign-in system.

  He promised the little villain system before that he would let him go, now is the time.

   As for how the little villain system survives outside the world, that's none of Chen Xiyi's business. He only promised to let it go, but he didn't promise when and where to put it, and he didn't promise to keep it safe.

  The reason why the avenue sign-in system is also released is because these two systems are not fun. If you really want to carry it on your body, what if it is positioned as a coordinate by the maker of this system.

  These two systems are of no value to him. The real value is their data, which was taken away by Chen Xiyi, so why not keep it alive.

   He can’t keep it for the Chinese New Year. Besides, he doesn’t use the system during the Chinese New Year, so he won’t be able to use it during the Chinese New Year.

  Besides, as a righteous chivalrous man, he is an honest and trustworthy little man, so he naturally wants to do what he says, and let him go as soon as he says.

  (end of this chapter)

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