This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 502: Replacement of life, down-and-out talent

  Chapter 502 Replacement of life, down and out scholar

   "Okay, let's go to get out of class, and remember to hand in your homework tomorrow." Chen Xiyi said to the group of children below with no expression on his face.

   "Yes, sir." A group of childish children got up and finished speaking, also packed their things, left the private school in twos and threes and went home.

   Chen Xiyi looked at the scenery in the yard, and sighed: "This world is really difficult."

   It seems to be an ancient dynasty, but there is something called luck, which is similar to the luck that Chen Xiyi saw in the last world, but it is purer.

  Everyone has luck, and the luck to be an official is even greater.

  In addition, there are also Taoists who enter the world to subdue demons and slay demons to practice, and demons and ghosts cannibalize people to grow themselves.

  This extraordinary system revolves around such a word of fortune, and even the imperial court's selection of an official depends on the scholar's luck in the imperial examination.

  When Chen Xiyi came to this world, he was immediately suppressed, but the suppression was suppressed, basically it had no effect, it was just a little inconvenient.

  Luck, he actually has it too, but he is full of bad luck, he can be called a world-destroying demon star. If he didn't restrain himself in time, maybe this dynasty named Daxie would have noticed it.

  The main reason is that he can be explained by his great luck, but this kind of luck is not normal luck, but all kinds of bad karma.

  So in order to avoid trouble, he changed his appearance.

  Replacing a certain scholar with the law of karma and luck, this scholar is not considered a down-and-out. He opened a small private school in the village and lived a pleasant life.

  This is equivalent to Chen Xiyi becoming an aborigine with a household registration from a black household from outside, and he even restrained his bad luck.

"Don't make trouble this time, study your own luck honestly." Chen Xiyi now has two lucks, one is his own bad luck, which is as dark as ink, if he really wants to release it, he can get along with this The national fortune of the Great Seal Dynasty is right, and even if it is not restrained, it can erode the national fortune and cause the entire Great Seal Dynasty to collapse.

The other is the scholar he replaced. Chen Xiyi replaced the other party's identity from the causal level, which means that he was born and bred, and all traces were replaced. However, this scholar is just white luck, and under normal circumstances, he will be just an ordinary person all his life. , Being able to pass the imperial examination and become a scholar is considered a change of fate.

  As for juren, don’t even think about it. At least you have to have good luck in the middle of the white to be able to become a candidate. Otherwise, you will be included in the article, and you will be dropped because of your lack of luck.

   This is also the case. The scholar Chen Xiyi replaced has already taken the exam three times, but the result is because he is not on the list.

  Luck is not to say that it cannot be changed, but it is tantamount to changing fate. You can either enter the Tao or be gifted by God, but no matter which one, the scholar in his predecessor would not go.

  The method of entering the Tao is difficult to ascend to the blue sky, and there are court laws prohibiting it. Without granting the law, one cannot become a Taoist at all, not to mention that the other party is obsessed with imperial examinations and never thought of being born.

   Besides, if you become a Taoist, you will also be constrained by the court.

   "The world's energy level is very high, and the system is very complete, but what about the modules?" Chen Xiyi looked at the game map, and there was indeed no game module.

  Normally speaking, with such a career as Taoist, there must be skills, and skills can serve as modules.

   But now it seems that exercises are probably not the most important thing.

"I have become a scholar, and the majesty of the law has already been carried in the white luck. The general demons, evil ways, and Taoist magic can't hurt me. If I become a juren, then I will have an alternate official status, which is equivalent to getting it." The support of the Great Seal Dynasty."

   "At present, it is nothing more than shelter, but this social status is really high in this village."

  The treatment of a scholar is actually pretty good, at least the imperial court provides food for him, and he is exempted from corvee and tax, but he can only exempt himself.

   But juren is different, it is called a master, and it can be described as a person who attains the Tao and ascends to heaven. More importantly, juren is already a county magistrate candidate. As long as there is a vacancy, he can take up the post.

  Chen Xiyi didn't know what the situation of the Taoists was. There were no Taoists in this village at all.

In addition, demons and goblins are actually just like that. A small mountain village like his is blessed by the luck of people and the country. Unless it is some big monsters, ordinary little monsters can't get close to them at all. One sound can injure those little monsters and monsters by relying on luck.

   And the big demon and his like will not come to this small mountain village for trouble, and there is no benefit.

   "So, do you want to change lanes halfway?" Chen Xiyi was thinking about one thing, that is, if he really relied on dead reading, it might not be able to improve his vest to a higher level.

  Scholar is already his end.

   "But if you change lanes, it doesn't seem to work."

  Chen Xiyi knows that in this world, officials are determined by luck. If they want to become a Taoist, they must have enough luck. With his white luck, don't even think about it.

  So no matter whether you are pursuing an official career or practicing Taoism, luck is inseparable.

   "First fate, second luck, third feng shui, fourth accumulation of merit and fifth reading."

  Fate and luck want to change as hard as the blue sky, Feng Shui is too late now, and it will take many generations to accumulate.

   It takes too long to accumulate merit, who knows if it will be successful.

   Reading books is a little bit more reliable. Changing to a world without any supernatural abilities can indeed change your life, but this world can't work, you have to rely on luck.

  Bai Yun is at best a scholar.

   "Why don't I turn it on?" Chen Xiyi couldn't help thinking for a while.

In this world, there must be some kind of unknown dark thread hidden. He didn't find out what the specific dark thread was for a while. Nothing to gain.

   They are all called dark lines. If he is so easy to detect, then they are not called dark lines.

"Let's be on the safe side. This time, it's mainly to digest a half of the world in my body, so don't cause trouble." Chen Xiyi decided that this world should not touch the dark lines, and spend his life as an ordinary NPC native. up.

In his current situation, it is not suitable to do it. After all, the accumulation in his body has not only reached his throat, but has reached the top of the sky. If his body structure is not so abnormal, he would have already vomited. Out.

   As long as he doesn't hang up, he can accept it, but then he falls into an endless loop.

   Want to go further, luck is not enough.

  If he wants to increase luck, he has to go a step further.

   "If it really doesn't work, let's just do something wrong." Chen Xiyi's mind was constantly running, trying to find a reasonable solution.

   Isn’t it just an endless loop, it’s relatively easy to break it.

  Renaming is one of the ways to change luck.

   Such as Zhu Yuanzhang, Liu Bang, etc., but if you think about it carefully, it seems that he can't change it.

   This is his own name after it is replaced. Other worlds may change it if they change it, but if he changes it, the bad luck of the main body will be revealed, and the white luck on his body will be killed on the spot.

  People with bad luck are mostly born with bad luck. Even if ordinary people do evil, it is impossible to reflect it on their luck.

   "It's impossible to change the name. We have to change the method. If it doesn't work, let's find some opportunities."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help sighing, this is a gift from God, for example, he picked up a manuscript of a great Confucian's commentary, and gradually gained a new understanding in the process of reading it day and night, so as to increase his luck.

   "The closest one is eight hundred miles away from me." The corner of Chen Xiyi's mouth twitched, it was a little far away, he is now a scholar with no power to restrain himself.

   Other words are given by God. There are also, but the problem is that everyone is destined.

   He should be able to get it in the past, but he will not be able to make up for it.

   "Longjun recruiting a son-in-law on the second day of February is a good time to go." Chen Xiyi thought for a while, and felt that this could increase his luck.

  The white luck on his body has reached its peak after he obtained the fame of a scholar, and he only needs a little help to give birth to a touch of green luck.

  With this youthful luck, among other things, there is hope for everyone.

  That's why Chen Xiyi was so close to helping. According to his deduction, Long Jun only needs to go in and have a drink with his son-in-law.

   As for being selected, that's impossible. He is not wearing Qing Xu's fashion, so he looks ordinary.

  Plus luck is just white luck, how could the other party think of me.

  Ordinary scholars don't look forward to their luck, so it is naturally impossible to know their own luck. Only the Taoists of the imperial court or some great Confucian scholars and some orthodox pardoned demons and ghosts have it.

  For example, the Dragon Lord is the Taihu Dragon Lord who was pardoned by the Great Seal Dynasty.

  But generally speaking, people with low luck cannot enter the Dragon Palace, let alone attend banquets and recruit son-in-law.

  Of course there is a threshold for people, not everyone can enter casually.

  That's right, Chen Xiyi belongs to the category of people who can't go in casually.

   "There is a fox **** the top of the mountain. The other party has picked a lot of moonlight. This thing increases mana, and ordinary people can improve their eyesight after eating it. It is also a piece of luck."

   "But the follow-up karma is too troublesome, and this Yuehua itself has a destined person, so it's not good for me to intervene here."

  If you take it, it’s not impossible. Although there is a destiny, it doesn’t mean that you can’t cut it off, but if you cut it off, the cause and effect will have to be inherited.

  According to Chen Xiyi's deduction, after taking it away, she has to have an in-law relationship with this fox girl, and to put it bluntly, she has to marry her.

  So Chen Xiyi gave up very decisively, he couldn't bear the cause and effect.

   "The world of karma and luck is really annoying."

Chen Xiyi disliked this very much. This made all the time-travelers and reborns mess up. They took a lot of good things, and they were entangled in karma. If they paid it back, it would be fine. It's settled.

  That's why Chen Xiyi tried his best to choose opportunities with no cause and effect or few causes and effects.

For example, when the Dragon Lord recruited a son-in-law on February 2, he didn’t marry a Dragon Girl, he just went in for a drink and a drink, and he got in on his own. Naturally, there was no cause and effect. After all, although there was a threshold, he went in by himself. Yes, naturally there is no cause and effect.

  Actually, if he marries a dragon girl, then maybe his white luck can turn into green with red in an instant. You know, the luck of a first-rank official is nothing more than vermilion.

  The status of Taihu Dragon Lord is probably equivalent to that of a first-rank member of the Great Seal Dynasty, and his status is outstanding.

  So marrying a dragon girl is equivalent to marrying the daughter of a first-rank official. It is normal to have such a change.

   Under normal circumstances, Bai Yun basically has no such possibility.

  This world does not pay attention to free love, it is all done by the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, even if it is a dragon girl.

   There are many ways to change your life, but in many cases, these bottom layers are either inaccessible or impossible to do.

   "It's really troublesome not to hang up." Chen Xiyi muttered.

When he said not to hang up, of course he meant not to add luck directly to himself. As for planning deduction and the like, it must be a necessary means. Like headless chickens, you can't bump into it casually.

   Then he has become a fool.

  (end of this chapter)

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