This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 504: Mingzhu changed her life with a touch of green

  Chapter 504 Mingzhu changed her life with a touch of green

  A thick black mist surged over and turned into a handsome young man. The black robe on his body set off his evil temperament.

As soon as this person came, everyone in the entire caravan couldn't help but become vigilant. When seeing the Taoist fall, everyone actually had guesses in their hearts. When the monster really arrived and turned into a human form, it was confirmed. thing.

"Everyone, don't panic, I know this matter has nothing to do with you, and I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately on the official road. I just hope that the thief's road will be handed over, and we will not violate the river water in this matter." Hidden in the young man's expression Fear of officialdom.

For the human race, the official road looks ordinary, but in fact it has the fate of the country running in it. If there is no blood, it will be fine. If you really want to see human blood and traces of this monster, you will be there immediately. Backlash against him.

   Taoists are better treated in this regard. They can use spells on the official road without backlash, because this is of the same root and origin, but he, a monster, can't do it.

  So he didn't use force, but threatened verbally.

  As the shopkeeper, Huang Bin also rushed out immediately. He wanted to escape, but the question is where can he escape.

  So I could only force myself to be calm and said: "Your Majesty, I don't know why you want to kill this Taoist. If there is any grievance, I am willing to mediate for it."

   People definitely can’t make friends. Huang Bin doesn’t know about official affairs, so he only thinks that the other party is forced by a Taoist to be nice. After all, he also met a monster once, and he can really kill people.

  When the young man heard this, his expression sank, and he cursed secretly in his heart: 'What kind of thing are you, you dare to mediate. '

   Seeing the other person's face change, Huang Bin was also helpless, he must have said something wrong.

  Here Huang Bin was about to say something to ease the atmosphere, but suddenly heard Chen Xiyi's voice.

   "It's nothing more than a demon. An dare to act recklessly here. If you don't retreat quickly, you can still save your life. If you dare to commit murder again, I will teach you the classic punishment."

  The voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it.

  Especially the monster, his face suddenly turned pale, as if he was under tremendous pressure: "A scholar!"

  Chen Xiyi walked out slowly. The reprimand he just gave not only strengthened the awe-inspiring righteousness and the majesty of the court's law, but also the national destiny above the official path, which directly deterred the demon.

   But under normal circumstances, ordinary talents cannot do these things, but Chen Xiyi is not just an ordinary scholar.

"Okay, what a Ming Zhengdian punishment, this thief stole the night pearl in my mansion, just hand over this night pearl, I will immediately turn around and leave." Xing is really not an empty talk, but it can't go like this, it just loses face.

  Huang Bin was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the demon to be subdued, and his opinion of Chen Xiyi was also improved.

   "Is there any evidence?" Chen Xiyi said in a calm tone. He wanted to be different, but his body didn't allow it. Maybe he could be more terrifying than this monster if he really wanted to come.

  The demon is also stagnant, and he really has no evidence.

   "No, but."

   "Since there is no evidence, it is empty talk. What face do you have to come here to ask for property?" Chen Xiyi immediately interrupted the other party, and don't force him if there is no evidence.

  The monster's expression gradually turned ferocious, but because he might be told to die by the other party, he finally endured it.

   "Hmph, since that's the case, I won't take you with me. If you dare to ask the name of a scholar, you will be rewarded in the future." The demon said sullenly.

"Speaking such wild words, don't you know that the whole world is the land of the king, and the shore of the land is the king's minister." Chen Xiyi's words immediately aroused the court law in the fame of the scholar, and the next moment the fate of the country immediately moved towards The monster ran over.

  The pupils in the monster's eyes shrank, and the whole body burst open in an instant, turning into black mist and annihilated in all directions.

  I saw a pitch-black crow bird dripping with blood, with most of its feathers missing, and fled in a particularly embarrassing manner.

"You scholar, wait for me. This bead belongs to the Black Wind King of Wuyi Mountain. You have offended the Black Wind King. In the future, you will definitely let you live or die." Put a harsh word.

  Chen Xiyi didn't take these harsh words to heart.

   If you have the ability to bite him, when the time comes when he has a tinge of blue in his luck, he will go to the Juren examination, then it will not be certain who will beat anyone.

   Instead, Huang Bin was a little uneasy: "Brother Chen, what should I do? Do you know where the black wind king is?"

"Shopkeeper Huang, you travel all over the world without knowing it. How could I, a scholar who studied hard in a poor window, know?" Chen Xiyi spread his hands, and then comforted: "Don't listen to this demon's nonsense, maybe it's just to scare you and me, or maybe it's killing people with a knife Forget it, is he really willing to bow down like that?"

   "Hey, he is the Black Wind King of Wuyi Mountain. Brother Chen is right. Demons are cunning and scare you, me and others."

  The two had just chatted for a few words when a weak voice interrupted.

  The Taoist has already woken up from a coma, and it seems that he did not expect such a turnaround.

   "Thanks to the shopkeeper this time, brother Chen for saving his life, Xiaodao Liuyangzong Xuangu." The Taoist introduced himself again.

   "Taoist Xuangu, I'm Chen Xiyi, and I'll be a scholar." Chen Xiyi seemed to have discovered an interesting thing. He noticed that his luck seemed to be tumbling, as if he was about to be promoted.

  This is interesting, and it probably fell on Taoist Xuangu.

  Saving the other party is the cause, so the other party's repayment is probably the result.

   Huang Bin on the other side also took advantage of the situation to introduce himself, and then said: "Master Xuangu, you are seriously injured, it is better to get in the carriage and rest."

   Taoist Xuangu didn't refuse either. He came out to help solve the problem, but he didn't expect that the help would be nothing.

   This disaster was caused by him, so he can't just walk away.

  Everyone returned to the carriage, this matter, it can be regarded as the dust has settled.

"I think Brother Chen's righteousness is so righteous. Could it be that he has hit the top of the case, or else he can repel the black wind king with a single word." Because Taoist Xuangu had injuries on his body, he couldn't use the Qi Watching Technique. It was impossible to know Chen Xiyi's luck for a while.

   But look at that power, ordinary scholars don't have it.

  As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way.

  The black wind king suffered serious injuries. Under normal circumstances, he might not be Chen Xiyi's opponent.

   "No, I'm so ignorant, how can I be the top of the case." The ranking of the predecessor is only in the lower middle, so how could he be the top of the case.

  The head of the case is the first place in the hospital examination.

  It is indeed possible for his luck to be white and blue, but if it is only white luck, it is considered a brilliant literary talent to pass the exam.

   Otherwise, the normal Bai Yun would probably stop at Tongsheng at most.

   "So that's the case, maybe it was a mistake." Taoist Xuangu was also a little embarrassed, which seemed to be a mistake.

  However, Huang Bin also has eyesight, so he hurried out to deal with the aftermath: "With Brother Chen's talents and learning, Qiu Wei will definitely be able to come out on top in this township examination and get the title of Jie Yuan."

  Hearing this, Taoist Xuangu was also moved, and then he untied a night pearl from his waist.

"It's still six months away from Qiu Wei. This is a little care on the trail. This bead can shine at night. Although it is not as good as in the daytime, it is also brighter than the candles. It is just right for Brother Chen to study hard at night." With that, Taoist Xuangu handed over the Ye Mingzhu.

  Huang Bin was a little surprised: "This is the night pearl that the Black Wind King said, this"

   Taoist Xuangu also saw Huang Bin's doubts. Although he didn't say it clearly, he was also questioning the origin of the night pearl.

   "This night pearl is my personal possession. Seeing its miraculous powers, the crow is chasing after me to seize the treasure. Brother Chen can accept it with confidence. It is definitely not stolen goods."

   "Don't worry about that crow. After I recover from my injuries, I will report to my master and ask my senior brothers to take action. I will definitely have that crow cramp."

  This Xuangu Taoist is also a scumbag, he was chased and killed for no reason, and almost lost his life, so naturally it is impossible to let it go.

   "It's too expensive, it's inappropriate, it's just a way to help people when they see injustice, how can they ask for rewards." Chen Xiyi hurriedly refused.

   Does he want it?

  Of course I thought about it, but I can’t make it too obvious, I have to give in anyway.

   Sure enough, Taoist Xuangu repayed his kindness again, and finally Chen Xiyi reluctantly accepted it.

When accepting this night pearl the size of a grain of rice, Chen Xiyi could feel that a cyan color suddenly appeared in the originally white luck on his body. Although it was not very obvious, it also made him stop at being a scholar. Luck has improved.

  'Less is a little less, but at any rate, it is white and green. If you have a chance to become a Juren, plus the Dragon Palace Banquet, it is estimated that you will be a little more green. '

  ‘But what is this, the task is completed ahead of schedule? '

  This is a kind of fate change, and there is also a causal relationship.

  If it is the predecessor, reading at night due to the light will reduce vision and learning efficiency. With this night pearl, it is equivalent to changing a big light bulb, and the learning efficiency has increased, so there is a chance to pass the exam.

   And this is manifested as the improvement of luck. If he loses the night pearl, the blue luck will disappear, which means that his luck comes from the night pearl.

  As for the luck of the Dragon Palace, it is simple. Those who can enter the Dragon Palace are all talents. Naturally, they will be known by interested people, which is equivalent to fame.

  For example, the current Chen Xiyi is an unknown little person, and no one knows about it.

   But judging from his white luck, the only way to become famous is to go to the execution ground and beheaded. This is the fastest way to become famous. It is estimated that everyone in the city can know him.

  So, although this causal luck is illusory, it will become a reasonable and evidence-based event in this world.

  Chen Xiyi even speculated that the reason why Taoist Xuangu was hunted down by the Black Wind King of Wuyi Mountain was due to karma and luck.

  After Taoist Xuangu repaid Chen Xiyi, he got in touch with Huang Bin again, and secretly planned to help him get some contacts in Taihu Lake.

   In any case, it was Huang Bin's caravan who saved him. Naturally, we can't just repay Chen Xiyi and not Huang Bin.

   Huang Bin, who is a human being, naturally understood the meaning of Taoist Xuangu, and the smile on his face became stronger and stronger, the kind that could not be stopped.

  (end of this chapter)

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