This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 505: Sell ​​yourself to bury your father? Does anyone believe this stuff?

  Chapter 505 Sell yourself to bury your father? Does anyone believe this stuff?

  The area around Taihu Lake is basically overcrowded. Fortunately, Huang Bin has been doing business all year round, and he still has contacts in this area. He has already booked a residence, and Chen Xiyi also took a room.

  As for Xuangu Taoist, after coming to Taihu Lake, he left in a hurry, saying that he was going to contact the teacher to help him avenge him.

  As a disciple of the sect, he was bullied, so he naturally wanted to move his elders out to avenge himself.

   It is only suitable for the human race to resolve the conflict between the junior and the junior, but it is not suitable for dealing with these wild monsters and ghosts.

   There are still three days before the Dragon Palace banquet to recruit a son-in-law, Chen Xiyi wondered if he could do something else.

His plan is to arrive in about ten days, stepping on the spot, but Huang Bin and his caravan can't do it. After all, he is here for business, so naturally he has to come early. He came three days early, which is actually considered It's a bit late, but it's okay, he is in the wholesale business, and the goods have already been ordered.

  So you only need to deliver the goods, and there are not many leftovers, so you can retail them yourself.

  If he had come earlier and occupied a better position, he might be able to sell it by himself, but it is easy to offend people, and besides, a strong dragon does not suppress a local snake.

  After Chen Xiyi was settled, Huang Bin also left in a hurry with someone, apparently to deliver the goods.

   After staying all morning, he was really bored, so he thought about going out for a walk to see if he could trigger something weird again.

  Don't say it, Taihu Lake is really wonderful today.

  In addition to the local residents, there are also literati and inkmen who recite poems, drink and have fun.

   It is not necessarily all people here, there are also some demons and ghosts mixed in.

  Look at the situation, these demons and goblins are basically incorporated by the Daxi Dynasty, for example, the Taihu Dragon Lord, who is a monster clan, was incorporated by the Daxi Dynasty and pardoned as the Dragon Lord, and the fiefdom is in Taihu Lake.

  And most of the demons and ghosts with a system are also of this type, and this system can be passed on to their offspring.

   But as far as the current situation is concerned, unless there is an accidental death, it is basically impossible to wait for the pass under normal circumstances.

The demons and ghosts with the establishment are regarded as immigrants and half-human races, so they will not be targeted by the Daxi Kingdom, and their immediate family members can also enjoy this kind of treatment, so there are some demons and ghosts pretending to be human races and The other scholars made friends.

  After all, although they have been incorporated, there are people in the court who are easy to handle. In case such a few scholars are given to high school, it is beneficial to make friends in advance.

  As a monster, he naturally knows the pros and cons of the chaos in the court.

  Of course, not everyone makes friends. These monsters are actually good at their own way. After learning the Qi-watching technique, they can see their luck.

   Making friends is naturally a matter of looking at the dishes. Generally speaking, at least you have to be lucky in blue. White or even white with green in the middle is basically polite on the surface.

  Because there is basically no further possibility, making friends is also a waste of my time.

   In terms of making friends, it is very utilitarian.

That's why Chen Xiyi didn't rashly go over to chat with those literati. He was just a scholar in his body. If you really want him to recite poems against you, you can only use the **** article generator or poetry generator. In this regard, Chen Xiyi is very self-aware.

   And he also knows that even if he gets close, he probably won't get anything good.

  A person with green luck in the middle of the white will not get the courtesy of the other party at all, so why bother to put a hot face on a cold ass.

   Randomly found a restaurant, and deduced it to see what could improve luck.

   Not to mention, there are quite a few, but most of them have pitfalls.

  The biggest opportunity should be to marry a dragon girl, but unfortunately, Chen Xiyi doesn't have that condition.

  Again a little bit.

   "Sure enough, such things happen everywhere in Vanves," Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining.

  He found that most of the ways to increase luck are to marry a good wife, and you really have to marry a wife and a good man.

  Taihu Lake is a big city. Although there are not many such people, there are also many.

   Then Chen Xiyi decisively eliminated all the methods of increasing luck of the same type, and instantly lost more than half of it.

   "Looking at it now, most of them are items, which is a bit difficult to get."

  In this world, there is not only luck, but also cause and effect.

   Taking it without warning is called stealing, but there is a causal relationship in it. If you really want to steal it secretly, unless he cuts off the causality by hand, there is a high probability that you will cause trouble to your upper body.

   Although there is no exact number of chance and luck, there are causes and effects, and it is not so easy to get.

  Then there is another kind of help from the nobles, such as marrying a dragon girl and a noble girl, which is actually the same kind. Others include apprenticeship, recognition of a foster father, and so on.

   After screening seven or eight, Chen Xiyi also couldn't find a way to increase his luck.

   "Everyone has a price, why can't you go whoring for nothing." Chen Xiyi was quite dissatisfied with this.

  The Ye Mingzhu in his hand is not actually a prostitute, but also paid for the cause, that is, he saved Taoist Xuangu, so he got the result: the Ye Mingzhu that can increase his luck.

  So in this world, if you don’t cut out the cause and effect, there is no free lunch.

   This made it difficult for Chen Xiyi, who was used to being shameless, to adapt.

"There is a painting on South Street. If you buy it, your luck will increase a lot. It is probably no less than drinking a glass of wine in the Dragon Palace. Left, it's a woman, oh...this thing is a big pit."

   This painting is very good, but in the future, I have to protect the remnants of the gangsters, and if I am not careful, I have to get involved.

  If the future is in the next ten or eight years, then Chen Xiyi will definitely buy it without hesitation, but according to his calculations, it will only take three to five months at most.

  If this was the last world, he would definitely start it without hesitation, but it is not suitable for him to do so now.

   So naturally it was eliminated.

   "Find someone with a **** disaster, I can deal with it." Chen Xiyi felt that the most suitable thing for him was indeed a **** disaster, and it will be seen whose life is harder.

   In terms of fate, Chen Xiyi was really not afraid of anyone.

   "There is really a difference. There are no strange remnants, and there is no need to restore the country, let alone be a son-in-law, but it may attract the attention of some unscrupulous organizations."

   "But now there is another problem in front of me. That is, I have no money!"

  Chen Xiyi came here with the idea of ​​fooling around, so it is very normal that he has no money.

   "Forget it, let's go over and have a look first. With my ability to deceive and deceive, it shouldn't be a problem to fool the other party." After thinking for a while, Chen Xiyi decided to do something.

   After walking for less than half an hour, Chen Xiyi finally arrived.

   It seems that many people surrounded here, Chen Xiyi took a closer look, a very old routine, selling one's body to bury one's father.

  Of course, what he wants is not the person who sold himself, but the **** jade pendant on the other person.

  Chen Xiyi took a lot of effort to squeeze in. After all, he is also a scholar, so he must behave normally.

   "Little girl, you're selling yourself to bury your father." Chen Xiyi knelt down and looked at the corpse, it really smelled bad.

   "Your Excellency, do you want to buy it?" The girl sobbed softly.

   "Oh, if you don't buy it, I'll just take a look." Chen Xiyi's words made everyone a little weird, you must have something wrong.

  The sobbing girl couldn't help being taken aback by these words, it was also the first time she had encountered such a thing.

   "By the way, is your jade pendant for sale? I have some money on hand, so I'll buy it if I want it." Chen Xiyi is really not interested in people, but he is more interested in jade pendants.

  Everyone can't help but understand when they see this, good man.

   "This benefactor, I"

   "Leave me alone, buy it or not, buy it now." Chen Xiyi casually threw out a purse, don't ask whose it belonged to, Chen Xiyi didn't know, he didn't know who it was on the way he came, and he forgot who it was.

  Of course, the purse was changed, but the money inside was not changed.

   "Sell, sell, benefactor, wait for my burial."

   "Fuck you, I want a jade pendant, and you can find someone else for me." Chen Xiyi tore off the jade pendant, turned around and ran away.

  The other party stared blankly at the purse, which was heavy when he picked it up, and the amount was far more than the silver she sold herself.

   Everyone looked at Chen Xiyi, who was riding Juechen, and felt emotional. This is also a great kind person, and he deliberately used this method to fund, otherwise he would buy the person, and the jade pendant would belong to him.

  The follow-up matters are not related to Chen Xiyi's business. Anyway, he got the things, and his luck with the green in the white has once again improved.

  Originally, the cyan color was quite illusory, but since having this blood-colored jade pendant, the green luck has directly solidified, and it has a vague sense of spreading.

   "I got it, it's not bad, but the karma has also been planted, and I don't know when it will come to the door, but this thing seems to involve partisan disputes?"

  Chen Xiyi observes this vague cause and effect, and there is no special direction. Chen Xiyi's deduction is also limited. How to trigger and change depends on Chen Xiyi's own choice.

  Now it can only be deduced that it is related to partisan disputes, but it has nothing to do with him now. If he really wants to give feedback, either he will be admitted to Juren, or he will be hidden and lurking until it explodes in the future.

   "But it's not entirely a disaster."

There is no such thing as good or bad cause and effect. He may indeed fall into party disputes because of this, but the problem is that he can also use this hand to make a fortune. There are people in the court who are easy to handle, let alone joining certain parties. With the support of the party, everyone is a community of interests, otherwise how to become a party.

  The reason why he took away the jade pendant was the result of being involved in party disputes.

  The development in it doesn't matter.

  However, if it works well enough, it can eliminate this matter, and it is even possible for Chen Xiyi to turn it into an east wind and make himself skyrocket.

   But before that, you have to have a certificate of merit, for example, if you are a Juren, even if you become a tribute or even a Jinshi before the outbreak, it is excellent.

   "If possible, winning three yuan in a row may be able to fully utilize the benefits of this cause and effect."

  When he was a scholar, he didn't get the top case, but he can get Jieyuan, Huiyuan, and champion in the follow-up Juren, Gongshi, and Jinshi, so it is not a problem to make progress.

   It is not an easy task to connect the three yuan, and it is possible that there may not be one in all dynasties.

   "There are still opportunities in the world of luck to get an official. After all, literary talent is one aspect, and luck is also one aspect."

He doesn't hesitate in the imperial examination, and it's very simple to use his ability to make external moves. It's just that you have to work **** luck, at least you have to have the luck of youth with vermilion, otherwise it's just the youth. It is estimated that luck can only stop at Chunwei's meeting.

   Zhu Zigui of the Manchu Dynasty is not empty talk.

   It is best to be able to get Zhu Yun, so that it will be more appropriate.

   "The gap is a bit big, but fortunately, I still have enough time to collect opportunities." Chen Xiyi is still very confident about this.

  (end of this chapter)

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