This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 506: The Ze of the Gentleman, beheaded for five lifetimes

  Chapter 506 Gentleman's Ze, beheaded for the fifth generation

   "It's really absurd to use money to get officials in today's court, resulting in many sages among the people." Gao Chi looked at the people coming and going under the Taihu Lake, with dissatisfaction in his tone.

  The white-faced **** beside him heard this, and hurriedly advised: "My lord, please be cautious in your words and deeds. If others find out, they will have to refer to you again."

  Gao Chi really didn't care at all: "I have been sent to Taihu Lake to live for the rest of my life, so what can I do if I read a book, or send me far away, they can kill me."

   What he said was indeed emboldened. As King Jingzhong, no one dared to touch him with this title alone.

  Now when the Emperor Daxi was young and fighting for the dragon, he took the lead and cleared countless obstacles for him, which made him come to power.

   What's more, he and Emperor Xi are brothers of the same family. This time, being arranged to Taihu Lake is also a temporary move.

  He refuted the system of getting an official by luck before, but unfortunately, he was resisted by the court, Chinese and Wu at the same time, so Emperor Xi could only send him out first to avoid the limelight, and then take him back when it is suitable.

   "Have you seen the farce of selling one's body to bury one's father before?" Gao Chi said calmly.

  The eunuch's heart skipped a beat, this one is going to make trouble again: "Report to the lord, I see, although his behavior is rude, but he is also a kind-hearted person."

"Well, he is a scholar, and maybe he will be a scholar all his life. In this world, officials are not judged by virtue and talent, but by luck. Isn't it absurd that such virtuous people can only do nothing?" Gao Chi said calmly. , but the **** didn't know how to proceed.

  His persuasion once before had no effect, so it is naturally impossible to persuade him again this time, otherwise Gao Chi will be disgusted.

   "My lord, you are right." What else can he do at this time, of course he must be right, if he refute this again, he will be scolding himself.

  But soon, the **** said again: "My lord, Taihu Dragon Lord sent an invitation card, and you will be honored to come to the banquet in the next day and night."

   As he spoke, the **** took out an invitation card inlaid with gold and jade, which was not something ordinary people could use.

  Gao Chi originally wanted to refuse, but in the end, he thought that it would not be good to shake his face when he was in someone else's territory: "Just accept it, and just prepare a sedan chair and go there later."

  Longjun Taihu should not be flattering him. His home court is in the imperial capital, and he can't influence Taihu Lake. It's probably just for making friends.

Besides, the pardon of the Taihu Dragon Lord is also first-class in itself. If you really want to count it, he is actually on the same level as him, but in this Great Seal Dynasty, he is still higher than the Taihu Dragon Lord. Dragon Lord is just a demon clan.

  Whether it’s a dragon or a phoenix or a unicorn, they are all classified as monsters among demons and ghosts, not auspicious beasts. Before these things were subdued by the court, they were all ferocious beasts and cannibals.

  Even before Taihu Dragon Lord was recruited, he had this kind of virtue.

   It’s nothing more than seeing that the situation is wrong and changing a way of life.

   It's just that it's been a long time, so naturally no one can remember these things, probably even the people in the court have almost forgotten them.

  Everyone is busy fighting for power and profit, so there is no time to take care of these old sesame seeds and rotten millet.

Gao Chi also knew a little bit about the situation of Taihu Dragon Lord, but he was helpless. There are so many monsters and ghosts in the world, it is unrealistic to kill them one by one. The only way to recruit them is to recruit them and make them become their own sharp blades. Only then can the situation be stabilized.

  All dynasties and dynasties have done this, even the Daxi Dynasty was unavoidable.

   But let alone, these demons and ghosts who have been recruited are also really useful. Whether it is suppressing bandits or killing thieves, they can be used as vanguards or directly give orders.

  So Gao Chi just turned a blind eye. He is a politician, not a hot-blooded boy. He can't look at the surface of things, he has to look at the deeper level.

  As for his political views of selecting officials based on talent and virtue, if it is really implemented, it will still be beneficial to the Daxi Dynasty.

  A person with high luck does not necessarily have to be talented and a good person. This luck does not represent these. The imperial court has raised a lot of mascots over the years.

   What's more, the official positions in the court are monopolized by various parties.

  For example, the son of a certain first-rank official, at least has the luck of being young and bright, not to mention a scholar, as long as the article is written in a correct manner, it is indispensable to raise people, and even a tribute is not a big problem.

  All dynasties have been Manchu nobles and nobles, but why can they perish?

   Isn't it just because the promotion channels are monopolized, and the top management are all lucky but not capable.

   It's better now, but there is already this trend, so Gao Chi thinks about reform.

   On this point, his elder brother Daxi Emperor also gave a lot of support both openly and secretly, but in the end he couldn't resist the general trend of the court and finally lost.

   "Find out where that little brother is, and I'll go and try his talent." Gao Chi said again.

   "Yes, my lord." The **** naturally didn't dare to refuse. He knew that Gao Chi, King Jingzhong, seemed to be planning to start training vanguards, but to be honest, he didn't think highly of him.

  There are many talented but unlucky people, but how many can stand firm in the court?

  Everything in the court is based on luck. Even if you have a great talent, your luck is only a touch of green in white, and being able to reach the ninth rank is the limit.

   But these things are not what he should consider. This is a game between the big shots. He is just a domestic slave, as long as he completes the tasks ordered.

  Of course, he ordered his subordinates to do this, and he didn't need to do it himself.

   "Gao Chi? Interesting, it seems that the karma has already been buried."

  Chen Xiyi can still feel that someone is talking about him even if he doesn't rely on homeland games, but only relies on his own indescribable nature.

  Following the countercurrent of cause and effect, I quickly found out the ins and outs.

  The scarlet jade pendant was just an inducement, and it was his behavior that really made him plant the cause.

   “Just fighting the whole world is not a good idea.”

  Chen Xiyi agrees with Gao Chi's idea, but he won't support it either. It's as dangerous as going the wrong way on a highway.

  It is true that the other party’s idea is correct. High luck does not necessarily mean strong ability or good character, it can only mean that the other party has excellent luck.

  This world is the world of luck. Ability is very important, but it is not the most important.

  The monopoly of high-level promotion channels is not so easy to manage, and the gentleman will be killed in the fifth generation.

  First-rank senior members are Zhuzhong with purple, and their heirs will fall into Qingzhong with Zhu. If the grandson does not have any great skills, it is estimated that there will only be white with green left.

   But relatively speaking, it is relatively easy to change fate, after all, it is a big family, and it can be piled up.

   It’s just that things are not so absolute, and karma and luck are not omnipotent. If it is omnipotent, how could the dynasty of Manchu Zhuzigui perish.

   "In all dynasties and dynasties, there was more than one smart person named Gao Chi, but he has not been able to change the result of getting an official. This can fully explain this point."

   It's not that Chen Xiyi doesn't think that no one can end this matter, he thinks that Gao Chi doesn't have the ability.

  The reason is very simple, he is King Jingzhong, the prince of the Great Seal Dynasty, and the younger brother of the emperor.

   It can be said that it is deeply tied to the entire Daxi Dynasty. Although the Daxi Emperor has the idea of ​​​​supporting him secretly, if there is any trouble, he will use this high enthusiasm as a shield and throw it out.

However, the Emperor Daxi still has a bit of conscience. After using Gao Chi as a shield, he did not scrap it, but threw it out first to avoid the limelight, and waited for the next time to activate it. From a one-time consumable to a multiple use Tool man.

  If it were Chen Xiyi, he would just put it aside for retirement after coming to Taihu Lake, and he would definitely not care about things above the court.

  Unfortunately, there are differences between people.

  Chen Xiyi also knew Gao Chi's thoughts. His relocation to Taihu Lake was only temporary, and he would be reactivated in a few months or a few years, so he wanted to win over his confidants and continue to implement his political views in the future.

   And Chen Xiyi caught the other party's eyes because he sold his body to bury his father and only took the jade pendant. After checking Chen Xiyi's talents, he will have the next choice.

   But in fact, no matter whether Chen Xiyi agrees to the other party's solicitation or not, this is a big pit.

  If Chen Xiyi agrees to the other party's wooing, it will be this person from King Jingzhong's faction, and he will face all the parties in the court in the future, which can be called the enemy of the world.

   If you don't join, you will really become an official in the court. When King Jing Zhong is called up again, then you will have to target Chen Xiyi first when you see Chen Xiyi.

   Unless he gave up his original plan to learn Taoism and become a Taoist.

  Even if this is the case, it is only a delay rather than an avoidance of cause and effect. When the fighting is in full swing in the later stage, he will inevitably get involved when he goes down the mountain to borrow luck to practice.

   The terrible cause and effect is here.

  Of course, it doesn't mean that there is no solution. Chen Xiyi knows a fairly simple way to cut off the cause and effect of being involved in partisan disputes.

   Just wipe your neck and commit suicide. If this person dies, the light will go out, and this little cause and effect will naturally disappear.

   Like this kind of karma, it’s not something so big that you can’t pay it back if you die. If you really want to compare it with those big karma, rice grains don’t even count, how can you say that you can’t even pay for it if you die.

  However, it is impossible for ordinary people to do this in a flash of their brains. Chen Xiyi can't do it, and normal people can't even do it.

   "King Jingzhong will indeed be able to start again in the future, and with the support of Emperor Daxi, he will be able to flourish, but this is like cooking oil with a raging fire, and it will not last long."

   "So joining King Jingzhong's faction in the party struggle has no future."

  Chen Xiyi has nothing to do with him to fight against the world. He is a knight of righteousness, and he will never do such a thing.

   Besides, the study of causal luck needs enough samples.

"Just find an opportunity to pretend to be crazy and stupid. The other party probably didn't intend to sincerely recruit me. It's nothing more than a thousand gold horse bone." Chen Xiyi felt that his target was Li Yuan, Yu Wenhuaji, Cao Pi, Sima Zhao and others, rather than being serious. of courtiers.

  There are no friends in this world, so it’s okay to be a loyal minister, isn’t it good to be a powerful minister who can cover the sky with one hand?

  He disdains being a traitorous official. After all, a traitorous official has to be controlled by the emperor, but a powerful minister is different. He not only wants to treat a deer as a horse, but also wants to sleep in a dragon bed overnight.

  I didn’t get along with Taishi Bai before, but this time I have to enjoy it anyway.

  Of course, before that, he had to pass the Juren exam, not the kind of cheating.

  If it’s really open, what’s the point? You can just lift the table yourself.

  So he is trying to see if he can get through the world without touching the dark thread. He thinks that as long as he doesn't mess around with his hands, there should be no big problem.

   Well, he actually doesn’t have much confidence.

  He can only say that he should try his best not to magnify the matter, and try to get through this world in a safe and sound way. As long as he has digested the resources in his body and finished analyzing the homeland game, many things will not be tied up.

   "Don't you just want to go to Dragon Palace for a glass of wine, and it turned out to be such a messy thing for me, so people can't be too greedy."

  (end of this chapter)

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