This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 507: What is the last sentence of the previous acquaintance?

  Chapter 507 What is the origin of the previous sentence?

   "This little brother is very interested. You are looking at the scenery near the lake. The whole Taihu Lake is under your eyes." Gao Chi sat across from Chen Xiyi quite familiarly, without any sense of unfamiliarity at all.

  Chen Xiyi, however, shook his head: "What's so interesting about Taihu Lake, it's not just the water, but the fun below."

  Gao Chi followed Chen Xiyi to point in the direction, and there was an endless stream of literati, more people than yesterday.

  Tomorrow is the Dragon Palace Banquet to recruit a son-in-law, so there must be more and more people coming.

   "Happy?" Gao Chi was a little weird, why didn't he know what fun it was?

   "Well, look at how high-spirited these people are. Obviously, they all think that they can enter the Dragon Palace, win the Dragon Lady's favor, and finally embrace the beauty, creating a good story."

   "But in fact, this Dragon Palace banquet is held every year, but who will marry this dragon girl?"

  Chen Xiyi chuckled with sarcasm in his tone.

   This made Gao Chi nod subconsciously. Everyone is pretentious and thinks that they are the natural protagonists, but in fact they are just a foil.

   "What about you, little brother? You think so too?" Gao Chi asked meaningfully.

   "Oh, I just watched the lively ones, besides, who would a normal person marry a grandma?" Chen Xiyi said teasingly.

   This made Gao Chi stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of one thing, that is, the age of the dragon girl, probably in her seventies or eighties.

  Although it is said that the demon clan has a long lifespan, and the dragon girl is only two or nine years old when converted into an adult, Chen Xiyi really has nothing to criticize when he says this.

   "Hahaha, this is really true. Looking at it this way, it really is a lot of fun." Gao Chi thought about his joints and laughed.

   It is so ridiculous that a group of young talents want to marry a woman in their 70s and 80s, and Gao Chi can't look directly at the matter of the Dragon Lord recruiting a son-in-law.

  He suddenly discovered that the person in front of him was a wonderful person who interpreted things in the world from angles he had never thought of. This made Gao Chi feel that he was a talented person.

  Chen Xiyi has a black line, okay, this will increase your favorability?

   "It's a lot of fun, but just watch it, don't shout loudly, you'll be easily beaten." Chen Xiyi kindly reminded her, to the effect that if you're so arrogant, you'll have to finish playing sooner or later.

   Gao Chi was speechless when he choked on Chen Xiyi's words, how could he be easily beaten.

   "Little brother, what's your surname? Judging by your behavior, you must be famous." Gao Chi made a very blunt turn, and tried to get close to Chen Xiyi.

But Chen Xiyi said that we were not familiar: "Why did we meet before? We met by chance. After watching some fun together, we went our separate ways. Isn't it common to discuss these things? You don't know me, I don't know you, and we chatted Isn't it better to have so many rules?"

   This means that we are not familiar with each other bluntly, so don't ask so much, and then you will beat you no matter who you are.

  Maybe Gao Chi's understanding may be a little bit different from Chen Xiyi's, but he feels that Chen Xiyi is unrestrained and unrestrained.

   "Why should we have known each other before, this word really is"

"Oh, it's very good. "Pipa Xing" written by Bai Juyi. It's a pity that I didn't memorize the whole poem, so I only have half a sentence." Chen Xiyi seemed to remember what the previous sentence was, but unfortunately he forgot it, so he just remembered it. This thing is Bai Juyi's poem.

   "." Gao Chi was a little dazed, why is something wrong with your situation, he didn't finish his compliment, and it turned out that the co-author was not written by you.

   It’s fine if it wasn’t written by you, you should finish memorizing it anyway, and only gave half a sentence, Gao Chi didn’t know what to say for a while.

  Let’s say he has a literary talent. This word is still someone else’s, and more importantly, he only knows half a sentence.

  Let’s say he doesn’t have literary talents, and it’s not easy for him to draw conclusions. Judging from this contact, the other party is obviously capable. Just looking at things and attitudes, he is like a sensible person.

   "It's really a pity, but why is it called "Pipa Xing"?" Gao Chi wisely changed the subject.

  Chen Xiyi rolled his eyes: "I don't know that."

  Bai Juyi, a realist poet, was gone for thousands of years when he traveled through time. What's more, he has traveled through time for so many years, how could he remember these things.

  It is not easy to remember that this half line of Bai Juyi's "Pipa Xing" is why we met before.

  Gao Chi thinks that if you talk like that, whether he will be beaten is one thing, but you will be beaten for sure.

   After chatting for a few days, he died immediately, and he didn't even know how to answer this question in the follow-up.

   "Cough, little brother, why don't you have a few drinks, I'll treat you." Gao Chi thought about eating people with a soft mouth, so it's time to put down your temper.

   "No alcohol, no drinking." Chen Xiyi refused righteously.

  He is quite self-disciplined as a 'person', whether it's pornography, gambling, drugs or alcohol, **** and wealth, he doesn't touch it.

  The main reason is that he has no function in this aspect, so he is quite self-disciplined.

As soon as this remark came out, Gao Chi felt a little helpless. Isn’t it a little bad for you to be soft and sticky? The way to be an official is the way to be an official. There are more people with real talents and real learning. After going, how many can make things happen?

  Gao Chi also found out that Chen Xiyi didn't seem to be interested in him, and he was also thinking about whether it was a good thing for him to recruit the other party.

  If it is said that the temper is normal rather than if it is perverted, then it can indeed make a little money, but according to the current situation of the other party, if you really want to recruit it back, it may be a disaster.

Therefore, this thought gradually faded away. He needed a vanguard officer who would charge for him and someone to buy people's hearts. In fact, he didn't care who this person was, but he just happened to meet Chen Xiyi, so he chose it. he.

   There are really many people like this who are underappreciated due to lack of luck, and this person is really not bad.

   "Since that's the case, then don't bother little brother to watch your fun." Gao Chi saw that the other party didn't show face, so he didn't bother himself.

  Of course, he doesn't have any negative emotions such as unhappiness or jealousy in his heart. He can turn clouds and rain in the court, and he must not be a narrow-minded person, otherwise, wouldn't he be **** off already.

  So he never took Chen Xiyi's attitude towards him to heart. After all, he was visiting privately in a micro-service, and he didn't come here as a prince. He still knew that those who don't know are innocent.

   Besides, if he really suppressed or took revenge on Chen Xiyi because of such a trivial matter, it would be too cheap.

   "No, walk slowly." Chen Xiyi didn't get up at all, but looked at the scene by the Taihu Lake by himself.

  After Gao Chi left, Chen Xiyi could feel that this cause and effect began to disappear.

   It just went dormant, it didn’t disappear, and it will explode again when the time is right.

The matter of party struggle is too far away from him now. For him, at least he has to be an official, and he is the kind of official in the imperial capital. Otherwise, if he is a local official, there may be party disputes. But it will definitely not be as intense as the one in the imperial capital.

   At most, it’s just a matter of dealing with colleagues, aristocratic families, Taoists, and ghosts. In many cases, it’s easy to solve.

  Of course, if Chen Xiyi really wins three yuan in a row, there is a high probability that he will not be sent down to become an official outside the imperial capital, but will be kept in the imperial capital.

   "The premise is that you have enough luck." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but sighed.

  After he got the jade pendant yesterday, he obtained three things that can increase luck by means of deduction. In this way, three more causes and effects were added.

  But these are all trivial matters, and the three causes and effects were resolved by him.

  Because the solution was too easy, the increase in luck was actually not much, and it was simply not as good as the luck that this jade pendant gave him.

  During this period of observation, Chen Xiyi noticed one thing, that is, the better the luck, the more karma entangled in the body.

  For example, Gao Chi, King Jingzhong has a lot of karma, and the biggest karma is his identity.

  His purple-gold luck is both capital and bondage.

  However, Chen Xiyi reckoned that this person should be able to pay it back. After all, if he really couldn't pay it back and died, he would use his luck to pay off the debt.

  You must know that the luck on his body is not only his own luck, but also mixed with the national luck of the Daxi Dynasty, that is to say, if he cannot pay off the cause and effect, the luck of the dynasty must also be used to pay off the debt.

  If this is changed to cause and effect, it probably means that he wants to reform, and the success of the reform means that he has achieved good results. Not only has the debt been repaid, but it can also turn around and make the country of the Daxi Dynasty last longer.

   But if the reform fails, it will be a bad result. There is no way to repay the debt, and because the reform caused the turmoil of the Daxi Dynasty and the decline in national power, the dynasty's vitality has decreased, and Guozuo has naturally declined.

   Planting cause and effect is equivalent to executing an order, regardless of whether you have this ability or not.

It is also true that Gao Chi can have the luck of purple with gold, and those other idle princes are at most purple luck or the lower level of purple with vermilion luck. There is cause and effect, but it is impossible to be like Gao Chi is so scary.

   "The cause and effect of the faction will not affect me for the time being. There is still one day left. I don't know if I can improve my luck."

  Cause and effect, Chen Xiyi is not afraid, at worst, he pats his **** and runs to other worlds in the future. The sword of the previous dynasty cannot kill the officials of this dynasty.

   If this really annoyed Chen Xiyi, he would be bored, anyway, the one who owes the money is the uncle.

  There are more people coming to Taihu Lake today, so Chen Xiyi's deduction will naturally lead to more conclusions.

   "Sigh, why do most of them marry noble women? You can't rely on rich women to eat soft food to change your life, you have to rely on yourself." Chen Xiyi said righteously.

   After blocking all the results of marrying a noble woman, there are only about 10% of the results left.

"It seems that the Dragon Palace Night Banquet has invited a lot of powerful people." Chen Xiyi knew that under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for Taihu Lake to have so many powerful women. They should have accompanied the head of the family to the Dragon Palace Night Banquet, so that's why. Much more than usual.

   "But Mr. Long recruited a son-in-law, why did so many women come here?"

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining, it's not about acting as a consort.

   Soon Chen Xiyi figured out the joints, and it is not impossible to take advantage of this opportunity to get married. It is said to be a night banquet in the Dragon Palace, but it can definitely be turned into a large-scale fraternity.

  (end of this chapter)

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