This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 125: Lose at 1 o'clock

The inner demons brazenly launched a full-scale pursuit and suppression, taking advantage of the surviving power of the Linghai tide to pursue the human race.

In this case, everything is focused on the battle, and everything else is set aside for the time being.

Therefore, it has not been a few days since Lu Qingshan and Mo Yan slaughtered the city in the Demon Occupied Area, but not long ago, there was still a lot of turmoil in the Demon Occupied Area.

-The demons put most of their power into the front, and the rear is naturally empty.

In normal times, Lu Qingshan must have taken advantage of the emptiness behind the demons.

Only now, he has no such thoughts at all.

Passing the Demon Occupied Area, Lu Qingshan continued to travel westward.

As long as you cross the land of a state, it is the frontline battlefield, you can see the three cities of the human race, and see the Sword Sect monk.

On the way, when he passed a city occupied by a demon race, he was found by a demon repairer with special talents and supernatural powers.

The magic repair immediately issued a warning signal.

Seeing the magic repairs gather and chase them out, Lu Qingshan conveniently killed all the magic repairs in this city.

Leaving the city full of corpses, Lu Qingshan's feelings of worry or urgency accumulated in his heart, and finally got some relief.

After a while, Lu Qingshan finally saw the frontline battlefield.

The former convenience is Niujiaocheng, which is guarded by Ning Fengchen, the master of Wangu Peak.

Then, Lu Qingshan's expression suddenly became very solemn.

You can't see Bullhorn City at all.

Because, outside of Bullhorn City, all are the elite demons of the Infinite Demon Race, and the space is occupied by their bodies.

There are at least a million people in the black and overwhelming picture everywhere.

What really shocked Lu Qingshan was the violent fluctuations at the forefront of the Demon Tide, as well as the silhouettes and sword lights flying up and down.

"High Demon Lord!"

Lu Qingshan saw Dongqi Demon Venerable from a distance, and couldn't help frowning.

Although he has never faced Demon Venerable head-on, it is not that he has never seen Demon Venerable.

The Abyss and his party, in Jianluo King City, he had seen Demon Lord a long time ago.

Just normal communication, he can feel the heavy pressure from those demon venerables, one can imagine how terrible the demon venerated is.


The battle in Bullhorn City has been going on for more than a day.

Several hours before Lu Qingshan arrived, Ning Fengchen had already begun to look for opportunities to break through.

Because they have been delayed enough for the human force.

Under the leadership of Ning Fengchen, the Jianzong monk who was trapped in the encirclement of the magic tide launched the first powerful breakthrough.

That breakout was also the closest to success among the several attempts afterwards.

Because before the first breakout, the Mozu only knew that the sword repairers would definitely have this action, but the exact time is unknown.

It's a pity that Dongqi Demon Lord's meticulous arrangement, I don't know what method it uses, to solidify the space near Bullhorn City like a swamp, making it difficult for the monks to use their escape techniques.

No matter how well Jianzong Jianxiu could fight, he was brave and fearless, but when he fell into this swamp space, his speed slowed down helplessly.

Afterwards, the Demon Race who reacted abruptly stopped Ning Fengchen's breakthrough with his life.

After that, the magic repair who knew that the sword repairmen were about to leave the field was even more defensive, and surrounded it layer by layer, completely making it difficult for the sword cultivators to break through.

Fighting, caught in a tug of war.

Although after that, Ning Fengchen took the Jianzong cultivator and tried several times, but failed to break through all the time.

Dongqi Mozun quickly withdrew from the battle.

Standing in the middle army, he looked at the dense army of demons and Jianzong Jianxiu who fought bravely, letting the corpse of his own demons rain under the rain, unmoved at all.

The reason for retreating so far is because Jianzong Jianxiu has fallen into a predicament they can't break, and it is the end of the battle.

As long as it drags on slowly, the Jianzong cultivator will inevitably be a dead end, and they will all be annihilated by them, and he does not need to participate in the battle.

And Dongqi Mozun knows Jianxiu too much.

In the case of death, they can always burst out means and determination that the world can't imagine.

He was afraid that Ning Fengchen would forcibly explode with a dead end, replacing him with his life.

Dongqi Mozun was very cautious and didn't want to take this risk.

As for wasting more time and delaying them from chasing down the troop that the human monks retreated?

Having been held back by this group of sword repairs for a day, there was nothing to hurry up in these two hours.


The sword repairmen of Jianzong are suffering from the continuous offensive of the demon army.

However, they were still fighting bravely, waving the natal sword in their hands, and with the sorrow of their fellow sacrifices, they kept harvesting the heads of demons.

Until now, sacrifice is inevitable.

The Jianzong Jianxiu who had been close to eight hundred had no more than three hundred people left.

This is the hardest battle in the memory of Jianzong Jianxiu, and the most enemies.

Those magic repairs that are coming like a tide, seem to be incapable of killing them.

Changing to a normal monk, facing this situation, it doesn't take a day, maybe just one hour, it will be numb and collapsed.

But Jianzong Jianxiu is not like this, they all have a belief.

As long as all the demons blocking the road in front of them were killed, they would naturally be able to kill them.

So they never stopped.

The stern sound of fighting and the clanging clang of gold and iron continued to ring in the sky above the sky.

Even though Ning Fengchen was borrowing the breath of heaven and earth to hit people and reduce his loss to a minimum, he still started to feel tired, and the hand holding the sword was already from right to left.

As long as they rush out of the encirclement and retreat to the area covered by the Linghai Tide, they can use Tianwei to deal with the demon army, making it difficult for the demon army to organize an effective pursuit, and he can take his colleagues back.

Ning Fengchen has always been at the forefront, without looking back.

He was in the sword box behind him, and at this time had seventy-three natal swords of the same robe installed.

He also knew that of the more than 700 Sword Sect disciples he led, now only less than half were left.

This is the worst blow that Jianzong has suffered in 20,000 years.

But Ning Fengchen was not sad.

Because they completed their initial goal and successfully covered the troop of human monks from retreating into the Linghai Tide

And he knew that every disciple of the sword sect who sacrificed had killed at least hundreds of times his enemy before he died.

This is enough.

In this way, he can stand up and die.

Worthy of the name of Jianzong.

Ning Fengchen lifted up a "pot of wine", waved it, and chopped an eighth-rank demon repairer who was blocking the way in half from head to body, and then passed through the blood rain meat foam.

His left hand holding the sword has also begun to stiffen again.

"Everyone is almost close to the limit, unable to fight anymore, we only have the last chance." Ning Fengchen and Jian Huang behind him said.

After fighting for a day and night, he never stopped to shoot his sword from beginning to end.

The swordsmanship of Jianzong is strong, but they are not made of iron after all, but flesh and blood mortals, who are already exhausted and their magic power is about to dry up.

"We only have this last bit of mana, it is difficult to break through." Ning Fengchen said again.

Jian Huang's face was a little bleak.

He naturally understands this truth.

The previous failed breakouts have already proved the difficulty of this matter.

"Since it is almost impossible to break through, UU reading, we may be able to change the target." Ning Fengchen looked at the Dongqi Demon Venerable who had retreated to the Central Army, his eyes slowly narrowed, and his voice seemed to become cold. It's a bit.

"The most elite force in the encirclement is concentrated in the direction of our retreat, but the force ahead is relatively weak."

"They also don't have much defense against this."

"We can slay him in front of him and behead him."

"However, even if we are by surprise and do the opposite, and kill him in front of him, it is difficult to kill him in a short period of time," Jian Huang was not optimistic, and said to Ning Fengchen: "He is a high-level demon. Your combat power is the same."

It is not something that can be resolved in a short while if you want to distinguish between the forces of the same battle, let alone a showdown.

"I can give it a try." Ning Fengchen said softly, with a very faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but with domineering confidence in his tired tone.


In Human Realm, no monk of any sect is qualified to be compared with Jianzong's sword repair.

Even among the human race, there is a saying that Jianzongjian has been repaired and is invincible.

Not to mention breaking 10,000, for hundreds of thousands of years, the number of Jianzong has never even exceeded 4,000.

This is true even in the heyday.

But Jianzong, regardless of the number of people, never fell into the position of Daozong.

"I want to prove one thing all my life...

Not only in the human domain, even in the demon domain, there is no magic repair that can compare with our Jianzong sword repair. I didn't expect that it really gave me such an opportunity. "

Ning Fengchen smiled, slowly raised "a pot of wine", and asked, "Who wants to slaughter demons with me today?"

"I am willing to go home with Master Ning Feng!"

The last less than three hundred Jianzong sword repairmen behind him responded in unison without fear.

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