This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 126: Work in 0 autumn

If you can't go, then don't go.

This is Ning Fengchen's decision.

A very calm and powerful decision.

The goal of the war changed silently and smoothly at this time.

Right now, the sword repairers have only one goal.

Break through this heavy demon army, and then kill Dongqi Demon Lord.

If they can achieve this goal, even if they all die here, they can be regarded as having an explanation for the sword in their hands.

This is destined to be a **** and thrilling war



Ning Fengchen's body was full of blood, and one could imagine how thrilling and **** the previous battle was.

There is no expression on his face.

After a while, several Jianzong Jianxiu fell down beside Ning Fengchen.

As a result, nearly eight hundred Jianzong Jianxiu, by this time only Ning Fengchen and Jianhuang were left.

But they finally broke through the demon army.

Be caught off guard.

Jian Huang looked at the Dongqi Demon Venerable not far in front of him, and his expression was full of sarcasm and ferociousness. He suddenly asked: "Fengfeng Master, if we can't kill this dragon today, we should be ashamed of them. sacrifice?"

"Yes," Ning Fengchen took a step forward, "so, he must die today."

Because Jian Xiu never fails to bear the same robe.

Before Jian Huang could react, he heard the sound of the wind faintly.

Seeing Ning Fengchen swept lightly, he swept straight towards Dongqi Demon Venerable.

He wanted to cross this last part of the journey alone.

Ning Fengchen's expression was tranquil from beginning to end, as if that powerful Dongqi Demon Lord, countless demon army blocking the road, were just an ant in his eyes that could be pinched to death with his hand.

He kept swinging his sword, cutting away the magic repairs blocking the way.

A pot of wine slashed silently, like a awakened peerless monster, cruel, bloodthirsty, and powerful, devouring the lives of the demon cultivators tirelessly.

Ning Fengchen's movements were simple and neat, without a trace of excess.

Everywhere the blade of each sword goes, it is the deadly parts of the eyebrows, heart mouths, necks and so on of the magic repairs.

It's like a splendid, sharp-edged waltz.

The breath of heaven and earth was suddenly turbulent.

Although the further forward, the stronger the resistance of the demons.

But at the same time, Ning Fengchen swung his sword more and more frequently, faster and faster, and his killing intent became more and more harsh.

The ‘a pot of wine’ dropped quickly and lifted, until the naked eye could not see it clearly, dragging out afterimages.

The slightly cold and gloomy devilish qi brushed the blade of the ‘a pot of wine’, and shook a stern wind.

Jianfeng became a line hard as iron and cold as frost.

A line breaking the tide.

The demons of the demons moved forward desperately, and the billowing demonic energy almost drowned his figure.

The corners of Ning Fengchen's lips raised slightly, and with a very faint smile, he continued to move forward.

His speed is very fast, as fast as a monster.

Ning Fengchen can't be harmed by sharp magic soldiers, powerful tactics, or ever-changing gods and demons, and they can't even slow down his speed.

Ning Fengchen's body seemed to be fused with the long sword in his hand, easily piercing the defensive line of defense.

As far as Jianfeng can reach, the powerful demon clan powerhouses who fully display the gods and demons, and the mighty demon clan, are like chicken eggs hit by a rock, flying in all directions and falling downward.

It was just a moment, and the last distance was crossed by Ning Fengchen.

Dongqi Demon Venerable, standing in the position of the central army, still had a cold face.

As early as when Ning Fengchen led the remaining three hundred swordsmen to advance instead of retreating, he had seen Ning Feng's plan.

However, Dongqi Demon Venerable looked at Ning Fengchen who was close at hand, clearly knowing his intentions, but his expression did not show any panic.

On the contrary, he was even like Ning Fengchen before, with the corners of his lips slightly raised, revealing an inexplicable smile.

Then, a strong devilish energy gushing out of Dongqi Demon Lord's body, covering his body and face, turning into a gloomy darkness.

No one can see that in the devilish energy, his physical body is gradually becoming illusory.

Only his indifferent eyes were so gloomy.

Dongqi Mozun looked at Ning Fengchen who was killing him, and took a deep breath.

"Self! No! Volume! Force!"

Then, his mountain-like fist blasted out.

With a punch out, in a blink of an eye, the tall figure of no less than a hundred Dongqi Demon Venerable appeared between the two of them.

Although the posture is slightly different, they are all punches and have the tendency to rush toward the thunder.

The inevitable Ning Fengchen confronted the first Dongqi Demon Venerable.

There was a clang.

The fist is like a piece of gold and stone, with infinite power.

Ning Fengchen was repulsed for the first time, and took a foot back.

The figure of Dongqi Demon Sovereign appeared continuously.

The second Dongqi Mozun took it up.

Ning Fengchen backed away for the second time, backing by two feet.

It's like a relay, continuously progressing.

The third time, three feet.

Fourth time, four feet

Repeatedly, Dongqi Demon Zun became more and more courageous, and his body became more and more.

On the connection between him and Ning Fengchen, his figure was already densely packed for a while, as if it were Sun Monkey's hair blowing avatar technique.

Ning Fengchen had to retreat again and again.

At the same time, blood oozes from his body.

In the end, Dongqi Demon Zun's fists were like a pair of sledgehammers, smashing Ning Fengchen's "pot of wine" with an alarm sound like a drum, finally knocking Ning Fengchen into the air.

Ning Fengchen flew out upside down, staggering, with sword energy growing under his feet and hooking into the space to hinder his retreat.

When Ning Fengchen barely stabilized his figure, Dongqi Demon Venerable had been silent until now, he watched him lightly and said: "It is worthy of being the Jianzong Jianxiu who is known to be invincible, even in this desperate situation. It can also pose a slight threat to me."

He completely talked to Ning Fengchen with a victorious attitude, "Your Jianzong has been the number one Daozong for thousands of years, and your arrogance is even more known to the world.

Now, all of this has turned into the power to destroy your Sword Sect, and it is worthy of the sin. "

If Jianzong Jianxiu didn't have that arrogance, how could he dare to go west?

How can you dare to use this man with more than 700 people as a pass, and you can't do anything about it?

Before, their arrogance brought countless glory to Jianzong.

Now, their arrogance is to bring death to them.

"Destroy the Sword Sect?" Ning Fengchen, who appeared to be frustrated in the fight just now, seemed to have no strength to fight back, suddenly laughed, and looked at the Dongqi Demon Venerable and said with emotion: "You demon clan too overestimate yourself. ."

"Even if we are all dead in this battle, Jianzong will not die.

We also have the Qingyun Sword Immortal, Xia Daoyun, Yu Canghai, Xue Wushao, Shao Zong Lu Qingshan, and thousands of people."

"Besides, I believe that in this battle, your sacrifices will be a hundred times more painful, a thousand times more painful than ours."

Dongqi Mozun's face became a little dull.

In order to eliminate these seven hundred sword repairmen, they did pay a heavy price that was unimaginable by others, and it was so heavy that it was unimaginable that only more than seven hundred people were in the way, not 70,000.

In the battle of this day, even though almost all of the terrifying sword repairers have died, the casualties of their demons are hundreds and thousands of times more than their enemies.

Such a tragic victory can only be accepted by the demons who do not take their lives.

"I don't deny what you said, but I have to regret to tell you that this sacrifice is nothing but a drop in the bucket for our demons."

"And in any case, you are ultimately defeated in this battle."

"Lost?" Ning Fengchen was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, "It is indeed defeated."

"But it was only lost for a while"

In the end, Ning Fengchen said to Dongqi Demon Venerable: "Also, not only do you Demon Race overestimate yourself, you also overestimate yourself."

"Go one," he muttered to himself with his sword in a low voice.

"A pot of wine" is inextricably linked with people, and it casts off as quickly as a rolling thunder, so that it entrains a long rainbow composed of black magic energy.

As soon as this sword came out, there was no sign of it.

But the world is surging at this moment.

Ning Fengchen didn't wipe the blood from his face. In fact, during the confrontation with Dongqi Demon Venerable just now, the flesh under his robe was already bloody.

At this time, blood flowed from his pores all over his body, flowed through his eyes, and trickled down.

Ning Fengchen just ignored it.

His last sword was finally handed out completely.

First heard of the continuous thunder explosion between the heaven and the earth, and then saw a sword qi tearing through the sky with a ray of force.

This is Ning Fengchen's pinnacle sword. The first half of the sword gathers the essence of his killing skills. It is a real art and heavy skill.

The second half of the sword uses the sword intent to fuse the sword in the heavens and the earth, merge in the mountains and rivers, and finally mobilize the power of the heavens and the earth, and the meaning.

The combination of successively and the fusion of skills and intentions resulted in a sword that clearly crossed the threshold of the eight realms, but did not really reach the level of the sword immortal, one step closer to it.

I don't know how to judge.

Ning Fengchen did not name this sword.

Because before that, this sword had never been seen in the world.

But after this sword, he was "lost his family", with a breeze in his sleeves.

Therefore, he has no time to name it.

Ning Fengchen just looked down at the land under his feet, his gaze swept across the rolling mountains.

Finally, a smile of relief evoked at the corner of his mouth.

The mountains and rivers are like wine.

Respectable and gentle.

"You can also kill your old man!" Ning Fengchen yelled out of nowhere, and pressed his hands down.

The majestic air machine pouring out from top to bottom.

A great sword that opens up a mountain emerges from it, as if hanging down from nine heavens.

It's more like a **** who raises his head three feet.

Without exception, the magic repairs around them all felt an irresistible thrust, and quickly retreated uncontrollably.

The heaven and the earth are divided into two parts by the sword of the open mountain.

The gloomy clouds were drawn away, forming a black sword that was as thick as a mountain, with no one before and after.

The point of the sword rushed down and pointed directly at Dongqi Mozun.

Dongqi Mozun couldn't hide, and could only blast out with a straight punch.

The giant sword stopped abruptly a foot away from his fist, exploded a firework, and continued to dissipate.

The fireworks produced by the collision between this giant sword and the fist seemed endless, constantly colliding.

Although the giant sword is big, it is limited after all, it is constantly being damaged, shortening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Dongqi Mozun's figure remained unmoving, and it seemed that this sword couldn't help him.

But at this moment, the real murder broke out.

Numerous slender but spiritual sword auras hidden in the black giant sword shot out like a celestial flower, like a pear blossom in a rainstorm.

There is only one goal from beginning to end.

Dongqi Mozun.

There are countless peaks between heaven and earth.

On the other hand, Ning Fengchen had countless sword auras, and the sword tips pointed at Dongqi Demon Venerable at the same time, either straight or slanted, all of which were in harmony with the mountains.

The fusion of fierce sword power and Zhengrong mountain power.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

The tide fell straight down from the sky.

The demons were so frightened that they dared not look directly at the sky full of sword energy.

Jian Huang behind Ning Fengchen sighed heavily.

He knew that this was Ning Fengchen's pinnacle sword, but it was also his last sword.

It should have been heartache, but as a sword repairer, he was proud of Ning Fengchen.

Being able to have such a sword in his lifetime is worthy of practicing swordsmanship in this life.

Dongqi Mozun's eyelids trembled involuntarily, and he ran into his head with an angry shout.

The sword energy dissipated one by one.

A hole was broken in the body of Dongqi Demon Lord.

Then there are two holes, three holes

Countless holes.

Flesh and blood, scarlet blood exploded.

A fist-sized wound appeared on Dongqi Demon's heart.

Even if this Demon Lord has an unparalleled physique and is not inferior to Human Emperor Wudi, it still cannot be cured.

There was a sword intent running rampant in the wound, and the scene was strange.

Suddenly born and died suddenly.

But what disappeared with the sword intent was the vitality of Dongqi Demon Venerable.

His eyes widened in astonishment.

I don't know when, Ning Fengchen has already come to him.

A jug of wine was held in Ning Fengchen's hand and penetrated through his head.

Then it did not pull out.

Because the owner of the sword had already closed his eyes with a smile.

The same is true of Dongqi Mozun.

The two are connected by a sword, just hanging in the air quietly

Ning Fengchen, the leader of the Eternal Peak, fell in the early eighth year of Tianyuan.

This is Jianzong's first main peak peak master to fall in this magnificent war.

Before he died, he killed the Dongqi Demon, who was under the two demon clan of Heart Demon and over ten thousand people.

The heroic death.

Yes, Dongqi Demon Venerable is actually just a piece of soul.

But it is also the most powerful part of the three souls of Dongqi, otherwise it can't become the third person of Infernal Territory.

Such a powerful soul division sacrificed for this, even for the heart demon clan with a large family, it is an indescribable huge loss.

This laid an extremely important foundation for the victory of the battle between the spirit and the devil.

Perhaps later generations will not necessarily remember the contributions Ning Fengchen made before the victory, but only the war that won the final victory.

Ke Ning Fengchen didn't care about these.

The success does not have to be with me, but the success must be with me.

Lost for a The second half of the sentence he didn't say was

Work for the future

Jian Huang's figure was shaky.

At this point, the Jianzong Jianxiu in Niujiaocheng was the only one left.

He was also exhausted, but he refused to fall.

Jian Xiu died in the war with the demons, there is nothing to be sad about.

Jian Huang didn't hesitate his life.

However, he wanted to bring back the natal sword of the disciple of the Seven Hundred Sword Sect who had fallen in Niujiaocheng back to the Eastern Region.

Now that Jianzong Jianxiu is the only one left, then this is his responsibility.

Fallen leaves return to their roots.

Since people can't take them home, swords, should they be taken home?

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