This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 128: People stay, swords return

Lu Qingshan also took out the red sandalwood sword box.

Before this, there was no sword in his red sandalwood sword box, nothing.

At this moment, the red sandalwood sword box opened wide.

Lu Qingshan raised his head and looked at the dense wave of flying swords in the sky.

Staring at this scene, he sighed heavily in his heart.

This wave of Jianhuang's flying swords is only for handing swords, not for killing the enemy.

He even handed it out with his own natal sword.

Sword repair does not have a sword, what this means is self-evident.

Lu Qingshan suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the other end of Feijian.

At the moment Jianhuang handed the sword, the Demon Tide immediately completely covered and submerged the place where Jianhuang was previously.

"Please Shao Zong pick up the sword" is the last words of the sword repairman who insisted on the bullhorn city to the end.

People stay, swords return.

I have regrets, but I have no guilt.


Lu Qingshan retracted his gaze, holding the box and standing.

The group of flying swords composed of more than nine hundred flying swords is overwhelmingly powerful and unimaginable.

No magic repair would be unable to think of blocking this wave of flying swords with a physical body.

Because it is not necessary.

Taking orders to stop Jianhuang's breakthrough was a last resort, it was a military order.

But blocking the sword, even if the military discipline is as strict as a demon, there has never been such a rule.

So the demons retreated.

But Feijian's speed was too fast, not all the magic repairs on Feijianyu's forward path could get out of the way in time.

These magic repairs that failed to escape in time were instantaneously bursting into pieces, turning into a cloud of blood and exploding.

Because the flying sword is advancing rapidly, the friction air generates high temperature, and the blood mist melts away in an instant, which shows the horror of its power.

Lu Qingshan didn't deliberately lead it, but just stood there peacefully.

But between heaven and earth, a strange wave occurred.

"Come." Lu Qingshan looked at the wave of flying swords and said softly.

Suddenly there was a sword, as if he heard Lu Qingshan's call.

As a result, its sword body trembled slightly.

In the next moment, Long Sword suddenly speeded up.

Like traveling through time and space, it drags a long tail flame, engulfing an unimaginable power, and seeing Lu Qingshan as its target, it is approaching in an instant.

But no matter how thunderous and sharp it was before, it suddenly stagnated after approaching Lu Qingshan, standing gently in the void in front of Lu Qingshan, unimaginably well-behaved.

The long sword made a low buzzing sound.

This is like a signal.

One sword after another, one sword holding one sword, flying towards Lu Qingshan, in an endless stream.

After a few breaths, a long sword stood in front of Lu Qingshan.

They hummed in unison.

Lu Qingshan, at this moment, is like the master of these nine hundred swords.

He understood what these swords were talking about.

"Masters, listen to the sword chants." Lu Qingshan said, cultivating all the swords who had fallen in this war.

Then, Lu Qingshan gently patted the sword box in his hand.

"I will take you home."

Immediately, the top sword weapon in the world standing in front of him slid through a delicate arc and slipped into the sword box.

It's like a famous sword in its sheath.

However, after a while, more than nine hundred swords were put into the box.

Lu Qingshan closed the box and lost behind him.

And at this moment, the demonic cultivators who had just solved the sword yellow finally came back to their senses, and they had the intention to pay attention to Lu Qingshan who suddenly appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

Among them, after the death of Dongqi Demon Lord, Heiquan Demon Lord who quickly took over the command, full of evil eyes, the first time he crossed a long distance to lock on Lu Qingshan.

But after distinguishing the strength of the latter, sarcasm and disdain appeared in his eyes.

"Kill." He raised his palm and said directly.


Suddenly, a series of amazing demonic energy erupted near Lu Qingshan, and then soared into the sky and rushed towards Lu Qingshan.

This Demon Lord is not ready to do it himself.

With some intuition, he didn't seem to be able to let Lu Qingshan go too easily.

But first, it is unnecessary, and second, he has more important things to do.

Although Dongqi's divided soul has fallen, it is impossible for this war to stop there.

He will immediately lead the army into the area covered by the Linghai Tide, and pursue the evacuated Niujiaocheng human monk army.

After all, because of Jianzong Jianxiu, they have spent too much unnecessary time in Bullhorn City. If this goes on, how can they obtain military exploits?

Heiquan Demon Lord, who took over the command, glanced at Lu Qingshan in the distance, as well as the demon cultivator who had already raged in his camp and killed Lu Qingshan.

He has treated Lu Qingshan as a dead person, and no longer pays attention to Lu Qingshan.

He waved his hand again and decisively ordered: "Others, etc., set off immediately, enter the Linghai Tide, and catch up with the Terran monk coalition as soon as possible."

Immediately, the huge army of demons, like an ancient fierce beast taking a rest in Bullhorn City, suddenly awakened and walked away.

Lu Qingshan glanced at the movements of the Mozu.


He dared to show up on such a battlefield because he had spotted this:

It is impossible for the Demon Race to waste too much time on him, and the Demon Lord will most likely not make a move.

Just like in a battle between the two countries, one side has just won, and suddenly learned that there is a small group of deserters on the edge of the battlefield. Usually a small group of troops are sent at random to pursue them. How can the marshal or general personally take action to solve this group of deserters?

Of course, this is not to say that Demon Lord will not make a move if it is 100%.

Accidents can happen at any time.

It is possible that there was a Demon Venerable near Lu Qingshan's appearance, so he shot it smoothly.

It’s also possible that the demon lord has a unique idea and has to do it himself

Anything is possible.

But it is naturally impossible for Lu Qingshan to hide because of these small probability events.

Fortunately, things developed as he thought.

However, the other party was also extremely cautious, and to deal with him a monk who "fit and perfect", it turned out to dispatch seven three-cast demon masters.

This was a bit unexpected by Lu Qingshan.

However, that's all. For any fit monk, this is an overly luxurious lineup, but for Lu Qingshan, it is not invincible.

Lu Qingshan's eyes flickered, and a fierce light gradually condensed.

Only in the next instant, he turned and fled without hesitation.

The demon army in front hasn't gone far. If he does something here, once he moves too much, it will inevitably attract the attention of other demon cultivators.

Lu Qingshan must first draw the chasing troops away, and wait for the demon army to disappear from sight before doing it.


The sword light flashed away, and then the figure of Lu Qingshan disappeared together.

Invisible sword escape.

He unites with the sword, blends with the sword light, flees to the distance, and once again rushes to the demonic area.

The invisible sword escape that was improved by Lu Qingshan's cast range has already exceeded the limit of the skill itself.

The team chasing Lu Qingshan violently, saw Lu Qingshan suddenly explode with such an astonishing escape technique, it was also taken aback for a moment, "What a fast speed!"

They didn't expect that Lu Qingshan, a combined sword repairman, could perform such an astonishing escape technique.

However, they didn't care.

This kind of escape technique, in their view, is obviously a life-saving escape technique, and it cannot be supported for long.

Their eyes were cold, and they chased Lu Qingshan faster again, their voices full of murderous intent.

"I want to see how long you can escape today!"

Chasing and fleeing, it broke out in an instant, and headed towards the demon occupying area far away from the Linghai Tide.

On the other side, it was also a big chase and escape.

The demon army marched towards the Linghai tide far away from the demon-occupied area.

The distance between the two parties is rapidly increasing

The chase and escape lasted for half an hour.

"He stopped!" The seven Three Cast Demon Lords who were chasing after discovered that Lu Qingshan, who had been fleeing frantically in front of him, had changed.

His speed started to slow down, and at the end he stopped directly.

"I can't finally run?" A hideous color appeared on the corner of a three-cast demon's mouth.

"It feels like the situation is a bit weird, could it be fraudulent?" There was a three-cast demon master who was cautious by nature.

"A fit sword repair, can it turn the sky upside down?" The other three-cast demon masters were dissatisfied, full of confidence in themselves.

The prudent three-cast demon master heard the words, UU read www.uukanshu. com also gave a silly smile, so I am embarrassed to mention it again.

"Run, are you running again?" Lu Qingshan stopped, but Moxiu didn't stop, and soon approaching Lu Qingshan, looking at Lu Qingshan, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved.

Lu Qingshan looked around the seven three-cast demon masters, and the voice came to each of them.

"Blood debts and blood," he said coldly: "Since you can't get revenge right away, according to the rules of the world, let's charge a little interest first."

The seven three-cast demon masters were startled.

Collect interest?

Interest refers to us?

The demons were silent for a few breaths, and then one of the three-cast demons suddenly turned gloomy.

He stared at Lu Qingshan's extremely young face, his voice full of hostility.

"Asshole, are you humiliating us?"

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