The seven three-cast demon masters felt unusually angry, their eyes flashing with murderous intent, and the temperature around them seemed to be lowering at this moment.

No wonder they behaved like this.

If a monk in the Combined Realm is normal, he would send an eighth rank magic repair to pursue him at will, it would be considered an unusually large battle.

But because Lu Qingshan had just received nine hundred swords into the box, they could perceive that Lu Qingshan was different from the average monk.

For this reason, they have deployed a luxurious lineup of seven three-cast demon masters.

In their opinion, this kind of manpower, let alone a combined monk, even if it is a hundred combined monks, they can kill them all.

In this case, Lu Qingshan was the fish on the cutting board in the eyes of these demons, waiting for them to kill.

As a result, now, "fish and meat" instead look at them as "interest"?

This made the demons feel deeply offended.

"Sure enough, I still haven't killed enough. The magic cultivators of the Raccoon Sect may recognize me, but these magic cultivators from the Infernal Territory don't care about me at all?" Seeing the magic cultivators so angry, Lu Qingshan couldn't help but shook his head. , Talking to himself.

He had made shots before and did not hide his identity as the Sword Sect Shaozong, but he has always been on the must-kill list of the Underworld and the Raccoon Sect and is highly regarded.

But I didn't expect these three cast demon masters in front of him to be so dismissive of him.

However, it is normal to think about it carefully. After all, not long ago, he was just a cultivator of God, not to mention the record of sweeping the Devil's Nest.

In the eyes of a strong Demon Race with a deep cultivation base, he is just an ant. How can he be treated with serious attention and pay attention to him?

The demon cultivators gazed at Lu Qingshan gloomily, and didn't talk any more nonsense. The terrifying demonic energy fluctuations diffused from their bodies, the void vibrated slightly, and the extremely strong coercion flooded towards Lu Qingshan.

"Seven Three Cast Demon Lords" Lu Qingshan sighed around, slowly exhaling.

Even in the devil's nest before, the enemies he faced were the three three-cast demon masters, and now the number has suddenly doubled, and the pressure on Lu Qingshan does exist.

Because this meant that the time he spent in order to kill all these demonic cultivators had to at least doubled.

However, the duration of his military tactics is really limited, and it was just enough for him to kill the three three-cast demon masters before.

"They must be killed within the duration of the Bing Zi Jue. Otherwise, without this bonus, it will not be easy to fight them head-on."

Lu Qingshan's eyes were low.

"So, I have to come up with a stronger combat power than before."

"I'm afraid, the only way to use that assassin is." Lu Qingshan gritted his teeth.

Now that the idea was settled in his mind, he no longer hesitated.

"Sword Domain."

The dazzling purple-gold light, like a scorching sun, suddenly spread from the sky, covering the world and moving in, causing the seven magic cultivators to squint their eyes.

The space of the Quartet changes at this time.

"Faxiang." Lu Qingshan murmured in a low voice.

He stood in the air, with endless blue light blooming behind him.

Such a vision obviously attracted the attention of the demons.

They fixed their eyes and cast their gazes into the shining light behind Lu Qingshan, even if they were shocked to see, an invisible blue giant snake slowly emerged.

It hovered in all directions, not knowing how huge it was, the head of the snake hung down, and its indifferent eyes were filled with endless majesty looking at them.

The green snake still has the mighty purple and golden aura flowing in his body, which is extremely noble.

The magic cultivators looked at the green snake with complex eyes and felt very familiar, especially when they looked at the pair of sun and moon eyes at the green snake.

Law phase.

This is the law of Lu Qingshan's sword domain.

The emperor's law form formed by the spirit of his sword qi.

The attention of the demon cultivators was attracted by this Faxiang for a while.

But this is just the beginning.

"Three flowers gather at the top."

The primordial spirit in Lu Qingshan's eyebrows began to shine brightly, and the strength of the primordial spirit began to gush out like a wave.

Yuanli foundation began to climb steadily, reaching 700,000!

"The law is like the earth."

The sword realm is full of visions, and its power is majestic and mighty.

Lu Qingshan's vitality heritage has once again been promoted, infinitely approaching 800,000.

"Bing Zi Jue: Dragon Bird!"

The light is vast, and the soul and shadow are gorgeous.

Powerful force broke out.

Yuanli's foundation has officially reached the level of the Four Tribulation Realm, the horror realm of one million.

This is still not the strongest state of Lu Qingshan.

Finally, Lu Qingshan's eyes flickered, and he pressed a palm against the earth.

"The power of mountains and seas!" he shouted in a low voice.

The Shanhaizong secret method is also an explosive secret method that belongs to the top level but does not conflict with other secret methods.

In Lu Qingshan's palm, a very peculiar symbol appeared at this time, shining, exuding infinite meaning.

Following this, a peculiar wave was released from this symbol and quickly spread to the earth.

The desolate breath quickly spread out.

Then, the demons saw that the ground below had begun to become barren at an astonishing speed.

In just a few breaths, within these tens of thousands of miles, all were transformed into a barren land.

In the flowing air, there was an extremely violent wave, rushing into Lu Qingshan's body.

Looking at the demonic cultivators with such a domineering and evil explosion of secret techniques, they were all shocked.

Lu Qingshan in the sky still kept his palm touching the ground.

It seemed calm, but anyone could feel a terrifying force of Yuan force, radiating waves from Lu Qingshan's body.

This made the seven demon cultivators who had witnessed Lu Qingshan's transformation completely breathed.

Under Mo Xiu's jealous gaze, Lu Qingshan twisted his neck slightly, feeling the almost terrifying vitality inside his body, and some shocked expressions flashed across his eyes.

Even if he was in the magic nest before, he had not exploded with full strength, and had not superimposed the power of mountains and seas, so he had never experienced how strong he would be when he burst out with full strength.

"It can be so strong?"

Now he, single-talking on the foundation of Yuanli, has already crossed the threshold of one million.

In this state, although there is still a big gap with the Ninth Rank, it is already possible to face the real Four Tribulations Realm powerhouse head-on.

Immediately, Lu Qingshan raised his head and cast his eyes sharply at the seven demons.

At this time, the seven demons looked at Qingshan with a gloomy expression.

Obviously, Lu Qingshan's vitality foundation skyrocketed, which really exceeded their expectations, making them feel a dangerous aura.

The Bing Zi Jue lasted for a limited time, and Lu Qingshan didn't talk nonsense any more, his eyes were sharply locked on the seven three-cast demon masters.


The next moment, the cyan giant snake behind him waved its tail first, and swung down heavily towards a three-cast demon master.

The Three Cast Demon Lord looked shocked, and his body suddenly swelled into an ancient giant.

Gods and Demons.

He used the body of the gods and demons with great power, and wanted to withstand the suppressed snake tail.

But at the moment of the collision, Mo Xiu understood how powerful Lu Qingshan was and how naive he was.

The vastness of the power from the snake tail made him feel like a tiny ant, his body crunching with embarrassment, and his body was dripping with blood in an instant.

Completely crushed by strength.

As the Faxiang Green Snake flicked its tail, Lu Qingshan's figure was also a phantom, disappearing in place.

【Return】The word secret!

When he reappeared, he had already appeared near one of the Three Cast Demon Lords.

Lu Qingshan stretched out his right hand and held it slightly in the void.

With a bang, the Suppression Demon appeared in his hands out of thin air.

With a wave of his wrist, there was sword energy in the sword domain, and accompanied by the demonization of the town, it broke through the air.

The speed of this sword shot, the speed, and the power of the Three Cast Demon Lord, there was no way to react at all.

The face of the demon changed drastically, but nothing could be changed.

In the next instant, the Suppression Demon shattered the void with the momentum of lightning, and heavily bombarded the body of the three-cast demon master who was horrified in front of his eyes.

[Cut] The word secret!

Once the sword is in the sword domain, it will enter the frost blade state, increasing the power and speed of the first sword after it is taken out. The power will be determined by the time it enters the frost blade.

Up to 50% attack power and 100% attack speed can be increased.

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