This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 132: January, 2 difficult, return to the east

The menacing demon chasing soldiers were just swept away by Lu Qingshan with ease.

Thunder, little rain.

Quite a funny battle.

After a while, a red light floated from Lu Qingshan's body.


Lu Qingshan lifted the Bing Zi Jue.

Qin Yitian's figure slowly emerged from the dragon bird.

She stood upright in front of Lu Qingshan, looked at her son with complicated eyes, and said softly: "The son is so strong now."

Who could have imagined that the little Jian Xiu who didn't even have a sword eight years ago now has such a powerful force.

Give him a little more time, the whole sky might also be changed by him.

Qin Yitian's heart gradually gave birth to some sense of pride.

This man is destined to leave a dazzling mark in the history of the human race, but she was the sword master Qin Yitian had in the first glance!

In fact, the relationship between Qin Yitian and Lu Qingshan is very complicated. On the surface, it is the relationship between the sword master and the natal sword, but the inside is extremely subtle.

Said to be the sword master, but also a comrade-in-arms and fellow comrades who share life and death, and even have some more subtle emotions in it.

"I'm far from being a strong one." Lu Qingshan replied even though he was not very satisfied with his current strength.

He obviously didn't notice Qin Yitian's abnormality.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Qingshan took out a map from the mustard seeds.

The map is made of monster fur. It looks very old and very big.

This is the map of the Middle Spirit Realm.

Lu Qingshan stretched out his hand and slowly rubbed a certain line on the map.

In the end, his finger stopped somewhere on the map, and then he remained silent and did not speak any more.

Qin Yitian, who had been watching Lu Qingshan, couldn't help frowning.

It was the first time she saw Lu Qingshan behave like this.

As a result, Qin Yitian looked away from Lu Qingshan and moved to the map in his hand.

Then, she understood everything.

"Horseshoe City, Tiger Head City"

The place where Lu Qingshan's fingers stood was surprisingly where the two cities were.

Haoran Peak Master Li Supplements, Hengqiu Peak Master Gu Qiu, and Eternal Peak Master Ning Fengchen, each with more than 700 Jianzong Jianxiu guarding the three front-line cities.

Now that the entire army of Jianzong Jianxiu in Niujiao City has been wiped out, and all have fallen, how can the situation in the other two cities get better?

There was no change in the expression on Lu Qingshan's face.

After he paused for a while in the two cities, his fingers continued to extend forward.

"After such a long time, Horseshoe City and Hutou City must have been broken, and the demon army has even passed the dome of Youzhou Prefecture, entering the Linghai Tide, and is approaching the human coalition forces."

"The astronomical phenomenon is fair."

"Our people need to follow along in the spirit sea tide, and beware of the turbulence and spatial cracks that may appear at any time."

"It stands to reason that the Demon Race should be the same." Qin Yitian answered.

"That's it," Lu Qingshan nodded, then shook his head, "but it's not all right."


"As long as the demons are willing to sacrifice, they can use their lives to find the way, so as to avoid the spiritual turbulence and spatial cracks in the wake of the Linghai tide, and then wipe out the precious time delayed by the life of the sword repair."

Lu Qingshan put away the map in his hand and looked up at Qin Yitiandao.

Will the demons be willing to sacrifice their lives?

Of course willing. Valley

In the abyss, the least valuable thing is the life of low-grade magic repair.

"Isn't the Terran coalition in danger?" Qin Yitian asked worriedly.

"At least in the environment of Linghai Chao, large-scale wars cannot be launched.

All battles will be divided into small-scale encounters, which can weaken the demons’ numerical advantage to a certain extent. "Lu Qingshan shook his head and said.

"Once the leading monk of the human coalition finds Mo Xiu's figure, he will react to what is going on when he thinks about it.

As long as they can adjust their strategies in time and break them into pieces, it is impossible for the Demon Race to wipe out our cultivator coalition forces in the tide of the Spirit Sea. "

"This chasing battle in the wake of the Linghai tide will last at least one month." Lu Qingshan's eyes were deep and quietly said.

"A month?" Qin Yitian was puzzled.

In a war of this scale, one month seems too insignificant, as if nothing can be changed.

"One month is enough to do a lot of things."

"Enough for us to find the body of the heart demon, and enough for us to kill the two top demons of the heart demon clan." Lu Qingshan said.

"Kill the top Demon Lord?! Young Master?" Qin Yitian exclaimed softly.

Lu Qingshan turned around and looked around, and all his eyes were on the ground that was cracked by the power of the mountains and seas.

"Look, this land originally belonged to our human race, but it fell into a demonic area."

"In the land of a state, with the number of demons, even if you don't pass through the city, demons should be seen everywhere.

This was true when Mo Yan and I went to the Wilderness. We were careful along the way. "

"But this time, when I escaped all the way, I haven't encountered a Demon Cultivator. Although there is a reason why I didn't get through the Demon Clan, I shouldn't look at it anyway."

"Moreover, in the past, when I used the power of mountains and seas such a big movement, the magic repair had already come to check the situation.

But now, it's been so long, but I still haven't seen the figure of the Demon Race. Why do you say that? "Lu Qingshan asked.

Being such a little bit by Lu Qingshan, the wise Sword Spirit girl suddenly realized.

"Because most of the demon repairs in the Demon Occupied Area are also going east with the demon army."

"This time the Mozu has transferred most of its troops to the frontline battlefield. Apart from a small number of demons stationed in the city, the other places are extremely empty, so no one has noticed the movement here."

Lu Qingshan nodded, "Exactly."

Then he said again: "The demons don't know that the secret of their bloodline talent has been known to me, so they don't have much defense.

And this time they were so aggressive, thinking that they must have sent their strongest soul to the front battlefield. "

"At this time, as long as we can find the body of the inner demon, we can move the tiger away from the mountain and capture the thieves and capture the king first." Lu Qingshan's flat voice engulfed the coldness and killing intent of freezing everything.

Qin Yitian fell into deep thought.

This idea does not say anything else, at least it seems to be quite feasible.

"What is the son going to do?" Qin Yitian asked, "As the son said, there are two huge problems to be solved."

"One is how to find the body of the inner the other is **** them."

In Qin Yitian's view, neither of the two problems can be easily solved.

Not to mention that Lu Qingshan is still planning to solve these two problems together within a month.

"The two top Demon Lords said that I can kill nothing."

No matter how weak the top demon is, with a little finger, Lu Qingshan can be pressed to death at this time.

"It can even be said that in the entire Zhongling, only one person can do this."

"Qingyun Sword Immortal?" Qin Yitian was startled, and then blurted out.

"Yes," Lu Qingshan nodded, raised his sword, turned into a streamer, and returned in the same direction as when he came, "We should set off now."

"Where to go?"

"Look for the Sect Master first."

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