This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 133: Jianzong, there is me, so in

Lu Qingshan once again embarked on the journey home.

It's just that compared to the last time, his heart is more determined this time, and he has a clear goal.

Although this area is already in a precarious state, like a ship in the ocean, it may be wiped out by the waves at any time.

But now, Lu Qingshan has seen the coastline that represents hope.

He believes that whether it is Human Race or Sword Sect, it will definitely win the final victory.

After a journey that was not considered a trek, Lu Qingshan finally arrived outside Niujiao City again.

Niujiaocheng, where the tide of demon tribe army had originally gathered, was long gone by the demon.

Lu Qingshan stood quietly outside the city.

It was here that Ning Fengchen took the 739 sword repairmen who were the most elite of Jianzong and went to death generously.

Not only Lu Qingshan, but even in the memory of many cultivators in the world, this was the first time Jianzong Jianxiu, known as the invincible, suffered such a tragic and severe injury.

Qin Yitian glanced at Lu Qingshan worriedly.

There was nothing strange in the look on his face.

But Qin Yitian noticed that Lu Qingshan's hand was already clenched for no reason.

The grip was very tight and tight, and his tight knuckles turned white, exposing his depressed and tight mood more than anyone else.

"I'm going to take a trip to the south."

Finally, Lu Qingshan could no longer control his emotions and proposed to take a trip to the south.

He used a negotiating tone, as if as long as Qin Yitian disagreed, he would not go.

Qin Yitian knew where Lu Qingshan was going.

Horseshoe City, and Hutou City.

As Lu Qingshan said, until now, these two cities have been destroyed no matter what.

Moreover, one month is said to be a lot less, but not too much. It should be a race against time.

So Lu Qingshan rushed over at this time and couldn't save anything, except for wasting precious time, it wouldn't make any sense.

Sometimes, something meaningless does not mean it is not worth doing.

For many things, even if you already know the answer in your heart, you always have to see the answer with your own eyes to completely give up.

Because I care, so so.

The son is very unusual, but on this point, he is not much different from ordinary people.

Qin Yitian understood Lu Qingshan, so she said, "Then take a trip, son."

Hutou City is right in front of you.

In the barren wilderness, there is a majestic but scarred giant city.

Lu Qingshan's sword stopped outside the city, daring not to approach it for a long time.

Before that, he had already been to Horseshoe City.

The answer is just as Lu Qingshan thought, there are not too many discrepancies.

Lu Qingshan was silent outside the city for a long time.

"My son, go in and take a look, I'll be waiting for you outside." Qin Yitian's face was a little mixed.

Lu Qingshan finally nodded slowly, turned into streamer again, and entered Tiger Head City.

The city is very quiet.

A gust of wind passed.

Gray rustle fell on the city wall.

Lu Qingshan glanced over the city wall subconsciously, then stagnated.

Immediately, his figure fell aside.

On the wall, there are densely packed sword marks, like a chaotic painting.

Lu Qingshan stretched out his hand and stuck it on the wall.

He gently rubbed the mottled sword marks on the wall with his fingers.

Entering the stone three points, but not destroying the city wall, the sword aura is no longer there, but still can feel the fierce meaning, as if he is not touching the sword marks, but the cold blade.

Lu Qingshan sighed softly in his heart.

The battlefield was above the sky, but the sword Qi left such a sword mark on the wall at such a long distance.

Only Gu Qiu was able to display such a sword spirit in Hutou City.

Lu Qingshan's gaze stayed on these dense sword marks for a long time, as if he could see what a fierce battle had taken place here before.

His gaze and mind followed the sword mark, and the mottled sword mark gradually separated and changed in Lu Qingshan's eyes.

The scars of the sword glowing with the faint cold light were broken down into dense filaments, and in Lu Qingshan's vision, they were constantly turning around according to a certain rule.

Lu Qingshan's thoughts began to trance.

Those sword marks not only came into his eyes, they were even gradually imprinted in his sea of ​​consciousness, turning into a certain kind of substantial existence.

In the end, the sword mark turned into a black blooming lotus.

The flower did not bloom in his eyes.

A flower bloomed in Lu Qingshan's heart.

At this moment, Lu Qingshan had a strange feeling.

This feeling is very cryptic. He can feel that some transformation has occurred in himself, but it is difficult to predict where this transformation happened.

No matter what happened, Lu Qingshan could perceive a breath of air growing in his heart at this moment.

"Gufeng Master" Lu Qingshan's hand still remained on one of the sword marks.

The sword intent contained in those sword marks is such a pride, how could he be allowed to be dull?

So Lu Qingshan walked to the gate a few steps away and stretched out his hand to push it.

The already dilapidated city gate answered, and the dust scattered.

He stepped out, walked out of Tiger Head City, and walked out of his own cocoon.

Lu Qingshan's expression was still calm, but the clenched hand was finally released.

"My son," Qin Yitian descended from the sky and landed next to Lu Qingshan. He hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help asking, "What's the situation inside?"

She knows Lu Qingshan too well, so she can see at once that although Lu Qingshan hasn't changed on the surface, her spirit and energy are completely different from just now.

"There is nothing inside." Lu Qingshan whispered.

"I don't know how many Jianzong Jianxiu died here.

Perhaps just like Bullhorn City, the whole army was wiped out.

Maybe it would be better than Niujiaocheng. In the end, Master Gu Feng led a successful breakthrough, and many people saved their lives. "

"The son" Qin Yitian wanted to ask Lu Qingshan why the sudden change took place.


With a thought of Lu Qingshan, he summoned the dragon bird and raised his sword.


Every tenth of a foot upward, his momentum also rises.

"Even the most beautiful buildings will be turned into ruins one day, and so will everything in the world."

"The same is true of Jianzong."

"But so what?"

"As long as I live for one day, Jianzong will never become ruins." Lu Qingshan said sincerely.

Qin Yitian was taken aback for a moment, looked up at the slender young figure, then laughed, and quickly followed.

Lu Qingshan was racing in the air, and UU Reading went all the way.

City after city appeared before his eyes, and disappeared behind him.

These cities, like Horseshoe, Bullhorn, and Tiger Head City, have completely turned into an empty city without a half-person figure.

The terrifying destruction caused by the demon army appeared in front of Lu Qingshan one after another, making his heart colder and colder.

Another half day passed.

The Dome City appeared in front of Lu Qingshan.

The Dome City, once the city of Youzhou and later the "wartime command center", was also the target of Lu Qingshan's trip.

The once crowded Dome City is now empty.

The city gate was wide open, and there was no one in the huge city.

Lu Qingshan had already foreseen this scene, his heart was still cold, but his movements were quick, and he flew straight into a mansion in the dome city.

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