This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 141: The 3rd battlefield, 1 person

Lu Qingshan maintained a steady and fast speed. After rushing through a vast mountain range, he entered a plain area.

On the plain, a city came into his sight.

That was the destination of his trip, Mang City.

Lu Qingshan was flying very fast, setting off a burst of sonic booms, and he didn't hide it at all.

Therefore, when he saw Mang City, the magic cultivator stationed in Mang City discovered him almost at the same time.

Hundreds of black spots rose up in Mang City immediately, and then flew towards Lu Qingshan at once.


After discovering that the hundreds of black spots were approaching him in a brazen manner, feeling the coercion from them, Lu Qingshan knew that the weakest team of magic cultivators dispatched by Mangcheng were all seventh-rank In the realm, there are also many eight-rank demon cultivators, and there are more than twenty.

If other fit sword cultivators saw the magic cultivator team with such a lineup, the only action they would do at the moment would be to turn around and flee quickly, hoping to use the speed of the sword cultivator's escape technique to get rid of the pursuit.

With the exception of Lu Qingshan, instead of slowing down, he quickly rushed towards the hundreds of black spots, without changing even the slightest angle.

The two sides are rapidly approaching.

In just over ten breaths, the image of those black spots became clear in Lu Qingshan's eyes.

These magic cultivators looked like human-shaped hawks, with a pair of huge wings, their entire torso was black iron, and their eyes were golden with brown mixed in, making them extremely intimidating.

"Eagle Demon Race." Lu Qingshan's expression did not change in the slightest, and he murmured softly.

The bloodline talent of the Eagle Demons lies in the wings and pupils on their backs. The wings make them extremely fast, and the pupils give them a strong locking ability, allowing them to observe enemies thousands of miles away.

The combination of the two is to first find the enemy with the insight beyond the ordinary magic cultivator, and then approach the hunter at an extremely fast speed, so the eagle demon is also called the natural hunter.

"It's hard to say who is the hunter and who is the prey." Lu Qingshan sneered.

He stretched out one hand and scratched slightly in the void.

In the next moment, Zhenmo flashed out and fell into Lu Qingshan's hands.

At the same time, with a slight wave of his other hand, three sword lights of blazing red, dark blue, and emerald rushed out at once.

But even so, it is only one person and four swords, and it seems that four fists are still invincible with both hands.


As the harsh and unpleasant whistling sounded up and down, the hundreds of eagle demons scattered and rushed towards Lu Qingshan, trying to complete the encirclement of Lu Qingshan.

"Sword Domain."

Lu Qingshan shouted lowly, showing his own domain.

The purple-gold light filled the world, including him and the hundreds of demon cultivators.

The demon cultivator didn't have much response to this. The human cultivator has a legal domain, and they have a **** and demon body.

But the next moment, their faces changed instantly.

Because the pressure brought by the jurisdiction this time is beyond their imagination, making their gods and demons completely immune to the weakening of the jurisdiction.

This is a situation that can only be encountered when facing human monks whose cultivation is far superior to theirs.

But the sword cultivator in front of him is clearly on the same level as them, or even inferior to them. How can the legal domain be so powerful?

The magic cultivators didn't have time to think about it, but within a few moments, the peach blossoms, the Wangchuan, and the dragon sparrows were already cut off like electricity.

Three Eagle Demon Clan Demon Cultivators with a seventh-grade peak cultivation base were hit by flying swords in the head in an instant.

The face of the Eagle Demon was still frozen with a ferocious color, and their heads were already torn apart, and three blood mists burst out in the sky.

Then, without their revealed bodies, they fell from the sky.

And Lu Qingshan held the demon, and his figure has quickly passed through the three groups of blood mist.

A sword in the air.

The two seventh-grade eagle demons standing in front of him were instantly pierced by the demons in their chests.

Under heavy damage, their huge wings were weakly flapped twice, and fell from the sky like a worn-out kite.

With the addition of Sword Domain and Demon Suppression passive magical power, Lu Qingshan can already kill a seventh-grade Demon Cultivator with one sword even if he doesn't use Demon Suppression divine power.

At this time, the [See] word secret of Jianyu has already drawn the corresponding power of Yuanshen from these fallen demon cultivators.

Lu Qingshan didn't waste it, the flying sword and the demon in his hand were cut out together, and the power of the primordial spirit attached to the sword was exploded.

Boom boom boom!

The four seventh-grade demon cultivators locked by Lu Qingshan only felt that their source **** was shocked at this moment, and a severe colic came, and then the eyes darkened, and they were confused.

Immediately, the sword edge wiped cleanly from their necks.

Another four great heads flew out.

In less than two breaths, eight seventh-rank eagle demons fell under Lu Qingshan's sword.

At this time, the digital eighth-rank demon cultivators finally couldn't stand it any longer, and with a roar, they faced Lu Qingshan, entangled with Lu Qingshan, trying to stop Lu Qingshan's slaughter.

Lu Qingshan's expression was indifferent to this, and he didn't seem too panicked. He just nodded and said casually, "This is what you guys brought to your door."

When the voice fell, his figure had disappeared out of thin air.

When he reappeared, Lu Qingshan was already close to these eighth-rank demon cultivators, and the suppressing demon flickering with a faint black light directly slashed at them.

The Yuan force in his body quickly rushed to the demon.

In this sword, Lu Qingshan used his magic power.

Suppressed by the demon, the void was turbulent, and there was an unparalleled burst of fluctuations. It was wrapped in boundless power and swept toward the digital eighth-rank demon cultivator.

The sound of puff puff sounded.

Even though the demon cultivators felt the danger of this sword and tried their best to urge the gods and demons to resist, the demons still pierced through the gods and demons of these demons one after another, opening a hole in their flesh.

These eighth-rank demons were severely injured, and they retreated with sharp screams, but how could Lu Qingshan let them go like this?

Boom boom boom!

Three flying swords circling and hunting in the Sword Territory killed them at the right time, stabbed these eight-rank demon cultivators who were already injured into a sieve, and then fell weakly from it.

This is just a microcosm of the battle.

Lu Qingshan's figure was constantly moving up and down in the sword domain, and the flying swords came out one after another.

The corpse of the demon cultivator was like rain, densely packed, falling down continuously.

There is no bells and whistles, and there are not too many skills, it is purely the power of the essence.

Whether it is a seventh-grade demon cultivator or an eighth-grade demon cultivator, they are all treated equally and crushed.

The magic cultivator came like a swarm of locusts, overwhelming the sky.

Every time Lu Qingshan has to face the attacks of dozens of demon cultivators at the same time, it is inevitable that he will lose sight of one another and will not be able to parry in time.

But what the naked eye can see is that there is a layer of fine and shattering sword qi around his body, which isolates all attacks from the magic cultivator three feet away.

When dozens of breaths passed by, and after Lu Qingshan killed most of the attacking demons, the demons in Mang City finally reacted.

Thousands of black spots rose from Mang City and flew towards Lu Qingshan.

"There are powerful people raiding!" The chief Mo Xiu in the city found something wrong and sent a real powerhouse and an army.

There is no doubt that when Lu Qingshan killed the first batch of demon cultivators sent by Mangcheng, the second wave of demon cultivators sent by Mangcheng would be the strongest lineup that Mangcheng could come up with. .

In terms of quantity alone, it is already in the thousands.

The cultivation levels of these magic cultivators are uneven.

Although the number of eighth-grade magic repairers is quite large, it is also very limited, and most of them are one cast, and three casts are very few.

Anyway, Lu Qingshan's divine sense searched only to find nineteen three-casting demon masters.

And there is not a single magic cultivator above the third cast or even the ninth-grade magic cultivator.

This gave Lu Qingshan a little more confidence.

Sure enough, there was no rank nine demon cultivator behind the demon race.

All of a sudden, his heart was settled, and he no longer hid and tucked away, and simply used all his firepower.

"Sword · World!"

Within the Sword Territory, 50,000 sword energies rushed out immediately, surrounding him, rushing out continuously.

The group of demon cultivators who stood at the front had not even realized what was going on, and their bodies had already been torn apart by the sword energy, turning into a rain of blood and spraying out.

But this is not over yet, Lu Qingshan also used the secret sword, Sun Jian, to attach the power of the primordial spirit to these sword qi with the method of differentiation of sword light.

Therefore, these sword qi are still blazing forward, but any demon cultivator who is penetrated by the sword qi will suffer from damage to the source **** at light, or die at worst.

At this time, Lu Qingshan seemed to have transformed into a radiant sun, with countless rays of light radiating around his body with his body as the center.

That is sword energy and sword light.

The **** slaughter begins.

The entire sky outside Mang City, from this moment on, the terrifying screams, the screams of pain, the sound of the body bursting, and the sound of the sonic boom of the flying sword, have not stopped.

In the mountains not far from the battlefield, a group of Mangzhou monks had been hiding in the woods for a long time.

Because their hometown was occupied by the demons, their homes were destroyed and they were unwilling to leave, so they stayed in the demon-occupied area to avenge their revenge.

There are not many such monks in the demon occupation area at this time.

But they were just grabbing the single magic cultivator to open the knife, and never thought of anything else.

So when they saw Lu Qingshan swaggeringly kill from the sky, facing the whole city of Mangcheng, those people couldn't believe their eyes.

"A person, in the face of so many demon cultivators, is still at ease, how is it possible, how did he do it?"

"Why in my perception, he seems to be a fit monk?" Some people are not sure.

"In my perception, it's the same." A cultivator next to him was also shocked, "When did the combined sword cultivator fight a city of demon cultivators alone, and it became as easy as cutting vegetables?"

An hour later.

As the sun gradually climbed higher in the sky, finally no more magic cultivators rushed out of Mangcheng.

If he doesn't come, I'll go.

So Lu Qingshan flew towards Mangcheng.

Within Mang City, there are still many magic cultivators.

These magic cultivators are already vulnerable, their strength is not enough, and they don't even have the courage to go out of the city to fight.

But Lu Qingshan would not feel pity for this.

As soon as he thought about it, four flying swords flew out and circled directly in the city, reaping his life like the scythe of the **** of death.

Lu Qingshan wasn't going to let any of the magic cultivators go.

Another half an hour later.

It was not until no more demon cultivators could be found in the huge city of Mang City that Lu Qingshan turned into a sword light again and flew towards the northwest.

He is going to the next Demon City.

Just a mans city can't satisfy his appetite.

At this time Sword Sect Sect Master Xie Qingyun is walking alone in the Unbounded Domain. If he wants to find the body of the inner demon, he will destroy the demon with one sword and one person.

At this moment, the two peak masters of Sword Sect, Gu Qiu and Li Shiyi, are in the area covered by the wake of the Linghai tide, fighting with the demons.

He doesn't have the amazing strength of the Sect Master and the two Peak Masters now, but as the Young Sect of the Sword Sect, since he has come to Zhongling, he has to make a difference.

Therefore, when Longchengguan and Xie Qingyun parted, Lu Qingshan decided in his heart to do something that sounded like a fantasy.

He wants to open up a third battlefield outside the Infinity Domain and the wake of the Linghai tide.

A battlefield that belongs to him alone.

he wants……

One person, will occupy all the demon cities in the area...

Tu Guang!

Then, take back Mangzhou!

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