This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 142: Humans' biggest weapon

69 net 69, the fastest update of this sword repair is a bit stable! This is an extremely crazy idea, not to mention a fit cultivator, even if it is a cultivator who changes to the tribulation realm, few should be able to do it.

Because if you want to slaughter the magic area in a short period of time, there are two major problems in front of you that need to be overcome.

One: Siege is never easy.

The city is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The demons defend the city. With the help of the geographical advantage, it will definitely not be a bone that is easy to chew.

Not to mention one person, even a well-equipped cultivator team, trying to conquer a demon city in a short period of time is as difficult as reaching the sky.

In addition, if the city cannot be broken in a short period of time, the magic cultivators from other cities in the magic-occupied area will come to the rescue. By then, let alone breaking the city, it will be difficult to leave.

But Lu Qingshan was different.

Because he is a solo swordsman.

First of all, just attacking the city by one person will make the magic cultivators take the initiative to attack when they find Lu Qingshan, rather than passively defending the city - there is no magic cultivator in a city in the world, and there are not a few cases where the eighth-rank cultivator is of the highest quality. For a cultivator, choose to shrink the things in the city.

This attracted the demons to voluntarily give up the geographical advantage.

Secondly, Lu Qingshan is a sword cultivator, and he is a sword cultivator with unique attack power and explosive power, and masters the group attack skills.

Therefore, his speed of killing demons is also unique.

Others simply can't compare to him, even Faxiu, who is best at group attack.

This allowed him to break through the city in the shortest possible time.

Two: not enough time.

The Demon Occupied area is vast, and it takes a lot of time to rush from one city to another, let alone all the Demon Clan cities in Tuguang.

In addition, siege is a very expensive and time-consuming thing.

Logically speaking, after taking the next city, the monks need a certain amount of time to recuperate and recover.

Siege + hurry + prepare for battle, all add up. When there is only one person, and there is no way for the troops to go hand in hand, it seems that it will take more than half a year to retake Mangzhou.

But to Lu Qingshan, none of this was a big deal.

First, as a sword cultivator, the speed of his escape technique is the best among all the cultivation styles of the human race, not to mention that he is still the leader of sword cultivators.

The second is that Lu Qingshan cultivated all the way to the state of integration, and the exercises at each stage are Taoist.

For Dao-level exercises, a 100% increase in mana recovery speed is one of the essential attributes.

In addition, the talent [Silver Candle Qingyun] of the Great Xia Jing (Integration) has increased the mana recovery speed by 100% on this basis.

Under such a superposition, Lu Qingshan's mana recovery speed has reached an unimaginable level, which is completely enough to support him in continuous battles - in layman's terms, it is like having a blue ff on his body all the time.

Last but not least, Lu Qingshan's siege speed is extremely fast, and the consumption is far smaller than expected.

Because with his current strength, most of the rank demon cultivators, Lu Qingshan can instantly kill it by hitting the simplest flying sword.

This is created by many bonuses, including the power of the Taoist weapon, the talent attributes, and the special effects bonuses of the Secret Sword Rijian, which cannot be copied by others.

For Jianxiu, the consumption of flying swords is actually almost nothing, more like flat a.

This is also one of the charms of the profession of sword cultivator. It is a scene that is difficult for cultivators of other schools to imagine—as long as he is successful, he is a "child" with one sword.

Therefore, in the eyes of Lu Qingshan, the two major problems restricting other human race monks no longer exist.

In fact, it is not that Jian Xiu has thought about this.

But if they want to take a huge risk and go deep into the demon-occupied area and slaughter the city alone, no one will do it.

Because in order to complete this matter, the Tribulation Realm Sword Cultivator is not enough.

After all, the physical body is weak, the defense stage is insufficient, and the group attack stage is not enough. These weaknesses are real for Jianxiu.

This makes it absolutely impossible for ordinary sword cultivators to face enemies that are hundreds or even thousands of times their own.

However, Lu Qingshan has the Sword Domain, the Sword World, the Dust-free Doubt Room, the Heavenly Heart Abbot, the Secret Sword, Dong Xueying, and the Secret Sword, Qiushuangning, so that these weaknesses are either covered up or simply do not exist.

If Lu Qingshan hadn't possessed these abilities, he would have thought and acted if he wanted to do this.

Because it is too reluctant and too dangerous.

And when all the conditions are met, Lu Qingshan feels that he is a sword cultivator in vain.

Even though he was in a critically occupied area, Lu Qingshan had the feeling that the sea was wide and the fish was leaping, and the sky was high enough for the birds to fly.

Without the magic area of ​​the ninth-grade magic cultivator, there would be no one who could punish him.

He is like a wolf who has strayed into the sheepfold, completely lawless and unscrupulous.

After easily solving the thorniest Mang City, he just rested for an hour, and then began to take Mang City as his heart, and radiated to other cities in Mangzhou in a circle.

In just one day, Lu Qingshan destroyed Liuyun Mansion, where Mang City was located, and the twenty cities around Mang City.

All the magic cultivators in the city were also slaughtered cleanly, not a single one remained.

The realm of blood flow.

Then, Lu Qingshan turned into a sword light again and swept towards Gao Yunfu, which was next to Liuyunfu.

All the way sonic boom bursts, extremely swaggering.

The wake of the Linghai tide.

boom! boom! boom!

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ The raging spiritual energy and the elusive space cracks hinder the passage of divine consciousness.

But if you look at the whole situation from the perspective of God at this time, you can find the huge tidal zone of the spiritual sea, like a chessboard divided by vertical and horizontal lines.

In the densely packed chess grid, there are as few as two and as many as eight "chess pieces" fighting fiercely.

One of the "chess".

The ground exploded one after another with uneven pits of different sizes, and corpses were displayed, both from demons and from human monks.

Blood seeped into the soil, staining it black.

In the sky, like the aurora at night, there are twisted and gorgeous spiritual currents.

Around the spiritual power stream, there are several scattered human monks.

The robes on their bodies were no longer bright, and there were blood stains on them.

There were scars all over their faces.

They've just had an uphill battle to win.

In other words, after these human monks have experienced such a battle, they should choose a safe place to heal and recover.

But at this time, the Terran monks did not do so.

Because the words Gu Qiu told them before the army was broken into pieces flashed in their minds:

If you can delay the Demon Race for a moment, the chances of winning this battle against the Human Race will be a little better.

Why there is a little more, the spiritual monks do not know.

But they believe in Gu Qiu.

When the building was about to collapse, Jianzong was willing to use half the power of the sect to go west, which has already won the respect and recognition of all spiritual monks.

So, these human cultivators set off again, and under the cover of aura, spread out around.

They are going to fight. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

What if you don't have the strength?

They already have the answer in their hearts:

Then burn life.

After the battle of Longchengguan, the real powerhouses of the spirit have all died, and the rest are "stinky fish and rotten shrimps".

Although the arrival of the reinforcements made the power of the Spirit Humans a little stronger, after all, the number of reinforcements was still too small compared to the Demons.

Without the Xiongguan Longcheng, the number of monks and the cultivation of combat power cannot be compared with that of the Demon Race.

Just looking at the strength on paper, the disadvantage is very obvious.

But the human race has the determination to sacrifice everything in order to defend their homeland and defend their homeland.

This is the greatest weapon of the human race.

It is also the biggest reason for expelling the demons from the spirits if they can defeat the strong with the weak.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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