This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 153: Chao Wendao, evening can die

"This sword repair is a bit stable (

Qinglong's scale armor is the hardest "armor" in the world.

Even if the most powerful craftsman in the world came in person, he would definitely not be able to make a comparable Taoist armor.

Its scales, even though it was still enduring the terrifying emptiness that could annihilate everything a moment ago, sparked the sky, and the next moment it was dust-free, clean as new, like crystal, reflecting various colors of light.

A gloomy sky shrouded in dark clouds.

A field like a black abyss against the background of lightning.

There are also countless majestic and terrifying swords in the sky.

With the dark sky as the curtain, the bright sword light is like a grand fireworks blooming in the night.

They lie between the heavens and the earth, and amaze those who see them.

This evolution formed by countless Dao swords is based on Li Shiyi's own and supreme Haoran Sword.

The source of power comes from this powerful world that has nurtured all things, and from the thunder tribulations of so many monks who have been annihilated for thousands of years.

The Azure Dragon Scale Armor absorbs the skylight emitted by these lightsabers, and then refracts these thunderlights into other colors of light and reflects them out.


The light is getting brighter.

This means that the million swords are falling from the sky, and they are getting closer and closer to Qinglong.

But Qinglong frowned at this extremely critical moment, as if there were some doubts.

In fact, it's been waiting for something.

Waiting for Li Shiyi's change.

Waiting for the moment when these million swords are united.

But he never waited.

Logically, it will wait.

Of course, this is not to say how much he knows about Li Shiyi, but some things are general.

These millions of swords must also become one sword.

The simple truth is that energy is conserved.

The same energy, if you disperse it into a million paths and one path, the damage of the former path is naturally only one millionth of the latter.

Of course, in the game, whether it is a million swords or a single sword, as long as all of them hit the target, the final total damage should be the same.

But the problem now is that this is not a game, but a battle at the pinnacle of the cultivation world.

Qinglong has the hardest scale armor in the world. If Li Shiyi divides this peak sword into a million swords, it means that none of the million swords can break through Qinglong's scales.

As a great sword cultivator, Li Shiyi could not fail to understand this truth.

Therefore, this sword of his must only have one sword.

Sword Immortal Sword.

It can never be a million swords.

Therefore, Qinglong has been waiting for the moment when Wanjian is reunited.

At that time, it will take action in the most violent manner, severing the ten thousand swords and returning to one, thus strangling Li Shiyi's peak sword in the bud.

However, until this million swords are about to come, Qinglong has not waited for this last moment.

It could not understand why Li Shiyi made such a choice.

Although Li Shiyi is by no means its opponent even if the ten thousand swords are one, but if there is no ten thousand swords, it means that Li Shiyi has chosen to surrender in advance.


The puzzlement in Qinglong's heart did not last long.

Just a moment later, it was answered.

Li Shiyi gave its answer.

Millions of thunder swords rapidly enlarged at this moment, and each one stood upright, standing between the heavens and the earth, piercing the heavens and the earth.

They fall down, but they are not slashing or chopping, they are the laws of construction, intertwined and enveloped in the universe.

Build into cages.

Sword cage.

Cages are used to trap people, not to kill people.

It turned out that Li Shiyi's sword had never thought about the so-called dragon slaying or victory from beginning to end.

There was only one thing he thought.

Sleepy dragon.

With Li Shiyi's current strength, his sword cage condensed with the power of heaven and earth is enough to trap countless strong people to death.

But there is absolutely no trapping Qinglong, and it can't even trap him for too long.

However, the power of heaven and earth that Li Shiyi invited with arrogance was only this sword.

This also means that when Li Shiyi made his sword, he chose to admit defeat instead of seeking victory.

For Jianxiu, victory is their greatest pride.

The sword is to win.

For the sake of the overall situation, Li Shiyi was so calm that he gave up his pride and chose to use the sword that was at the peak of his life, or the only sword that could reach the sword fairy, to trap the enemy.


Maybe there is.

But Li Shiyi didn't care.

His sword won't hold Qinglong for too long, but it can hold him for a while.

All he wanted was this moment.

For a while, is it short?

very short.

But not short.

Li Shiyi believed that this "moment" was enough for the suzerain to do many, many things.

Did he lose?


But it doesn't seem to fail.

Millions of swords fell from the sky, like a fence, falling around Qinglong's body, sealing it in it.

Qinglong wanted to get out of the shrouded range of the million swords, but was pulled back abruptly.

Qinglong is extremely large, but the number of swords is large enough, so it is quickly woven into a dense sword cage.

Infinite sword currents are circulating, and thunder is stirring here.

The expression on the face of Qinglong Zhuge couldn't help but freeze at this moment.

Qinglong spit out the dragon breath angrily, and where the dragon breath swept, dozens or even hundreds of thunder swords shattered and disappeared.

However, this sword cage is composed of millions of swords, and it is undoubtedly a big project to break them all.

And Qinglong can't breathe out the dragon breath without interruption.

This meant that it would take at least a day or even more time to break this sword cage, even if it was Qinglong.

Xie Qingyun has reached the Fuxin Mountain Range, and it will take a lot of time for Soul Venerable and Yu Zun to rush back to the Unbounded Domain from Zhongling.

They should have raced against time, but they encountered this situation.

There is no time to be wasted in this way.

Soul Venerable cannot allow such a thing to happen.

However, this is the sword of Li Shiyi's sword fairy, who invites heaven and earth with arrogance and traps dragon with sword.

No matter how powerful Qinglong is, as Li Shiyi said, he has not yet entered the half-ancestor.

How can you be invincible if you haven't entered the half-ancestor?

Before entering the half-ancestor, he was on the same level as the Sword Immortal.

Therefore, it is impossible for Jianxian to kill Qinglong with a single sword. Similarly, Qinglong cannot easily break through the cage formed by Jianxian's sword.

This sword cage that hangs down from the sky, this sword cage that is empowered by thunder tribulation, is itself constructed from thunder tribulation, and its strength is extremely powerful. This is his skeleton.

In each thunder sword, Li Shiyi's unique sword intent became the flesh and blood of the sword cage.

Inside the sword cage, the turbulent flow of spiritual power flowed everywhere, occasionally mixed with the roar of extremely small thunder and lightning, which looked very solemn.


Li Shiyi put away the Taibai Sword.

His face was pale, and there was blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, his cultivation in the Seven Tribulations Realm began to plummet.

Six kalpas, five kalpas...

Two calamities, one calamity...

Combining, transforming into a god...

Refinement, Nascent Soul...

He fell again and again until he couldn't fall, as if he was a mortal without any Li Shiyi did not show any shock, nor did he feel any loss. On the contrary, he showed a calm expression. Smile.

When the sword was drawn, he knew the end.


The master of Qinglong did not look at Qinglong who was caught in the sword cage, but turned his head to look at Li Shiyi.

He didn't fall into hysterical anger because of the change in the general situation, he just sighed and asked Li Shiji calmly and gently:

"Li Shiyi, you are extremely talented, you have cultivated swords for the third time, and Haoran Sword is a faction of your own.

With today's sword, you can invite Heaven and Earth, which means that your Haoran Swordsmanship is close to completion, and you are only one step away from the door.

Perhaps after another thousand years of cultivation, you, Li Shiyi, can try to open the way, officially enter the realm of Sword Immortals, and become the first Sword Immortal in the first year of your human race, thus making a greater contribution in the battle of Dao and Demon. "

"Now, just to stop Qinglong for a while, he will disperse the arrogance he cultivated in the third world, give up the Sword Immortal Avenue, but only use the Sword Immortal sword, so short-sighted!"

"I just wanted to ask you something..."

"Ten thousand years of cultivation, and finally such a short-lived, is it worth it?"

does it worth?

Li Shiyi pondered the question from the master of Qinglong, and for some reason, he suddenly laughed lightly.

"Chao Wendao... Xi can die."


"As for Sword Immortal..." Li Shiyi spread his hands, looked at the master of Qinglong, and continued:

"Haha, my sword sect has many talents, so I never worry about this problem."

From Yu Canghai to Xia Daoyun to Shaozong Lu Qingshan, which one is not a sword fairy?

"Without Li Shiyi, there will be a successor!"

"Besides, I'm not dead yet." Li Shiyi finally said.


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