This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 154: their own strengths

"This sword repair is a bit stable (

The whole plan was executed perfectly.

Although the price paid is a bit heavy - Li Shiyi has exhausted the arrogance that he has cultivated in the third generation, and then invited this powerful power of heaven and earth.

His Haoran Swordsmanship is based on Haoran Qi, and it is a faction of its own.

Haoran Qi is the source of Li Shiyi's strength.

Correspondingly, as soon as Haoran's qi dissipated, his cultivation level collapsed like a pavilion without its foundation.

But so what?

It's just that the cultivation base is gone.

Just fix it.

He is a great sword cultivator who has cultivated for three generations, and has all cultivated to the eight realms.

Li Shiyi has always had a very strong self-confidence in the matter of cultivation.

Moreover, it is not a blessing for Sai Weng to lose his horse.

In order to fight against the demons in this life, Li Shiyi had no choice but to re-enact the path of the previous two lives in exchange for the fastest increase in combat power.

However, the reason why Li Shiyi was rehabilitated and repaired was to cultivate something new in each life to confirm each other.

This time, to dissipate all the arrogance and rebuild it once, maybe it is the best opportunity to fill the regret.


The peak battle in the wake of the Linghai tide, after Li Shiyi's sword immortal sword, the situation has undergone a new change.

At this time, Qinglong was trapped in the sword cage and could not get out in a short time.

Li Shiyi lost his cultivation and lost all combat power.

Therefore, the scene has evolved into the master of the blue dragon + the master of the white tiger vs the holy monk of chicken soup + the ancient autumn.

Two-on-two "fair" duels.

There is only fairness in numbers.

In terms of strength, the gap between the two sides is visible to the naked eye.

Two monks of the eight realms confronted two monks of the honored realm.

This is a battle where 10,000 people are asked, and 10,000 people will give the same answer.

- I really can't find any reason to win.

Even if the best novelist in the world can write it, they will not be able to make up a reasonable and reasonable plot that the Terran side can win at this time.

"Chao Wendao, is it okay to die in the evening?" The Qinglong master before Qinglong touched Li Shiyi's words, and the corner of his mouth gradually evoked a savage and tyrannical smile.

"Then go to die now."

He said so.

The smoke and dust swelled, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring.

The anger of the Azure Dragon Lord, which was hidden under the calm expression, finally broke out at this moment.

His palm was abruptly clenched, and a low voice came out suddenly.

As the low voice fell, the palm of the Qinglong ruler bloomed with blue light, and the fine dragon scales covered it again, turning it into a huge green dragon's palm.

The monstrous power poured out from the Qinglong palm towards Li Shiyi.

Before this terrifying force fell on Li Shiyi, Li Shiyi was already pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Because, at this time, Li Shiyi was no different from a mortal, and he did not have a cultivation base to protect himself. He only relied on the means of sword-wielding to maintain his position in the air, and he did not fall directly.

It's just that Qinglong dominates this shot, and Li Shiyi suddenly fell into a dangerous and dangerous situation.

"Om, Ma, Zhi, Mou, Ye, Sa, Lie, De."

Right at this moment, the secret words of Buddhism sounded like a big bell.

The chicken soup monk shot in time.

His whole body bloomed with light, a Buddha light radiated out, and then a Buddha's Vajra statue was condensed on his body.

The chicken soup monk stopped the Qinglong master's way forward.


The palm of the Azure Dragon Lord is like being slapped on a big bell, making a crisp sound.

The sound wave and the strong aftermath erupted in the field together, and the terrifying air wave instantly expelled the dense spiritual energy, causing giant ravines to appear in the void, like a chessboard.

The aura was chaotic, making his vision a little blurry.

After the aftermath eased, the spiritual energy returned to calm, and a figure stood tall and straight like a pine.

The master of Qinglong looked at the chicken soup monk who was standing in front of him. Although blood was flowing from his seven orifices, his expression was still as calm as a Buddha's.

Monk Chicken Soup is not his opponent, nor can he pose any threat to him.

This is beyond doubt.

But the chicken soup monk has always had a clear understanding of himself.

From the beginning to the end, all he wanted to do was to entangle the master of Qinglong, so he was always passively defending, and he never even tried the smallest active attack without revealing any flaws.

Under the circumstance of focusing on defense, the defense of the chicken soup monk is indeed outstanding. Even if the offensive dominated by Qinglong is so severe, he can still have a way to parry.

This is like an ad of the Six Gods, being pulled into the ultimate move by a Iron Man with double golden body resurrection armor, he must have beaten him, but the nausea must be disgusting and broken.

When Xie Qingyun had already appeared in the Fuxin Mountain Range, the degree of disgust was even better.

Here, the holy monk of chicken soup put down his clasped hands, slapped in the air, and patted a breath into Li Shiyi's body.

Afterwards, he put his hands together and said to Li Shiyi, "It's hard work."

The danger and difficulty of the sword that Li Shiyi and Qinglong had just faced were even greater than the long battle he had previously fought with Qinglong's ruler.

"Leave the rest to us." Chicken Soup Saint Monk raised his head and glanced at the master of Qinglong and said.

Afterwards, he pushed with both hands, and a gust of breeze came up.

Li Shiyi, who was able to maintain a volleyed state by virtue of his sword intent, was pushed by the holy monk of chicken soup and sent to a distance.

In an instant, he disappeared.

After the cultivation base had dissipated, if Li Shiyi remained here, it would only be the accidental aftermath of the battle that would destroy his weak body.

The battlefield here, for Li Shiyi, has become a forbidden place to be watched.

As for the actions of the chicken soup saint, the master of Qinglong obviously would not agree easily.

The robe on his body roared and danced, azure light enveloped his hands, and dragon scales gradually covered his whole body.

"Even if Qinglong is temporarily trapped, how can the two eight realms stand in front of us?" A slightly hoarse voice slowly spit out from the mouth of the Qinglong master.

"Confidence?" The chicken soup monk muttered the word, and then tapped his fingers.

The golden blood flowed out from the fingertips, and following the movements of his fingers, a very solemn rune was engraved in the air.

The chicken soup monk lightly tapped the rune into his body.

The next moment, the majestic golden light suddenly swept away from his body.

In the golden light, his body swelled up.

Monk Chicken Soup is the closest person of the generation of the Dragon Elephant Temple to the Dharma Realm of Buddhism.

As long as one day the seven kalpas

But the chicken soup monk was not satisfied.

He wants the Eight Tribulations Realm.

As long as you can cultivate to the Eight Tribulations Realm, and then combine the Eight Tribulations Realm to advance to the Nine Realms, by then, the word "close" may be removed.

Therefore, chicken soup and good talents have always been able to enter the Mahayana realm and not enter, because what he seeks is the true "Mahayana".

Gu Qiu is the peak master of Sword Sect's Hengqiu Peak, and is the first in Sword Sect's sword qi.

At the same time, he is also a sword cultivator in the Seven Tribulations Realm.

Gu Qiu and Monk Chicken Soup are both true legends, and they are the peak tribulation cultivators who can cut the ninth rank.

Their pride, their strength, is their confidence at this time.

Almost at the same time, Gu Qiu shot.

His shot, unlike the previous Li Shiyi, did not lead to changes in the sky, and it was a great sight.

His shot did not collapse, did not change the color of the situation, and did not move the world.

He held the mayfly sword in his hand and swung it forward.

Then, a sword energy turned into an ancient whale, and flew from the front of Gu Qiu to the White Tiger Lord, making way for everything in front of the ancient whale.

Just like the water in the lake is gradually dividing, a carp swims forward.

However, the master of the white tiger has a solemn expression towards such a sword-like creature that is not turbulent and calm.

After a while, change occurs.

The wind was blowing, and the atmosphere of the world around the ancient whale seemed to be attracted by it, rushing from all directions, like a surging wave.

Ancient whales swim in the waves, forerunners.

The tide also pushed the ancient whale sword energy forward.

Driven by the wave formed by the breath of heaven and earth, this sword qi became faster and faster, and its power became stronger and stronger.

No sword energy can have such momentum.

The master of the white tiger is shocked. What is the mastery of the skills and the understanding of the essence of the sword qi, so that he can display such sword qi?

Also, what kind of sect is there to have such a talented sword cultivator?

As a result, the battle in the wake of the Linghai tide resumed, and it seemed that it would not end in a short time.

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