This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 155: That's called a sword

"This sword repair is a bit stable (

Fuxin Mountains.


A bright sword light bloomed, illuminating the entire mountain range.

Xie Qingyun waved the Dao Sword with his gesture, and split a mountain peak in the Fuxin Mountains again, and the dust was flying.

His speed is too fast, Jianxian's extreme speed combined with Kunpeng's meaning and Qingyun Jurisdiction are faster than common sense, allowing him to continuously attack around Yuzun and separate souls.

Dangdang, sparks scattered.

But such a powerful offensive did not cause much damage to Yuzun's third soul.

Because Yuzun's Mountain Spirit's body is huge, standing there, he doesn't seem to feel too many magical fluctuations around his body, but the whole world is under his control.

With the blessing of the power of heaven and earth in the Fuxin Mountains, even Xie Qingyun was helpless with Yuzun's sub-soul, and was even brought up as Yuzun's body hidden in the sub-soul.

Therefore, the battle here has been going on for some time, and Xie Qingyun still has not achieved substantial results.

Undoubtedly, time is directed towards Yu Zun, and the longer it drags on, the more beneficial it will be to Yu Zun.

After all, this is the Fuxin Mountain Range, the site of Yuzun.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this time, dozens and hundreds of escape lights were approaching, and they were coming in an instant.

In the elusive light, there were all the ninth-grade demon cultivators of the demon race who came from Abi City.

As the Infernal King City, the number of high-level demon cultivators in the city is the first in the infinity.

In addition, Abi City was originally built near Fuxin Mountain, so during the brief battle between Xie Qingyun and Yu Zun, the support of the demons had already arrived.

"Xie Qingyun, let me see, what kind of confidence do you have? You dare to enter my Infinity Domain alone and come to trouble me." The indifferent voice of Yu Zun's soul reverberated throughout the Fuxin Mountain Range.

In the face of Yu Zun's sarcasm, Xie Qingyun said nothing, his eyes were cold and solemn.

"Kill him for me!" Seeing that Xie Qingyun didn't respond, Yu Zun gave a grim smile and ordered.

So, the ninth-grade magic cultivators who just arrived immediately took action.

For a time, the demonic energy in the sky danced, Xie Qingyun fell into a passive state, surrounded by the offensive of the demons, and was submerged in it.

The magic cultivators were unreserved and used Xeon methods.

"Qingyun Jurisdiction."

In this case, even Sword Immortal is in danger, so Xie Qingyun has no plans to keep his hands.

The Qingyun Jurisdiction, which is full of ancient coercion, has expanded in an all-round way, directly covering this world.

He did not hesitate to push the Qingyun Jurisdiction to the extreme.

In the face of Xie Qingyun's shrouded legal domain, whether it was Yu Zun's sub-soul or the demon powerhouse who came over, they never retreated and let the legal domain cover.

The next moment, on these magic cultivators, various rays of light lit up, and then various visions appeared.

Demon body!

A means of immunity from the influence of the human cultivator's jurisdiction.

It is not to say that it is completely immune to the repressive power of the jurisdiction, but at least it can guarantee the due combat power.


I saw that the void was suddenly torn apart at this time, and a pair of Kunpeng wings protruded from the blue cloud, like a sky-covering cloud, huge and boundless, covering the sky.

Every feather on it is even more dazzling, like a sharp blade.

Ordinary ninth-grade demon cultivators, under such pressure, would be shocked.

This is Xie Qingyun's jurisprudence, possessing incomparably powerful power and magic.


Xie Qingyun drank lowly.

The next moment Kunpeng flapped his wings, and the cloud energy and sword energy flowed together, like golden clouds rushing out, covering the sky and covering the sun, attacking in all directions, facing the offensive of the magic cultivators and shaking them hard.


With this blow, the void exploded, sparks splattered, the sword qi surging, and the sound was harsh.

Although the offensive of these demon cultivators was stern, Xie Qingyun also had golden feathers in the sky and resolved them all.

"You Xie Qingyun, are you really able to defeat a hundred enemies with one enemy today?" Yu Zun looked at Xie Qingyun's great power and took over this offensive unscathed. road.


It was Feiyu Mantian who responded to Yuzun's split soul.

Kunpeng flapped his wings with a clanging sound, and there were countless golden feathers, one after another hanging in the air, incomparably majestic, like the birth of a divine treasure.

All the feathers turned into divine swords at this moment, and they shot out like the sky and the earth.

The magic cultivators who were surrounded by the distance, saw this scene, and their expressions became solemn.

Their muscles tensed involuntarily, and their bodies kept retreating.

clang clang!

Thousands of swords were fired in unison, hitting the gods and demons of those cultivators, with endless streamers impacting and sparks splashing everywhere.

There were even quite a few weaker rank nine demon cultivators who died on the spot.

Sword Immortal's shot is irresistible without Demon Venerable!

"What, so strong?!" Yu Zun couldn't believe it, Xie Qingyun alone would be so terrifying, able to fight so many demon cultivators so easily.

There is no doubt that Xie Qingyun has combined the legal domain with his own swordsmanship to the extreme. The tricks performed at this time can be called the lore technique, which is an invincible swordsman method.

The feat of turning a feather into a sword alone is enough to amaze others and amaze the sword cultivators in the world.


At this time, a stream of light quickly pierced from the divine feathers in the sky.

Xie Qingyun blasted away the containment of the demon cultivators, and went straight to Yu Zun's sub-soul, concentrating on getting rid of Yu Zun's sub-soul and the body in his body.

He brought the storm and the fighting spirit to the sky, and once again swooped over at Yu Zun's divided soul.

At this moment, Xie Qingyun is like an exiled immortal, powerful and intimidating, and the most dazzling light erupts from his body.

"This deity is invincible in the Fuxin Mountain Range!" Yuzun shouted loudly, his palms slammed out, deafening, like two mountains falling down.


The sword light shone, Yuan force and magic energy intertwined.

"In the Fuxin Mountains, who can kill me?" Yu Zun roared, using secret techniques to extract the power of the entire Fuxin Mountains, truly turning into the spirit of the mountains, the ruler of this place.


A loud noise came.

The sky and the earth shook violently, and the two struck violently, causing the void to shake.

Everyone was stunned, and they could see that Yu Zun and Xie Qingyun were constantly fighting, and the situation was extremely fierce.

Xie Qingyun's offensive is extremely fast and tricky, far better than Yuzun's split soul.

But in the same way, as the spirit of the mountain range, the soul of Yuzun is unparalleled, and it is impossible to be cut off so easily, and the whole body glows, gathering the power of the mountain range, the power of the fist is extremely terrifying, and the swinging sword is humming.

If Fu Yao was not a Dao Sword, it might have been overwhelmed and destroyed.

"kill him!"

The demon cultivators who came to support saw this scene, their eyes were split, and they shouted, and launched the offensive again.

Even if they can't deal a fatal blow to Xie Qingyun, at least they can greatly interfere with him.

After all, they are also ninth-rank, and even the existence of Demon Venerable, which is not something Xie Qingyun can ignore.

"Noisy!" Xie Qingyun stood in the sky, squinting at these demon cultivators, Kunpeng Shenyu 100,000, all tilted, "Jian Feng" pointed forward.

In the sword forest, he was like an emperor.

"Go." Xie Qingyun snorted softly.

Between heaven and earth, there was a whistling sound, and the feather sword rushed out like an ocean.

So fast, so strong!

This is the feeling of everyone. Their eyes can't capture the trajectory of the sword at all, they can only see the afterimage, let alone hide.

In this case, the magic cultivators had no choice but to grit their teeth and use all their strength to mobilize the gods and demons to resist with their fleshly bodies.

If they were alone against Xie Qingyun, they would definitely not dare to resist so hard. After all, the explosive power of Jianxiu was already known to both worlds and was obvious to all.

But Xie Qingyun is now attacking so many of them at the same time.

No matter how strong the attack is, what is there to fear after it is divided into a hundred parts?

Xie Qingyun is just a sword fairy, not a half ancestor.

The same is true.

when! when! when!

The continuous sound of gold and iron clashes rang out one after another, and the magic cultivators were hit by the powerful force of Xie Qingyun's offensive, and the seven orifices began to bleed, and there were sword marks on their bodies.

But that's it.

After reaching the realm of Ninth-Rank, these injuries look terrifying, but in fact, for them, they are nothing at all.

As long as it wasn't a fatal injury, it would take a little more magic to recover.

"Xie Qingyun, the explosive power of Sword Immortal is the first in the human race. Even in my demon race, there should be few people who can match it."

"However, how long can you keep doing this kind of trick?" Seeing Xie Qingyun's great power, Yu Zun's soul just shook his head, unmoved, and looked at Xie Qingyun with some pity.

Such a peak powerhouse will eventually die outnumbered, isolated and helpless, and end up as a lonely hero. He feels sad for Xie Qingyun.

When Yu Zun's last word fell, the whole world suddenly became dark.

I saw that the rock-like cuticle on Yu Zun's body fell off piece by piece, and there was thunder rising on it.

call out! call out!

These stones burst out of the sky, appearing directly above Xie Qingyun, and quickly condensed, forming a giant mountain.

The huge mountain is towering, and there is a rolling thunder on it.

The whole world seemed to tremble under this giant mountain.


Yu Zun's palm of the soul-splitting soul gently pressed down.

Bang bang bang!

The air was directly squeezed under the weight of this giant mountain, and Mount Tai was pressed to the top and crashed down, suppressing Xie Qingyun.


This lofty giant mountain not only carries the powerful power of Yu Zun, but also carries the power of heaven and earth of Fuxin Mountain Range.

Therefore, its power is also terrifying beyond the imagination of others.

Not only was the air squeezed to burst open, but even Xie Qingyun's Qingyun Jurisdiction was collapsing layer by layer at this time.

In the void, Yu Zun's soul looked indifferently at the giant mountain surrounded by thunder.

This means, except for Banzu, no one can easily bear it.

However, he also understands that Xie Qingyun, as one of the three major sword immortals in Chang'an and the suzerain of the first Dao sect of the human race, his real strength and trump card are definitely not that simple.

This move may make him embarrassed, but it should be impossible to kill him directly.

The same is true.

Xie Qingyun's eyes were cold, and he didn't step back.

A sword energy rushed into the sky, and Kunpeng appeared along with it, spreading his wings, like a cloud covering the sky, he wanted to use his own strength to hold up this giant mountain and even this world.

call out!

In the next moment, the hundreds of millions of thunderbolts on the giant mountain shot directly at Xie Qingyun, like an overwhelming purple torrent.

The harsh sound of breaking wind resounded through the world.

But Kunpeng's wings were really too big, and all the thunderbolts were blocked by it, sputtering a little spark, the crisp sound of gold and iron sounded, and those thunderbolts burst open one after another.

There is no way to break through the Kunpeng Dharma phase!

Xie Qingyun's eyes were filled with coldness, his eyes locked on the giant mountain, and another sword was slashed out.


In the next instant, the blue sword light burst out, pierced through the layers of void at a speed that could not be avoided, and directly bombarded the giant mountain.


Mars is dazzling, and the giant mountain has cracks directly under this sword.

Cracks spread, everywhere.

But with such a victory, Xie Qingyun couldn't help frowning.

The sword he just made was not a trick, it shouldn't be so powerful...

The next moment, Mars was dazzling, and the giant mountain collapsed directly.

Xie Qingyun's pupils shrank.

In the cracked mountain, a long sword unexpectedly appeared. It was extremely ancient and had astonishing fluctuations.

Origin Sword... This is a long sword forged with the power of the Origin God.

This long sword is not big, but it is very intimidating.

Control your life!

In addition to the power of the spirit of the mountains and the power of the Fuxin Mountains, this attack from Yuzun's sub-soul also hides a killer move.

Yuzun's body, the innate magical power of the heart demon family, and the fate.

There is no doubt that this Yuanshen long sword, which is driven by the control of life, is immeasurably terrifying.

After Xie Qingyun opened the giant mountain with one sword, a source sword actually fell from the giant mountain!

The source sword emitted Yuanshen light and shot towards Xie Qingyun.

There are primitive symbols flashing on the source sword.

This is the embodiment of the supreme meaning of the heart demon family.

It bloomed with profound light, slashed forward, and slashed towards Xie Qingyun's Primordial Spirit.

"Xie Qingyun, you are a sword immortal, you have cultivated swords all your life, then I will kill you with swords today."

"Jianxian finally died under the sword. I don't know whether to say it was ironic or to die properly." The voice of Yuzun's body slowly came from the body of the mountain spirit, and finally resounded throughout the world.

Yuming can be a spear, a knife, an arrow, a fire, or all things, but Yuzun chose the sword.


to this end.

"You are not called a sword." Xie Qingyun suddenly laughed.

In novels, you can often see some people's imagination of Jianxian. When it comes to high realm, Jianxian has a sword in his heart, so there is no need for a sword in his hand, and everything is a sword.

One flower and one leaf can kill all the enemies in the world.

In fact, it's just a laughter's imagination for the layman.

Jian Xiu, Xiu Sheng Jian, the higher the realm, the more important the sword, how can you not need a sword in the end?

A sword must be a sword, not a flower, let alone a leaf.

The sword must be hard enough and magical enough to carry the power of the sword fairy.

Of course, the sword is not good enough, after all, the sword is for human use.

Yuzun's "sword" is not good for "sword", let alone "people".

So, how can this "sword" kill him?

Xie Qingyun waved his sword gently.

A thin cloud of air fell in front of him.

That cloud of air seemed to be only an inch away, and it looked extremely weak.

However, this "sword" of Yuzun's body roared, and UU reading hit the thin layer of cloud like an angry dragon, and suddenly ripples bloomed, which was blocked, and it was difficult to advance.

"How is this possible?" Yu Zun's incredible voice came out.

The attack issued by Yuming is a direct attack on the Yuanshen, so it will not be stopped by ordinary defenses, unless it is also the power of Yuanshen.

And the cloud qi emitted by Xie Qingyun's sword obviously can only be condensed by Yuan force, not the power of Yuanshen.

In this case, how can he stop his life?

This is beyond Yuzun's understanding.

"The power of Yuanli and Yuanshen, although there is a difference, are actually the power of heaven and earth." Xie Qingyun said softly at this time, answering Yu Zun's doubts.

"Generally, sword cultivators use the energy of heaven and earth to control their swords. I did the same in my early years."

"It wasn't until after Li Qiubai opened the Heaven's Gate that I suddenly understood a truth."

"Since the way of swordsmanship was created by Jianxiu himself, the world cannot allow us swordsmen, so why should we swordsmen follow the rules?"

"Doesn't this violate the original meaning of the sword?"

Xie Qingyun laughed at himself.

"After that time, I abandoned the technique that I was used to for thousands of years and chose to use the sword to control the vitality of the world."

"If you think about it carefully, the sword is supposed to be used like this."

"Sword, I would rather take it from the straight, rather than seek it in the song. Sword cultivators only believe in the sword in their hands. How can they use foreign objects to control the sword?"

"Even if this foreign object is the foundation of our practice..."

"Yu Zun," Xie Qingyun looked solemn, raised the swing in his hand, "You are not called a sword..."

His palms are wide and his fingers are long and slender, which is the most suitable for holding a sword, as if he was born to be a sword cultivator.

Fuyao vibrated slightly and let out a roar of joy, as if he knew what was going to happen next.

"That's called a sword!"

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