This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 157: 1 swallow the mountains and rivers

"This sword repair is a bit stable (


clods, yellow sand, gravel, ancient wood, river water...

Everything, gathered together, was carried by the sword fairy's millions of sword qi and fell together.

In just an instant, an earth dragon with an unknown length of zhang appeared on the sky.

The dragon head is the sword energy.

The dragon body is the Fuxin Mountains.

The dragon soul is Xie Qingyun and Fuyao.

The earth dragon roared down and shot out.

At this moment, the world fell silent.

Many demon cultivators looked at the earth dragon filled with eyeballs in horror.

In their eyes, the earth dragon formed by the Fuxin Mountains symbolizes destruction and disaster.

Although they did not target them, they could clearly feel how terrifying the earth dragon was, which contained an extremely powerful sword immortal sword intent.

That kind of power is definitely not something that ordinary 9-Rank can compete with.

Both Soul Zun and Yu Zun have realized the power of Xie Qingyun's sword.

Because the earth dragon has not yet fallen, just the sword intent spread, and the two of them seemed to have suffered some kind of terrible pressure and felt extremely strong pressure.

But just when the dragon head containing the mighty power of the Sword Immortal was about to be suppressed, Yu Zun let out a low roar and resounded.

"But mere Sword Immortals, what are you pretending to be invincible?"

"Get out of here!"

Yu Zun's anger reached the extreme, his body was full of red air, and his eyes were full of evil spirits.

Between the roars, there seemed to be mottled mysterious lines flashing on his body.

Those lines are ancient and vast, the faint light flickers and flickers, and there is an indescribable majestic power flowing out of them.

At this moment, Yuzun's split soul, the power contained in the spirit of the mountain reached the extreme.

"Soul Venerable, dodge!"

Yu Zun spat out a mouthful of blood and roared with all his strength.

With a ferocious face, he stepped out in one step, made a fist with one hand, and after a fierce swipe in the air, he punched the dragon's head.

In his fist, there is a strong red light that is constantly born.

Yu Zun actually chose to carry all the offensive of the Tulong by himself.


On the earth dragon, there seems to be a gust of wind rolling up towards Yuzun's body wrapped in the rock cuticle, which is sword energy.

And the stone-like cuticle on Yuzun's body was cracked quickly at this moment, and then fell off piece by piece.

The body of the mountain range, which had previously made Xie Qingyun helpless, was extremely fragile at this time, and its appearance was extremely miserable.

The stratum corneum fell off, revealing the bright red flesh and blood wrapped in it, still squirming slightly, as if the scarred wound was forcibly peeled off, which was horrible to see.

But even so, Yu Zun still did not take a step back.

Because he knew that the body of the Soul Venerable, although the body of the gods and demons, did not have too deep attainments in the flesh, and could not be compared with the Demon Venerables of other holy demons.

And Xie Qingyun's sword, but it is the sword that lacks his kendo attainments, and has reached the extreme in attacking.

Such a sword of attack is not something that Soul Venerable can withstand.

In the current situation, only he, as the branch of the mountain spirit, has the most powerful defense, and has the opportunity to block this sword.

Therefore, he cannot retreat. Once he retreats, Soul Venerable will be wiped out.

To say that he and Soul Venerable have been in charge of the Unbounded Domain for so many years, cherished each other, and formed a brotherly relationship, which is a life-and-death relationship, that is absolutely nonsense.

But what Yu Zun is doing now is not for himself, nor for Soul Zun, but for the entire Infinity Domain, for the Heart Demon Race.

Because the soul venerated body is destroyed, Qinglong will also have to fall.

And once there is no Qinglong, with Xie Qingyun's strength, even if he survived by luck, what's the use?

At that time, he can't support it alone, what's the point?

Only Qinglong can kill Xie Qingyun.

If Xie Qingyun didn't die, they would not be able to win this battle of the soul, and the Ten Thousand Years Plan of the Heart Demons would eventually come to nothing.

Therefore, at this moment he must stand up.

Although he didn't know in his heart whether he could stop Xie Qingyun's sword by himself, at least there was a possibility.

When you reach the realm of Yuzun, there will definitely be emotional impulses in thinking, but it will never be the dominant one.

What really affects his judgment will only be the optimal choice.

Compared with the life of the soul-splitting family, the future of the demon family is more important?

Even the lowest rank 1 magic cultivator can understand it.

What's more, Yuzun?

If so, stand up.

In terms of maintaining the race, Yu Zun and Xie Qingyun's choices are incomparably the same.

This is also the responsibility of being a superpower and a leader, and you can't escape it!

"Shan, Yue!" Yu Zun, who was covered in blood and flesh, roared again, looking at the earth dragon coming towards him.

He has done his best.

In the right fist he threw out, the red light was bright like a big sun, and the mottled traces on his body began to flow, and finally converged on his right fist.

An ancient force emerged.

Yu Zun swung his right fist and burst into a fist, directly hitting the Tulong that he suppressed.

At the moment when the fist gang collided with Tulong, a boundless storm erupted, directly sweeping the entire sky.

The strong aftermath directly shook the surrounding demon cultivators who were not within the attack range and had no choice but to retreat again.

Although they retreated, their eyes did not move at all, and they kept focusing on the intersection of Yuzun's right fist and the earth dragon formed by the Fuxin Mountains.

This fist gang collided with the earth dragon, creating an earth curtain formed by the annihilation of earth and stone, as if there was no end.

Yuzun is naturally immobile, his fists are unparalleled, and the earth dragon is constantly being damaged.

But no one knows how long this earth dragon is.

It can only be seen that it keeps coming forward and back, causing Yu Zun's body to shake and his arms to sway.

After all, this is an earth dragon constructed from a whole Fuxin mountain range.

And countless slender and intangible sword qi hidden in the earth dragon are constantly rushing out towards Yu Zun.

Although the specific shape can't be seen, the sparks generated by the collision can be seen on Yu Zun's body, which is spectacular.

The mottled lines on Yu Zun's body continued to release the ancient and powerful power, supporting him to display his fists.

Xie Qingyun put his hands on Fuyao and pushed Fuyao down inch by inch.

The earth dragon continued to press down.

However, there seems to be an invisible resistance in the void, which makes Xie Qingyun's action of pushing the sword down more and more difficult.

His face was bloodless, and his lips were bleeding.

Obviously, displaying such a sword is definitely not an easy thing for Xie Qingyun.

But Xie Qingyun did not stop.

He still maintained the movement of swaying and pushing down steadily, and also maintained the mighty momentum of the earth dragon.

Xie Qingyun desperately pulled the Fuxin Mountains to suppress Yu Zun, just as Yu Zun desperately urged his power to release his fist to resist his sword.

This is a battle of the air.

Whoever can hold this breath to the end will win.

In an incalculable amount of time, there have been tens of thousands of games between Boxing Gang and Tulong.

It can be seen that the arms of Yuzun and the soul are thickened a few times, and the muscles are swollen.

He is also constantly consuming the power of Xie Qingyun's sword.

But even so, the Fuxin Mountain Range has not seen an end.

In the next second, Yu Zun finally became exhausted, and his energy began to leak out like a tide.

Xie Qingyun smiled, with a warm smile.

"You're exhausted," he said, pun intended, "since I'm exhausted, it's time for me to swallow mountains and rivers."

Yu Zun, the meaning of the two leaders of the Heart Demon Clan, one of the few top Demon Venerables in the abyss, heard this, his eyes were split, and he made an uncontrollable roar.

What he was least afraid of was the battle between Qi and Qi.

Because if the Fuxin Mountain Range is still there, with the Fuxin Mountain Range as the source of power, his power is almost infinite, and there will never be a time when the Qi will be cut off.

If not, if not......

If it wasn't for Xie Qingyun being so despicable and taking advantage of his careless destruction of the Fuxin Mountain Range, how could he have fallen to this point?

Despicable Sword Fairy!

No matter how indignant Yu Zun was in his heart, it seemed that he could only watch the earth dragon devour him little by little, and watch the sword aura erode his flesh little by little, making his vitality quickly annihilate.

In just two or three breaths, Yu Zun's huge body was even more like a candle that had been cut by that knife, instantly emaciated, drenched in blood, and his whole body revealed dense bones.

The vague flesh and blood hung on the bones, tragically.

His Qi machine is even more old and withered in shape, and will "end of life" at any time.

After peeling off the shell, you can see that in the place of Yu Zun's huge heart, a figure that is much smaller than his split soul is hiding in it.

——The body of Yuzun hidden in the body of the divided soul!

Yu Zun tried his best to wriggle the flesh and blood on his body, trying to repair his body.

But that sword energy and sword intent had already invaded the body, and while constantly disintegrating his body, it was still hindering the repair of the mountain's body.

Xie Qingyun's sword is far from over, and the trend of the earth dragon is still breaking out.

Yu Zun took a breath, knowing that this was impossible.

dong dong dong!

Yu Zun's heart beat violently at this moment.

In the next instant, his body released boundless lightning.


After the heart of the spirit of the mountain vibrated again, the body of Yu Zun suddenly ejected.

With endless thunder, it suddenly flew out, and suddenly the sky and the earth roared, and the boundless thunder emerged with a mighty momentum, gathered on him, and turned into a thunder beast that covered the sky.

Yuzun cultivated the **** and demon body, the thunder prison demon body.

"Soul Venerable, I have done my best, and the next step is up to each individual's fate!" At the same time as he fully exerted his **** and demon body, Yu Zun roared again.

In order to withstand Xie Qingyun's offensive, the spirit of his mountain range was almost completely dissipated.

Although he still failed to stop Xie Qingyun's sword in the end, it was obvious to the naked eye that most of the power of Xie Qingyun's sword was weakened.

The rest can only depend on their ability.

If this is the case, Xie Qingyun can still kill the two of them, and Yu Zun can only say that he did his best.

The thunder beasts that were born from the transformation of the Thunder Prison Demon Body screamed in the sky, as if they were transformed into real living creatures, protecting Yu Zun in it.

It's been a long time, but in fact the collision between the mountain spirit and the earth dragon didn't even take a breath in time.

Therefore, the Soul Venerable on the other side could not escape the attack range of the unearthed dragon in this very short period of time.

He can only push the Four Elephants to the extreme just like the body of Yuzun, preparing to resist Xie Qingyun's offensive that has been weakened once by Yuzun's split soul.

The four images of earth, wind, water, and fire condensed into a mask, shrouding him in it.


In countless horrified eyes, the Tulong, whose length had actually been cut in half, finally descended and slammed towards Soul Venerable and Yu Venerable.

All things melt.

Dust and sword qi were madly raging in all directions, Yuan force and demon qi violently impacted.

The nearby Infinite Realm demon cultivators were all scattered, and there was even a rank 9 demon cultivator who was close by, which directly scattered his body and fell on the spot.

But at this time, the other demon cultivators didn't have the heart to pay attention to this unfortunate ghost. They just stared solemnly at the source of these fluctuations.

There, the earth dragon has disappeared.

Soul Zun and Yu Zun, can they withstand this blow?

No magician dares to be sure.

The monstrous storm began to weaken, and the scene below it began to become clear.

What appeared in the vision of the demon cultivators was a crack that was several thousand feet long, and the crack was dark and unknown.

Above the vast sky, a crack appeared.

space cracks.

Yes, Xie Qingyun's sword abruptly tore a space crack in the stable abyss world.

This kind of destructive power makes many magic cultivators eyelids jump.

"Where are Soul Venerable and Yu Zun?" Someone said nervously.

At a glance, they saw that there was nothing at the source except for the space crack.

The Fuxin Mountain Range, which hung upside down on the sky and covered the sky, disappeared, and the spirit of the mountain range that stood above the sky also disappeared.

Even Soul Venerable and Yu Zun disappeared together.

The expressions of the magic cultivators changed greatly, and they quickly released their perceptions, but they did not sense the breath of Soul Venerable and Yu Zun.

This made the faces of these magic cultivators turn pale.

Some people couldn't help but want to rush over and look for two.

But soon there was a rational magic cultivator who grabbed and reminded in a low voice, "Don't act rashly."

At the same time, he also released his perception and constantly surveyed the surroundings.

There are many magic cultivators who do the same thing as him.

Because, along with Soul Zun and Yu Zun, there is also Xie Qingyun.

They were worried that Xie Qingyun was hiding somewhere, and they would launch a devastating attack when they were slightly unprepared.

The magic cultivators have been so cautious and uneasy to probe around for dozens of breaths, but they still haven't found any abnormality.


Finally, a high-level Demon Venerable with the highest status among the remaining Demon Cultivators stood up and shouted while looking at the crack in the deep space that traverses the sky.

Then, he was the first to rush over.

Immediately following, other magic cultivators followed.

After another moment, an extremely angry but extremely suppressed low roar resounded through the sky.

Gone, gone.

Whether it was Soul Zun, Yu Zun, or Xie Qingyun, they were all gone.

Xie Qingyun may have escaped.

After all, there are so many enemies around here and there are many dangers.

But Soul Venerable and Yu Zun can never escape.

This is the Unbounded Domain, Abi City, and the territory of the two statues. Where can they escape? There is no reason to flee.

Since there is no escape, there is only one possibility.

A person who is the most reluctant to accept in their hearts, but the greatest possibility. …

Soul Zun, Yu Zun, body fall!

Xie Qingyun broke into the boundless domain alone with one sword and one sword, and started a big show in front of everyone's eyes.

Now, this big drama seems to have come to an end with Xie Qingyun's fall.

End with the most decisive and unrestrained attitude.

Killing a person in ten steps, without leaving a thousand miles.


But, is this game really over?

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