This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 158: Sword Immortal Warriors (1)

"This sword repair is a bit stable (


Above the boundless sky, under the scarlet blood moon, the void suddenly began to distort violently, and then formed a space vortex.

In the whirlpool, a figure suddenly flew out.

A blue shirt.

It was Xie Qingyun who disappeared in the Fuxin Mountains.

Compared with the free and easy time when he came, Xie Qingyun at this time was obviously weak, and his blue shirt was stained with blood.

Xie Qingyun stagnated a little in the air, looking inwardly.

It can be seen that the inside of the body is in a mess, and even the meridians have some signs of twisting and breaking.

This kind of injury is already very serious.

The energy in his body was even more dimmed to the extreme.

The reason why he suffered such a serious injury was caused by the superposition of two reasons.

One is that the sword just now, in the extreme of the attack, can be called the grand view of the world, but also exceeds the limit of Xie Qingyun's strength.

Hold up a Fuxin Mountain Range with millions of sword qi to form a sword.

This is much more difficult than destroying a Fuxin Mountain Range with a million sword qi alone.

If the latter is only powerful, then the former can already be called a mighty force.

In Xie Qingyun's dantian at this time, the sea-like Yuan Li has almost been squandered.

In addition, after he displayed that sword, he resolutely jumped into the space crack with a weak body and walked around in the space turbulence.

When Xie Qingyun was at his peak, he was even able to forcibly cross the most powerful Linghai tide, thus blocking the Linghai tide.

Therefore, if it is just turbulent flow in the space inside the abyss, it will not cause any harm to Xie Qingyun.

But the problem is that when he entered the spatial turbulence, he was already in a weak state that was close to exhaustion.

The taste of space moving is not good, and the turbulent space turbulence further aggravated his injury.

However, for a sword cultivator of his level, although his resilience is as amazing as that of a physique cultivator or a demon cultivator, it is impossible to recover from such an injury that does not damage the source.

At most, spend more time recuperating.

Of course, Xie Qingyun did not know the consequences of forcibly entering the turbulent space in that weak state.

It's just that the situation at the time was that, in order to ensure that Soul Venerable and Yu Venerable were killed with one sword, even if he was as strong as him, he could not think about the follow-up at all, and could only do everything at the moment.

After that sword cut and successfully killed Soul Zun and Yu Zun, he had to face a problem:

Such a sword, although he wished to destroy the body of the two statues, also hollowed out everything he had. At that time, there were many ninth-grade demon cultivators and even demons surrounded by them.

In normal times, these low-level Demon Venerables and ordinary ninth-grade Demon Cultivators are naturally nothing to Xie Qingyun.

But when Xie Qingyun was close to exhaustion, it was a deadly threat.

A pack of wolves can kill an old lion.

Fortunately, because the energy fluctuations caused by the collision between Xie Qingyun and the two were too violent, a space crack was forcibly opened in the stable abyss space.

Life appeared.

Without any hesitation, Xie Qingyun immediately chose to leap into the space crack.

In the space crack, the space turbulence is raging, and for most monks, it is a place where there is no life.

But Xie Qingyun is a sword immortal, and he is the most free sword immortal.

The law can't trap him, and the turbulent flow of space can't trap him either, even if he is extremely weak, it should be the same.

That's true.

"I don't know where I am now?"

Xie Qingyun's mind gradually retreated from the body, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he thought so in his heart.

The passage in the turbulent space is random, and it may appear that it is already 108,000 miles away from the entrance, but it is also possible that it is not even ten miles away from the entrance. Well?

Xie Qingyun can only be sure that he is still in the abyss.

Because he did not cross the boundary wall of the abyss.

Without crossing the boundary wall, it is impossible to go to other realms.

Xie Qingyun looked around, and finally vaguely saw some shadows of the demon city in the east.

Without any hesitation, Xie Qingyun immediately rose up with Yu Jian, his figure was invisible, and he swept over quickly and carefully.

Right now, he is extremely weak, and it may be enough for him to meet a low-level Demon Venerable casually.

He needs to find out some basic information.


After a while.

A small demon city came into Xie Qingyun's eyes.

Although the city is not big, his sight can see people coming and going on the streets in the city, which is quite lively.

After all, the population of the Demon Race has always been surplus.

The defense of the city is not tight, but even if it is tight, it can't prevent Xie Qingyun.

Xie Qingyun moved in his heart, his figure swept away, and when he reappeared, he was already in the city lord's mansion in this city.


"Wujianyu.... I didn't even leave Wujianyu, luck is not bad, then I have to go to Longcheng Pass again." Xie Qingyun broke the neck of the magic cultivator who should be the city's lord, and said softly. murmured.

Through the torture just now, he has learned the information he needs.

This space travel did not let him leave the Infinity Domain.

It must be a good rest for him.

First of all, the two most powerful Demon Venerables in the Unbounded Domain, Soul Venerable and Yu Zun have already died under his sword, and they should be in chaos for a period of time after this.

For him, naturally, the messier the better.

The second is to facilitate Xie Qingyun's return to the human domain.

Under the current circumstances, it is not easy to enter the Infinity Domain from the Zhongling Domain through the Dragon City Pass, but it is undoubtedly much simpler to enter the Zhongling Domain from the Infinity Domain through the Longcheng Pass.

Just like when the Dragon City Pass was still under the control of the human race, it was difficult for the demons to enter the Middle Spirit Realm from the Infinity Domain, but it would be much simpler to enter the Infinity Domain from the Central Spirit Domain.

Therefore, if he is still in the Infinity Domain, Xie Qingyun doesn't have to worry too much about the return journey.

"In this battle of Dao and Demon in Zhongling, the final victory belongs to our human race." Thinking of the deaths of Yu Zun and Soul Zun, Xie Qingyun felt extremely happy.

This battle, which should have been extremely difficult, was almost impossible to see the dawn of victory. After learning the secret of the Heart Demons, the dawn finally began to appear.

And this time, his single-sword journey of thousands of miles turned this dawn into dawn.

Although the war is not over yet, the outcome is already predictable.

Because Soul Venerable and Yu Zun are dead, even if the Demon Race still has tens of millions of troops in Zhongling, as long as they spread the news of Soul Venerable and Yu Zun's death, the other seven holy Demon Races will still stand still?

With the mutual coveting nature of the eight holy demons in the abyss, these seven holy demons will surely wait for the opportunity to plot the boundless territory.

At that time, the Heart Demons will usher in internal worries.

Coupled with the death of the two main demons, Soul Venerable and Yuzun, there are no two major demons who can convince the Demon Cultivators of the Infinity Domain. When the time comes, the demons will most likely retreat to the Zhongling, or concentrate their efforts first. The opinions of Zhongling cannot be unified.

How could the Demon Race win this battle of Dao and Demon in such a state of being overwhelmed?


The Middle Spirit Realm, the Demon Occupied Zone.

Thirteen days have passed since Xie Qingyun entered the Infinity Domain.

For the past few days, Lu Qingshan has been fighting in the Demon Occupied Zone, executing his plan to massacre the city.

The strategy of the Demon Race at the beginning of the invasion of the Zhongling is to cut out a front line running through the east and west of the Zhongling from the westernmost position of the Zhongling in the shortest possible time. Radiation all around.

In these 13 days, this front from west to east has become Lu Qingshan's primary goal.

After opening the knife to Mangcheng, the state capital of Mangzhou, Lu Qingshan walked along the front line opened up by the demons.

Just like in a level-breaking game, a city is a level, and then it is pushed down one level at a time, without even stopping for a moment.

Along the way, Lu Qingshan liberated a total of 97 demon cities. On average, seven demon cities could be slaughtered in one day. Counting the time spent on the road, it could be said to be extremely efficient.

And this "front" that traverses Mangzhou has been swept away by Lu Qingshan.

To a certain extent, Lu Qingshan is already infinitely close to achieving the achievement of defeating the important front of the demons with his own strength.

After killing the last few demon cultivators in front of him, Lu Qingshan licked his lips, looked into the distance, rose with his sword, and flew towards the next city.

After turning over a continuous ridge, Lu Qingshan stopped in the air.

The vision in front of him suddenly widened.

It can already be seen that on the plain in the distance, there is a city occupied by demons, and behind the city is a towering mountain that cannot be seen at a glance.


The iron siege is infinitely close to Xiantianling, which is also the reason why Lu Qingshan has been delayed until now.

——Once the iron siege is started, the magic cultivators who want to come to Longcheng Pass will soon find out the abnormality and respond.

Geographical factors made Lu Qingshan choose this city as the end point instead of the starting point. He made a big circle and came back from the edge.

As the first city standing in front of Xiantian Mountain, Tiewei City is also the city closest to Longcheng Pass. It is the first human stronghold taken by the demons after the invasion of Zhongling. It is regarded as the bridgehead of Longcheng Pass. .

Therefore, the demons also hoarded not weak troops here.

In the huge magic-occupied area, in addition to Mangzhou City, Mangcheng, the iron besieged city has the strongest comprehensive strength.

Visible to the naked eye, the strong demonic energy was raging over the Iron City.

From a distance, it looks like there are dark clouds in the sky.

That is the unique background of the Demon Race, released by a high-quality Demon Plant.

Lu Qingshan stood on the sky outside Tiewei City, a strange brilliance flashed in his eyes.

In fact, if he was given enough time, he would have more and better ways to take down the Iron Siege.

But what he is fighting for now is time, so his siege methods are only the simplest and crudest.


Attack without reservation.

The disadvantage is that he will suffer the greatest resistance from the enemy, which will bring him a great consumption.

The advantage is that the battle can be resolved as quickly as possible.

Lu Qingshan regarded himself as himself, and fought continuously for thirteen days. Even though his resilience was amazing, the Yuan force in his body was only more than 30% of the peak.

"Three percent, enough." Lu Qingshan murmured in a low voice, his eyes gradually sharpening.

"Sword, domain!"

When his voice fell, a dazzling purple-golden light centered on Lu Qingshan quickly spread out to the surroundings.

With the arrival of the sword domain, there is also the boundless and vast sword energy.

Sword energy erupted from the legal realm.

Sword World.

The light of the legal domain shrouded the sky above the iron besieged city, and the violent sword qi swept across the sky, even covering the world.

The next moment, the sword energy surged overwhelmingly, and at the same time, four sword lights shot out from Lu Qingshan's jurisdiction, and the terrifying sword energy radiated out, stirring the world to tremble.

It's like an imminent disaster.

The four sword lights, namely the Longque, Peach Blossom, Wangchuan, and Zhen Mo, the four natal swords, wrapped in the sword energy of the Sword World, heavily bombarded the Iron Besieged City.

Just when this wave of offensive was about to come down, the black magic energy that enveloped the iron siege city suddenly started to move, changed rapidly and solidified, and turned into a magic flower composed of magic energy, covering the entire iron siege city. , covered tightly.


This wave of Lu Qingshan's offensive directly bombarded the magic flower composed of magic energy.

Under this kind of bombardment, the magic flower continued to bloom with ripples, and the spread of each ripple would consume a lot of magic energy and make it thinner.

The next moment, in the center of the Iron Besieged City, hundreds of demonic qi and wolf smoke rose into the air.

There, it is the residence of the elite demon cultivators of Tieweicheng, and every demonic wolf smoke is initiated by a demon powerhouse.

Hundreds of demonic wolf smoke, with a terrifying aura, left the city and rushed towards Lu Qingshan.

This is what Lu Qingshan was waiting for.

A tried and true trick.

In his nearly 100 sieges, as long as the demons saw that he was only one person, and his cultivation level was not in the state of fit, even if he first showed the combat power far exceeding that of fit monks, these demons would still be resolute. rushed out.

After waiting for almost two more breaths, a sneer appeared on Lu Qingshan's face, and then his body phantom, disappeared out of thin air, and rushed towards the team of hundreds of demon cultivators.

Before the magic cultivators could react, a green snake condensed with sword was like a dragon, dragging its body hundreds of feet long, with a terrifying momentum, facing the magic cultivator They opened their mouths wide open, revealing hideous fangs.

In the Demon Race team, the 20 or 30 Demon Cultivators who rushed to the front had not even realized what was going on. Their bodies were already destroyed and turned into blood mist.

The team of magic cultivators who rushed out at the first time was mostly seventh-rank, about 70%, but there were also a lot of eight-rank magic cultivators, and there were also 30%.

Thirty percent, that's sixty or seventy people.

It's no wonder that even though they knew the situation was not right, they still chose to go out of the city to destroy the enemy.

This is absolute confidence.

But now, their confidence is almost instantly destroyed.

Just one move, they reduced more than 20 people, including six or seven eighth-rank magic cultivators.


However, this is not over.

After the green snake devoured the twenty or thirty demon cultivators, it had just exhausted its energy and dissipated, and the phantom of the blue dragon and the ghost of the phoenix formed by the flames had already arrived.

Dragon Sparrow: Dragon Breath.

Dragon Sparrow: Feng Ming.

One wave did not settle, and one wave after another, the two extremely lethal Dragon Sparrow magical powers were like dropping a bomb in the magic cultivator team.

In an instant, more than 30 demon cultivators were hit by the dragon bird's supernatural power, and they were directly sent flying.

"Watch out, watch out!"

After Lu Qingshan passed the three axes, a series of panicked voices sounded in the Demon Race team.

The magic cultivators who had just rushed out aggressively to kill Lu Qingshan to control the situation suddenly lost their courage.

But Lu Qingshan would not give them a chance to calm down and regroup.

With the demon in his hand and the three natal swords on his side, Lu Qingshan has already rushed towards these demon cultivators.

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