This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 159: Sword Immortal Warriors (2)

"This sword repair is a bit stable (

Lu Qingshan's speed is very fast, as fast as a ghost.

When he rushed into the magic cultivator team, it was like a wolf entering a flock.

Neither the sharp magic soldiers nor the ferocity of the magic energy could touch his body, or even slow down his speed.

Lu Qingshan was like a sharp arrow, easily pierced through the battle line formed by more than 100 demon cultivators.

Where his seemingly slender sword edge passed, those demon powerhouses who fully exerted their gods and demons were like eggs hit by a hammer, and their flesh and blood splattered in all directions.

There was no expression on Lu Qingshan's face.

The continuous massacre made him accustomed to killing.

The sword sounded like thunder and the momentum was like a rainbow.

To be honest, Lu Qingshan came to slaughter hundreds of cities on the 13th. Maybe he still has some energy left, but the fatigue caused by the continuous battle is unavoidable.

However, when he regained his grip on the hilt of Suppressing Demon, his fatigue was swept away, and his spirit and determination returned to his body in an instant.

The three flying swords wandering around his body were like three lightning bolts, and the demon powerhouse he touched, or his body exploded and died tragically, or was shaken far away.

There are only a few three-cast demon masters who can resist a little.

But Lu Qingshan was not satisfied.

He must solve this batch of magic cultivators as soon as possible.

If this is not the case, it will greatly slow down his speed of breaking the city, and may even attract the magic cultivator of Longcheng Pass.

Lu Qingshan swayed the demon, and cut a seventh-grade demon cultivator who was trying to dodge by the waist and cut it in two. He speeded up again, and at the same time, he glanced at the Tieweicheng, his brows slightly frowned.

Seems a little too quiet?

What Lu Qingshan didn't know was that at this time in the city lord's mansion at the core of the Iron Besieged City, there was an ordinary-looking demon cultivator watching his performance as he swept the armies, and his wrinkled face did not show much panic. On the other hand, there was a faint smile on his face.

He is not as strange or ferocious or burly as other demon cultivators, but the aura on his body is like a bottomless abyss, and it is impossible to see the bottom at a glance.

Beside this demon cultivator, there were also two extremely old demon cultivators, wearing hoods, their faces were hidden, and it was dark, only two pairs of very bright and deep eyes could be seen.

The two magic cultivators were chanting words, their skinny fingers were constantly bouncing, and there were streaks of gray gas gushing out from their bouncing fingers.

In front of them, there is a black flower the size of a grinding disc and crystal clear.

With the influx of gray gas, the color of this black flower became more and more dark, black and purple.

"He is the one who made waves in the area under the command of my Demon Race during this period of time." The ordinary looking demon cultivator looked at Lu Qingshan, who was constantly beheading demons with astonishing efficiency above the sky.

Although Lu Qingshan is ruthless, he will kill every demon city without leaving any survivors, and will not let the demon cultivators in the city have the opportunity to spread any news.

But the absence of news is an extremely important news in itself.

In just 13 days, ninety-seven demon cities in a row were slaughtered and lost contact one after another. Even if the demons concentrated their fighting forces on the front line, they would not be so slow that they didn't notice anything abnormal.

It's just that Lu Qingshan's speed was too fast, and by the time they reacted, most of the entire front had been pierced by him.

However, it is precisely because of the pursuit of efficiency that Lu Qingshan's action path is clear at a glance. Naturally, the demons chose to concentrate their strength in the iron siege and set up the situation of the broken sword.

"Priest Demon Lord..."

The magic cultivator known as the Priest Demon Lord waved his hand and interrupted the others' reply.

He seemed to just want to ask, but he didn't want to get an answer, so he didn't need anyone else to respond, so he immediately said again, "Continue."

The two demon cultivators listened to the order and accelerated the speed of chanting the incantation.

The demonic energy that was shrouded in the sky above the iron besieged city like a dark cloud, did not know when, it became dense again.

"That's enough." The priest and demon master raised his head and glanced at the demonic energy, feeling that it was almost there, a tyranny flashed in his eyes, and finally nodded.

As soon as the voice fell, the heavy demonic energy quickly spread out like a black cloud, filling the world.

In the dark cloud formed by the demonic energy, there are countless lines squirming, and a blood-red eye is faintly formed.

It was impossible for Lu Qingshan not to notice such a big movement.

He moved his gaze subconsciously, and then his eyes touched the **** eye.


Lu Qingshan suddenly felt that he had fallen into a bottomless abyss, his face suddenly paled, and the sea of ​​​​consciousness set off a violent wave, and his body suddenly became extremely heavy, no longer as light as before, and even his body became weak.

"What method is this?" Lu Qingshan was shocked.

It is not a method of Yuanshen's attack, but it can ignore the [Door Room Clean] released by him and force it on him. This method is bizarre and unimaginable.

As his body became weaker, those demon cultivators who had been splitting their guts finally regrouped, regained their courage, and gathered around.

Seeing that the situation became critical, Lu Qingshan's heart moved, and he was ready to use the power of mountains and seas to offset the weakening of his combat power by this strange technique.

Right now.

A clear light lit up from the periphery of the battlefield, penetrated into the battlefield, and went straight into Lu Qingshan's body.

The clear light was like a cool spring, which quickly flowed through Lu Qingshan's body, making him refreshed and at the same time removing the heaviness of the shackles.

The feeling of weakness left the body, and the heavy figure became lighter again.

But it didn't end there.

Above the sky, seven stars suddenly lit up, each blooming with a starlight and projecting it down.

Seven starlights converge at one point.

That point is exactly Lu Qingshan.

That is, at the moment when the seven starlights converged on him, Lu Qingshan could clearly feel that his speed, strength, energy, resilience, explosiveness, soul force, and balance had all soared, and Yuan force flowed. The speed has become extremely smooth.

He suddenly turned to look.

Lu Qingshan saw that a female cultivator appeared on the periphery of the battlefield.

Black hair swept across her gentle face, but it couldn't hide her equally surprised expression.

Water Moon Watcher.

Just like Lu Qingshan never expected to meet the Shuiyue Guanzhu here, the Shuiyue Guanzhu also did not expect to see Lu Qingshan here.

Although he was surprised, seeing Lu Qingshan's troubled Shuiyue Guanzhu, he immediately used spiritual magic to help.

Two crape myrtle techniques, one to dispel Lu Qingshan's negative state, and one to support Lu Qingshan's combat effectiveness.

Although the Shuiyue Guanzhu has not reached the nine realms, there is no doubt that she is one of the strongest spiritual practitioners in the eight realms.

What kind of lethality will such a combination break out with the unparalleled seven-level sword cultivator and an eight-level top "assist"?

Lu Qingshan gave his answer with action.

The moment he saw the Shuiyue Guanzhu appear here, there was a sense of loss in his heart, and then he quickly adjusted his form and turned to look at the center of Tieweicheng.

At this time, he didn't know where the priest and demon master was, but his intuition told him that the source of the strange magic technique just now should come from there.

Therefore, Lu Qingshan decided to solve this source first.

The sword qi burst into the surroundings, forming a lotus flower, forcing the magic cultivators who had just surrounded them to retreat.

Immediately, Lu Qingshan threw away these demon cultivators and rushed towards the iron besieged city.

Because of this sudden change, the priest and Demon Lord in the city became extremely violent.

Since the spell was invalid, Lu Qingshan acted like this.

The ruthlessness in his heart drove him to decide to kill this man himself.

When Lu Qingshan was still several thousand meters away from the center of Tiewei City, the figure of the priest and demon master floated up and appeared in front of Lu Qingshan.

The deep eyes of the priest and demon fell on Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan also cast his gaze.

The eyes of the two met.

In Lu Qingshan's sea of ​​consciousness, a violent wave suddenly appeared again, and it shook violently.

This made Lu Qingshan realize that the magic cultivator in front of him was a magic cultivator who was good at primordial spirit techniques.

- Heart demon.

Lu Qingshan's primordial spirit has always been his strong point. The primordial spirit with a perfect soul is rare in the world, and the ten-zhang domain of the abbot of Tianxin makes his sea of ​​knowledge even more impregnable.

In the battle of Yuanshen, Lu Qingshan has never suffered a loss.

No matter whether he is a spiritual practitioner or a demon known for his primordial spirit, or a cultivator whose realm is much higher than him, none of them can easily defeat him here.

But now, there are magic cultivators in the world, and the realm is only the eighth-rank magic cultivator, who can rely on the primordial spirit to suppress him? !

He is incredible.

Lu Qingshan didn't believe that an ordinary eighth-grade magic cultivator could suppress him in this regard.

Therefore, the inner demon in front of him is not simple, and it is by no means what the three-cast demon master can describe. There is a high probability that it is an extremely rare demon master with four or more casts.

"Although it can suppress me, it is not enough to kill me." Lu Qingshan was horrified, but he was still full of confidence.

The Priest Demon Lord cannot kill him with his Yuanshen, but he has the confidence to kill the Priest Demon Lord with the sword in his hand.

Without hesitation, Lu Qingshan mobilized the energy in his body, facing the rising and falling waves in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, carrying the sword domain, and slammed into the priest and demon master.


The black qi and magic qi spread, and a flower made of magic qi blocked Lu Qingshan's forward path.

Two extremely huge forces collided in the air.

It was like a fireworks of destruction erupted in the air, a huge shock wave swept across, the iron besieged city below rolled like a dragon, and countless buildings collapsed.

As for the magic flower, it first rippled and then returned to its original state.

"Heh!" The priest and demon master saw this and just snorted coldly, as if he had expected it.

In the next instant, a majestic primordial spirit force traveled through the void invisible to the naked eye and shot at Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan groaned and suffered a lot of shock in the collision.

He looked at the magic flower in front of him, frowning slightly.

If he wanted to, he could break open the magic flower formed by this magic energy with just one break.

But Lu Qingshan couldn't do that.

One is that the cooling time has not yet come, and the other is that even if it can be used, he will keep the breaking method, because this is the most important magical power in his body right now. He is the only magical power that can affect the battle situation above the nine realms. May be used later.

With this thought in mind, Lu Qingshan mobilized his heart sword without hesitation.

An invisible Yuanshen small sword shot out from his sea of ​​consciousness, and blasted towards the Yuanshen attack from the priest and demon master.

Compared with the collision of Yuan Li, the collision of Yuan Shen's strength is extremely bland, invisible to the naked eye, but even more dangerous.

It looked as if nothing had happened, but Lu Qingshan had inexplicably blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

In this Primordial Spirit Battle, Lu Qingshan was at a disadvantage.

The Priest Demon Lord smiled proudly.

Enough, one block and one attack is enough to kill Lu Qingshan.

"Dog thing, just killed some of the waste in our demon race, do you really think that you can be unscrupulous?" He couldn't help sneering.

But his smile only lasted a short breath.

The next moment, Lu Qingshan's figure disappeared from the place inexplicably, and was replaced by a green flying sword.

When he reappeared, Lu Qingshan was already a hundred feet away.

It's not far, but it's enough for Lu Qingshan to get past the magic flower.

【Return】The word secret.

Lu Qingshan, who passed the magic flower through the secret of returning to the word, finally had no scruples, and his figure melted into the sword light, and stabbed directly at the priest and demon master whose smile was still frozen on his face thousands of feet away.

When the priest demon master saw Lu Qingshan coming so aggressively, he was horrified and hurriedly shouted.

The demonic energy in the sky was tumbling and surging again, trying to turn into a shield and stop in front of him.

However, under the dual blessings of Sword Domain and Ziwei Spiritual Technique, Lu Qingshan's speed is the best in the Seven Realms, even in the Eight Realms.

Like thunder and lightning, before the shield took shape, he handed the sword edge to the eyebrows of the priest and demon master.

Poke through.

The Demon Lord, who didn't know whether it was four or five casts, just covered his bleeding eyebrows and fell backwards.

From this perspective, the **** and demon body of the priest and demon master is actually far less outstanding than his primordial spirit.

At the last moment when he lost consciousness and the scene in front of his eyes disappeared, the priest and demon master heard a faint mockery from Lu Qingshan.

"You're better than trash."

It is the principle that Lu Qingshan has always followed.

The reason why I have to say one more sentence to ridicule the dying person this time is because he is really angry.



The strongest magic cultivator in Iron Siege has died, and the only variable has disappeared.

And on Lu Qingshan's side, there is another helper at the level of Eight Realms Spiritual Cultivation out of thin air. UU Reading

One and the other.

Facing the combination of Lu Qingshan + Shuiyue Guanzhu, the magic cultivators in Tieweicheng seemed a little confused, a little dazed, and a little panicked.

Even if Lu Qingshan was alone, he could slaughter recklessly in the face of the demon cultivator army without the priest and demon master, let alone now?

With the help of the Shuiyue Guanzhu, Lu Qingshan is like a prehistoric crocodile in the water, while the magic cultivators have become small shrimps.

No matter how many people there are, it loses its meaning.

This is where the real **** carnage begins.

From this moment on in the entire Iron Besieged City, apart from the panic and terrifying screams of the demons and the sound of their bodies bursting, there was no other sound.

Lu Qingshan first slaughtered the Demon Race team that had come to fight, and then smashed the city gate to slaughter the city.

The speed of the escape technique is unparalleled, the attack frequency is difficult to see with the naked eye, the power is so powerful that it can instantly kill the flying sword of the seventh-rank demon cultivator, and the terrifying attack range is tens of thousands of miles.

The combination of these four, Lu Qingshan, has become a nightmare for the entire Iron Besieged City Demon Cultivator.

Half an hour later.

Lu Qingshan's figure hovered in the air, and when he saw the messy eyes below, there was no longer a living iron siege left, and the killing intent in his heart eased.

The main body of Shuiyueguan swept forward, and then stopped beside Lu Qingshan.

The two looked at each other.

The Shuiyue Guanzhu was silent for a moment, suppressed the horror that Lu Qingshan had just shown in his heart, and was the first to speak.

"Qingshan, why are you here?"

Almost at the same time, Lu Qingshan couldn't help but ask.

"Shuiyue Guanzhu, why are you here at this time?"

Naturally, the war in the spirit sea tide cannot end so quickly.

In this case, the Shuiyue Guanzhu should not leave the frontal battlefield and appear here.

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