This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 160: Sword Immortal Warriors (3)

"This sword repair is a bit stable (

"I've been in the Demon Occupied Zone these days, and I've hit them hard when the Demon Race is concentrated in the spiritual tide and the forces behind are empty."

Lu Qingshan briefly explained the reason why he appeared here, and then couldn't help but ask again: "The war in the spirit sea tide is over?"

Seeing Lu Qingshan asking this, the expression of the Shuiyue Guanzhu suddenly became condensed.

She shook her head extremely heavily, then squeezed two words out of her throat, "No."

"Then what is the situation of the Linghai Tide battle now?"

Seeing the expression of the Shuiyue Guanzhu, Lu Qingshan has already faintly noticed that the reason why the Shuiyue Guanzhu appeared here today must be an unexpected change on the battlefield in the spirit sea tide.

"It's not optimistic. Our Human Race has suffered heavy losses. The cultivator coalition that entered the Linghai Tide has lost more than 30% during this period of time."

The Water Moon Watcher was silent for a moment, and finally spoke up.

"And... the holy monk of chicken soup has fallen." She was shocked when she opened her mouth.

Lu Qingshan was shocked.

But the Shuiyue Guanzhu continued, "Master Haoran, dissipate the Haoran Qi, and have no cultivation base."

Lu Qingshan felt that his throat was a little dry. Looking at the heavy expression on the face of the Shuiyue Guanzhu, he said with difficulty: Is there anything else?

Shuiyue Guanzhu nodded, "Gu Qiufeng Lord... also sacrificed, and fell with the chicken soup holy monk."

Finally, Lu Qingshan could no longer remain calm, and asked hastily, "What's going on?"

"On the third day of the battle of the Spirit Ocean Tide, the master of the blue dragon and the master of the white tiger came to join the war." said the master of the water moon.

"You also know their strength, the current Zhongling, except Qingyun Jianxian, no one can stop them.

So the two of them entered the battlefield of the tide of the spirit sea...just like you entered the iron siege just now, that is, the wolf entered the flock, and the damage to our human monks was devastating. "

"If the two of them are allowed to slaughter recklessly, then the speed of the collapse of our Human Race coalition will be beyond imagination."

"In order to prevent this from happening, Peak Master Gu Qiu, Peak Master Haoran and Holy Monk Chicken Soup decided to block them both together."

After Shuiyueguan said this, Lu Qingshan could already roughly guess the development of the following plot.

Peak Master Haoran, Peak Master Gu Qiu, and Holy Monk Chicken Soup, all three are only monks in the Eight Realms.

Even if they are not ordinary monks of the eight realms, they are still monks of the eight realms.

Three eight-level monks, going to face two honorable-level monks, what will happen in the end, one can imagine.

But this should not be the reason why Shuiyue Guanzhu is here at this moment.

Shuiyue Guanzhu seemed to see the doubts in Lu Qingshan's heart, and quickly continued: "This battle is very difficult."

"Although the master of the blue dragon and the master of the white tiger are strong, the chicken soup saint monk is an unprecedented seven-tribulation realm body repair, and he can barely hold the offensive of the two of them regardless of the cost.

Peak Master Haoran and Peak Master Gu Qiu are also Swordsmen of the Seven Tribulations Realm, and their offensive is not something that the two masters can ignore. "

"Originally, relying on the body of Donkey Kong, the holy monk of chicken soup, at all costs, he still managed to hold them back."

"But then, the third soul dominated by Qinglong, Qinglong came into the world..." The Shuiyue Guanzhu quickly and briefly told Lu Qingshan about the battle situation at that time.

"Qinglong is powerful, infinitely close to the half-ancestor..."

"Peak Master Haoran temporarily imprisoned Qinglong at the cost of dissipating the Haoran Qi he had cultivated in the third world..."

"Then the situation became Chicken Soup Saint Monk and Gu Qiufeng Lord to meet the Qinglong Lord and the White Tiger Lord, but not long after the battle continued, the biggest change happened."

Lu Qingshan was shocked and knew that the key point was coming.

"There is no reason, there is no omen, and no attack falls on the White Tiger Lord...

But the fierce and powerful white tiger ruler just a moment ago lost his vitality without warning and fell inexplicably. "

"What about Qinglong and Qinglong Master? Are they okay?" Lu Qingshan naturally knew the reason for the fall of the White Tiger Master, and quickly asked.

Shuiyue Guanzhu shook his head silently, "It's okay, there is nothing abnormal about Qinglong and Qinglong Lord, not to mention falling like a white tiger Lord."

"However, the fall of the White Tiger Lord has relieved a lot of pressure on the Master Gu Qiu and the Holy Monk Chicken Soup, allowing them to delay for more time."

"But the gap in strength is by no means easy to smooth out. In addition, even if Peak Master Haoran loses his arrogance, and Wan Jian becomes a prisoner, it will only be an expedient measure of last resort."

"After the White Tiger Lord fell, the battle continued for two more days.

On the third day, Qinglong broke open the sword cage constructed by Peak Master Haoran.

Then Qinglong came back, and soon after, the chicken soup holy monk who was in poor condition died under the attack of Qinglong. The master of Gu Qiufeng was solitary that it was hard to cry, and in the end he just used his life to injure the master of Qinglong. "

"But that's about it."

"Qinglong is unscathed."

"I don't know why, after solving the three biggest obstacles to him, Soul Venerable did not pursue the victory, but disappeared from the Spirit Ocean Tide War with Qinglong, and I don't know where to go."

"The White Tiger Lord is dead, but the Azure Dragon Lord and Qinglong are unharmed?" Lu Qingshan's pupils shrank sharply, he could clearly realize the meaning behind this, "Then, the Azure Dragon and the Azure Dragon Lord disappeared together?"

Others don't know what Xie Qingyun is doing, but he knows.

Because he personally sent Xie Qingyun into the boundless domain.

The thief was captured first, and Xie Qingyun went into the abyss to kill Soul Zun and Yu Zun.

The sudden death of the master of the white tiger shows that Xie Qingyun has successfully found the birthplace of the inner demon and made contributions.

But Qinglong's master and Qinglong's safe and sound, indicating that there must be some changes that Lu Qingshan can't know at present.

Is it because Soul Venerable's body was too cunning to escape, making Xie Qingyun unable to decapitate?

Or is it that Xie Qingyun was outnumbered, and after beheading Yuzun's body, he lost to Soul Zun's body?

Lu Qingshan wasn't sure what kind of situation it was.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is more inclined to the first situation.

Because if Xie Qingyun had already fallen into the Realm of Infinity, there would be no need for Qinglong Master and Qinglong to leave the battlefield of Linghai Tide.

It was also at this moment that Lu Qingshan suddenly realized, "So you are here for the sake of the mysterious disappearing Soul Venerable?"

The Shuiyue Guanzhu nodded, "There is no reason for Soul Venerable not to pursue the victory and expand the victory, unless it means that for him, there are more important things waiting for him than expanding the victory."

"If you think about it like this, the purpose of Soul Venerable is obvious."

"Soul Venerable's goal is...Sect Master!" Lu Qingshan, as the person with the most comprehensive information, has already come up with the answer.

"Yes, I think so too," Shuiyue Guanzhu paused and continued: "If the old sect master is here, there is still hope for our Zhongling. Don't turn around."

"So, you must not let Soul Venerable succeed."

"Old Sect Master Shenlong sees the beginning but not the end, it is not so easy for even Soul Venerable to find Xie Qingyun.

As far as I can see, a very important part of the reason why the two of them joined the Linghai Tide battlefield so eagerly at that time was to force Xie Qingyun out. "

"But seeing that success is just around the corner, Soul Venerable suddenly gave up on his original plan.

This can only show that he has a certain grasp of Xie Qingyun's location, and there is no need to use that kind of tricks to force Xie Qingyun to appear. "Shuiyue Guanzhu's judgment is reasonable and well-founded.

At this moment, Lu Qingshan has gradually raised his head with the words of Shuiyue Guanzhu, and his eyes are turned to the high ridge behind the iron besieged city.

His eyes seemed to penetrate the towering mountain, and then landed on the gate behind the mountain.


Yes, Xie Qingyun has already appeared in the boundless domain. As a human race, after beheading Yuzun's body, the next step should be to return to the human domain.

And if he returns to the human domain, no matter what path Xie Qingyun takes in the boundless domain, he must pass through Longcheng Pass in the end.

This principle is too simple to understand.

Lu Qingshan can understand, but how can Soul Venerable not understand?

At this time, Longchengguan was under the control of the demons, and the Mingyue Great Array also fell into the hands of the demons.

That was the great formation set up by Xia Daozu.

Then what place would be more suitable for intercepting Xie Qingyun than Longchengguan?

Soul Venerable is definitely not willing to miss this opportunity, so he would rather give up the opportunity to expand the victory on the battlefield of Linghai Tide, and also return.

"You also thought of it, right?" Watching Lu Qingshan's expression, Shuiyue Watcher knew that with his wisdom, he must have figured out everything.

"Qingyun Jianxian's life is more important than the battle situation in Linghai Tide, so even if the situation on Linghai Tide is not optimistic, I still choose to leave the battlefield temporarily and come here."

"My strength may not be worth mentioning in this level of battle, but what if?

What if Qingyun Sword Immortal could escape the killing of Soul Venerable, or even kill Soul Venerable, with the help of my tiny power? "Shuiyue Guanzhu firmly said.

Lu Qingshan was silent for a moment, and said with great certainty: "Watcher, your guess should be the truth."

"Soul Venerable, at this moment, he is definitely lurking in Longcheng Pass, waiting for the return of the sect master, and he will launch a thunderous strike."

"If the suzerain is unfortunate enough to die in the Unbounded Domain, there is no need for the master of Qinglong to kill the suzerain at Longcheng Pass."

"The two souls of Soul Venerable are safe and sound, indicating that the Sect Master failed to kill the body of Soul Venerable.

But the sect master went to the Infinity Domain to kill the body of Soul Venerable and Yu Zun. If this is not done, the sect lord will never return to the Human Domain.

Soul Venerable must also understand this truth, but he finally chose to leave the battlefield of Spirit Ocean Tide, which shows that he is sure that the sect master will definitely return to the human realm. . "

"It seems that it should be the soul master body that used a spell like suspended animation to deceive the suzerain..."

"Under the circumstance that the Sect Master doesn't know about this matter, he will not have much precautions. Soul Venerable has a mind and has no intentions. Even if the Sect Master's cultivation base is shocking, he will definitely suffer a big loss."

There is still a certain discrepancy between Lu Qingshan's speculation and the real situation, but the conclusion drawn is not fundamentally different from the actual situation.

"We must go to Longchengguan immediately."

"At the fastest speed," Lu Qingshan said forcefully: "Then, try to find a way to pass the news that the soul is still in ambush in the Dragon City Pass before the soul finds the figure of the suzerain to the suzerain in advance."

"The role we can play is much more important than the viewer imagines."

"We are in Zhongling, Qingyun Sword Immortal is in Wujianyu, and we are separated by a dragon city gate. How do we pass the news?" The brows of Shuiyue Guanzhu subconsciously frowned.

"I don't have an idea for the time being," Lu Qingshan shook his head, "but take one step at a time, and then go to Longcheng Pass first."

"There's really no way, just follow the way the lord thought before, and let's meet the enemy with the sect master."

"We can't always do nothing, can we."

"Yeah," Shuiyue Guanzhu was silent for a moment, then replied in a deep voice, "Let's go then."

The time is pressing, although the Shuiyue Guanzhu still has many questions and words in her heart, but she did not ask or say it.

Two rays of light soared into the sky, swayed upwards, and flew towards Xiantianling.

This section of the road seemed a little silent and depressing, and a little nervous.

The expression on Lu Qingshan's face was as calm as ever, and he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, but he bit his white lips, revealing that his mood at the moment was the tension and depression that he had never felt before.

What is Xie Qingyun?

Whether it is for Jianzong or Lu Qingshan, Xie Qingyun is heaven.

If the sky falls, what will they do?

Lu Qingshan didn't dare to think about it, nor did he want to think about it.


Dawn breaks.

Golden red, warm but not dazzling morning light sprinkled on the city wall.

On the towering city wall, a demon cultivator in armor was disillusioned and looked far away, but his sight was finally blocked by a towering

"It's really annoying." He muttered dissatisfiedly, to vent his depression that he couldn't make military achievements on the front line and could only defend the city here.

"After winning the Zhongling, the first thing to do is to advise the Demon Venerables to level this mountain."

On the other side of the mountain, is the territory of the human race.

I heard that the land of the human race is extremely rich.

I heard that the women of the human race are all fine-skinned and tender, and the taste is extremely wonderful.

It is said that.......

There are many rumors that make the magic cultivator full of longing for the human realm, but unfortunately for this magic cultivator, it is only heard after all.

"Don't get distracted, stand on the guard well, if something goes wrong, you will feel better." The companion next to him slapped him fiercely and shouted.

But he didn't care, and sneered: "What can go wrong."

Indeed, Longcheng Pass is impregnable, and the human race has held on to this city for 20,000 years.

Today, such a strong pass falls into the hands of the people whose strength is far superior to the human race. There is no possibility of any trouble at all.


Suddenly, a very slight buzzing sound flashed from Mo Xiu's ear at this moment, causing him to be smart.

The companion discovered his abnormality, "What's wrong?"

"Did you hear any sound just now?" Mo Xiu wasn't quite sure, because the buzzing sound really just passed by in a flash.

"Sound? What sound?" The companion was at a loss.

Seeing the performance of his companion, Mo Xiu finally thought that he was too sensitive, maybe it was just a gust of wind.

He shook his head, "Nothing."

It was just after such a tossing, that his mind that was wandering in the sky was finally corrected.


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