This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 161: Sword Immortal Warriors (4)

The breeze crossed the border, blew through the Longchengguan, and then blew into the vast and boundless realm, gradually disappearing.

The breeze roamed in the Infinity Domain, as if looking for something.

At first, it was hesitant and at a loss, without a target. After a while, it seemed to sense something, had a clear direction, and quickly swam in a certain direction.

After a long time.

The breeze stopped.

In front of Qingfeng, there was a very shallow light, which was moving very fast, but stopped abruptly at this time.

In the light, a figure appeared.

Thanks Qingyun.

He looked at the front with a slightly surprised expression on his face, looking at the front that was clearly empty from what the naked eye could see.

"Qingshan?" Xie Qingyun asked.


Qingfeng was puzzled, lingering around Xie Qingyun, like a swimming fish swaying in the sea of ​​​​clouds.

The expression on Xie Qingyun's face changed from a relaxed look at the first sight to a solemn look at the back, until he finally fell into thought.

When he woke up from his thoughts and found that the breeze was still there, he smiled softly, his voice was warm and mellow, and he replied three words.

"Go back." Then, he reassured.

Xie Qingyun smiled and waved his sleeves as he bid farewell to Qingfeng.


Time and space are reversed, and the breeze is gone.

Outside Longcheng Pass.

A corner that is still some distance away from the city wall.

The Shuiyue Guanzhu opened his eyes, his face was pale, and his lips were bitten and bleeding.

She made a seal on her hands, emitting a little bit of aura, constantly pouring out, and submerging into the body of a handsome man standing beside her.

The man also closed his eyes, frowned, and beads of sweat on his forehead were falling down.

It was Lu Qingshan.

After a moment.

With the sound of "huh" as if waking up from a nightmare, Lu Qingshan opened his eyes.

In his hand, he held a strange flower with five leaves in total.

At this moment, half of the five brightly dripping leaves gradually turned yellow and began to wither.

Half withered and half full of vitality, it can be said to be extremely miraculous.

Obviously not an ordinary plant.

You flower.

The Shuiyue Guanzhu glanced at the wandering flower in Lu Qingshan's hands with slightly swaying leaves, and turned his head to return to his senses, Lu Qingshan said solemnly: "Unless you have a 100% certainty about the matter of wandering, you can't do it again. ."

Across a Longcheng Pass, how to convey the news without knowing where Xie Qingyun is?

This is a near-impossible thing to do.

Unless it is an adventure "god wandering".

The mind wandering is uncontrollable, and returning to the mind is full of risks. If you are not careful, you may not be able to return to the mind wandering, but this is indeed the only way at present.

Because it is the only one that can travel through the area silently and undetected, and only it can allow Lu Qingshan to find Xie Qingyun, who does not know where he is at this time.

Moreover, this time, there is also the Shuiyue Guanzhu, who is one of the best in the primordial spirit, to take care of him, and he can help him recover.

But even with the assistance of the Shuiyue Guanzhu, this trip was only a mind wandering that consumed half a leaf, and it was still extremely difficult to regain consciousness.

Therefore, Shuiyue Guanzhu is a little difficult to imagine how Lu Qingshan used his own strength to recover his spirits while consuming two leaves of the wandering flower, crossing the middle spirit and the eastern region.

Perhaps Lu Qingshan's firm will and the reason for the stability of the Tao's heart are in it, but in any case, there must be luck in it.

The water and moon watcher can be sure.

"How?" There are more important things to be concerned about now, and the Shuiyue Guanzhu put these distracting thoughts aside.

"I saw the suzerain, and although I couldn't speak, he understood what I meant and gave me an answer." When wandering around, he could see, hear, and feel, but he couldn't speak.

Because you are just a spectator.

"How did Qingyun Sword Immortal reply to you?" asked Shuiyue Guanzhu.

"He only said three words." Lu Qingshan's expression did not relax as the news spread smoothly, and even became more depressed and nervous than before.


"He said, got it."

No one knows Jianxiu better than Jianxiu.

Lu Qingshan already knew what Xie Qingyun was thinking.

He looked up at the sky over the Dragon City Pass.

Although the morning sun was warm, Lu Qingshan felt that the wind and rain were coming.

"I'm going to wait here," he said, "wait for the old Sect Master to take action."

As for this, Shuiyue Guanzhu also understands.

"Then just wait."

She wanted to be silent, feeling that she had to keep calm in front of the junior, but in the end, she couldn't help but ask.

"Qingyun Sword Immortal, can you win?"



This wait is to wait from the dawn to the night, and then from the night to the dawn, for two consecutive reincarnations, until a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

The thunder roared and spread all over the world in an instant.

Lu Qingshan looked up in confusion, like a statue.

Where the thunder sounded, the azure brilliance was even more dazzling than the early morning light, obscuring it.

In front of the rising sun, a huge blue dragon head could be faintly seen, slowly sticking out.

Lu Qingshan gritted his teeth, and a great panic surged in his heart.

finally come.

Why panic?

Because the ending is unpredictable, and one of the endings is not acceptable to Lu Qingshan.

The dragon head of Qinglong seems to be sticking out from the big sun, with a silent expression, overlooking the bottom.

The Azure Dragon of Soul Venerable appeared in the world, oppressing the world, and even covering the sky with its brilliance.

Below him is an extremely small figure, not even one-tenth the size of one of Qinglong's eyeballs.

With his back facing the big sun and the Qinglong, his face was shrouded in a case, and he couldn't see clearly.

He is very small, but he seems to be extremely tall, as if he wants to hold up the sky.

Because he is the sky, the sky of Jianzong, the sky of Zhongling, the sword fairy of Qingyun.

"You already knew that I was waiting for you here." Above the huge dragon head, between the two dragon horns, there was a figure in a blue dragon costume standing, and asked angrily.

Qinglong dominates.

Xie Qingyun was not walking in brocade clothes at night, but at the moment of the rising of the morning, in front of the demon cultivators in the city, he turned into a sword light without any cover, and crashed into the Longcheng Pass like a shooting star.

Xie Qingyun said with a smile: "I knew that there were guests waiting for me at Longcheng Pass, so I didn't want to keep the guests waiting for a long time, so I came quickly."

Longcheng is locked in Xie Qingyun's heart, and it has always been the city of their human race, so he is the master, and the soul is the guest.

The Qinglong Master rode on top of the dragon's head, looked at Xie Qingyun like an ant, hesitantly, and the corner of his mouth evoked a sinister and playful smile.

He said: "Since you know that I am waiting for you at Longcheng Pass, but you are still here, it means that this time Xie Qingyun is not going to run away like last time to avoid the edge of Qinglong, but to fight me head-on. ."

"Since there must be a battle, there is nothing to hide." Xie Qingyun was very calm.

"You thank Qingyun for being good at fighting and daring to come to Longcheng Pass, most of which you have to rely on, but I also have 100% confidence in Qinglong."

"Then let's see if it's your strength in the end, or whether my Azure Dragon is better." The Azure Dragon Lord gradually regained his calm and said with a smile.

Xie Qingyun and Soul Venerable, as the strongest in Wujiyu and Zhonglingyu respectively at this time, must end with the peak battle in the end.

It is also appropriate.

"However, I still have some doubts that I want to be answered, and I think you must have some questions that you want to know the answer to.

That being the case, before this final battle begins, it is better for us to solve each other's puzzles.

In this way, no matter who we lose in the end, at least we can die plainly. "Master Qinglong asked while looking at Xie Qingyun deeply.

"Xie Qingyun, what do you think?"

Xie Qingyun did not object.

He did have a lot of doubts.

"As a sincerity, you should ask first." Soul Venerable is like a hospitable host.

"You Heart Demons didn't leave the Human Realm at all after the first Dao Demon War." Xie Qingyun said without being too polite.

The master of Qinglong nodded and sneered: "You Xia Daozu became an ancestor and began to expel our demons.

The power of the ancestral realm, none of our demons can resist, so even if the situation is good, our eight holy demons can only choose to return to the abyss. "

"We are unwilling, and we want to come to the other seven holy demons as well, but they dare not retreat. After all, the eyes of the Taoist ancestors can't be concealed."

"But our heart demons are different. We have the magical power of the soul, and the magical power of the soul is perfect."

"Although that battle was lost, we are sure that there will definitely be another stop.

Therefore, before retreating from the human realm, we selected a group of seeds with excellent qualifications from the captured human monks, and used the method of controlling the soul to seize the spirit.

Then, we made the illusion that we had no time to rush to retreat, and deliberately left out the prisoners, including our split souls, and returned to the boundless realm with the army. "

"Before the demons retreated, because they couldn't take the prisoners, they all killed the killers and slaughtered them directly. Only you guys showed mercy." Xie Qingyun said with a sigh.

"Yeah, what's even more funny is that it is precisely because only our clan was retreating, and in order to cover the split soul, there was no massacre. Instead, when you Xia Daozu counterattacked the abyss, we ignored our heart demon clan.

As everyone knows, our family is precisely the only family that has left the Demon Seed in the human domain. "

"The power of the soul is really not simple, even the Taoist ancestors can't think of it, so I let you go across the sea." Xie Qingyun praised generously.

"Although you chose the most qualified human cultivator when you seized the spirit, no matter what, the cultivation system of our human race is completely different from your demon race, and it can even be said to be worlds apart.

In this case, you can still cultivate to the Venerable Realm and bring the Huanling Sect as one of the Seven Great Dao Sects of the human race. Your abilities are indeed high. "

The master of Qinglong smiled proudly and said: "Indeed, when we just took control of your human body and practiced your human race, we hit a wall everywhere, were confused, and almost wanted to give up, but fortunately, we finally overcome these difficulties. "

"Your "body" should indeed be dead." Xie Qingyun narrowed his eyes and said again.

"Yes." Lord Qinglong nodded very honestly, "There are many techniques of suspended animation, but under a sword like yours, no amount of clever techniques of suspended animation can steal that ray of life, let alone hide from your eyes. ."

"That?" This is what Xie Qingyun can't figure out the most. Since the main body is dead, why is the Qinglong ruler and Qinglong okay.

Obviously, Soul Venerable did not deny the secret of the Royal Soul.

"Because, the "main body" in your eyes is not my main body, in fact it's just a part of my soul." The master of Qinglong smiled grimly, his face showing extreme pride.

"Ten thousand years ago, I used the blood of the Four Spirits to refine the body of a blue dragon whose bloodline returned to our ancestors."

"Then, I chose my third soul as Qinglong."

"The Qinglong bloodline is too powerful. As time goes by, it will become stronger and stronger by itself, and it doesn't even need to cultivate. It didn't stop until it was approaching the half-ancestor."

Up to now, Soul Venerable no longer has the idea of ​​concealing it, and said in a succinct manner, "For a long time, I didn't think it was good to have a strong body.

The source **** of our inner demon family is not weak, isn't it? You Sword Immortals don’t cultivate the flesh, don’t you still keep up? "

"But as Qinglong became stronger and stronger, and after clearly feeling the almost invincible physical power, my thoughts gradually changed."

"Why do our heart demons want to hide the secret of the divine power of the soul?

It's not because our body is too weak, it's a weakness! "

"If the secret of the royal soul of this clan is leaked, it will be bypassed by the enemy and attack the main body like this time."

"So, no matter how powerful the split soul is, our body can only be like a mouse in the gutter, hiding and not daring to show up."

"Everyone is afraid of death, and so am I."

"Later, I was thinking, if my body can have the unparalleled physical body of Qinglong, then in this world, what should I be afraid of?"

"Unfortunately, this is just an illusion after all, because some things are doomed from birth, flow in our blood, and cannot be changed.

No matter how much the inner demon cultivates, it is impossible to cultivate such a powerful fleshly body as Qinglong. "

"It wasn't until three thousand years later that I was suddenly inspired when I discovered that Yuzun created a technique to hide the body in the soul of the mountain range."

Speaking of this, the face of the master of Qinglong became ruddy, which shows that he is indeed very proud, "Yu Zun does this to combine the two into one, so that the body of the divided soul becomes the armor of the main body, so can I learn from him too? thoughts?"

"I'm thinking hard, trying to improve and create a method that is truly flawless."

"So, you created a method to escape the limitations of the body?" Xie Qingyun asked.

Master Qinglong shook his head, "How can it be that simple, the Imperial Soul is a bloodline magical power, a gift from heaven, and its limitations have never been overcome."

After a pause, the Azure Dragon Lord smiled grimly.

"It's just that your human race's method of seizing homes gave me the most important inspiration."

"I took myself away."

"Qinglong is too powerful. According to the rules of the house capture, the target of the house capture must be weaker than himself, and the house capture will definitely not succeed.

However, Qinglong is also my sub-soul at the same time, from a source, so all this becomes possible. "

Soul Venerable did not elaborate on how difficult and dangerous the process was, but slowly stated the final result: "I succeeded, so from then on, Qinglong is my main body, and the main body has become my separate soul. "

No wonder.

Everything has come to light.

The soul master body Xie Qingyun painstakingly beheaded is actually just a soul division of a soul master, so Qinglong and Qinglong master can live in peace.

Therefore, when Xie Qingyun appeared in the Fuxin Mountain Range, the Lord of the White Tiger was able to know the news through the de-souling of the main body, but the Lord of Qinglong and the Lord of Qinglong knew nothing about it.

"High." Xie Qingyun was silent for a long time and exclaimed sincerely.

"After that, my only weakness has disappeared, and I'm invincible." The Azure Dragon Lord sneered.

"Finished? Then it's up to me." He looked at Fu Yao in Xie Qingyun's hand, and said with a grin: "My question is much simpler than yours."

"First of all, how do you know the secret of my inner demons' soul splitting?"

"It's about your holy beast." Xie Qingyun said "sincerely", not revealing Lu Qingshan, but the core of Zhidao.

"Is it?" Lord Qinglong frowned and said maliciously: "Sure enough, the hearts of non-my race will be different."

"Is Xia Daozu still alive?"

"I don't know." Xie Qingyun shook his head. UU Reading

This answer was also expected by Soul Venerable, so he did not suspect that Xie Qingyun was lying.

He continued to ask: "You hang down the heart mountain range, and the sword that killed Yuzun's body and my soul is too powerful, even if it is you, it is not so easy to display.

So, you are seriously injured. "

"Well." Xie Qingyun nodded.

"It's only been so long, and your injuries haven't fully recovered yet?"

"It has recovered less than 50%." Xie Qingyun answered any questions.

"Then you still have the confidence to win against me?" The Azure Dragon Lord asked again.


"The last question," the master of Qinglong looked at the Dragon City Pass below, then withdrew his gaze, looked at Xie Qingyun, and said a word, "Why?"

"I'll take out the sword, and you'll know."

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