This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 162: Sword Immortal Warriors (End)

Remember [New] for a second,! Master Qinglong sighed, "You sword cultivators are really annoying."

At this time, it was clearly the dawn, and above the sky, a bright moon was born, and countless moonflowers spewed out from the bright moon and sprinkled on the Qinglong.

"After taking the human domain, I must completely cut off the sword cultivation line." Soul Venerable announced loudly.

"As for now, let's kill you first."

The dragon scales on Qinglong's huge body are like crystals, condensing the moonlight into a beam of light, and then absorbing it into the body.

As if absorbing infinite light and heat, the cyan brilliance on the surface of the blue dragon turned into pure gold at this moment, and the dragon scales seemed to be transparent.

The blue dragon has turned into a golden dragon.

Xie Qingyun watched Qinglong complete the transformation and found it very interesting, and even asked with great interest, "Ready?"

There was no emotion on his face, neither did his voice, nor did he fluctuate, as if he had anticipated all this. .

As the initiator, Soul Zun naturally understood the meaning of Xie Qingyun's words.

Yes, in the previous puzzles, in addition to the puzzles, the more important purpose is to delay the time and complete the launch of the Bright Moon Array.

A stream of moonlight melted into Qinglong's body, causing its aura to skyrocket.

At this moment, Qinglong, whose strength is close to the half-ancestor, has obtained the divine blessing of the Mingyue Array of the Longchengguan Protection Array.

In a short period of time, in terms of physical strength alone, Qinglong can now be comparable to the half-ancestor, not close to the half-ancestor.

Comparable and close, they are not half ancestors, but there is still a big difference between the two.

The golden dragon looked down at Xie Qingyun, who was standing with his sword in hand, and his huge eyes showed a look of scorn and contempt, and then changed into absolute pride.

The golden dragon head moved slightly, and the crystal-like scales rubbed against the clouds and air, rubbing against the air, blooming golden flames.

The pressure on it is getting heavier and more terrifying, and everything has become unstable wherever it goes.

Xie Qingyun raised his head, looked directly at Qinglong's eyes like a lake of light, and said softly, "I'm ready too."

Since he saw that Soul Venerable was deliberately delaying time, but he was so cooperative, it was because Xie Qingyun also needed some time.

With the blessing of the Mingyue Formation, Qinglong touched the threshold of the half-ancestor's power for the first time.

Now it feels that it is God.

But in front of God, some people do not kneel, and even dare to provoke.

This is a blasphemy against the majesty of God and cannot be forgiven.

As a result, in the eyes of Qinglong, a divine fire of anger burned.

A distant and powerful dragon roar resounded between heaven and earth.

Countless fiery radiance spewed out from the golden dragon head and attacked Xie Qingyun.

The mighty power contained in the dragon's breath caused the air to burn where it passed, causing a black projection to appear on the ground of Longcheng Pass below.

This scene is too shocking.

This dragon's breath has the power to reach the half-ancestor, and it will be invincible without Chu Mushen's presence.

Outside the Longcheng Pass in the far distance, Lu Qingshan saw this scene and saw the dragon's breath that seemed to destroy the world.

Under the dragon's breath, it is Xie Qingyun who is extremely small.

His face changed slightly, and he shouted almost subconsciously: "Sect Master, be careful!"

Xie Qingyun under the dragon breath, his expression did not change, he still looked directly at the golden dragon.

He raised his head, looked at the mighty dragon breath, looked at the blue dragon that turned into a golden dragon, and looked at the equally mighty blue dragon ruler on the dragon's head.

The next moment, Xie Qingyun lowered his eyebrows, then closed his eyes and stood with his sword, as if giving up his struggle.

Obviously, this is not possible, just as if.

The next moment, Xie Qingyun said loudly: "Please invite the ancestors of Jianzong."

Therefore, Fuyao suddenly released the light to surpass the scorching sun.

Billions of golden lights shot out from the sword.

These golden lights are very familiar to the Water Moon Watcher.

Because she had seen it not long ago, but the golden light this time was even more dazzling than the last time.

The golden light that Shuiyueguan Zhu saw last time came from Li Qiubaijian Kaitianmen, and the end point was Lu Qingshan.

That is the kendo luck obtained by Li Qiufei's sword to open the door of heaven and draw up the kendo.

Moreover, that time she used the method of looking at the qi to see the luck.

But this time, these golden lights are still luck, however, it comes from Fuyao, and everyone can see it, no special method is required.

At the moment when the golden light emerged, Qinglong dominated the brows and heartbeats, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

The golden light fell and shone on Xie Qingyun.

After the golden light, behind Xie Qingyun, the phantoms of the world appeared one after another.

They are elegant, arrogant, uninhibited, or wild, wearing light shirts, long hair fluttering, and faces blurred.

The only thing in common is that everyone is holding a sword.

These phantoms are like flowers scattered by the goddess, appearing in a flash, and disappearing in a flash.

At the end, between heaven and earth, three phantoms formed behind Xie Qingyun, which persisted for a long time.

They are ethereal, smiling, with the sky above their heads, and they are a hundred feet tall, overlooking the world and commanding the town.

"The North Rainbow Sword Immortal, the Eastern Sword Immortal, and the Crow Sword Immortal" Lu Qingshan lost his mind as he looked at the three figures condensed by the golden light of luck.

As long as they are disciples of the Sword Sect, there is no one who does not know these three Sword Immortals.

Because, they all used to be the sect masters of the Sword Sect.

The sword sect has been passed down for so many years, except for Xie Qingyun, a total of three sword immortals have emerged, and they are all here today.

In the red sandalwood sword box behind Lu Qingshan, the swords of hundreds of Sword Sect cultivators, at this moment, trembled joyfully, and were fighting bulls with rage.

"You invite Mingyue, I'll invite Sword Immortal." Before the three sword immortals, Xie Qingyun, who was expressionless, spoke slowly, as powerful as Hong Zhong Dalu.

In an instant, Yuyu clarified, and the sword energy filled the universe.

The dragon's breath, which was terrifying before and was definitely not human-resistant, fell from the sky, came to Xie Qingyun, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The endless light and heat in the dragon's breath also disappeared instantly, as if nothing had happened.

There seems to be a lake in front of Xie Qingyun, engulfing the dragon's breath and purifying it.

This scene looks too pure, so it is very strange, at least it is incomprehensible for Soul Venerable.

Xie Qingyun, how did you do it?

The futility of the dragon's breath and the birth of an ominous omen, the superposition of the two, makes Soul Venerable almost hysterical.

Qinglong let out a violent and angry dragon roar.

The Mingyue Formation was set up by Xia Daozu, with immeasurable power, helping the human race to fight the demon race for 20,000 years.

Xie Qingyun, on the other hand, spent countless years of luck in the Sword Sect, and invited the three Sword Immortals of the Sword Sect.

From a macro point of view, it is the cultivation system of the human race that has been divided into two factions by the sword immortals.

Before Sword Immortal, the cultivation system of the human race relied on the way of heaven.

After Sword Immortal, the human race practice system has its own part, with humanity.

Sword Immortals are the cornerstone of humanity and the existence of human monks who have developed their self-awareness to a certain extent.

Therefore, the power of the Sword Immortal is the pinnacle of human power.

Manpower versus power.

This is destined to be the most peak game in Human Domain since the Chang'an Year.

Xie Qingyun raised his foot and stepped forward.

With this step, a circle of ripples rippling with his toes as the center, that is the ripples of heaven and earth.

At the same time, the sword energy almost swept the world.

The master of the blue dragon riding on the dragon head was affected by the sword energy, his breath was unstable, and he was shaky.

So terrifying.

However, Xie Qingyun's face also turned pale at this time.

Because the power of the three sword immortals strengthens him at the same time, it also destroys his body which is in poor condition all the time.

Although it is the power of the sword sect's luck, although it is the power of the sword fairy, but for Xie Qingyun, it is still unbearable.

There is a price to be paid to gain such power.

The price is also very simple, just the words "If you want to wear a crown, you must bear the weight" is enough to explain.

Soul Zun looked at the blue shirt and was furious, "Xie Qingyun, your sword sect is the Taoist sect of the Eastern Region, you are neither a spiritual monk nor an extraordinary human ant, but the master of the sword sect.

Today, in order to be my enemy, you don’t have to risk your life, and you have to use up the luck accumulated by the Sword Sect for countless years. Why? "

"Jianzong has no you and no luck, how will the Taoism continue?

Once there is no Sword Sect in the Eastern Region, how will they guard the gate? "

"You are not a saint, why do you do this?"

Soul Zun questioned every sentence, every sentence straight to the heart.

Indeed, why did the cultivators in the Eastern Regions sacrifice their sect's luck for the sake of Zhongling?

But Xie Qingyun turned a deaf ear and walked towards Qinglong slowly and firmly.


Xie Qingyun is different from the other two Sword Immortals.

Since he learned swordsmanship by himself, he has never been the most talented and outstanding one.

No matter what stage, whether in the Sword Sect, or in the entire Human Realm, there will be sword cultivators who are more outstanding than him.

Even after becoming a Sword Immortal, the same is true—among the three Sword Immortals in Chang'an, Qingyun Sword Immortal has always been recognized as the weakest.

Whether it was the time it took to become a Sword Immortal, or the momentum after becoming a Sword Immortal, it all proved this.

He is not like Chu Mushen, since he became famous, he has always been the most dazzling existence in his generation, all the way to the top, becoming the current Tianhe Sword Immortal, and even the first person under the Taoist ancestors of the human race.

It is not like Li Qiubei, who began to practice after the age of eighteen. It is clear that his age has passed the limit of foundation building, and his spiritual roots are not obvious, but it is because of his skills in kendo that his cultivation is like a broken bamboo. Xiu has pursued the Sword Wonderland for his life, and he is only able to fall further, fall and advance again, and perform those two heaven-defying moves to enter the Sword Wonderland.

Even compared to the junior Lu Qingshan, Xie Qingyun seems to be far inferior.

Lu Qingshan has only been cultivating his sword for seven years, and now he has completed his cultivation, breaking through one realm a year on average, and since the fourth realm, he has always been the strongest in the realm. This kind of momentum can be called lawless.

Xie Qingyun has never been known as the strongest in any realm, and there are traces to follow in his cultivation progress, and there is no phenomenon beyond common sense.

Compared with the stunning and dazzling performances of these genius swordsmen, Xie Qingyun's cultivation path seems a little too steady.

In the field of kendo, the most prolific field of geniuses, Xie Qingyun, who has made a step by step, has become an anomaly.

But the reason why Xie Qingyun can become a sword immortal must also have his strengths.

That is, although his cultivation speed is neither slow nor hurried, it is very moderate, but what is commendable is that it may be because of his steady and steady development, and the foundation is extremely solid, so Xie Qingyun has never encountered any bottlenecks along the way, and his cultivation has always been Steady rise, everything is a matter of course.

Whether it is the realization of the true meaning in the four realms, the refinement of the virtual world, the fusion of the essence of the six realms to open up a legal realm, or the creation of the swordsmanship and the sword fairyland in the last eight realms, this one has never been the most dazzling. The "heterogeneous" sword cultivator walked all the way down without any hindrance.

Even after the advanced Sword Immortal Realm, his characteristics have not changed in any way.

In kendo, after he became a Sword Immortal, he was still not as fast as Li Qiubei and Chu Mushen, but he never stopped.

According to the popular sayings in Lu Qingshan's previous online fantasy novels, people like Xie Qingyun, although not very impressive at first, have the strongest stamina and the appearance of a proper emperor.

As for the other two Chang'an Sword Immortals, Li Qiu defeated the swordsmanship, so he had to break the swordsmanship and fell into the realm of Sword Immortals by himself.

Chu Mushen stayed in front of Banzu's door for ten thousand years and could not advance an inch until he was inspired by Li Qiubei's last sword and entered Banzu.

In this way, perhaps, as long as Xie Qingyun is given enough time, in the end, he is the farthest human race and the strongest sword cultivator?

After all, time is not a luxury for Sword Immortals.

Who says the fastest is the strongest?


Dressed in Tsing Yi soaring up.

For Xie Qingyun, who has never been in a hurry to practice, he sighed and said with emotion: "I can't wait for the time, if only I could walk faster on the sword path..."


Soul Zun just asked Xie Qingyun why he had the confidence to defeat it with a serious injury.

Xie Qingyun did not answer directly.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Dapeng rose with the same wind in one day and soared up to 90,000 miles.

If the wind breaks down, it will still be able to shake the water.

He doesn't like to fight like Chang'an Jianxian, and he doesn't shoot too many times, but the fights he wants to win can be won no matter what, and there are no exceptions.


The blue shirt fluttered in the wind.

Xie Qingyun's figure swaggered away, already above the blue sky and above the blue dragon.

Compared with the size of Qinglong, Xie Qingyun is like a speck of dust suspended in the air, and like a moth fighting a fire.

The master of Qinglong shook his head, like anger, hatred, and sigh, "Xie Qingyun, my demon clan is strong, and your human race ancestors will not be able to become a climate. The battle between Dao and demons is the general trend. ?"

"You will regret it." Soul Venerable affirmed.

The next moment, Qinglong dominates the handprint on the dragon's head.

In Longchengguan, the streets are like lines, gradually lighting up.

The bluestone in the floor cracked and floated up, and the land under the bluestone turned into yellow sand, and a force after another poured out of it and merged into the body of the blue dragon.

In the city, all the plants withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their power was also extracted for the use of Qinglong.

With the help of Mingyue Formation, the master of Qinglong draws the power of heaven and earth from Longchengguan to infuse himself.

You thank Qingyun for being strong and not afraid of death, is my soul respect afraid of this battle?

The body of the blue dragon, the great formation of the bright moon, the source of the heart demon, the deity has three major forces in one, and is invincible in the world, even if you invite the three sword immortals?

Today, I will let you Xie Qingyun not only die, but also succeed!

With the full activation of the bright moon formation, the golden brilliance of Qinglong became more and more intense.

The master of Qinglong stood on the dragon head, looked up at Xie Qingyun above, his expression was extremely indifferent, his eyes radiated fiery brilliance, and he was ruthless and ignorant.

Xie Qingyun looked down, looking at the two colors of blue and gold on Qinglong's body, which became more and more splendid, and said nothing.

Lu Qingshan opened his eyes wide, looking at this scene in the air, his face was full of shock.


Xie Qingyun finally waved the slightly buzzing handle in his hand, which was as hot as Xiaoxi's swing.

Cut off with a sword.

At this moment, the three sword immortals behind Xie Qingyun also had a sword in their hands.

The sword is exactly the same as the swing in Xie Qingyun's hand. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

- Fuyao, it has always been the sword of the sword sect master.

North rainbow, east, crow.

The three sword immortals and Xie Qingyun moved forward like a replica, and even the angles were exactly the same, and they cut off the sword in their hands together.

They seem to be Xie Qingyun's soul, but they are also Xie Qingyun's most solid backer.

Between heaven and earth, a sword mark suddenly appeared.

The sword mark was so deep that it seemed to pierce the sky.

This sword spanned the millions of years of Jianzong and the four generations of Sword Immortals of Jianzong.

It is a floating life like a dream, a wonderful pen and a flower, an immortal style and a bone, and it is also earth-shattering, and it is a sword fairy unparalleled.

The sword light is brilliant, time and space seem to freeze at this moment.

There has never been such a glorious sword light in the world.

There has never been such a spirited sword cultivator in the world.

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