This Swordsman is Too Steady

: Miscellaneous talk at the end of the book - it's all nonsense

The tenth volume ends.

As usual, I will report the situation to everyone, by the way.

This is the longest volume in the book to date.

The first is that the number of words is the most, and a total of 168 chapters have been written, and the second is that the delay in writing the tenth volume is more serious.

The procrastination is more serious. First, there are many chores, including work and life. For example, if you are busy at work, you just want to rest when you get home after a long day, and you don’t have the strength to get up and code words. what or what...

The second is that it becomes difficult to write in the later stages of writing. In the later stages of a novel, one dances in shackles. The shackles are too heavy, and it is difficult to dance naturally.

The third is that after writing for a long time, I am a little tired, and my thinking is not diligent enough.

There is a period of burnout in writing, let alone a novel that has been written for more than two years—many people can’t talk about a subject for so long!

Hopefully the next volume will improve.

Because, after the tenth volume has been written, the book has entered the later stage, and it should be over in four volumes. I don’t want to delay the closing stage for too long, because it is easy to delay the creative passion for too long.

Of course, although only four volumes are expected, there may be five volumes, or only three volumes.

Fourteen volumes are the number of volumes planned at the beginning of the book, and readers who are careful enough may have guessed it long ago. After all, my previous volume divisions are too traceable.

Having said that, those authors who speed up their rhythm and prepare for the unfinished theory or the author who runs away from the **** theory can stop for a while.

Although I update slowly, but after all, I am a person who has written all the way from 60 songs to the present, and I still have the perseverance and character to finish the book.


In the Fuyao scroll, the introductory sentence is that the Dapeng rises with the same wind in one day, and soars up to 90,000 miles. This sentence has three meanings, one refers to the departure of Xie Qingyun, the second refers to the swinging sword, and the third is the change of Lu Qingshan from the young sect to the suzerain.

The biggest change this volume brought to Lu Qingshan is that before this, there was always a tall guy who helped him carry it. After that, Lu Qingshan needed to take care of it by himself.

Lu Qingshan finally grew into the role of carrying the beam.

The change brought to the plot is that a plot like the tenth volume without Lu Qingshan's appearance should not happen again.

Because Lu Qingshan already has enough ability and must take on that "one round".


The main line of the swing roll was completed smoothly, and there are some starting and turning points, and the overall structure is relatively complete.

There are definitely shortcomings. For example, the battlefield is too grand and my writing skills are not enough, so I can only limit my perspective to the top cultivators.

For example, some branch lines and details, because the update is too slow, it will be very watery to repeat them one by one, and it will consume readers' patience, so I have omitted them, which indirectly leads to insufficient emotional rendering.

In fact, from the overall point of view, adding these details, the plot will be more full, but due to the limitation of personal ability, so it can only be like this.

There are also some small bugs caused by momentary negligence and forgetting.

After all, there are more than 2 million words in the novel, so many settings, and the author is also a human. Although there are notes, there are always omissions or small bugs that are sometimes written without attention. This should be unavoidable, I can only say try to pay attention.


Now that the book has entered the late stage, the next plot should start to recover the foreshadowing and fill in the pit while following the main line.

I know a few big pits, and I have plans for a long time. I will fill in what should be filled. Please rest assured.

As for the others, you are welcome to summarize and see if I have missed any.


Jianzong's vitality is greatly damaged, and the storm is about to come, how should Lu Qingshan face it!

Really looking forward to it.

I also look forward to it.

So, please read the next volume.

Volume Eleven:

[The first method]: Once the hardships are met, the battles are scattered around the stars.

For the next chapter, um, it should be delayed for another day.

Because the structure of the [First Way] volume is very unique.

While unique, it is also more complicated and confusing, and bugs may occur if I am not careful. I need to sort out the whole structure and the logic in it myself, which is a time-consuming task.

The one who has traveled a hundred miles is half and ninety. Although I desperately hope that the following plots will be released one by one with the readers, I know my own ability. I can't be as fast and ruthless as an eagle.

Quality and speed are definitely biased here for me, and it is impossible to balance both.

As for the first novel, I still want to try to complete it as much as possible, so I had to sacrifice some speed in exchange for higher quality.

(Anti-bar: The higher quality I am talking about is only compared with myself, I dare not compare it with the great gods and small Don’t be black.)


The character card will not be made, because Lu Qingshan's attributes will change every time he breaks a realm, and he is not far from the eight realms.

——It’s definitely not because the experience points haven’t been calculated yet.


The more the plot develops, the more data there will be, and indeed the more complicated it will become, the more and more tired it will be, so I hope to hurry up to the thirteenth volume, because......


Many of the next episodes are already pictured in my mind.

It's so exciting that when I think about it, I can't wait to write 100,000 words a day and share it with you as soon as possible.

It's a pity that "the concubine can't do it" (smile).

Then if you like it, please watch it slowly.

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