This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 1: Insect 1 thunder

Remember [New] for a second,! In the seventeenth year of Tianyuan, it was the rainy season.

Yumenguan, it was slanting wind and drizzle.

The spring rain is as moist as crispy, but there is nothing close to it.

Today's Yumenguan city gate is very lively.

More than a hundred sword cultivators, led by a young sword cultivator, flew into the Yumen Pass in turn.

They are Jianzong Jianxiu who returned triumphantly from Zhongling.

There were not many of them, and all of them looked tired.

Countless Yumenguan cultivators greeted each other.

These Yumenguan cultivators let the icy drizzle slam on their bodies, and their eyes fell on the figure of Jianxiu who came from Yujian in the sky, and their moods were a bit complicated.

You must know that many of these people who welcome Jianzong's triumph are unhappy when Jianzong is preparing for the westward expedition.

Because they felt that with the situation of Zhongling at the time, even if it was Jianzong, going to Zhongling would be nothing but a sinking sea and could not raise any storms, so why give it in vain?

But the miracle happened just like that.

They didn't know the details of the battle of Zhongling, but since Zhongling was defended and the demons were successfully expelled from the country, now they just need to welcome the heroes.

Let the differences go away with the wind.

The Zhongling Guard Battle was only the prelude to the second Dao Demon Battle, and it was not yet time for the celebration feast, so the ceremony for the Yumenguan monks to welcome the return of Jianzong monks was solemn but simple.

However, the presence of the three peak masters of Jianzong and several top sect masters in the Eastern Region still attracted the attention of many monks.

Does this battle seem a bit too big?


This battle is too big in the eyes of the monks who are not familiar with Yumen Pass.

But if they could know that this battle was not only to welcome the triumphant Sword Sect cultivator, but also to welcome the new Sword Sect Sect Master, they should not feel that it was a big deal.

But they can't know.

From their perspective, Qingyun Sword Immortal is still sitting in Qingyun Palace unharmed at this time.


In the drizzle at the border, two swordsmen, a man and a woman, finally met again after ten years.

"I'm really not used to it," Xia Daoyun looked at the man walking in the front, paused for a moment, and then slowly continued: "Lu...Sect Master."

The man walking in the forefront of the hundred swordsmen was naturally Lu Qingshan, the new Sect Master of Sword Sect.

Xia Daoyun's eyes fell on Lu Qingshan's handsome face, and his expression became extraordinarily complicated.

Who would have thought that after the battle of Zhongling, the position of the suzerain of their sword sect would have been replaced one after another.

Moreover, this new sect master was only a new disciple of Sword Sect more than ten years ago, and she was the first and only apprentice that Xia Daoyun had accepted so far.

"Although on the day the old sect master established you as the young sect, I thought of this day.

But I never thought that this day would come so soon. Xia Daoyun sighed, unable to express his emotions in his words.

Beside Xia Daoyun are Yu Canghai and Xue Wusiao.

Behind the three of them is the sect master from the top sect of the Eastern Region, all monks above the nine realms.

At this moment, they looked at Lu Qingshan's unbelievably young face, and his expression was a little dazed. He no longer had the aloof indifference of the Nine Realms cultivator, which was no different from ordinary people.

What's going on in front of you is just too hard to accept.

Although Lu Qingshan's reputation has already been played out:

He went from the strongest four realms all the way to the strongest six realms, on average once a year, whether it is the trend of breaking the realm or the rising trend, it can be called lawless.

Now Lu Qingshan has reached the peak of the seventh realm of cultivation, leaving the monks of the same generation far away.

And you must know that even though the battle of Zhongling lasted ten years, Lu Qingshan was only in his thirties now.

This kind of cultivation talent is simply terrifying.

No one will doubt his subsequent achievements.

But no matter what, that is the Sword Sect, one of the Seven Great Dao Sects of the dignified human race, the Holy Land of Sword Cultivation, the overlord of the Eastern Region, the behemoth, will such a young man be in charge in the future?

While they couldn't believe it, they also felt a little ridiculous.


"Master, Peak Master Yu, Peak Master Xue." Lu Qingshan ignored the other people's incomprehensible eyes, just smiled and walked forward, side by side with Xia Daoyun.

Xia Daoyun's eyes wandered for a moment on Lu Qingshan's side face, and he found that he couldn't find any more Qingzhi, and sighed in his heart.

"Master...Thank you." Lu Qingshan said suddenly.

"After I sent you back, I was always afraid that you would not be able to come back." Xia Daoyun naturally knew what Lu Qingshan was thanking.

After a moment of silence, Lu Qingshan said, "But there are many people who can't come back."

"The old sect master took half of the sword sect out of the Eastern Region. You only brought back so many people in the end. It is true that too many people can't come back."

Lu Qingshan said: "The battle of Zhongling is too difficult."

Xia Daoyun said: "Without the Taoist formation, the strength gap between us and the Demon Race is indeed visible to the naked eye."

"I thought you'd be back sooner," she added.

Lu Qingshan explained: "I need me to break the Dragon City Pass, so I will spend more time. Fortunately, everything is going well, otherwise I should be still in the spirit now."

"After returning to the Eastern Regions, I will send them home to Yumen Pass first."

"It should be..." Xia Daoyun nodded and said again: "The battle report of Zhongling has been coming in all the time. As for the situation at Yumen Pass, after the three invited the battle ten years ago, it has been maintained reluctantly. Peace."

Lu Qingshan nodded, and then asked, "When will their injuries heal?"

He was talking about the three that were injured ten years ago.

"I don't know," Xia Daoyun shook his head, "but it won't get better in a short time, you can rest assured."

The existence of the top Demon Venerable is already very difficult to get hurt again.

Likewise, it's hard to heal after an injury.


The end of Lu Qingshan's trip is Qingyun Palace.

Qingyun Palace is located at the core of Yumen Pass.

Lu Qingshan passed Guiyi Garden, Hanguang Garden and Kaiyuan Garden all the way.

When passing by the mountain building of Hanguang Garden, Lu Qingshan looked at the old house that was still in good condition, clean and tidy. Thinking of the stories that happened in the past ten years, Lu Qingshan couldn't help feeling a little sigh.

Xia Daoyun seemed to be able to feel Lu Qingshan's emotions, "In the third year of Tianyuan, you came to Jianzong. It is now the spring of the seventeenth year. Although only fourteen years have passed, it feels like a lot of things have happened."

Xia Daoyun looked at the mountain tower and couldn't help thinking of Lu Qingshan's first time entering Jianlai Peak, and smiled slightly.

She suddenly said: "Actually, when I think about it now, I didn't teach you anything at all."

Xia Daoyun's sudden self-knowledge made Lu Qingshan smile, and he said, "Master leads the door, cultivation is up to you."

"Further a hundred years, I was just entering the Sword Sect at that time, and the old Sect Master was my teacher. In fact, he didn't teach me anything at all." The two Sect Masters of the Sword Sect, one is Xia Daoyun's teacher, and the other is Xia Daoyun The disciples are also wonderful.

Xia Daoyun said: "Jianzong is interesting here. This situation must have happened many times, but this place has always been the best place for sword repairs to inherit."

Lu Qingshan agreed: "Indeed."


Qingyun Palace is in front of you.

Lin Yao was already waiting at the door.

Yes, it was Lin Yao, no longer "Qingyun Sword Immortal".

Lu Qingshan has returned, which means that there is a new sect master in Jianzong, and there is no need to continue her pretense.

Yu Canghai took a step forward, pointed to the Qingyun Palace in front of him, and said to Lu Qingshan: "The Qingyun Palace is the core of Yumen Pass, the residence of the Sword Sect Sect Master, and the old Sect Master has been here to control the demons for thousands of years... ..

Of course, all this is in the past, and from now on, this is your residence. "

The so-called residence, of course, is not simply to live in, and the meaning of it is well known to everyone present.

Xia Daoyun said softly to himself, "It's not a good thing to let you take care of this so quickly."

Lu Qingshan didn't say anything.

Xia Daoyun stretched out his white jade-like hand, placed it lightly on Lu Qingshan's shoulder, and patted it.

After a long time, Lu Qingshan raised his head, looked at Qingyun Palace, and repeated what he had promised Xie Qingyun, "I can afford it."


On this day, Qingyun Palace took down the plaque that had been hanging for ten thousand years.

Before the new plaque was hung up, the white lantern had already been hung up.

The wind and rain are endless.

The raindrops knocked on the Qingyan floor, lightly and lightly, noisily and noisily.

A stream of slender water gurgled along the gap between the floors, the percussion and the flowing sound interweaved into a song, with a touch of sadness in the calm.

When Qingyun Palace took off the plaque and hung white lanterns that everyone could see, the entire Yumen Pass was stunned in the wind and rain.

One to ten, ten to one hundred, one hundred to one thousand...

At first, many monks didn't believe it, until they saw the white lantern with their own eyes from a long distance.

Then, an hour later, the top officials of Yumenguan, headed by the three peak masters of Jianzong, all changed into white clothes.

Then, a message came out from Qingyun Palace, which was no longer Qingyun Palace.

"Qingyun Sword Immortal Returns to the Ruins."

"Shao Zong Lu Qingshan is in charge of swinging, taking over the sword sect, and serving as the sect master of the sword sect."

The wind and rain were dark, and in the dazed thoughts of the Yumenguan cultivator, suddenly, a spring thunder sounded above the sky.

It turned out that the rain had passed, and Jingzhe had arrived.

There was a thunderclap, and everything came back to life.

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