This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 2: Taoist battle

Remember [New] for a second,! In the stinging season, in addition to the resurrection of all things, there are also all things that are out of shock, and the stinging insects run away.

The stingers lurking in the ground did not dare to face the winter, so they had to lie dormant. With the arrival of spring, they finally dared to climb out of the ground to make a fortune.


The Sword Sect in the world is headed by Sword Sect.

The sword sect has been at the top of the list for millions of years, and its position has been firm and unshakable, and four sword immortals have appeared.

As for the position of the second seat of Jianxiu Sect, that is, "The emperor takes turns, and he will come to my house next year", and it has been constantly changing.

The second sword Xiu Zongmen in the world today is the Xijian Pond in the Western Regions.

In order to ascend to the second seat of Jianxiu Sect and stabilize his position, Xijianchi spent thousands of years of hard work.

As the so-called full and warm thinking**, after securing the position of the second sword sect of the human race, Xijianchi gradually began to be dissatisfied.

However, the reason why Xijianchi ranked second is because they only have that strength.

The reason why Jianzong is the first Jianxiu Zongmen is because it is invincible in the world.

The gap between the two obviously cannot be viewed as a simple first and second.

The most obvious difference is that since the inheritance of the sword sect, the one who sits high as the sect master has always been the sword immortal.

In the history of Sword Washing Pond, there has never been a Sword Immortal yet.

The contemporary Sword Washing Pool Sect Master Baishuang Sword Master is the peak sword cultivator of the Seven Tribulations Realm.

Is it strong?

Of course strong.

Even if you look at the entire human race cultivation world, how many monks can reach the Seven Tribulations Realm?

But no matter how strong he is, he is not a Sword Immortal after all.

Since he has not yet become a Sword Immortal, he is not qualified to compete with Sword Sect for the position of Dao Sect of the first Sword Cultivation Sect.

Just like in Lu Qingshan's previous life, without nuclear weapons, he was absolutely not qualified to have an equal dialogue with foreign powers.

It's just that Sword Immortals are even rarer than nuclear weapons, and even harder to come by.

Therefore, the position of Daozong can only be the private **** of the monks in Xijianchi after all.

But today's Sword Washing Pond presents an eerie and festive atmosphere.

No one is going to poke the wrong layer of window paper directly.

However, everyone knew that the source of the joy was because the aloof existence of the Sword Sect had returned to the ruins.

The newly appointed Sect Master of Sword Sect was succeeded by the young Young Sect Lu Qingshan.

Lu Qingshan's cultivation at this time is...

The peak of the seven realms!

Yes, not the peak of the Seven Tribulations Realm, but the peak of the Seventh Realm.

This is the first time the sect master is not a sword immortal.

Not only is the Sect Master not a Sword Immortal, but at this time there is no Sword Immortal in the entire Sword Sect.


Just as Soul Venerable and Yu Zun have fallen, the remaining Demon Venerables of the Heart Demon Race are not to take revenge for the two, nor to maintain the pattern in the Infinity Domain, but to find a way to replace the power in a new round. for maximum benefit.

Don't think about what I can do, think about what I can get.

This is the inertia of history.

Qingyun Jianxian's return to the ruins, Jianzong's weakness, Xijianchi, who ranks second in Jianxiuzong's door, is undoubtedly the most likely vested interest.

The same is true.

Ever since the news of Qingyun Sword Immortal Returning to the Ruins spread from the Eastern Regions to Xijian Pond, the high-level monks of Xijian Pond have already begun to move.

Taoism, those who have the ability live in it.

Yes, it is true that we can't produce sword immortals in the Sword Washing Pond, but now the sword immortals of your sword sect are gone?

Jianzong suffered heavy losses in the west expedition. Now, in terms of paper strength, my Sword Washing Pond is no weaker than Jianzong, so why can’t the Sword Cultivation Sect be my Sword Washing Pond?

With this idea in mind, the first thing Xijianchi did was to send a letter of invitation to Da Xia to be promoted to Dao Sect.


The name Daozong originated from the Chang'an Year and was created by Xia Daozu.

After the establishment of the Daxia Dynasty, Xia Daozu also established the sect nine-rank system. According to the rigorous comprehensive strength evaluation mechanism, the human clan sects were divided into nine ranks, and Daxia ranked them.

However, a behemoth at the level of Taoism is beyond anything.

Even Daxia can only be said to be on the same level as it is, how could it be possible to restrict them with the Nine-Rank System?

For this reason, the Taoist ancestors selected the strongest sects and the first building among the six major cultivation systems of the human race at that time, and called them "Dao Zong" to express their detachment.

At the same time, Xia Daozu also fixed the number of Taoist sects to seven, and the birth of new Taoist sects in the future can only be a replacement, not an increase.

At that time, the suzerains of the Seven Great Dao Sects appointed by Xia Daozu, in order to show their respect for Xia Daozu and their respect for the force of Tianqing, jointly passed the resolution that Dao Sect would be canonized by Da Xia.

Although this does not mean that Dao Sect is decided by Da Xia, since then, the replacement of Da Xia must be completed in Da Xia before it is legal. This is enough to show Da Xia's supreme status.

Of course, in the 20,000 years of Chang'an, Daxia's power to confer Taoist sect has only been exercised once - the time when Huanling sect was promoted to Taoist sect.

Relying on its own strong enough comprehensive strength, Huanling Sect was recognized by the other six Taoist sects, and finally was canonized as Taoist sect by Xia Zhao in Chang'an City.

Today, Da Xia received the second letter of invitation to be promoted to Dao Zong since the year of Chang'an.

It is impossible for Da Xia to have the power to say such a big thing about the replacement of Taoism.

Therefore, according to the regulations, Da Xia immediately summoned the Six Great Dao Sects, including Jianzong, and asked them to send high-level cultivators in Yanlan Pass to review the letter of invitation of Xijianchi.

For this reason, the entire human race fell into a delicate state of flying dogs.

Jianzong is in the chaos of peace and spirit, and the sacrifice is so great. You Xijianchi proposed to take Jianzong to replace it at this time.

But there is no rule that says it's not allowed.

The position of Taoist sect has always been based on the comprehensive strength of the sect, rather than on the contribution to the human race.

As long as you are embarrassed to get into trouble, others will at most say that you are not authentic, and it is impossible to reject your proposal.

But when it came to Jianzong, everything was a little different.

The strength of Jianzong is greatly reduced, but after all, it used to be the first Daoist sect of the human race, and the thin dead camel was bigger than a horse.

Within the Sword Sect, those are a group of sword madmen. Even if the Western Expedition loses the disciples of the Ban Sect, isn't that the remaining sword madmen of the Ban Sect!

Moreover, Jianzong now has no sword immortals, but Jianzong's talents are well known.

It's a joy to fall into the trap now, but once you're hated by a sword madman like Jianzong who will report back, after a few years, there will be another sword immortal in Jianzong. Who can withstand the revenge of Jianzong?

Who has the guts to come forward?

Daxia's internal attitude towards this matter is also very divided.

Xia Zhao is nothing more, his mind is not serious, and his attitude is definitely in favor of Jianzong.

However, the other three-lineage royal families are different from Xia Zhao, and they are even more loyal royalists. Naturally, they show a business-like attitude to outsiders.

In short, the letter of invitation to invite all Daoist sects to come to Yanlan Pass to decide the promotion of Daozong from Sword Washing Pond was sent to each domain according to the regulations, and sent to the hands of the Sixth Daoist sect.

The six domains were in an uproar.

Who would have thought that after a ten-year **** battle, the Zhongling was forcibly protected under the claws of the devil. After a brief and simple welcome, what was waiting for it turned out to be the spearhead from within the human race.


At this time, the Sword Washing Pond is in the main hall of Zongmen.

The high-level monks at Xijian Pond sat in positions that matched their identities in turn in a condensed atmosphere.

The Sect Master of the Sword Washing Pond, the Sword Master Baishuang sat alone on the main seat, his eyes looked into the distance, thoughtful.

There was silence in the hall.

After a long time, Sword Master Baishuang closed his eyes and coughed.

Everyone in the hall immediately cheered up and knew that the business was about to begin.

"I have received a reply from Da Xia for the promotion of this sect to Dao sect..." Sword Master Baishuang swept his gaze across the crowd and said with a sneer, "The number of sword sects is very small, and they have been relying on the combat power of the top cultivators. Only then was he able to become the head of the Jianxiu Sect.

After the battle of Zhongling, the strength of the Sword Sect was greatly reduced. In terms of the combat power of the top cultivators, I Xijian Pond was incomparably different from that, but the number of our middle-level cultivators was a hundred times that of the Sword Sect. "

"How can today's Sword Sect still deserve the name of Dao Sect?"

"Although I respect the contribution of the Sword Sect, I respect the Qingyun Sword Immortal, but the position of the Dao Sect still speaks of strength."

As soon as Sword Master Baishuang said this, the expressions of everyone in the hall began to change.

"More importantly, Jianzong does not have the advantage of top combat power, so what ability does he have to defend the Eastern Region?

If you read the contribution of Jianzong, let Jianzong hang the name of Daozong, and then the Eastern Region falls, who will be responsible?

In the eyes of the world, we Xijianchi proposed to take the sword sect at this time and put it down, but the fact is that we Xijianchi are willing to shoulder the responsibility of the rise and fall of the human race and are willing to sacrifice. "The White Frost Sword Master leaned back on the back of the chair and said calmly.

With great power comes great responsibility.

In addition to the great name, Daozong also has an incomparably great responsibility.

Taoism needs to shoulder the responsibility of guarding all domains.

This is also the reason why Xia Daozu originally fixed the position of Dao Sect to seven - there are only seven domains in the sky.

Xijianchi wants to replace Jianzong. Once it succeeds, it means that Xijianchi must move to the Eastern Region, and take over the responsibility of Jianzong to guard the Jade Gate.

From this point of view, it seems that what the White Frost Sword Master said is true.

But which of the people present didn't know it well, this is actually just an excuse for the high-sounding sword master of the White Frost.

- If there is an ambition that is responsible for the rise and fall of the human race, what Xijianchi should do should not be to replace it with Jianzong, but to fight for the position of Taoism vacated by Huanlingzong!

But everyone knows that the wind and rain in the Central Spirit Domain at this time are turbulent, and the demons are rampant, which is a real war.

Moreover, in order to expel the demon clan, Zhongling suffered heavy losses, and its foundation was fully paid. Compared with the Eastern Region, it was definitely not a good place to go.

If you want to sit on the position of the Dao Sect of the Zhongling, you really need to sacrifice - the Changye Mountains are not so easy to defend.

The Taoist position of Zhongling is like a fruit that needs to be watered, fertilized, looked after and nurtured by itself.

Although many people coveted it, very few people are actually willing to take action.

It can be seen that even if everyone knew that the Daoist position of the Huanling Sect was vacated, in the end, only the Candle Dragon Hall took action, and the sect was dispatched to the Central Spirit Realm for support.


Sword Master Lanting, the deputy sect master of the Sword Washing Pool, came out at this time and said, "I think the words of the sect master are very appropriate."

Another deputy sect master Lu Tianjian smiled knowingly, and also said loudly: "I also agree with the sect master's words, the sword sect has contributed to the human race, no one can do it, if it is normal, we will not do it This kind of downfall.

But now in the battle of Dao and Demon, it is not the time to think about these feelings, everything has to be said of strength.

As the saying goes, those who achieve great things are not careful. For the sake of the human race, we must fight for this position of Taoism. Even if I am spurned by some unreasonable monks, I will not hesitate to wash the sword pool. "

The three sect masters said so, and it can be seen that the battle of Taoism is the general trend, and other monks also responded.

For a while, the crowd was turbulent, but many people kept their eyes wandering, as if they were worried about something, and they stopped talking.

There were ripples in the eyes of Sword Master Baishuang, and he was dazed for a moment. Then he raised his head and regained his calmness. He rubbed the chair rest with his palm, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "The request for promotion to Dao Sect was submitted by us from Xijianchi, which is reasonable and reasonable. Daxia received the request. It is also the charter set by Xia Daozu to hold a court meeting and issue a letter to invite all Daoist sects and our Sword Washing Pond to participate..."

He glanced sharply, "The young sword cultivator who successfully became the suzerain from the young sect, should he participate or not participate in this court meeting for this reasonable and compliant constitution? If not..."

"That's not only ignoring Da Xia and the Sixth Dao Sect, but also disrespecting Xia Daozu!" Sword Master Lanting understood and replied.

Sword Master Baishuang smiled at what Sword Master Lanting said, and continued: "If that young sword cultivator really swallowed his breath and participated in the court meeting, he is a sword cultivator of the seven realms, even if he has the identity of the master of the sword sect, how much can he have in the face of us? What's the point of your speech?"

"The sect master thinks that this young sword sect sect master, UU reading whether to participate in this court or not to participate in this meeting?" Lanting sword master asked curiously.

Sword Master Baishuang thought for a while and judged: "I think that Lu Qingshan still dare not carry the name of disrespect to Xia Daozu after all, he is nothing more than bringing one of the three peak masters of Sword Sect in this fashion to support the scene and participate together. Let's meet."

"But so many monks in the Eastern Region are watching, as the Sect Master of the Sword Sect, facing this kind of thing, but he has no ability to handle it alone and carry it, how can he convince others that he has the ability to carry the Yumen Pass?

You must know that this is just a battle of Daoism, a fairly peaceful battle within our human race, and the next battle of Daoism is the most important and cruel! "

"The position of the Sect Master of the Sword Sect does not have enough strength, and it is destined to be difficult to sit." Although what the White Frost Sword Master said is not very pleasant, it is indeed the truth.

"From this point of view, it seems that the future of this young Sword Sect Sect Master will not be easy..." Sword Master Lu Tian said with emotion.

"It's not easy," Baishuang Sword Master was extremely cold, "to bear its weight, it must have its own tools."

In the end, Sword Master Baishuang stood up and uttered a word loudly, "This time, I will go to Zhongtian to attend the court meeting for promotion to Daoist sect."

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