This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 3: The Buddhist Fate of Chicken Soup Temple

Remember [New] for a second,! When the meeting letter from Daxia was about to be delivered to Yumenguan, there was a sword traveling westward on the Xisha Plateau in the Western Regions.

The man in the sword light was wearing a black robe embroidered with dark gold patterns.

Those dark golden patterns are like dragons.

Under the perennial scorching sunlight of the Xisha Plateau, the dark golden dragon pattern shone brightly and vividly, as if to break free from the black robe.


The Western Regions are dominated by desert tones, with large expanses of barren desert areas,

These desert areas have always been excellent hiding places for evil cultivators.

These wanted outlaws have nowhere to go, so they have to sneak into a desert where birds don't shit.

Lu Qingshan once walked in the Mogao Desert in the Western Regions and killed a group of sand bandits.

However, in addition to becoming a den of evil cultivators, the hot and barren desert also nurtured the supreme Taoist sect in this area:

Dragon Elephant Temple.

Longxiang Siyuan, thirty-six temples and seventy-two temples are distributed in this vast desert area.

If you want to be a dragon and elephant of all Buddhas, you must first be a horse and an ox for all living beings.

The harsh environment and hidden dangers are precisely the best training ground for those who are truly determined to practice asceticism.

For the entry test of the disciples of Longxiang Temple, the first two levels are the most common spiritual root detection and back tone, and the last level is to throw those mortal candidates into a desert.

Then give nothing and let the candidates do their best.

If the candidate can survive in the desert for a week, then he will have the toughness and persistence necessary to become a strong body cultivator and pass the entry test of the Dragon Elephant Temple.

If the candidate did not survive the seven days and died, then it could only be said that the Buddha did not pass the fate.

And to die in the desert, it is really an extravagant hope to even collect the corpse.

Because within half a quarter of an hour, the sandstorm will bury the body, and even collecting the body is an extravagant hope.

Such cruel screening can ensure the tenacity of the disciples of the Dragon Elephant Temple and the power of the Dragon Elephant Taoism.


In addition, the dragon elephant has always had the habit of suppressing bandits.

Just like going out to sea to fish, organize monks to clear up the sand bandits on a regular basis.

This also caused the sand bandits to be extremely hostile to Longxiang Temple and monks, and even spread their hatred to some ascetic monks who did not belong to Longxiang Temple.

And the reason why those evil cultivators who fell into the desert and became thieves became more and more ruthless, brave and good at fighting, they were all forced out by the dragon elephant.

After all, it's not ruthless enough, all that's left is his own life.

The assessment of the Dragon Elephant elite disciples is to throw the disciples participating in the assessment into the deserts where the sand bandits are most concentrated, requiring them not to fly, and to walk back to the sect on their feet.

One can imagine how the evil cultivators who had long hated the dragon elephant to the bone would react when they saw the dragon elephant disciple.

Such a test is a real iron and blood test.

As for why the dragon elephant didn't clean up the sand bandits in one go

In addition to the two reasons that the sand bandits are like weeds, "the spring breeze can't burn out, the wildfires blow again", and wanting to find all the sand bandits in the huge desert is like finding a needle in a haystack, maybe there are more or less leftovers. Is it because some sand bandits use them as whetstones for their own disciples?

Who knows?

For those sand bandits, it's good to be alive, they don't care about this, they wish they were really regarded as a whetstone by the dragon elephant, so that they could save their lives.


Jianguang traveled all the way west, but at a distance of five or six thousand miles, he encountered two waves of sand bandits wandering in the desert.

The two sides were on the verge of fire, and there was no word at all.

The black-gold robed man casually flicked his fingers, but every time he flicked his fingers, a sand bandit brows with blood, fell from the air, and there was absolutely no life left.

The man's speed didn't slow down in the slightest, and he just swept past. The menacing sand bandits fell from the sky into the desert like hail, and then was swallowed by the constantly flowing quicksand.

Everything was so calm and undisturbed, it even made people wonder if there were any sand bandits here just now.

Perhaps many years later, when an ascetic was passing through the desert below, he stumbled across one or two skulls floating on the surface of the sand to prove what happened here.

The man raised his head slightly, and saw a high plateau in front of him like an isolated island in the sea of ​​sand.

Xisha Plateau.

Without hesitation, he swept straight towards the Xisha Plateau.


The temples of the dragon elephants are not concentrated, but are scattered in the major plateaus and deserts.

The area of ​​Xisha Plateau belongs to Jitang Temple.

The sand bandits on the Xisha Plateau have had a pretty good life recently, because I heard that the abbot of Jitang Temple, the holy monk Jitang, died there while supporting Zhonglingyu.

They were dubious at first, but as time passed, the truth of the news became more and more true.

Until finally they determined that the holy monk of chicken soup was really dead.

People die.

For the gangsters, this is not the case.

When the Holy Monk Chicken Soup was still there, the sand bandits were more afraid of his feelings.

But as soon as the chicken soup saint dies, this fear will change - what else is there to be afraid of in the dead?

Fear turned into hatred.

They began to resent the slaughter of their sandy bandits by the Chicken Soup Temple when the Holy Monk of Chicken Soup was still there.

If that's all, it's nothing.

But two things happened recently, which suddenly made the situation on the Xisha Plateau cloudy.

One is that the Bodhi Temple, one of the four Longxiang courtyards, applied to the Longxiang Presbyterian Church after the abbot of Chicken Soup fell to Zhongling, and wanted to incorporate the Jitang Temple into its own.

Longxiang has a total of four courtyards, thirty-six temples and seventy-two temples.

The composition of the Presbyterian Church is a bit complicated. To put it simply, it is very similar to the organization called "United Nations" in Lu Qingshan's previous life. The abbots of all the temples and temples, a total of 112 people, formed the Dragon Elephant Presbyterian Church.

Then the Presbyterian Church is headed by the Fourth House and has the greatest privileges, just like the "permanent members" in the United Nations.

Jitang Temple originally belonged to the faction of Bodhi Temple.

But later, because of the existence of the holy monk of chicken soup, the comprehensive strength of chicken soup temple skyrocketed, and it was regarded as the first temple under the four courtyards, and it was even close to the fourth courtyard.

One mountain cannot hold two tigers, so Jitang Temple gradually became independent from the faction of the Bodhi Academy and became a single temple.

It is a pity that the configuration of the thirty-six temples and seventy-two temples of the fourth courtyard of the dragon and elephant is also fixed, neither increase nor decrease.

No matter how strong the chicken soup temple is, it is impossible to be promoted to the fifth courtyard of the dragon elephant, unless the current four courtyards are replaced by one.

When people go to high places, Jitang Temple must want to be promoted to become a chicken soup courtyard, and has been working hard - obviously, if Jitang Temple is really a temple, it must be the position of Bodhi Temple that will be banned.

The dissatisfaction in the Bodhi Academy has also accumulated for a long time that his former younger brother wants to climb on his head now.

It's just that although the temples of the dragon elephants are scattered, they belong to the same dragon elephant after all, and infighting is absolutely not allowed, so the Bodhi Academy can only watch the chicken soup temple continue to grow stronger.

With the continuous improvement of the cultivation of the holy monk of chicken soup, the sense of crisis in the Bodhi Institute is also increasing, especially when the holy monk of chicken soup reaches the Seven Tribulations Realm - it is completely conceivable that once the holy monk of chicken soup joins the road and enters the nine realms, then How terrifying will the combat power be?

Perhaps that will also be the time when the Bodhi Temple becomes a Bodhi Temple?

As a result, everything turned around ten years ago.

Zhongling was in chaos, and the holy monk chicken soup went to Zhongling alone, then buried himself in the land and never came back.

The Bodhi Academy, which was so full of anger, couldn't sit still, took the opportunity to fall into the trap, and immediately filed an application in the Dragon Elephant Presbyterian Church to bring back the chicken soup Temple, which had lost its strength after the loss of the chicken soup holy monk.

The holy monk Jitang has worked hard for so many years to make the Jitang Temple independent from the faction of the Bodhi Institute. Now that the Bodhi Institute wants to take back the Jitang Temple, the disciples of the Jitang Temple naturally strongly disagree.

It is also due to the fact that they are all affiliated with the dragon elephant. The Jitang Temple does not cooperate. Even if the Bodhi Institute is unhappy, it cannot force the Jitang Temple by force. 's proposal.

The two were so deadlocked.

It wasn't until the second thing happened that the situation seemed to have taken a turn for the better.

Half a year ago, the direct disciple of the abbot of Dragon Elephant Heavenly King Academy beheaded the only heir of King Huang Sharon in the Erhai Desert.

King Huang Sharon is the most powerful sand bandit leader in this area of ​​the Western Regions. Not to mention tens of thousands of sand bandits under his command, he has the cultivation of the Five Tribulations Realm.

Of course, in front of the size of the dragon elephant, such strength and power are completely insufficient.

However, King Huang Sharon was violent in nature, and his son died tragically in the hands of the Dragon Elephant disciple.

He decided to take revenge on the dragon elephant and let the dragon elephant repay the debt with blood.

After some deliberation, King Huang Sharon targeted Jitang Temple.

He was about to besiege the Chicken Soup Temple.

The reason why it is called Chicken Soup Temple is because if you choose an unnamed Dragon Elephant Temple to take revenge, the Dragon Elephant will not hurt at all, so how can you talk about revenge?

And choosing the too strong Dragon Elephant to branch the temple, he really doesn't have the strength, and if he bites the bullet, he is undoubtedly tantamount to throwing himself into the net and giving himself to others.

so stupid!

The unique chicken soup temple is clearly famous, but because of the fall of the chicken soup abbot, its strength has plummeted, and it is the most suitable target for surgery.

Of course, this was just a common retaliatory action, and King Huang Sharon was going to fight with Jitang Temple, so that Jitang Temple bleeds and quickly retreated.

Wanting to destroy Jitang Temple directly, Huang Sharon did not have the strength, and secondly, he did not have the courage.

But what King Huang Sharon did not expect was that the sand bandits in the Western Regions had long been grumbling about the dragon elephant because they were cut by the blunt knives of the dragon elephant all the year round.

It's just that the strength is far inferior to the dragon elephant, and the sand bandits are a mess of sand, and there is no leader, so they have to grit their teeth.

But now, King Huang Sharon, as the most famous existence among the sand bandits, personally led his subordinates to besiege the Jitang Temple. It turned out that the sand bandits around the Xisha Plateau responded spontaneously and joined the team that attacked the Jitang Temple and took revenge on the Dragon Elephant.

It was like the snowball was getting bigger and bigger, and the resentment of the sand bandits was completely detonated.

After that, more and more sand bandits responded, and one after another, the sand bandits rushed to the Xisha Plateau, lurking in the desert, blocking the disciples of Jitang Temple in the Jitang Temple, unable to take a half step - once they left the chicken soup Temple, Jitang Temple disciples will be heavily attacked by the sand bandits.

In response to this situation, there was no suppression by the Holy Monk of Chicken Soup, and the Jitang Temple had no choice but to ask the Dragon Elephant for help.

After that, the development of things, obviously many people can guess.

With such a great opportunity in front of him, how could Bodhi Academy not seize it?

The abbot of Bodhi Academy dismissed Jitang Temple's call for help on the grounds that the situation on the frontier was dangerous and it was difficult to easily deploy manpower.

If the sand bandits are attacking the Jitang Temple, the Longxiang Presbyterian will naturally not be able to take the Jitang Temple to be broken, and must send manpower to support the Jitang Temple.

But the current situation is that the sand bandits are just lurking on the Xisha Plateau and intercepting the disciples of Jitang Temple who have left the temple.

That is to say, if the disciples of Jitang Temple stayed in the temple and closed their doors, there would not be much danger.

In this case, coupled with the strength of the Bodhi Academy, Longxiang actually agreed to let the chicken soup temple be put aside for the first time.

As for when we can take care of Chicken Soup Temple...

It's very simple, when Jitang Temple agrees to return to the Bodhi Academy faction, when is the time when the dragon elephant takes action.

Moreover, it will also be the monks of the Bodhi Academy.

At that time, the Bodhi Temple will solve the problem of the sand bandits in Jitang Temple, and the Jitang Temple will return to the Bodhi Temple faction, which will be passed down as a good story.

Of course, Chicken Soup Temple will definitely not compromise like this.

Being trapped in the mountain gate for a while has little effect on Jitang Temple. As for the future, the bridge will naturally go straight to the bow.

"We Jitang Temple have been friends with many temples for thousands of years. If there are too many, we can solve the problem of sand bandits with five or six good hands from each temple. Why is no one willing to take action? These temples are really What a shame!" The little novice complained in the scripture hall of Jitang Temple.

In front of the little novice is Juezhen, who is chanting scriptures with his eyes closed.

Juezhen, the young monk of the past, and now the eminent monk of Jitang Temple, heard the complaint of the little novice, stopped chanting, opened his eyes and calmly said: "Don't blame them, we have also contacted people such as Anxiang Temple and Wudou Temple with our abbot. Familiar forces.

They were willing to help, and they didn't want to push, but the Bodhi Academy was pressing on it, and it was really difficult to use people. "

"After all, although it's just a cliché, it's absolutely true that the frontier situation is severe, and they don't dare to advocate the transfer of manpower without authorization."

"What about other sects? Isn't it the responsibility of all our sects in the Western Regions to exterminate the sand bandits?

At this time, a large number of sand bandits gathered in the Xisha Plateau. Why didn't they take the opportunity to take action? "The little novice thought for a while, and then said, "For example, Sword Washing Pond, such as Dingfeng Wave..."

Juezhen shook his head, "Benzong himself is unwilling to take action, and they don't owe our Chicken Soup Temple anything, why should they help?"

"Why..." The little novice rolled his eyes, suddenly seemed to think of something, and clapped his hands: "By the It's not that Lu Qingshan, the new Sect Master of the Sword Sect, Do you ever owe our Jitang Temple a favor after being predestined by the abbot and Buddha?

If Jianzong made a move, wouldn't killing these sand bandits cut melons and vegetables? Why don't we ask Jianzong for help? "

Juezhen sighed, "It's not that I didn't think about it, but firstly, the distance is far away, secondly, Jianzong suffered heavy casualties in the battle of Zhongling, and his strength plummeted, and thirdly, you have heard the recent rumors. Directly pointing at the Sword Sect, it is not easy for them to live on their own, so they didn't say anything."

The little novice suddenly bowed his head in despair.

He also understands these principles, but the current situation is bad, and he can't help but have some expectations that should not be there.

No matter whether it is a little novice or Juezhen, at this moment, the new sect master of Jianzong, who was once rated by the abbot of Chicken Soup as "this person can be called a Bodhisattva in the future", has already stepped into the border of the Xisha Plateau.

Just as the monk Jitang said back then, as a secular tribe, Lu Qingshan dared to do things that thousands of people have gone to, and he will definitely remember it in his heart after receiving the Buddhist fate of Jitang Temple.

Therefore, he passed the Dragon Elephant Xuanjing to Lu Qingshan, who was a disciple of the Outer Sect.

So, Lu Qingshan came.

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