This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 6: Years go against the flow into a river

Remember [New] for a second,! For some unknown number of years, the sea of ​​burial has been discovered by human monks.

With such a spectacular sight, many people are naturally curious about where this sea of ​​burial will eventually flow.

Therefore, many monks have stepped into it and pursued its end.

But without exception, those who stepped into the sea never returned, as if they were buried by this sea.

Therefore, this sea was named the Burial Sea.

This sea of ​​burial towards the sky is too mysterious.

There are also many legends, saying that the sea of ​​burial is actually a sea of ​​boundaries, used to separate two realms, and there is another realm inside.

This statement is also corroborated, because at the end of the sea of ​​burial, there is a layer of existence similar to the boundary wall.


Lu Qingshan was now in this mysterious sea of ​​burial.

The sea water is constantly flowing, on the vast sky, with Lu Qingshan, whizzing away towards the unknown place.

Up, up, up again.

Zhongtian, Xiantian, Congtian, Gengtian......

Jiuzhongtian, layer by layer, all fell behind Lu Qingshan.

Above the Nine Heavens, that is a field that is difficult for monks to reach.

But under the entrainment of the sea of ​​​​burial, Lu Qingshan went straight to the sky.

Human fear of heights is an instinct in the genes. When you come to such uncontrollable heights, normally, people will feel a little bit of fear.

Lu Qingshan cheered like a child in his heart.

The fly attaches to the tail, and causes a thousand miles.

What is the endless void, isn't it also a long way to go?

Enthusiasm for challenges is also something in Jian Xiu's genes.

I have to say that after so many years, Lu Qingshan has become more and more pure, more and more like a swordsman.


Gradually, not knowing what height he reached, Lu Qingshan felt that there were some strange things in the sea around him.

Those were some fragments, with no fixed shape, shining with golden light, filled with brilliance, I don't know the origin, but he could feel some looming power of the Great Dao from these fragments, as if endless time was flowing in them.

As the height increased, Lu Qingshan finally entered a strange and dangerous place, beyond the imagination of others.

Everything around him became blurry and bleak, and there was a mysterious power shackled by him, which made Lu Qingshan clearly feel that his aura was declining.

He understands that he has reached the end of the sea of ​​burial, the place where everything is buried.

It is said that the end of the burial sea is extremely terrifying, and those who break into this place will be destroyed in body and spirit.

Lu Qingshan experienced this feeling at this moment.

The water of the burial sea is still pushing him forward,

That push was irresistible.

There is no turning back at the sea of ​​burial.

Finally, I don't know how much distance to cross at extreme speed, a piece of film appeared in front of Lu Qingshan.

The membrane is extremely elastic and extremely tough, keeping all seawater out of the membrane.

The sea water is blocked, and Lu Qingshan naturally cannot enter it.

The driving force of the road to the sea of ​​burial still exists, and there is no turning back.

"So, is this the reason for the Burial Sea to bury everything?" Lu Qingshan said softly, as if he could see the cultivators who had set foot on the Sea Burial Road dying in loneliness here.

However, seeing this desperate situation, Lu Qingshan did not worry at all, but the excitement in his eyes became more intense.

"Yi Tian, ​​since you came from here, the key to entering this place must be you." He smiled.

So, surrounded by the gray sea water, Lu Qingshan took out the dragon sparrow and swung his sword down at the tough membrane.

The membrane ablated and an entrance appeared.

"I guessed right." Lu Qingshan whispered.

What is inside and what will happen is unknown, he does not know.

But Lu Qingshan knows that opportunities and dangers coexist.

Because this is the eternal truth.

"Let's go then." He jumped in.

In an instant, countless light spots rushed towards Lu Qingshan.

These light spots filled the entire area, like a galaxy, rolling countless stars and Lu Qingshan.

Then, the galaxy turned upside down and turned into a spinning kaleidoscope, leading Lu Qingshan to fall somewhere.

Lu Qingshan was in a sober state, but he couldn't move, he could only go with the flow.

The galaxy was reversed, and time lost its concept. All light and shadow were like watching flowers at a glance. Lu Qingshan could no longer tell whether what he experienced was a second, a day, or a year.

A deep and vast feeling rose from his heart.

"Is this the way you've traveled?"

"Yi Tian, ​​just how mysterious is your origin?" Lu Qing Shan murmured in a low voice.

His eyes flickered slightly, ignoring the movement of his body, but staring straight ahead.


The galaxy seemed to hit an invisible barrier, causing the galaxy to vibrate violently.

At the same time, Lu Qingshan felt that under this impact, the galaxy seemed to have entered another world.

After entering this world, all the dust around him is still, and he is also still.

Lu Qingshan could even clearly see the dust stagnating in the air and the colorful stars with his naked eyes.

Everything is clearly static, and Lu Qingshan has a sense of movement.

What is flowing?

he thinks.

"It's the years, son." Qin Yitian's vague voice sounded in Lu Qingshan's heart.

"What?" Lu Qingshan was shocked.

Yes, he didn't move, and Xinghe didn't move either. What moved was time and years.

"It's not going forward, it's going against the current." Qin Yitian's voice became more and more faint, as if it would disappear at any time.

Lu Qingshan noticed something was wrong, "Yi Tian... Yi Tian?"

He called out in his heart.

"Master, I'm in Qincheng...waiting for you." Qin Yitian's voice stopped abruptly.

No matter how Lu Qingshan called, the Sword Spirit girl could no longer respond to him.


If you freeze the galaxy in the void into a picture, take time as the axis, and then expand the viewing angle infinitely, you can see that at a certain point on the axis, there is a figure looking at the place where Lu Qingshan is located.

It was a woman with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Her eyes looked at Lu Qingshan, who was rushing towards her point in the Endless Galaxy, with tenderness in her eyes and a smile on the corner of her mouth.



It was another earth-shattering loud Xinghe shook again, as if it had hit and penetrated a certain barrier, and was pierced by it in an instant.

The endless galaxy disappeared, and a new world came.

He looked towards the world greedily, and drew the picture of the world in his mind.

This is a world with countless peaks.

The Cangshan Mountains are ups and downs, and the mountains are staggering.

In every mountain peak, the existence of the city can be faintly seen, and the figures are staggered.

The next moment, Lu Qingshan found that he had regained control over his body.

However, just when he was about to make a move, an invisible shackle suddenly came to him.

That is the power of a world.

"not good!"

Lu Qingshan gave a secret cry in his heart, and then everything fell into darkness.

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